Router Benri Pack
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Router Benri Pack (RBP) is a Windows service program that has several
functionalities that are useful in broadband-enabled home LANs.
RBP operates as a single service on NT 4.0/Windows 2000/XP. The following
functionalities can be enabled or disabled individually.
Logging Service (LGS) for Orenosp/Orenosv
LGS is a logging service that offers reliable, secure and firewall-friendly
communication channels to log-generating applications.
You can configure Orenosp and Orenosv to send log records to LGS. With this,
you can merge logs from multiple Orenosp/Orenosv services into a single log
stream. It will come handy when you have a farm of Orenosp/Orenosv machines.
LGS has features that don't exist in main-stream logging services like syslog, syslog-ng, or NT-eventlog.
- Offers authenticated, SSL-enabled logging channel.
- Provides only log-appending functionality on the log-accepting channel. This means is that even if a server running log-generating application (such as Orenosp) is compromised, the attacker could only append data to the log, not modify the existing log records in any way.
- Uses only a single admin-defined fixed TCP port. You can place a log-accepting server (i.e., LGS) in a secure LAN while placing log-generating applications (such as Orenosp) in the DMZ.
Still in development.
Version 0.3.0 (download) - 7/4/2004
First release that support LGS
Version 0.2.3 - 6/22/2003
Version 0.2.2 - 7/10/2002
First release
readme_en.txt - Install and Configuration
guide_en.txt - User's Guide
rbp.conf - config file
System Requirements
- Windows NT 4.0 SP6a
- Windows 2000 SP1 or later
- Windows XP
- Windows Server 2003
Latest Version
You can obtain a latest version at:
Discussion forum
I have set up a free BBS forum for questions/discussions
Please see copyright.txt.
Other products
See here.