

/etc/X11/XF86Config の Section "Pointer" を
Section "Pointer"
    Protocol    "IMPS/2"
    Device      "/dev/mouse"
    Resolution      100
    ZAxisMapping    4 5
    Buttons     5


各userのホームに以下の内容の .mscroll というファイルをつくる。
proc mscroll {bindtag} {
    bind $bindtag <Button-5> [list %W yview scroll 5 units]
    bind $bindtag <Button-4> [list %W yview scroll -5 units]
    bind $bindtag <Shift-Button-5> [list %W yview scroll 1 units]
    bind $bindtag <Shift-Button-4> [list %W yview scroll -1 units]
    bind $bindtag <Control-Button-5> [list %W yview scroll 1 pages]
    bind $bindtag <Control-Button-4> [list %W yview scroll -1 pages]


各userの .Xdefaults には
!# KTerm
kterm*vt100.translations : #override\n\
    <KeyPress>Prior : scroll-back(1,page)\n\
    <KeyPress>Next : scroll-forw(1,page)\n\
    <Btn4Down>,<Btn4Up> : scroll-back(1,halfpage)\n\
    <Btn5Down>,<Btn5Up> : scroll-forw(1,halfpage)\n\
    Shift<Btn4Down>,<Btn4Up> : scroll-back(1,line)\n\
    Shift<Btn5Down>,<Btn5Up> : scroll-forw(1,line)\n\
    Ctrl<Btn4Down>,<Btn4Up> : scroll-back(1,page)\n\
    Ctrl<Btn5Down>,<Btn5Up> : scroll-forw(1,page)\n\
    Ctrl Meta<KeyPress>y : insert-selection(PRIMARY, CUT_BUFFER0) \n\
    Shift<Key>space : open-im(XMODIFIERS) \n\
    Ctrl<Key>Kanji : open-im(XMODIFIERS)

kterm*vt100.Scrollbar.translations : #override\n\
    <Btn5Down> : StartScroll(Forward)\n\
    <Btn4Down> : StartScroll(Backward)

!# Netscape
Netscape*drawingArea.translations : #replace\
    <Btn1Down> : ArmLink()\n\
    <Btn2Down> : ArmLink()\n\
    ~Shift<Btn1Up> : ActivateLink()\n\
    ~Shift<Btn2Up> : ActivateLink(new-window)\DisarmLink()\n\
    Shift<Btn1Up> : ActivateLink(save-only)\DisarmLink()\n\
    Shift<Btn2Up> : ActivateLink(save-only)\DisarmLink()\n\
    <Btn1Motion> : DisarmLinkIfMoved()\n\
    <Btn2Motion> : DisarmLinkIfMoved()\n\
    <Btn3Motion> : DisarmLinkIfMoved()\n\
    <Motion> : DescribeLink()\n\
    <Btn3Down> : xfeDoPopup()\n\
    <Btn3Up> : ActivatePopup()\n\
    Ctrl<Btn4Down> : PageUp()\n\
    Ctrl<Btn5Down> : PageDown()\n\
    Shift<Btn4Down> : ColumnLeft()\n\
    Shift<Btn5Down> : ColumnRight()\n\
    None<Btn4Down> : LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()\n\
    None<Btn5Down> : LineDown()LineDown()LineDown()\n\
    Alt<Btn4Down> : xfeDoCommand(forward)\n\
    Alt<Btn5Down> : xfeDoCommand(back)\n

Netscape*globalNonTextTranslations : #override\
    ~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl<Key>space : xfeDoCommand(spacebar)\n\
    ~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl<Key>Delete : PageUp()\n\
    ~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl<Key>BackSpace : PageUp()\n\
    ~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl<Key>Up : LineUp()\n\
    ~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl<Key>Down : LineDown()\n\
    ~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl<Key>Left : ColumnLeft()\n\
    ~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl<Key>Right : ColumnRight()\n\
    ~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl<Key>osfDelete : PageUp()\n\
    ~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl<Key>osfBackSpace : PageUp()\n\
    Meta Ctrl<Key>f : fishcam()\n\
    Alt Ctrl<Key>f : fishcam()\n\
    Meta Ctrl<Key>t : net_showstatus()\n\
    Alt Ctrl<Key>t : net_showstatus()\n\
    ~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl<Key>osfUp : LineUp()\n\
    ~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl<Key>osfDown : LineDown()\n\
    ~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl<Key>osfLeft : ColumnLeft()\n\
    ~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl<Key>osfRight : ColumnRight()\n\
    ~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl<Key>Prior : PageUp()\n\
    ~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl<Key>Next : PageDown()\n\
    ~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl<Key>osfPageUp : PageUp()\n\
    ~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl<Key>osfPageDown :  PageDown()\n\
    None<Btn4Down> : LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()\n\
    None<Btn5Down> : LineDown()LineDown()LineDown()\n\
    Shift<Btn4Down> : ColumnLeft()\n\
    Shift<Btn5Down> : ColumnRight()\n\
    Alt<Btn4Down> : xfeDoCommand(back)\n\
    Alt<Btn5Down> : xfeDoCommand(forward)\n\
    <Key>KP_9 : PageUp()\n\
    <Key>KP_3 : PageDown()\n\
    <Key>KP_8 : LineUp()\n\
    <Key>KP_2 : LineDown()\n\
    <Key>KP_4 : ColumnLeft()\n\
    <Key>KP_6 : ColumnRight()\n

xdvi*translations : #override\n\
    <Btn4Down>,<Btn4Up> :
    <Btn5Down>,<Btn5Up> :
    Shift<Btn4Down>,<Btn4Up> :
    Shift<Btn5Down> :

xdvi*Scrollbar.translations : #override\n\
     <Btn5Down> : StartScroll(Forward)\n\
     <Btn4Down> : StartScroll(Backward)


Emacsは .emacs (or .emacs.el) に
;;; スクロールマウスの設定 GNU Emacs
(defun up-slightly () (interactive) (scroll-up 5))
(defun down-slightly () (interactive) (scroll-down 5))
(global-set-key [mouse-4] 'down-slightly)
(global-set-key [mouse-5] 'up-slightly)

(defun up-one () (interactive) (scroll-up 1))
(defun down-one () (interactive) (scroll-down 1))
(global-set-key [S-mouse-4] 'down-one)
(global-set-key [S-mouse-5] 'up-one)

(defun up-a-lot () (interactive) (scroll-up))
(defun down-a-lot () (interactive) (scroll-down))
(global-set-key [C-mouse-4] 'down-a-lot)
(global-set-key [C-mouse-5] 'up-a-lot)

;;;If you want to scroll by half a page instead of only 5 lines as above, 
;;;John Rowe sent this GNU Emacs code: 

;(defun scroll-up-half ()
;    "Scroll up half a page."
;    (interactive)
;    (scroll-up (/ (window-height) 2))
;(defun scroll-down-half ()
;    "Scroll down half a page."
;    (interactive)
;    (scroll-down (/ (window-height) 2))
;(global-set-key [(mouse-5)] 'scroll-up-half)
;(global-set-key [(mouse-4)] 'scroll-down-half)

tO tHe ToP pAgE