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2. Installation

2.1 Sankaku を得るには

ファイルは 私のホームページより入手可能です。

2.2 必要環境


For Linux : Please obtain paragui, SDL, SDL_image and SGE library.

For Windows : Libraries (DLLs) are included in the binary.

2.3 コンパイルとインストール


2.3.1 GCC

In order to compile and install Sankaku on your system, type the following in the base directory of the Sankaku distribution:

% ./configure
% make
% make install

Since Sankaku uses

you should have not trouble compiling it. Should you run into problems please report them to the the author at Nobuhiro Kuroiwa

2.3.2 KDevelop

Following procedure is well described in SDL & KDevelop mini-HOWTO. Please refer there for the detail. Set following to Compiler Options|Flags and Warnings|C++ Compiler Flags(CXXFLAGS)

`sdl-config --cflags`  `paragui-config --cflags`  `freetype-config --cflags`

Then, set following to Compiler Options|Flags and Warnings|LinkerFlags|Additional flags

`sdl-config --libs`  `paragui-config --libs`  `freetype-config --libs`

Add following to

dnl ---------------------------------------------------------------
dnl Check for SDL
            AC_MSG_ERROR([*** SDL version $SDL_VERSION not found!])
dnl ---------------------------------------------------------------
dnl ---------------------------------------------------------------
dnl Checks for libraries.
dnl Replace `main' with a function in -lSDL_mixer:
       LIBS="$LIBS -lSDL_mixer",
       AC_MSG_ERROR([*** SDL_mixer library not found!])
dnl ---------------------------------------------------------------
dnl ---------------------------------------------------------------
dnl Checks for libraries.
dnl Replace `main' with a function in -lSGE:
       LIBS="$LIBS -lSGE",
       AC_MSG_ERROR([*** SGE library not found!])
dnl ---------------------------------------------------------------
CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $USE_EXCEPTIONS" dnl __kdevelop[exc]__

Add SDL.m4 to

Finally, DistClean, Autoconf and automake, and configure.

2.3.3 Visual C++

Obtain header files and libs of paragui, SDL, SDL_image and SGE. Please reffer following libraries' web sites for the details.

SDL, SDL_image, ParaGUI SGE, Using SDL with Microsoft Visual C++ 5,6 and 7

Include source and header files of sankaku in your C++ project.

Set the C runtime to "Multi-threaded DLL" in the menu: Project|Settings|C/C++ tab|Code Generation|Runtime Library

Set always generic class to c++ language category in the menu: Project|Settings|C/C++ tab|C/C++ Language|Pointer to member

Set paragui.lib SDLmain.lib SDL.lib SDL_image.lib SGE.lib to the Object Library Module in Project|Settings|Link.

That's it.
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