# #DELIM # # Start Color Color End Escape # string bg fg string character /* -1 8 */ " -1 2 " ' -1 2 ' rem -1 6 # #SPECIAL # ( -1 5 ) -1 5 ; -1 12 : -1 12 , -1 12 \ -1 4 ~ -1 4 = -1 4 & -1 4 | -1 4 < -1 4 > -1 4 + -1 4 - -1 4 * -1 4 / -1 4 . -1 4 @ -1 6 # #CHARSET # abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 # #INSENSITIVE # # -------------------OS2 REXX Utility Functions RxMessageBox -1 3 RxFuncAdd -1 3 RxFuncDrop -1 3 RxFuncQuery -1 3 RxQueue -1 3 SysCls -1 3 SysCopyObject -1 3 SysCreateObject -1 3 SysCreateShadow -1 3 SysCurPos -1 3 SysCurState -1 3 SysDeregisterObjectClass -1 3 SysDestroyObject -1 3 SysDriveInfo -1 3 SysDriveMap -1 3 SysDropFuncs -1 3 SysFileDelete -1 3 SysFileTree -1 3 SysFileSearch -1 3 SysGetEA -1 3 SysGetKey -1 3 SysGetMessage -1 3 SysIni -1 3 SysLoadFuncs -1 3 SysMkDir -1 3 SysMoveObject -1 3 SysOpenObject -1 3 SysOS2Ver -1 3 SysPutEA -1 3 SysQueryClassList -1 3 SysRegisterObjectClass -1 3 SysRmDir -1 3 SysSaveObject -1 3 SysSearchPath -1 3 SysSetIcon -1 3 SysSetObjectData -1 3 SysSleep -1 3 SysTempFileName -1 3 SysTextScreenRead -1 3 SysTextScreenSize -1 3 SysWaitNamedPipe -1 3 # -------------------OS2 REXX Utility Functions later FP10 SysQueryExtLIBPATH -1 3 SysQuerySwitchList -1 3 SysSetExtLIBPATH -1 3 SysSwitchSession -1 3 SysDumpVariables -1 3 SysSetFileDateTime -1 3 SysGetFileDateTime -1 3 SysStemCopy -1 3 SysStemDelete -1 3 SysStemInsert -1 3 SysStemSort -1 3 SysVersion -1 3 SysUtilVersion -1 3 SysAddFileHandle -1 3 SysAddRexxMacro -1 3 SysBootDrive -1 3 SysClearRexxMacroSpace -1 3 SysCloseEventSem -1 3 # ---------------SAA REXX Keywork Instructions address -1 9 arg -1 9 by -1 9 call -1 9 do -1 9 drop -1 9 end -1 9 etmode -1 9 exmode -1 9 else -1 9 exit -1 9 expose -1 9 failure -1 9 forever -1 9 halt -1 9 if -1 9 interpret -1 9 iterate -1 9 leave -1 9 name -1 9 noetmode -1 9 noexmode -1 9 nop -1 9 numeric -1 9 off -1 9 on -1 9 options -1 9 otherwise -1 9 parse -1 9 procedure -1 9 pull -1 9 push -1 9 queue -1 9 rc -1 9 result -1 9 return -1 9 say -1 9 select -1 9 sigl -1 9 signal -1 9 source -1 9 syntax -1 9 then -1 9 trace -1 9 to -1 9 until -1 9 upper -1 9 when -1 9 while -1 9 with -1 9 # ----------------SAA REXX Functions abbrev -1 9 abs -1 9 address -1 9 api -1 9 arg -1 9 bitand -1 9 bitor -1 9 bitxor -1 9 b2x -1 9 center -1 9 centre -1 9 compare -1 9 condition -1 9 copies -1 9 c2d -1 9 c2x -1 9 datatype -1 9 date -1 9 delstr -1 9 delword -1 9 digits -1 9 d2c -1 9 d2x -1 9 errortext -1 9 form -1 9 format -1 9 fuzz -1 9 insert -1 9 lastpos -1 9 left -1 9 length -1 9 max -1 9 min -1 9 overlay -1 9 pos -1 9 queued -1 9 random -1 9 reverse -1 9 right -1 9 sign -1 9 sourceline -1 9 space -1 9 strip -1 9 substr -1 9 subword -1 9 symbol -1 9 time -1 9 trace -1 9 translate -1 9 trunc -1 9 value -1 9 verify -1 9 word -1 9 wordindex -1 9 wordlength -1 9 wordpos -1 9 words -1 9 xrange -1 9 x2b -1 9 x2c -1 9 x2d -1 9 # ----------------- OS2 Functions beep -1 9 setlocal -1 9 endlocal -1 9 filespec -1 9 directory -1 9 linein -1 9 lineout -1 9 lines -1 9 charin -1 9 charout -1 9 chars -1 9 stream -1 9 # ----------------- REXX FTP API Functions FtpLoadFuncs -1 3 FtpDropFuncs -1 3 FtpVersion -1 3 FtpSetUser -1 3 FtpSetBinary -1 3 FtpLogoff -1 3 FtpAppend -1 3 FtpDelete -1 3 FtpRename -1 3 FtpGet -1 3 FtpPut -1 3 FtpPutUnique -1 3 FtpLs -1 3 FtpDir -1 3 FtpChDir -1 3 FtpMkDir -1 3 FtpRmDir -1 3 FtpPwd -1 3 FtpQuote -1 3 FtpSite -1 3 FtpSys -1 3 FtpProxy -1 3 FtpPing -1 3 # ----------------- REXX Socket API Functions SockLoadFuncs -1 3 SockDropFuncs -1 3 SockVersion -1 3 SockInit -1 3 SockAccept -1 3 SockBind -1 3 SockConnect -1 3 SockClose -1 3 SockSoClose -1 3 SockListen -1 3 SockShutDown -1 3 SockSocket -1 3 SockGetHostByAddr -1 3 SockGetHostByName -1 3 SockGetHostID -1 3 SockGetPeerName -1 3 SockGetSockName -1 3 SockRecv -1 3 SockRecvFrom -1 3 SockSelect -1 3 SockSend -1 3 SockSendTo -1 3 SockSetSockOpt -1 3 SockGetSockOpt -1 3 SockPSock_Errno -1 3 SockSock_Errno -1 3 SockIoctl -1 3 # ----------------- ALWALTFX Functions(4.0) ArxAlarm -1 3 ArxBeep -1 3 ArxPutKey -1 3 ArxPutString -1 3 ArxReplaceKey -1 3 ArxEditFunc -1 3 ArxQueryEditSelText -1 3 ArxReplaceEditSelText -1 3 ArxQueryEditCursorPos -1 3 ArxSetEditCursorPos -1 3 ArxKeyRecord -1 3 ArxQueryACSKeyState -1 3 ArxSetACSKeyState -1 3 ArxQueryPointerPos -1 3 ArxSetPointerPos -1 3 ArxQueryMouseButton -1 3 ArxPutMouseButton -1 3 ArxReplaceMouseButton -1 3 ArxQueryScreenSize -1 3 ArxQueryWindowInfo -1 3 ArxSetWindowPos -1 3 ArxQueryWindowString -1 3 ArxSetWindowString -1 3 ArxInvalidateRect -1 3 ArxQueryWindowHandle -1 3 ArxEnumWindowHandle -1 3 ArxIsWindow -1 3 ArxSysCommand -1 3 ArxReplaceCommand -1 3 ArxSendMessage -1 3 ArxPostMessage -1 3 ArxQueryMsgParam -1 3 ArxAllocTempMem -1 3 ArxQueryTempMemImage -1 3 ArxQuerySysInfo -1 3 ArxQuerySysValue -1 3 ArxSetSysValue -1 3 ArxMPFROM2SHORT -1 3 ArxMPFROMSH2CH -1 3 ArxCHAR1FROMMP -1 3 ArxCHAR2FROMMP -1 3 ArxCHAR3FROMMP -1 3 ArxCHAR4FROMMP -1 3 ArxSHORT1FROMMP -1 3 ArxSHORT2FROMMP -1 3 ArxSHORT1FROMMR -1 3 ArxSHORT2FROMMR -1 3 ArxD2X -1 3 ArxX2D -1 3 ArxC2X -1 3 ArxX2C -1 3 ArxNOT -1 3 ArxAND -1 3 ArxOR -1 3 ArxXOR -1 3 ArxNAND -1 3 ArxNOR -1 3 ArxQueryAlwaltfxStatus -1 3 ArxLoadFuncs -1 3 ArxDropFuncs -1 3 ArxVersion -1 3 # ----------------- fot batch file echo -1 1 extproc -1 1 for -1 1 goto -1 1 pause -1 1 shift -1 1