




''===== ThisWorkbookモジュール =====
'Private Sub Workbook_Open()
'    Set cM = SourceOfAddin.GetClass
'End Sub
'Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
'    Set cM = Nothing
'End Sub
''===== ThisWorkbookモジュールここまで =====

Option Explicit

Public cM As cMain
Private cMn As cMenu

'■■■■■ cMenu(メニュークラス)使用例 ■■■■■

Private Sub AddMenu()
    Set cMn = cM.MenuClass    'メニュークラスのインスタンス生成

    With cMn
        Set .wbAddin = ThisWorkbook     'このアドインブック
        .AppliName = "myProject"        'このアドインブックのオブジェクト名
        .AppliCaption = "myCaption"     '主にMsgboxのCaptionに使用
        .MenuCaption = "メニュー名"     '★追加メニュー名

        .ParentBarName = "Worksheet Menu Bar"

        .AddButton("メニュー1", False).OnAction = "Module1.Menu1"   'ボタンの追加&実行プロシージャの指定
        .AddButton("メニュー2", False).OnAction = "Module1.Menu2"

        .AddButton("メニュー3", True).OnAction = "Module1.Menu3"    'True は区切り線
        .AddButton("メニュー4", False).OnAction = "Module1.Menu4"
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub AddMenu2()
    Set cMn = cM.MenuClass    'メニュークラスのインスタンス生成

    With cMn
        Set .wbAddin = ThisWorkbook     'このアドインブック
        .AppliName = "myProject"        'このアドインブックのオブジェクト名
        .AppliCaption = "myCaption"     '主にMsgboxのCaptionに使用
        .MenuCaption = "メニュー名"     '★追加メニュー名

        .ParentBarName = "Worksheet Menu Bar"

        With .AddPopup("サブメニューA")    'ポップアップの追加
            .AddButton("SubMenuA-1").OnAction = "Module1.Menu1"  'ボタンの追加
            .AddButton("SubMenuA-2").OnAction = "Module1.Menu2"
        End With
        With .AddPopup("サブメニューB")    'ポップアップの追加
            .AddButton("SubMenuB-1").OnAction = "Module2.Menu1"  'ボタンの追加
            .AddButton("SubMenuB-2").OnAction = "Module2.Menu2"
        End With
    End With
End Sub

'■■■■■ cCalendar(カレンダークラス)使用例 ■■■■■

Private Sub IsHoliday()
    Const D As Date = #5/6/2013#
    Dim Note As String  '祝日名を受け取る変数
    Dim cCal As cCalendar

    Set cCal = cM.CalendarClass

    If cCal.IsHoliday(D, Note) Then     '<===★★★ ここ ★★★
        MsgBox Note, vbInformation
        MsgBox "祝日ではありません。", vbExclamation
    End If

    Set cCal = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub CalendarAry()
    Dim cCal As cCalendar
    Const bDay As Date = #4/1/2013#
    Const eDay As Date = #3/31/2014#
    Dim Cals As Variant

    Set cCal = cM.CalendarClass
    Cals = cCal.CalendarAry(bDay, eDay) '<===★★★ ここ ★★★

    With Workbooks.Add.Worksheets(1)
        .Range("A1").Resize(UBound(Cals) + 1, 4).Value = Cals   '(日付,曜日,祝日名|備考,H|U|HU|"")
        .Parent.Saved = True
    End With

    Set cCal = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub CalendarForm()
    Dim cCal As cCalendar
    Set cCal = cM.CalendarClass

    With cCal
        .Value = #10/12/2020#   '初期日付
        If .Show Then           'カレンダー表示                 '<===★★★ ここ ★★★
            MsgBox Format$(.Value, "yyyy/mm/dd"), vbInformation '<===★★★ ここ ★★★
            MsgBox "Cancel", vbExclamation
        End If
    End With

    Set cCal = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub CreateCalendarSheet()
    Const FirstDay As Long = 16             '15日〆
    Const BeginDate As Date = #3/16/2013#   '期間開始日
    Const EndDate As Date = #3/15/2014#     '期間終了日
    Dim cCal As cCalendar
    Dim ShtCount As Long
    Dim myBook As Workbook
    Dim R As Range
    Dim i As Long
    Dim Days As Variant
    Dim Bd As Date, Ed As Date
    Dim C As Long
    Dim cFc As cFunction

    Set cCal = cM.CalendarClass

    ShtCount = DateDiff("m", BeginDate, EndDate) + 1
    If VBA.Day(EndDate) <= FirstDay Then ShtCount = ShtCount - 1
    Dim cWb As cGetWorkbook
    Set cWb = cM.GetWorkbookClass
    Set myBook = cWb.CreateNewBook(ShtCount)
    Set cWb = Nothing

    Bd = BeginDate: If VBA.Day(Bd) < FirstDay Then Bd = DateSerial(VBA.Year(Bd), VBA.Month(Bd), FirstDay)
    Ed = DateSerial(VBA.Year(Bd), VBA.Month(Bd) + 1, FirstDay - 1)
    If Ed > EndDate Then Ed = EndDate
        Days = cCal.CalendarAry(Bd, Ed)     '(日付,曜日,祝日名|備考,H|U|HU|"")  '<===★★★ ここ ★★★
        C = C + 1
        Set R = myBook.Worksheets(C).Range("A2")    'シート上の日付表示起点
        For i = LBound(Days) To UBound(Days)
            R.Value = Days(i, 0): R.NumberFormatLocal = "m/d"
            R.Offset(, 1).Value = Days(i, 1)
            If Days(i, 1) = "日" Or Days(i, 3) = "H" Or Days(i, 3) = "HU" Then
                R.Resize(, 2).Font.Color = vbRed
            ElseIf Days(i, 1) = "土" Then
                R.Resize(, 2).Font.Color = vbBlue
            End If
            If Days(i, 3) = "U" Or Days(i, 3) = "HU" Then R.Resize(, 2).Font.Bold = True
            If Days(i, 3) <> "" Then
                With R.AddComment(Days(i, 2))
                    .Shape.TextFrame.AutoSize = True
                End With
            End If
            Set R = R.Offset(1)
        R.Worksheet.Name = Format$(Ed, "ge年m月度") 'シート名
        Bd = Ed + 1
        Ed = DateSerial(VBA.Year(Bd), VBA.Month(Bd) + 1, FirstDay - 1)
        If Ed > EndDate Then Ed = EndDate
    Loop Until Bd > EndDate

    Set cCal = Nothing
End Sub

'■■■■■ cFileList(ファイルリストクラス)使用例 ■■■■■

Private Sub FileList()
    Dim cFlist As cFileList
    Dim myPath As String

    Set cFlist = cM.FileListClass

    With cFlist
        .SearchPattern = "*.xls"
        myPath = .MyDocumentsPath
        If .Execute(myPath) Then
            If .Count >= 1 Then
                Workbooks.Add.Worksheets(1).Range("A1").Resize(.Count).Value _
                    = .Transpose2(.FullNames)
                ActiveWorkbook.Saved = True
            End If
        End If
    End With

    Set cFlist = Nothing
End Sub

'■■■■■ cFileList2(ファイルリストクラス2(パターンの複数指定とソート機能))使用例 ■■■■■

Private Sub FileList2()
    Dim cFlist As cFileList2
    Dim myPath As String

    Set cFlist = cM.FileList2Class

    With cFlist
        .SearchPattern = "*.xls;*.xla"  '複数指定可
        myPath = .MyDocumentsPath
        If .Execute(myPath, msoSortByFileName) Then 'ソート指定可
            If .Count >= 1 Then
                Workbooks.Add.Worksheets(1).Range("A1").Resize(.Count).Value _
                    = .Transpose2(.FullNames)
                ActiveWorkbook.Saved = True
            End If
        End If
    End With

    Set cFlist = Nothing
End Sub

'■■■■■ cFileSearchLight(ファイルサーチ代替クラス)使用例 ■■■■■

Private Sub FileSearchLight()
    Dim cFs As cFileSearchLight
    Dim i As Long
    Dim R As Range

    Set cFs = New cFileSearchLight

    With cFs
        .LookIn = .MyDocumentsPath  'マイドキュメントパス
        .SearchSubFolders = True
        .FileName = "*.xls;*.xla"
        If .Execute >= 1 Then
            Set R = Workbooks.Add.Worksheets(1).Range("A1")
            For i = 1 To .FoundFilesCount
                R.Value = .FoundFiles(i)            'フルパス
                R.Offset(, 1).Value = .Fnames(i)    'ファイル名のみ
                Set R = R.Offset(1)
            ActiveWorkbook.Saved = True
        End If
    End With

    Set cFs = Nothing
End Sub

'■■■■■ cFunction(ファンクション(関数)クラス)使用例 ■■■■■

Private Sub Age()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    MsgBox cFn.Age(BirthDay:=#6/3/2000#, PointDay:=Date) & "歳"
    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub EndDay()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    MsgBox cFn.EndDay(Nen:=2012, Getsu:=2)
    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub NthWeek()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    MsgBox cFn.NthWeek(Y:=2013, M:=6, N:=2, DayOfWeek:=vbMonday)
    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub DateInput()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    cFn.DateInput Target:=ActiveCell, StaticMode:=False, InitialDate:=Date
    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub Dimension()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Dim V As Variant
    Dim A()
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    V = Array(1, 2, 3)
    Debug.Print cFn.Dimension(V) '一次元    ==>1
    V = Range("A1:B5").Value
    Debug.Print cFn.Dimension(V) '二次元    ==>2

    Debug.Print cFn.Dimension(2) '配列以外  ==>0
    Debug.Print cFn.Dimension(A) '未初期化  ==>-1

    ReDim A(1 To 2)
    Debug.Print cFn.Dimension(A) '一次元    ==>1
    Erase A
    Debug.Print cFn.Dimension(A) '未初期化  ==>-1

    ReDim V(1 To 2)
    Debug.Print cFn.Dimension(V) '一次元    ==>1
    Erase V
    Debug.Print cFn.Dimension(V) '未初期化  ==>-1
    V = Empty
    Debug.Print cFn.Dimension(V) '配列以外  ==>0

    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub IsZeroAry()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Dim V() As Long
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    MsgBox cFn.IsEmptyAry(V)
    MsgBox cFn.IsZeroAry(Array())
    MsgBox cFn.IsNormalAry(Array(1, 2))
    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub JoinAry()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Dim Ary1, Ary2, V
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    Ary1 = Array(2, 3)
    Ary2 = Array(0, 1, 2)

    Ary1 = cFn.JoinAry(Ary1, Ary2)

    For Each V In Ary1
        Debug.Print V;

    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub CutAry()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Dim VV As Variant
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    VV = cFn.CutAry(Ary:=Selection.Value, RowL:=2, RowU:=5, ColumnL:=2, ColumnU:=3)
    Debug.Print "左上"; VV(0, 0), "右下"; VV(5 - 2, 3 - 2)

    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub CutTail()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Dim VV As Variant
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    VV = cFn.CutTail(Ary:=Selection.Value, LastRow:=10)

    MsgBox "右下:" & VV(UBound(VV), UBound(VV, 2))

    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub RangeText()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Dim VV
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    VV = cFn.RangeText(Rng:=Selection)

    MsgBox VV(1, 1)
    MsgBox TypeName(VV(1, 1))
    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub JoinRows()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Dim VV, V
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    VV = cFn.JoinRows(Ary2:=Selection.Value, Delimiter:=",")

    For Each V In VV
        Debug.Print V

    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub SplitRows()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Dim V(1 To 2) As String
    Dim VV As Variant
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    V(1) = "1,2,3,4,5"
    V(2) = "a,b,c,d,e"
    VV = cFn.SplitRows(Ary1:=V)

    For i = LBound(VV) To UBound(VV)
        For j = LBound(VV, 2) To UBound(VV, 2)
            Debug.Print VV(i, j);
        Next: Debug.Print
    Next: Debug.Print

    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub Summary()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Dim VV, V
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    VV = cFn.Summary(Selection)

    For Each V In VV
        Debug.Print V

    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

'●乱配列(指定範囲の重複の無い乱配列を返す。インデックスは1から。ex. 指定範囲=5〜10 ==> {8,10,6,5,7,9})
Private Sub RandAry()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Dim A As Variant
    Dim V As Variant
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    A = cFn.RandAry(L:=5, U:=10)

    For Each V In A
        Debug.Print V;
    Next: Debug.Print

    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub SelectFolder()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    MsgBox cFn.SelectFolder2

    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub MasterDir()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    MsgBox CurDir
    MsgBox cFn.MasterDir(CurDir)

    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub FileName()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Const FullPath As String = "c:\data\test.txt"
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    MsgBox cFn.FileName(FullPath)       '==>test.txt
    MsgBox cFn.Extension(FullPath)      '==>.txt
    MsgBox cFn.FileNameOnly(FullPath)   '==>test

    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

Public Function DeskTopPath() As String
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    DeskTopPath = cFn.DeskTopPath

    Set cFn = Nothing
End Function

Private Sub MyDocumentsPath()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    MsgBox cFn.MyDocumentsPath

    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub CreateNewBook()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Dim Wb As Workbook
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    Set Wb = cFn.CreateNewBook(2)
    MsgBox Wb.Name

    Set Wb = Nothing
    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub IsCorrectSheetName()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Const Namae As String = "Sheet1"
    Dim Msg As String
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    If cFn.IsCorrectSheetName(Namae, Msg) Then
        MsgBox "ok", vbInformation
        MsgBox Msg, vbExclamation
    End If

    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub ExistSheet()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    MsgBox cFn.ExistSheet("sheet1")
    MsgBox cFn.ExistSheet("SHEET1")

    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

'●次のシート名(BaseNameと同名シートが存在する時、_1, _2, ... と、次に使用できる名前を返す)
Private Sub NextShtName()
    '★★★★★ ※実行注意:アクティブブックにシートが挿入されます。 ★★★★★
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Dim shtBase As Worksheet
    Dim i As Integer
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    Set shtBase = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("sheet1")
    For i = 1 To 5
        shtBase.Copy after:=shtBase

    With shtBase
        For i = 1 To 5
            .Parent.Worksheets(.Index + i).Name = cFn.NextShtName(BaseName:=.Name)    '<===★★★ ここ ★★★
    End With

    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub SelectRange()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Dim Ret As Range
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    If cFn.SelectRange(Rng:=Ret) Then   '<===★★★ ここ ★★★
        MsgBox Ret.Address, vbInformation
        MsgBox "Cancel", vbExclamation
    End If

    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub SelectRangeData()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Dim Ret As Range
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    If cFn.SelectRangeData(Rng:=Ret) Then   '<===★★★ ここ ★★★
        MsgBox Ret.Address, vbInformation
        MsgBox "Cancel", vbExclamation
    End If

    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub SelectRangeOne()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Dim Ret As Range
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    If cFn.SelectRangeOne(Rng:=Ret) Then    '<===★★★ ここ ★★★
        MsgBox Ret.Address, vbInformation
        MsgBox "Cancel", vbExclamation
    End If

    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub BottomRange()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass


    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub ColmnTrim()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Dim RR As Range
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    Set RR = cFn.ColmnTrim(Selection)   '<===★★★ ここ ★★★

    If RR Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "Nothing"
    End If

    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub MergeAreas()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Dim AA As Variant
    Dim A As Variant
    Dim R As Range
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    AA = cFn.MergeAreas(Selection)  '<===★★★ ここ ★★★

    For Each A In AA
        Set R = A
        Debug.Print R.Address

    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

'●"" ==> Empty(空文字列を未初期化値=Empty値に置換え)
Private Sub Repl0LenToEmpty()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Dim C As Long
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    C = cFn.Repl0LenToEmpty(Selection)  '<===★★★ ここ ★★★

    MsgBox C & " 箇所置換えました。"

    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub TableItemSampleData()
    Dim RR As Range
    Set RR = Workbooks.Add.Worksheets(1).Range("B3").Resize(11, 6)
    With RR.Offset(, 1).Resize(1, RR.Columns.Count - 1)
        .Formula = "=CHAR(65+COLUMN()*2)"
        .Value = .Value
    End With
    With RR.Offset(1).Resize(RR.Rows.Count - 1, 1)
        .Formula = "=ROW()*2+1"
        .Value = .Value
    End With

    RR.Worksheet.Parent.Saved = True
End Sub
Private Sub TableItem()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Dim RR As Range, R As Range

    '行と列を項目名で指定   '<===★★★ ここ ★★★
    Const Rv = 23
    Const Cv = "K"

    Set RR = ActiveCell.Worksheet.UsedRange
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    Set R = cFn.TableItem(RR, Rv, Cv, KeyTypeRow:=ktDouble, KeyTypeColumn:=ktString)    '<===★★★ ここ ★★★

    If Not R Is Nothing Then
        R.Interior.Color = vbRed
    End If

    RR.Worksheet.Parent.Saved = True
    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub Large()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    MsgBox cFn.Large(5, 4)
    MsgBox cFn.Large("A", "a")

    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub Small()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    MsgBox cFn.Small(5, 4)
    MsgBox cFn.Small("A", "a")

    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub SignificantFigures()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass
    MsgBox cFn.SignificantFigures(12.345, 4)

    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub IsAlphaNumeric()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    MsgBox cFn.IsAlphaNumeric("123abc")
    MsgBox cFn.IsAlphaNumeric("123あabc")

    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

'(全角を2桁、半角を1桁として扱う文字列関数。LenB, LeftB, RightB, MidB関数を普通の感覚で使えるようにした代用関数)
Private Sub DoubleByteString()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Const S As String = "あいabc123う"
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    Debug.Print cFn.LenByte(S)          '12
    Debug.Print cFn.LeftByte(S, 5)      'あいa
    Debug.Print cFn.RightByte(S, 3)     '3う
    Debug.Print cFn.MidByte(S, 3, 3)    'いa

    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub Language()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    MsgBox cFn.Language     '日本語, English, Other

    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub Sleep1()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    cFn.Sleep1 Seconds:=3

    MsgBox "ok"
    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub Sleep2()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass

    cFn.Sleep2 Seconds:=3, Freeze:=False

    MsgBox "ok"
    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

    '×クリック時:Style=vbOKCancelなどで「キャンセル」ボタンがある時 → vbCancel
    '              Style=vbOKOnlyなどで「OK」ボタンしか無い時 → vbOK
    '              「OK」「キャンセル」共に無い時は「×」は無効(淡色表示)
Private Sub Msgbox2()
    Dim cFn As cFunction
    Set cFn = cM.FunctionClass
    cFn.Msgbox2 "3秒で消えます。", vbYesNoCancel + vbDefaultButton2, T:=3

    Set cFn = Nothing
End Sub

'■■■■■ cGetAttr(アトリビュート(属性)クラス)使用例 ■■■■■

Private Sub GetAtr()
    Dim cGA As cGetAttr
    Dim myPath As String

    myPath = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders("DeskTop") & "\"
    Set cGA = cM.GetAttrClass

    With cGA
        .FullPath = myPath & "test.txt"
        Debug.Print "Archive:"; .Archive
        Debug.Print "Directory:"; .Directory
        Debug.Print "Exist:"; .Exist
        Debug.Print "Name:"; .Fname
        Debug.Print "Hidden:"; .Hidden
        Debug.Print "ReadOnly:"; .ReadOnly
        Debug.Print "System:"; .System
    End With

    Set cGA = Nothing
End Sub

Public Function IsFile(FullPath As String) As Boolean
    Dim cGA As cGetAttr
    Set cGA = cM.GetAttrClass
    With cGA
        If .Exist(FullPath) Then
            If Not .Directory Then
                IsFile = True
            End If
        End If
    End With
    Set cGA = Nothing
End Function

Public Function IsFolder(FullPath As String) As Boolean
    Dim cGA As cGetAttr
    Set cGA = cM.GetAttrClass
    With cGA
        If .Exist(FullPath) Then
            If .Directory Then
                IsFolder = True
            End If
        End If
    End With
    Set cGA = Nothing
End Function

Private Sub MakeDir()
    Dim cGA As cGetAttr
    Dim FullPath As String
    Dim Msg As String   'エラー受け取り用
    Set cGA = cM.GetAttrClass

    FullPath = "C:\test\test2\test3"

    If cGA.MakeDir(FullPath, Msg) Then  '<===★★★ ここ ★★★
        MsgBox "ok", vbInformation
        MsgBox Msg, vbExclamation
    End If
    Set cGA = Nothing
End Sub

'■■■■■ cGetWorkbook(ワークブック取得クラス)使用例 ■■■■■

' とにかく開かれてアクティブになった【ブックへの参照取得】を試みる例)
Private Sub GetWorkbook()
    Dim cWb As cGetWorkbook
    Dim myPath As String
    Dim myBook As Workbook

    Set cWb = cM.GetWorkbookClass

    With cWb
        myPath = .DeskTopPath & "\test.xls"     '取得したいブックのフルパス
        Set myBook = .GetWorkbook(myPath)       '<===★★★ ここ ★★★
        If .ErrDescription <> "" Then
            MsgBox .ErrDescription, vbExclamation, "アドインの素"
                '"同名ブックが開いています。" (.SameName=True)
            Exit Sub
        End If

        If .AlreadyOpend Then
        End If

        MsgBox myBook.Name & "の処理準備完了", vbInformation

        '元々開いていなかった場合は閉じる(開いたままで良ければ記述不要、逆に必ず閉じるなら myBook.Colse)
    End With

    Set cWb = Nothing
End Sub

'■■■■■ cLoadPicture(画像読み込みクラス)使用例 ■■■■■

Private Sub LoadPicture1()
    Dim cLP As cLoadPicture
    Dim FullPath As String

    FullPath = Application.GetOpenFilename("画像ファイル(*.jpg),*.jpg")
    If FullPath = "False" Then Exit Sub

    Set cLP = cM.LoadPictureClass
    With cLP
        Set .LoadPointCell = ActiveCell '読み込み位置指定(Selectionとすればその範囲に読み込む)
        .PictureFullPath = FullPath
        If .LoadPicture Then            '画像読み込み       '<===★★★ ここ ★★★
            With .Picture               '読み込んだ画像に対する操作例
                .Placement = xlMove
                .OLEFormat.Object.PrintObject = True
                .OnAction = "拡大縮小"  'おまけ
            End With
            MsgBox "error", vbExclamation
        End If
    End With

    Set cLP = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub LoadPicture2()
    Dim cFs As cFileSearchLight 'ファイルサーチ、このクラスはアドインサンプル.xlaに含まれています。
    Dim cLP As cLoadPicture
    Dim FolderPath As String
    Dim Files As Variant        'フルパスの配列(ファイル名でソート済)
    Dim F As Variant
    Dim Fnames As Variant       'ファイル名のみの配列
    Dim R As Range
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Dim C As Long

    Set cFs = New cFileSearchLight
    FolderPath = cFs.SelectFolder   'フォルダ選択
    If FolderPath = "" Then
        Set cFs = Nothing
        Exit Sub
    End If
    cFs.LookIn = FolderPath         '検索場所
    cFs.FileName = "*.jpg;*.jpeg"   'ファイルの種類
    If cFs.Execute(msoSortByNumber, msoSortOrderAscending) = 0 Then 'ファイル検索
        Set cFs = Nothing
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Files = cFs.FoundFiles  'フルパス(画像を読み込む為のフルパス)
    Fnames = cFs.Fnames     'ファイル名のみ(画像にファイル名も表示する為)
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    Set R = Range("B2")         '先頭セル
    Set cLP = cM.LoadPictureClass
    cLP.Compress = True         '圧縮指定
    cLP.CompressPercent = 70

    For Each F In Files
        i = (C \ 5) * 2     '*2は2行毎(1行置き)の意
        j = C Mod 5         '上とここの5は5列で折り返しの意
        Set cLP.LoadPointCell = R.Offset(i, j)  '★読み込み位置
        cLP.PictureFullPath = F                 '★フルパス
        cLP.LoadPicture                         '★画像読み込み
        R.Offset(i + 1, j).Value = Fnames(C + 1)    'ファイル名表示(C+1は戻り値の配列が1からなので)
        cLP.Picture.OnAction = "図の拡大縮小"       'おまけ
        C = C + 1

    ActiveCell.Activate     '圧縮した場合、図が選択状態のままになるので
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

    Set cFs = Nothing
    Set cLP = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub 図の拡大縮小()
    Dim cLP As cLoadPicture
    Dim Pic As Shape
    Dim W As Single, H As Single

    Set Pic = ActiveSheet.Shapes(Application.Caller)    'クリックした図
    W = Pic.Width: H = Pic.Height

    Set cLP = cM.LoadPictureClass
    With cLP
        Set .Picture = Pic
        Set .LoadPointCell = Pic.TopLeftCell.MergeArea
        .ResetOriginalSize      '★一旦元のサイズに戻す
        Pic.ZOrder msoBringToFront
        If Pic.Width = W And Pic.Height = H Then
            .FitInTheCell       '★セルの大きさに合わせる
        End If
    End With

    Set cLP = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub CompressPicture()
    Dim cLP As cLoadPicture
    Dim OnActionBak As String
    Set cLP = cM.LoadPictureClass

    With cLP
        Set .Picture = Selection.ShapeRange(1)
        OnActionBak = .Picture.OnAction
        .CompressPicture(.Picture).OnAction = OnActionBak   '<===★★★ ここ ★★★
    End With
    Set cLP = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub CompressAll()
    Dim cLP As cLoadPicture
    Dim Shp As Shape
    Dim OnActionBak As String   'OnActionのバックアップ用
    Dim Snames() As String
    Dim C As Long
    Dim i As Long

    For Each Shp In ActiveSheet.Shapes
        If Shp.Type = msoPicture Then
            C = C + 1
            ReDim Preserve Snames(1 To C)
            Snames(C) = Shp.Name
        End If

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Set cLP = cM.LoadPictureClass

    For i = 1 To C
        Set Shp = ActiveCell.Worksheet.Shapes(Snames(i))
        OnActionBak = Shp.OnAction
        '===★★★ ここ ★★★
        Set Shp = cLP.CompressPicture(Shp, 70)  '圧縮(%数値指定しなければ現在の大きさに圧縮される)
        Shp.OnAction = OnActionBak

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Set cLP = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub FitInTheCell()
    Dim cLP As cLoadPicture
    Dim Shp As Shape
    Set cLP = cM.LoadPictureClass

    For Each Shp In ActiveSheet.Shapes
        If Shp.Type = msoPicture Then
            Set cLP.LoadPointCell = Shp.TopLeftCell.MergeArea
            Set cLP.Picture = Shp
            cLP.Margin = 2
            cLP.FitInTheCell    '<===★★★ ここ ★★★
        End If
    Set cLP = Nothing
End Sub

'■■■■■ cMatchArray(配列比較クラス)使用例 ■■■■■

Private Sub MatchArray()
    Dim cMA As cMatchArray
    Dim AA As Variant
    Dim BB As Variant
    Dim i As Long

    Set cMA = cM.MatchArrayClass
    cMA.TextMode = False

    AA = Array("A", "c", "f", "b", "e", "d")
    BB = Array("c", "d", "a", "b", "f", "E")

    cMA.MatchArray AA, BB   '比較処理   '<===★★★ ここ ★★★
    With cMA
        Debug.Print "ExistUnMatchA", .ExistUnMatchA
        Debug.Print "ExistUnMatchB", .ExistUnMatchB
        Debug.Print "ExistMatchA", .ExistMatchA
        Debug.Print "ExistMatchB", .ExistMatchB
    End With

    With cMA
        If .ExistUnMatchA Then      '配列Aの不一致
            Debug.Print "UnMatchA"
            For i = 1 To UBound(.ndxA)
                Debug.Print .ndxA(i); .UnMatchA(i),     'インデックス, 値(以下同様)
            Next: Debug.Print
        End If
        If .ExistUnMatchB Then      '配列Bの不一致
            Debug.Print "UnMatchB"
            For i = 1 To UBound(.ndxB)
                Debug.Print .ndxB(i); .UnMatchB(i),
            Next: Debug.Print
        End If
        If .ExistMatchA Then        '配列Aの一致
            Debug.Print "MatchA"
            For i = 1 To UBound(.ndxWA)
                Debug.Print .ndxWA(i); .MatchA(i),
            Next: Debug.Print
        End If
        If .ExistMatchB Then        '配列Bの一致
            Debug.Print "MatchB"
            For i = 1 To UBound(.ndxWB)
                Debug.Print .ndxWB(i); .MatchB(i),
            Next: Debug.Print
        End If
    End With
    Set cMA = Nothing
End Sub

'■■■■■ cMessage(メール送信クラス)使用例 ■■■■■

Private Sub SendMessage()
    Dim cMail As cMessage
    Set cMail = cM.MessageClass

    With cMail
        .Server = "SendMailServerAddress"   'ex. smtp.isp.or.jp
        .ServerPort = 25
        .UseSSL = False
        .SendAuthenticate = 認証不要
        .Timeout = 60

        .SendFrom = "差出人表示名"
        .SendTo = "宛先表示名"  '複数は ; で繋ぐ、CC, BCCも同様
        .Subject = "件名をここに書く"
        .TextBody = "メール本文をここに書く"

        If .Send Then
            MsgBox "OK"
            MsgBox .ErrMsg, vbExclamation
        End If
    End With

    Set cMail = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub SetupMessage()
    Dim cMail As cMessage
    Set cMail = cM.MessageClass
    cMail.Setup "プロジェクト名"    '送信サーバー情報の設定(保存名は「Work」「Private」「N氏宛」など任意)
    Set cMail = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub SendMessage2()
    Dim cMail As cMessage
    Set cMail = cM.MessageClass
    With cMail
        .LoadConfig "プロジェクト名"  'Setupが完了していればサーバー情報はこの行だけでレジストリから取得できる

        .SendTo = "宛先表示名"
        .Subject = "ここに件名"
        .TextBody = "ここに送信テキスト本文"

        If .Send Then
            MsgBox "OK", vbInformation
            MsgBox .ErrMsg, vbExclamation
        End If
    End With
    Set cMail = Nothing
End Sub

'■■■■■ cProgressForm(プログレスフォームクラス)使用例 ■■■■■

Private Sub ProgressBar()
    Const myMax As Long = 1000
    Dim cBar As cProgressForm
    Dim i As Long, j As Long

    Set cBar = cM.ProgressClass
    With cBar
        .Caption = "しばらくお待ちください..."
        .Min = 0
        .Max = myMax
    End With

    For i = 1 To myMax
        If cBar.Cancel Then
            If MsgBox("中止しますか?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion) = vbYes Then
                Exit For
            End If
        End If

        For j = 1 To 10000000

        cBar.Value = i

    If cBar.Cancel Then
        MsgBox "中止しました。", vbExclamation
        MsgBox "完了しました。", vbInformation
    End If

    Set cBar = Nothing
End Sub

'■■■■■ cProgressLight(プログレスバー(ステータスバー利用)クラス)使用例 ■■■■■

Private Sub ProgressLight()
    Const myMax As Long = 100
    Dim cBar As cProgressLight
    Dim i As Long, j As Long

    Set cBar = cM.ProgressLightClass
    With cBar
        .Style = plBarAndPercent 'plBarAndPercentAndRestTime, plBarAndRestTime, plBarOnly
        .Min = 0
        .Max = myMax
    End With

    For i = 1 To myMax
        For j = 1 To 10000000

        cBar.Value = i

    MsgBox "完了しました。", vbInformation

    Set cBar = Nothing
End Sub

'■■■■■ cRegExp(正規表現クラス)使用例 ■■■■■

Private Sub RegExp()
    Dim myRegExp As cRegExp
    Dim myStr As String
    Dim i As Long

    myStr = "1aa2a34aaa5"
    Set myRegExp = cM.RegExpClass

    With myRegExp
        .Pattern = "\d\D\d"         '「数字,数字以外,数字」が各1文字のパターン
        .Globall = False
        .IgnoreCase = False
        If .Execute(myStr) Then
            Debug.Print .Value      '"2a3"
            Debug.Print .FirstIndex '3     (オフセット)
            Debug.Print .Length     '3
            Debug.Print .LeftValue  '"1aa"
            Debug.Print .RightValue '"4aaa5"
        End If
    End With
    Set myRegExp = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub RegExpAll()
    Dim myRegExp As cRegExp
    Dim myStr As String
    Dim i As Long

    myStr = "1aa2a34aaa5"
    Set myRegExp = cM.RegExpClass

    With myRegExp
        .Pattern = "\d+"    '数字1文字以上の連続
        .Globall = True     '全て
        .IgnoreCase = False
        .Execute myStr      '検索
        For i = 0 To .MatchesCount - 1
            Debug.Print .Value(i)   '1, 2, 34, 5
    End With

    Set myRegExp = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub RegExpReplace()
    Dim myRegExp As cRegExp
    Dim myStr As String

    myStr = "1aa2a34aaa5"
    Set myRegExp = cM.RegExpClass

    With myRegExp
        .Pattern = "\d+"    '数字1文字以上の連続
        .Globall = True     '全て
        .IgnoreCase = False
        myStr = .Replace(myStr, "0")    '置換え
    End With
    Debug.Print myStr   '0aa0a0aaa0

    Set myRegExp = Nothing
End Sub

'■■■■■ cMsSort(ソートクラス)使用例 ■■■■■

Private Sub SortTest1()
    Dim VV As Variant
    Dim V As Variant

    VV = Array(3, 7, 2, 9, 5, 5, 1, 1, 7, 2, 9)
    'VV = Array("Aab", "aaa", "aa", "a", "aaB", "aaB", "aac", "Aab", "abb", "abc", "a")
    VV = Sort(VV)   '★最低限はこれだけでOK(Sort関数部はフリーウエアです。)

    For Each V In VV
        Debug.Print V; " ";
End Sub

Public Function SortExp(Ary As Variant, Optional SortOrder As XlSortOrder = xlAscending _
    , Optional MatchCase As Boolean = True, Optional MatchByte As Boolean = True _
    , Optional TextMode As Boolean = False, Optional Constancy As Boolean = True) As Variant

    Dim cSort As cMsSort
    Set cSort = cM.SortClass

    With cSort
        .Constancy = Constancy   'True:安定(低速)、False:非安定(高速)
        .SortOrder = SortOrder
        .TextMode = TextMode
        .MatchCase = MatchCase
        .MatchByte = MatchByte
        SortExp = .Sort(Ary)
    End With

    Set cSort = Nothing
End Function

Private Sub 並べ替え順指定の確認()
    Dim VV As Variant
    Dim V As Variant
    Dim i As Long
    VV = Array("イ", "ア", "b", "a", "D", "C", "2", "1", "高橋", "鈴木", "佐藤", "イ", "ア", "い", "あ", "b", "a", "_", "\", "D", "C", "2", "1")
    For i = 1 To 4
        Select Case i
            Case 1
                VV = SortExp(VV)  '既定値
            Case 2
                VV = SortExp(VV, MatchCase:=False)    '大小文字区別なし
            Case 3
                VV = SortExp(VV, MatchCase:=False, MatchByte:=False)  '大小全角半角区別なし
            Case 4
                VV = SortExp(VV, , , TextMode:=True)  'Textモード
        End Select

        For Each V In VV
            Debug.Print V; " ";
End Sub

Private Sub BasicSort()
    Dim cSort As cMsSort
    Dim VV As Variant
    Dim V As Variant

    Set cSort = cM.SortClass

    VV = Array(3, 7, 2, 9, 5, 5, 1, 1, 7, 2, 9)
    'VV = Array("Aab", "aaa", "aa", "a", "aaB", "aaB", "aac", "Aab", "abb", "abc", "a")

    With cSort
        .SortOrder = xlAscending    '昇順降順
        .MatchCase = True           '大文字小文字
        .MatchByte = True           '全角半角
        .TextMode = False           'Textモード
        VV = .Sort(VV)  '★並べ替えた値をクラスからそのまま取得
    End With

    For Each V In VV
        Debug.Print V; " ";
End Sub

Private Sub SomeKeysSort()
    Dim cSort As cMsSort
    Dim V1 As Variant
    Dim V2 As Variant
    Dim Ndx As Variant
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Dim L1 As Long, U1 As Long, L2 As Long, U2 As Long

    Set cSort = cM.SortClass
    V1 = ActiveCell.CurrentRegion.Value     '元データ(この例では3列以上が必要)

    With cSort
        .Constancy = True   '安定ソート指定
        .Column = 3: Ndx = .SortIdx(V1)
        .Column = 2: Ndx = .SortIdx(V1, Ndx)
        .Column = 1: Ndx = .SortIdx(V1, Ndx)
    End With

    L1 = LBound(V1, 1): U1 = UBound(V1, 1)
    L2 = LBound(V1, 2): U2 = UBound(V1, 2)
    ReDim V2(L1 To U1, L2 To U2)

    For i = L1 To U1
        For j = L2 To U2
            V2(i, j) = V1(Ndx(i), j)

    ActiveCell.CurrentRegion.Value = V2     '※上書き注意
End Sub

Private Sub CreateSampleData()
    Dim cTd As cTestData
    Dim V As Variant
    Dim i As Long
    Dim R As Range
    Static Shu As Long
    Static N As Long
    Static Rw As Long
    Dim Res As String
    Dim N2 As Long
    Dim wByte As Boolean
    Dim LCasee As Boolean
    If Shu = 0 Then Shu = 1
    If N = 0 Then N = 3
    If Rw = 0 Then Rw = 100
    Res = InputBox("種類の番号を入力して下さい。" & vbCrLf & _
        "1.数字 2.英数字 3.全角 4.ランダム", "種類選択", CStr(Shu))
    If Res = "" Then Exit Sub
    Shu = CLng(Res)
    If Shu < 1 Then Shu = 1
    If Shu > 4 Then Shu = 4
    Res = InputBox("文字数を入力して下さい。", "文字数入力", CStr(N))
    If Res = "" Then Exit Sub
    N = CLng(Res)
    If N <= 0 Then N = 3
    Res = InputBox("行数を入力して下さい。", "行数入力", CStr(Rw))
    If Res = "" Then Exit Sub
    Rw = CLng(Res)
    Set cTd = cM.TestDataClass
    ReDim V(1 To Rw, 1 To 1)
    For i = 1 To Rw
        Select Case Shu
            Case 1
                V(i, 1) = cTd.数字(N)
            Case 2
                V(i, 1) = cTd.英数字(N)
            Case 3
                V(i, 1) = cTd.全角(N)
            Case 4
                N2 = Int(Rnd() * (N * 1.5 - 1 + 1) + 1)
                If Rnd() < 0.5 Then
                    wByte = False
                    wByte = True
                End If
                If Rnd() < 0.5 Then
                    LCasee = False
                    LCasee = True
                End If
                Select Case Rnd()
                    Case Is < 0.17
                        V(i, 1) = cTd.カタカナ(N2, wByte)
                    Case Is < 0.33
                        V(i, 1) = cTd.ひらがな(N2)
                    Case Is < 0.5
                        V(i, 1) = cTd.英字(N2, LCasee, wByte)
                    Case Is < 0.67
                        V(i, 1) = cTd.英数字(N2, wByte)
                    Case Is < 0.83
                        V(i, 1) = cTd.数字(N2, wByte)
                    Case Else
                        V(i, 1) = cTd.全角(N2)
                End Select
        End Select
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Set R = ActiveCell
    If IsEmpty(R.Value) And (R.End(xlDown).Row = Rows.Count) Then   '列が空ならそこへ
        Set R = Workbooks.Add.Worksheets(1).Range("A1") 'そうでなければ新規ブック自動作成
    End If
    R.Resize(Rw).Value = V
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Set cTd = Nothing
End Sub

Public Function NumSort(Ary As Variant) As Variant
    Dim cNumSort As cNumSort
    Set cNumSort = cM.NumSortClass
    With cNumSort
        .SortOrder = nsAscending
        .MatchCase = False
        .MatchByte = False
        NumSort = .Sort(Ary)
    End With
    Set cNumSort = Nothing
End Function

Private Sub NumSortCallSample()
    Dim Fnames As Variant
    Dim nA As Variant
    Fnames = Array("B(10).jpg", "B(20).jpg", "B(1).jpg", "B(9).jpg", "a(10).jpg", "a(2).jpg", "a(1).jpg", "a(9).jpg")
    Fnames = NumSort(Fnames)
    If VarType(Fnames) = vbBoolean Then
        Debug.Print "Error"
        For Each nA In Fnames
            Debug.Print nA
    End If
End Sub

Public Function UserSort(Ary As Variant, UserList As Variant, _
    Optional Colm As Variant) As Variant
    Dim cSort As cMsSort
    Dim Dic As Object   'Dictionary
    Dim Ndx As Variant
    Dim Ary2() As Variant
    Dim L As Long
    Dim U As Long
    Dim L2 As Long
    Dim U2 As Long
    Dim i As Long
    Dim j As Long
    Dim Dimen As Long   '引数配列の次元

    Set cSort = cM.SortClass

    '次元確認 *****
    Dimen = cSort.Dimension(Ary)
    If Dimen <= 0 Or Dimen >= 3 Then
        UserSort = False
        Set cSort = Nothing
        Exit Function
    End If

    If IsMissing(Colm) And Dimen = 2 Then
        Colm = LBound(Ary, 2)
    End If

    Set Dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    For i = LBound(UserList) To UBound(UserList)
        Dic(UserList(i)) = i

    L = LBound(Ary)
    U = UBound(Ary)
    ReDim Ndx(L To U)
    If Dimen = 1 Then
        For i = L To U
            If Dic.Exists(Ary(i)) Then
                Ndx(i) = Dic(Ary(i))
                Ndx(i) = 2000000000#    '対象外は最後尾
            End If
        For i = L To U
            If Dic.Exists(Ary(i, Colm)) Then
                Ndx(i) = Dic(Ary(i, Colm))
                Ndx(i) = 2000000000#    '対象外は最後尾
            End If
    End If
    Set Dic = Nothing

    With cSort
        .SortOrder = xlAscending
        .Constancy = True
        .Column = Colm
        Ndx = .SortIdx(Ndx)
    End With
    Set cSort = Nothing

    If Dimen = 1 Then
        ReDim Ary2(L To U)
        For i = L To U
            Ary2(i) = Ary(Ndx(i))
        L2 = LBound(Ary, 2)
        U2 = UBound(Ary, 2)
        ReDim Ary2(L To U, L2 To U2)
        For i = L To U
            For j = L2 To U2
                Ary2(i, j) = Ary(Ndx(i), j)
    End If

    UserSort = Ary2
End Function

Private Sub UserSortCallSample()
    Dim UserList As Variant
    Dim Ary As Variant
    Dim V As Variant

    UserList = Array("S", "M", "L", "LL")
    Ary = Array("M", "LL", "M", "SS", "S", "3L", "L", "S")

    Ary = UserSort(Ary, UserList)
    For Each V In Ary
        Debug.Print V; " ";
End Sub

'■■■■■ cMsSplit(スプリットクラス)使用例 ■■■■■

Private Sub MsSplit()
    Dim cSp As cMsSplit
    Dim A As Variant
    Dim S As String
    Set cSp = cM.SplitClass

    S = "ab," & Chr$(34) & "cd,ef" & Chr$(34) & ",ghi"
    A = cSp.Split(S)

    Debug.Print S       'ab,"cd,ef",ghi
    Debug.Print "↓"
    Debug.Print A(1)    'ab
    Debug.Print A(2)    '"cd,ef"
    Debug.Print A(3)    'ghi
End Sub

Public Function Split2(Expression As String, _
        Optional Delimiter As String = " ", Optional ConsecutiveDelimiter As Boolean = False, _
        Optional TextQualifier As String = """", _
        Optional Compare As VbCompareMethod = vbBinaryCompare) As Variant
    Dim cSp As cMsSplit
    Set cSp = cM.SplitClass

    With cSp
        .BaseNumber = 0
        .Delimiter = Delimiter
        .ConsecutiveDelimiter = ConsecutiveDelimiter
        .TextQualifier = TextQualifier
        .Compare = Compare
        Split2 = .Split(Expression)
    End With
    Set cSp = Nothing
End Function

Private Sub Split2CallSample()
    Dim SS As String
    Dim VV As Variant, V As Variant
    SS = "12,""3,45"",67,,""8,9"""

    VV = Split2(SS, ",")
'    VV = Split2(SS, ",", ConsecutiveDelimiter:=True)
'    VV = VBA.Split(SS, ",")

    Debug.Print SS
    For Each V In VV
        Debug.Print "*"; V; "*"
End Sub

'■■■■■ cMsIni(iniファイルクラス)使用例 ■■■■■

Private Sub iniTest()
    Dim myPath As String
    Dim cIni As cMsIni
    Set cIni = cM.IniClass

    myPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Test.ini"

    With cIni
        .FilePath = myPath
        .Section = "[TestSection]"
        .PutData Key:="Key1=", Val:="1"         '書き込むデータは文字列
        .PutData Key:="Key2=", Val:="TRUE"

        Debug.Print "*"; Val(.GetData(Key:="Key1=")); "*"   '読み込んだ後は必要に応じて、型変換
        Debug.Print "*"; CBool(.GetData(Key:="Key2=")); "*"
        Debug.Print "*"; .Exist(Key:="Key3="); "*"
        Debug.Print "*"; .GetData(Key:="Key3="); "*"
    End With
    Set cIni = Nothing
End Sub

'●iniファイル関数(※コール時、"[Section]", "Key=" のように両端の[ ]と最後の=を忘れない事)
Public Sub PutData(FilePath As String, Section As String, Key As String, ByVal Value As String)
    Dim cIni As cMsIni
    Set cIni = cM.IniClass
    With cIni
        .FilePath = FilePath
        .Section = Section
        Value = .EncCrLf(Value) '改行が含まれていたら変換しておく
        .PutData Key, Value
    End With
    Set cIni = Nothing
End Sub
Public Function GetData(FilePath As String, Section As String, Key As String) As String
    Dim cIni As cMsIni
    Dim Value As String
    Set cIni = cM.IniClass
    With cIni
        .FilePath = FilePath
        .Section = Section
        Value = .GetData(Key)
        Value = .DecCrLf(Value) '改行を変換した文字があったら戻しておく
    End With
    GetData = Value
    Set cIni = Nothing
End Function
Public Sub PutList(FilePath As String, Section As String, _
    ListData As Variant, Optional Delimiter As String = " ")
    Dim cIni As cMsIni
    Set cIni = cM.IniClass
    With cIni
        .FilePath = FilePath
        .Section = Section
        .PutList ListData, Delimiter
    End With
    Set cIni = Nothing
End Sub
Public Function GetList(FilePath As String, Section As String, _
    Optional Column As Integer = 0, Optional Delimiter As String = " ") As Variant
    'Column指定ありなら、各行をDelimiterで区切り2次元配列(行, 列)に入れて返す。
    Dim cIni As cMsIni
    Set cIni = cM.IniClass
    With cIni
        .FilePath = FilePath
        .Section = Section
        GetList = .GetList(Column, Delimiter)
    End With
    Set cIni = Nothing
End Function
Public Sub DelData(FilePath As String, Section As String, _
    Optional Key As String = "", Optional DeleteSection As Boolean = False)
    Dim cIni As cMsIni
    Set cIni = cM.IniClass
    With cIni
        .FilePath = FilePath
        .Section = Section
        .DelData Key, DeleteSection
    End With
    Set cIni = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub iniCallTest1()
    Dim myPath As String
    myPath = DeskTopPath & "\test.ini"

    PutData myPath, "[mySection]", "key1=", "abc"
    PutData myPath, "[mySection]", "key2=", "xyz"
    PutData myPath, "[mySection2]", "key1=", "321"

    Debug.Print GetData(myPath, "[mySection]", "key1=")
End Sub
Private Sub iniCallTest2()
    Dim myPath As String
    Dim VV As Variant, V As Variant
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    myPath = DeskTopPath & "\test.ini"

    PutList myPath, "[ListSection1]", Array("11,12,13", "21,22,23", "31,32,33")

    VV = GetList(myPath, "[ListSection1]")

    For Each V In VV
        Debug.Print V

    VV = GetList(myPath, "[ListSection1]", Column:=2, Delimiter:=",")

    For i = LBound(VV) To UBound(VV)
        For j = LBound(VV, 2) To UBound(VV, 2)
            Debug.Print VV(i, j),
        Next: Debug.Print
End Sub
Private Sub iniCallTest3()
    Dim myPath As String
    myPath = DeskTopPath & "\test.ini"

    DelData myPath, "[mySection]", "key2="
End Sub
Private Sub iniCallTest4()
    Dim myPath As String
    myPath = DeskTopPath & "\test.ini"

    DelData myPath, "[mySection]", , DeleteSection:=True
End Sub

'■■■■■ cTable(テーブルクラス)使用例 ■■■■■

Private Sub SetTableData()
    Dim rngTbl As Range
    Dim cTbl As cTable
    Dim Res As VbMsgBoxResult
    Dim R As Range

    CreateTestData  '新規ブックにサンプルデータ作成

    Res = MsgBox("続けますか", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "テーブルクラスサンプル")
    If Res = vbNo Then
        ActiveWorkbook.Saved = True
        Exit Sub
    End If

    Set rngTbl = ActiveCell.Worksheet.Range("A1").CurrentRegion

    Set cTbl = cM.TableClass
    With cTbl
        .KeyTypeRow = ktString  '行の型を文字列に設定
        .KeyTypeCol = ktDate    '列の型を日付に設定
        Set .Table = rngTbl     'テーブル範囲を設定
    End With

    '★★★★★ テーブルの該当セル検索 ★★★★★
    Set R = cTbl.Item("D", Date + 2)    '明後日の"D"の位置

    If Not R Is Nothing Then
        R.Value = "ここ"
        R.Interior.Color = vbYellow
    End If

    ActiveWorkbook.Saved = True

    Set cTbl = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub CreateTestData()
    Dim rngTbl As Range
    Dim V As Variant
    Dim i As Long
    Dim N As Long

    Set rngTbl = Workbooks.Add.Worksheets(1).Range("A1").Resize(11, 8)

    N = 10
    ReDim V(1 To N, 1 To 1)
    V = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Split("A B C D E F G H I J"))
    Intersect(rngTbl.Columns(1).Offset(1), rngTbl).Value = V

    N = 7
    ReDim V(1 To N)
    For i = 1 To N
        V(i) = Date + i - 1
    With Intersect(rngTbl.Rows(1).Offset(, 1), rngTbl)
        .NumberFormatLocal = "m月d日"
        .Cells.Value = V
    End With

End Sub

'■■■■■ cTextFile(テキストファイルクラス)使用例 ■■■■■

Private Sub ReadAllText()
    Dim cTxt As cTextFile
    Set cTxt = cM.TextFileClass

    With cTxt
        .ReadPath = .DeskTopPath & "\Sample.txt"    '読み込みファイルのフルパス
        If .ReadAll Then                            '★読み込み
            Debug.Print .AllText                    '成功したら表示
            Debug.Print .ErrorDescription           '失敗したらエラー表示
        End If
    End With

    Set cTxt = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub ReadToArray()
    Dim cTxt As cTextFile
    Dim VV As Variant
    Dim i As Long
    Set cTxt = cM.TextFileClass

    With cTxt
        .ReadPath = .DeskTopPath & "\Sample.txt"
        If .ErrorDescription <> "" Then
            Debug.Print .ErrorDescription
            VV = .ArrayText '★配列として取得
            For i = 0 To UBound(VV)
                Debug.Print "*"; VV(i); "*"
        End If
    End With

    Set cTxt = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub SimplyWrite()
    Dim cTxt As cTextFile
    Const Txt As String = "テスト3"
    Set cTxt = cM.TextFileClass

    With cTxt
        .WritePath = .DeskTopPath & "\Test.txt" '書き込みファイルのフルパス
        If .Write1(Txt) Then                    '★末尾に改行付きで書き込み
            Debug.Print "ok"
            Debug.Print .ErrorDescription
        End If
    End With

    Set cTxt = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub WriteEtc()
    Dim cTxt As cTextFile
    Set cTxt = cM.TextFileClass

    With cTxt
        .SaveChanges = False    '既存ファイルへの上書き禁止(但し追加は除く)
'        .Append = True          '追加書き込みの指定
'        .Unicode = True         'Unicodeの指定
        .WritePath = .DeskTopPath & "\Test2.txt"
        If .ErrorDescription <> "" Then
            Debug.Print .ErrorDescription
            If .Write0("テスト4") Then     '★末尾の改行無しで書き込み
                Debug.Print "ok"
                Debug.Print .ErrorDescription
            End If
        End If
    End With

    Set cTxt = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub ReadAndWrite()
    Dim cTxt As cTextFile
    Dim VV As Variant
    Set cTxt = cM.TextFileClass

    With cTxt
        .ReadPath = .DeskTopPath & "\Sample.txt"    '読み込みファイルのフルパス
        VV = .ArrayText                             '配列に取り込む
        .WritePath = .ReadPath & "_2.txt"           '書き込みファイルのフルパス
        .Write1 CStr(VV(LBound(VV)))                '最初の行を書き込み
        .Append = True                              '追加書き込みモード指定
        .Write1 CStr(VV(UBound(VV)))                '最後の行を書き込み
    End With

    Set cTxt = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub ReplaceString()
    Dim cTxt As cTextFile
    Dim cReg As cRegExp
    Dim Txt As String
    Dim Bf As String    '置換え前の文字列(パターン)
    Dim Af As String    '置換え後の文字列
    Dim C As Long
    Dim Ans As Integer

    Set cTxt = cM.TextFileClass
    Set cReg = cM.RegExpClass

'    Bf = "([A-Za-z])\1{2}" '例1.同じ半角英字の3文字連続した部分の指定
'    Bf = "([A-Za-z0-9]+)(\s*)-(\s*)([A-Za-z0-9]+)" '例2.英数字 - 英数字
'    Af = "$4$2-$3$1"                               '例2.上記 - の前後入替
    Bf = "AB"  '半角記号(正規表現で特別な意味を持つ)以外の文字のみを指定すれば、それとの単純な一致となる
    Af = "xyz"
    With cTxt
        .ReadPath = .DeskTopPath & "\Sample.txt"  '対象テキストファイルフルパス
        Txt = .AllText      '★テキストファイルから読み込み
        With cReg
            .Pattern = Bf
            .Globall = True     '全検索、最初の一件のみならFalse
            If .Execute(Txt) Then           '★検索
                C = .MatchesCount
                Ans = MsgBox(C & "件マッチしました。置き換えますか。", vbQuestion + vbOKCancel + vbDefaultButton2)
                If Ans = vbOK Then
                    Txt = .Replace(Txt, Af) '★メモリー上で置換え
                    C = 0
                End If
            End If
        End With
        If C >= 1 Then
            '書き込み先フルパス=元フルパス&_Repl.txt。元ファイルへ上書きなら & 以降は不要
            .WritePath = .ReadPath & "_Repl.txt"
            .Write0 Txt     '★テキストファイルへ書き戻し
        End If
    End With

    Set cTxt = Nothing
    Set cReg = Nothing
End Sub

'■■■■■ cTxtSpns(テキストボックス、スピンボタン連動クラス)使用例 ■■■■■

Private Sub TextSpins()
    Dim cTs As cTxtSpns
    Set cTs = cM.TxtSpnsClass

    Load TxtSpnsSample  'UserFormのロード
    With TxtSpnsSample
        cTs.Add .TextBox1, .SpinButton1     '★連動させるTextBoxとSpinButtonを必要なだけ.Addする
        cTs.Add .TextBox2, .SpinButton2
        .Show           'UserFormの表示
    End With
End Sub

'■■■■■ cFormSetting(ユーザーフォームコントロール値保存クラス)使用例 ■■■■■
'===== UserFormモジュール =====
'Option Explicit

Private cSet As cFormSetting

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub cmdLoad_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub cmdSaveOne_Click()
    cSet.SaveOne Me.ComboBox1
End Sub
Private Sub cmdLoadOne_Click()
    cSet.LoadOne Me.ComboBox1
End Sub

Private Sub SpinButton1_Change()
    Me.Label1.Caption = Me.SpinButton1.Value
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    Me.ComboBox1.List = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    Me.ListBox1.List = Array("a", "b", "c", "d", "e")

    Set cSet = cM.FormSettingClass  '★クラスインスタンス生成
    With cSet
'        .iniPath = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders("DeskTop") & "\test.ini"
        Set .Book = ThisWorkbook    '★設定
        Set .Form = Me              '★設定
        .LoadAll                    '★保存値の読み込み
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Terminate()
'    cSet.SaveAll    'Terminate時の実行では一部保存できないコントロールの値があるので、Saveボタンで明示的に保存することを推奨します。
    Set cSet = Nothing
End Sub
'===== UserFormモジュールここまで =====