第4章 第四章 勇 氣 敢爲堅忍の精神
to the consideration of which we shall now return. Courage was scarcely
deemed worthy to be counted among virtues, unless it was exercised in
the cause of Righteousness. In his "Analects" Confucius defines Courage
by explaining, as is often his wont, what its negative is. "Perceiving
what is right," he says, "and doing it not, argues lack of courage."
Put this epigram into a positive statement, and it runs, "Courage is
doing what is right." To run all kinds of hazards, to jeopardize one's
self, to rush into the jaws of death―these are too often identified
with Valor, and in the profession of arms such rashness of conduct―what
Shakespeare calls, "valor misbegot"―is unjustly applauded; but not so
in the Precepts of Knighthood. Death for a cause unworthy of dying for,
was called a "dog's death." "To rush into the thick of battle and to be
slain in it," says a Prince of Mito, "is easy enough, and the merest
churl is equal to the task; but," he continues, "it is true courage to
live when it is right to live, and to die only when it is right to
die," and yet the Prince had not even heard of the name of Plato, who
defines courage as "the knowledge of things that a man should fear and
that he should not fear." A distinction which is made in the West
between moral and physical courage has long been recognized among us.
What samurai youth has not heard of "Great Valor" and the "Valor of a
Valor, Fortitude, Bravery, Fearlessness, Courage, being the qualities
of soul which appeal most easily to juvenile minds, and which can be
trained by exercise and example, were, so to speak, the most popular
virtues, early emulated among the youth. Stories of military exploits
were repeated almost before boys left their mother's breast. Does a
little booby cry for any ache? The mother scolds him in this fashion:
"What a coward to cry for a trifling pain! What will you do when your
arm is cut off in battle? What when you are called upon to commit
harakiri?" We all know the pathetic fortitude of a famished little
boy-prince of Sendai, who in the drama is made to say to his little
page, "Seest thou those tiny sparrows in the nest, how their yellow
bills are opened wide, and now see! there comes their mother with worms
to feed them. How eagerly and happily the little ones eat! but for a
samurai, when his stomach is empty, it is a disgrace to feel hunger."
Anecdotes of fortitude and bravery abound in nursery tales, though
stories of this kind are not by any means the only method of early
imbuing the spirit with daring and fearlessness. Parents, with
sternness sometimes verging on cruelty, set their children to tasks
that called forth all the pluck that was in them. "Bears hurl their
cubs down the gorge," they said. Samurai's sons were let down the steep
valleys of hardship, and spurred to Sisyphus-like tasks. Occasional
deprivation of food or exposure to cold, was considered a highly
efficacious test for inuring them to endurance. Children of tender age
were sent among utter strangers with some message to deliver, were made
to rise before the sun, and before breakfast attend to their reading
exercises, walking to their teacher with bare feet in the cold of
winter; they frequently―once or twice a month, as on the festival of a
god of learning,―came together in small groups and passed the night
without sleep, in reading aloud by turns. Pilgrimages to all sorts of
uncanny places―to execution grounds, to graveyards, to houses reputed
to be haunted, were favorite pastimes of the young. In the days when
decapitation was public, not only were small boys sent to witness the
ghastly scene, but they were made to visit alone the place in the
darkness of night and there to leave a mark of their visit on the
trunkless head.
Does this ultra-Spartan system of "drilling the nerves" strike the
modern pedagogist with horror and doubt―doubt whether the tendency
would not be brutalizing, nipping in the bud the tender emotions of the
heart? Let us see what other concepts Bushido had of Valor.
The spiritual aspect of valor is evidenced by composure―calm presence
of mind. Tranquillity is courage in repose. It is a statical
manifestation of valor, as daring deeds are a dynamical. A truly brave
man is ever serene; he is never taken by surprise; nothing ruffles the
equanimity of his spirit. In the heat of battle he remains cool; in the
midst of catastrophes he keeps level his mind. Earthquakes do not shake
him, he laughs at storms. We admire him as truly great, who, in the
menacing presence of danger or death, retains his self-possession; who,
for instance, can compose a poem under impending peril or hum a strain
in the face of death. Such indulgence betraying no tremor in the
writing or in the voice, is taken as an infallible index of a large
nature―of what we call a capacious mind (Yoyū), which, for from being
pressed or crowded, has always room for something more.
It passes current among us as a piece of authentic history, that as Ōta
Dokan, the great builder of the castle of Tokyo, was pierced through
with a spear, his assassin, knowing the poetical predilection of his
victim, accompanied his thrust with this couplet―
"Ah! how in moments like these
Our heart doth grudge the light of life;"
whereupon the expiring hero, not one whit daunted by the mortal wound
in his side, added the lines―
"Had not in hours of peace,
It learned to lightly look on life."
There is even a sportive element in a courageous nature. Things which
are serious to ordinary people, may be but play to the valiant. Hence
in old warfare it was not at all rare for the parties to a conflict to
exchange repartee or to begin a rhetorical contest. Combat was not
solely a matter of brute force; it was, as, well, an intellectual
Of such character was the battle fought on the bank of the Koromo
River, late in the eleventh century. The eastern army routed, its
leader, Sadato, took to flight. When the pursuing general pressed him
hard and called aloud―"It is a disgrace for a warrior to show his back
to the enemy," Sadato reined his horse; upon this the conquering chief
shouted an impromptu verse―
"Torn into shreds is the warp of the cloth" (koromo).
Scarcely had the words escaped his lips when the defeated warrior,
undismayed, completed the couplet―
"Since age has worn its threads by use."
Yoshiie, whose bow had all the while been bent, suddenly unstrung it
and turned away, leaving his prospective victim to do as he pleased.
When asked the reason of his strange behavior, he replied that he could
not bear to put to shame one who had kept his presence of mind while
hotly pursued by his enemy.
The sorrow which overtook Antony and Octavius at the death of Brutus,
has been the general experience of brave men. Kenshin, who fought for
fourteen years with Shingen, when he heard of the latter's death, wept
aloud at the loss of "the best of enemies." It was this same Kenshin
who had set a noble example for all time, in his treatment of Shingen,
whose provinces lay in a mountainous region quite away from the sea,
and who had consequently depended upon the Hōjō provinces of the
Tokaido for salt. The Hōjō prince wishing to weaken him, although not
openly at war with him, had cut off from Shingen all traffic in this
important article. Kenshin, hearing of his enemy's dilemma and able to
obtain his salt from the coast of his own dominions, wrote Shingen that
in his opinion the Hōjō lord had committed a very mean act, and that
although he (Kenshin) was at war with him (Shingen) he had ordered his
subjects to furnish him with plenty of salt―adding, "I do not fight
with salt, but with the sword," affording more than a parallel to the
words of Camillus, "We Romans do not fight with gold, but with iron."
Nietzsche spoke for the samurai heart when he wrote, "You are to be
proud of your enemy; then, the success of your enemy is your success
also." Indeed valor and honor alike required that we should own as
enemies in war only such as prove worthy of being friends in peace.
When valor attains this height, it becomes akin to
courage > courage-[単数] < courage n:[名詞] 勇気
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* spirit > spirit-[単数] < spirit n:[名詞] 魂
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* daring > dar-ing [現分] < dare v:[動詞] 思い切って…する; 敢えて〜する;
* and < and :[接続詞]と
* bearing > bearing-[現分] < bear v: bear n:[verb]
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* consideration > consideration-[単数] < consideration
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* which < which :[関係代名詞]
* we > we [一複主] < we pron:[人称代名詞]
* shall > shall-[現在] < shall v:([p]:should):[動詞] 〜だろう、〜べきだ
* now < now : [副詞] 今、
* return > retur-n [現在],[単数] < return n,v:[動・名] 帰る・返す、
* courage > courage-[単数] < courage n:[名詞] 勇気
* was > was-[一単過去] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* scarcely < scarcely : ほとんど〜ない
* deemed > deem-ed [過去],[過分] < deem v : 判断する
* worthy > worth-y [原級],[単数] < worthy a,n:[形容詞]価値ある;名士
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* be > be-[現在] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* counted > coun-ted [過去],[過分] < count v:[動詞] 考慮に入れる
* among < among :amongst :[前置詞]〜の間に
* virtues > uirtue-s [複数] < virtue n:徳 ;
* unless < unless :[接続詞] …でない限り
* it > it [三単主/目的] < it pron:[代名詞]
* was > was-[一単過去] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* exercised > exercis-ed [過去],[過分] < exercise n,v:[動詞,名詞]
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* cause > caus-e [現在],[単数] < cause n,v:[動詞,名詞] 原因
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* righteousness > righteousnes-s [単数] < righteousness n :
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* his > his [三単所有] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* analects > analect-s [単数] < analects n : 語録
* confucius > confuciu-s [現在],[単数] < Confucius n,v
:[固有名詞] 孔子
* defines > defin-es [三単現] < define v:[動詞]定義する
* courage > courage-[単数] < courage n:[名詞] 勇気
* by < by :[前置詞]〜による
* explaining > explai-ning [現分] < explain v:[動詞] を説明する
* as < as :[前置詞]〜として
* is > is-[三単現] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* often > often-[原級] < often a: oft : たびたび
* his > his [三単所有] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* wont > won-t [現在] < wont n,v: 習慣;wonted 慣れた
* what < what : [代名詞] 何;[形容詞] 何の、[関係代名詞];
* its > its [三単所有] < it pron:[代名詞]
* negative > negatiue-[単数] < negative n: 否定; reply in the
* is > is-[三単現] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* perceiving > perceiu-ing [現分] < perceive v:[動詞] を知覚する
* what < what : [代名詞] 何;[形容詞] 何の、[関係代名詞];
* is > is-[三単現] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* right > right-[原級],[現在],[単数] < right a,n,v
* he > he [三単主] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* says > says-[三単現] < say v:([p],[pp]:said):[動詞] 言う
* and < and :[接続詞]と
* doing > doing-[現分] < do v:[助動詞]
* it > it [三単主/目的] < it pron:[代名詞]
* not < not :[否定詞]否
* argues > argu-es [三単現] < argue v:[動詞]論じる,
* lack > lack-[単数],[現在] < lack n,v:[動詞,名詞] ;不足
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* courage > courage-[単数] < courage n:[名詞] 勇気
* put > put-[過去],[過去分詞],[現在] put > put [inf],[p],[pp]
< put v:([inf],[p],[pp]:put):[動詞] (問題を)提起する;put into翻訳する ;put
* this < this :[指示代名詞]
* epigram > epigram-[単数] < epigram n : 風刺詩
* into < into : [前置詞] (運動の方向)〜(の中)へ、(状態の変化)〜に
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* positive < positive :明確な ;
* statement > statement-[単数] < statement n:[名詞]陳述
+ statement > stat-ement [名詞] < state v:述べる ;
* and < and :[接続詞]と
* it > it [三単主/目的] < it pron:[代名詞]
* runs > runs-[三単現] < run
v:([p]:ran)([inf],[pp]:run):[動詞] 〜と書いてある; 走る
* courage > courage-[単数] < courage n:[名詞] 勇気
* is > is-[三単現] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* doing > doing-[現分] < do v:[助動詞]
* what < what : [代名詞] 何;[形容詞] 何の、[関係代名詞];
* is > is-[三単現] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* right > right-[原級],[現在],[単数] < right a,n,v
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* run > run-[過去分詞]],[現在] run > run [inf],[pp] <
run v:([p]:ran)([inf],[pp]:run):[動詞] 〜と書いてある; 走る
* all < all :[形容詞]全ての
* kinds > kin-ds [複数] < kind a,n :親切な,種類
+ kinds > kind-s [複数] < Kind n:([中複]:Kinder):[独中性名詞]子供
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* hazards > hazard-s [複数] < hazard n:[名] 危険
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* jeopardize > ieopardiz-e [現在] < jeopardize v : 〜を危うくする
* one > one-[原級],[単数] < one n,a: [名詞];[形容詞] ;[代名詞] 1、もの
*** s ?? not hit??
* self > self-[単数] < self n:([複数]:selves):[名詞] 自己,
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* rush > ru-sh [現在] < rush v:[動詞] 突進する,
* into < into : [前置詞] (運動の方向)〜(の中)へ、(状態の変化)〜に
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* jaws > iaw-s [複数] < jaw n:[名詞]顎あご;
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* death > death-[単数] < death n :[名詞]死亡
* these < these :[指示代名詞](複数の)
* are > are-[二単現],[複現] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* too < too :[副詞]も同じく
* often > often-[原級] < often a: oft : たびたび
* identified > identif-ied [過去],[過分] < identify v :
([現分詞]:identifying):[動詞] を見分ける
* with < with :[前置詞]〜
* valor > ualor-[単数] < valor n:勇気 ;
* and < and :[接続詞]と
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* profession > profession-[単数] < profession n:[名詞] 職業
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* arms > arm-s [複数],[三単現] < arm n,v :[動詞] 武器
* such > such-[原級] < such a :[形容詞]その様な
* rashness > rash-ness [名詞] < rash a : 気短な、
+ rashness > rashnes-s [単数] < rashness n : 無分別
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* conduct > conduc-t [現在] < conduct n,v:[動詞,名詞] 行為;…を行う
* what < what : [代名詞] 何;[形容詞] 何の、[関係代名詞];
* shakespeare > shakespear-e [現在],[単数] < Shakespeare n,v
* calls > cal-ls [三単現],[複数] < call v,n:
[動詞] 〜を呼ぶ、;〜upon求める
* valor > ualor-[単数] < valor n:勇気 ;
* misbegot > misbegot-[原級] < misbegot a:[古]私生児の
* is > is-[三単現] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* unjustly < unjustly : 不公平に、
* applauded > applau-ded [過去],[過分] < applaud v : 褒める
* but < but :[接続詞]
* not < not :[否定詞]否
* so < so :[接続詞]
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* precepts > precept-s [複数] < precept n:[名詞]教訓;
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* knighthood > knighthood-[単数] < knighthood n:[名詞]騎士道
* death > death-[単数] < death n :[名詞]死亡
* for < for :[前置詞]〜の為の[接続詞]〜の故に
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* cause > caus-e [現在],[単数] < cause n,v:[動詞,名詞] 原因
* unworthy < unworthy : 価値がない、
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* dying > dying [現在分詞] < die
v:([p],[pp]:died)([現在分詞]:dying):[動詞] 死ぬ
* for < for :[前置詞]〜の為の[接続詞]〜の故に
* was > was-[一単過去] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* called > cal-led [過去],[過分] < call v,n:
[動詞] 〜を呼ぶ、;〜upon求める
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* dog > dog-[単数] < dog n:[名詞] 犬
*** s ?? not hit??
* death > death-[単数] < death n :[名詞]死亡
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* rush > ru-sh [現在] < rush v:[動詞] 突進する,
* into < into : [前置詞] (運動の方向)〜(の中)へ、(状態の変化)〜に
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* thick > thick-[原級] < thick a:[形容詞] 厚い
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* battle > battl-e [現在],[単数] < battle n,v:[名詞]戦い
* and < and :[接続詞]と
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* be > be-[現在] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* slain > slain-[過去分詞] slain > slain [pp] < slay v
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* it > it [三単主/目的] < it pron:[代名詞]
* says > says-[三単現] < say v:([p],[pp]:said):[動詞] 言う
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* prince > prince-[単数] < prince n:[名詞] 王子
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* mito > mit-o [単数] < mito n:[日本語]水戸;
* is > is-[三単現] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* easy > eas-y [原級] < easy a: [形容詞]易しい
* enough > enough-[原級] < enough a: [形容詞] じゅうぶんな
* and < and :[接続詞]と
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* merest > mer-est [最高級] < mere a:[形] 単なる、
* churl > churl-[単数] < churl n : 粗野な男
* is > is-[三単現] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* equal > equa-l [現在],[原級] < equal a,v:[動詞,形容詞] 等しい;
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* task > task-[単数] < task n:[名詞] 仕事
* but < but :[接続詞]
* he > he [三単主] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* continues > continu-es [三単現] < continue v :[他動詞]継続する
* it > it [三単主/目的] < it pron:[代名詞]
* is > is-[三単現] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* true > tru-e [原級] < true a:[形] 真実の
* courage > courage-[単数] < courage n:[名詞] 勇気
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* live > liu-e [現在] < live v: [動詞] 住む、
* when < when :[関係副詞]その時
* it > it [三単主/目的] < it pron:[代名詞]
* is > is-[三単現] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* right > right-[原級],[現在],[単数] < right a,n,v
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* live > liu-e [現在] < live v: [動詞] 住む、
* and < and :[接続詞]と
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* die > die-[現在] < die
v:([p],[pp]:died)([現在分詞]:dying):[動詞] 死ぬ
+ die < die :(複数: dice ):[名詞]
* only < only :[副詞]唯の
* when < when :[関係副詞]その時
* it > it [三単主/目的] < it pron:[代名詞]
* is > is-[三単現] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* right > right-[原級],[現在],[単数] < right a,n,v
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* die > die-[現在] < die
v:([p],[pp]:died)([現在分詞]:dying):[動詞] 死ぬ
+ die < die :(複数: dice ):[名詞]
* and < and :[接続詞]と
* yet < yet : [副詞] (疑問文で)すでに、(否定文で)まだ、
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* prince > prince-[単数] < prince n:[名詞] 王子
* had > had-[過去],[過去分詞] < have v:[動詞] 所有する
* not < not :[否定詞]否
* even < even :でさえ;
* heard > heard-[過去],[過去分詞] heard > heard [p],[pp]
< hear v:([p],[pp]:heard):[動詞] 聞く
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* name > nam-e [現在],[単数] < name n,v: [名詞] 名前 ;名付ける
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* plato > plat-o [単数] < plato n:プラトン (427?‐?347
B.C)ギリシャの哲学者 ;
* who > who [三単主] < who pron::[関係代名詞][疑問代名詞]
* defines > defin-es [三単現] < define v:[動詞]定義する
* courage > courage-[単数] < courage n:[名詞] 勇気
* as < as :[前置詞]〜として
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* knowledge > knowledge-[単数] < knowledge n:[名詞] 知識
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* things > thing-s [複数] < thing n:[名詞] もの、こと
* that < that :[関係代名詞]
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* man > man-[単数] < man n: [名詞] 男の人
* should > should-[過去] should > should [p] < shall
v:([p]:should):[動詞] 〜だろう、〜べきだ
* fear > fea-r [現在],[単数] < fear n,v:[動詞,名詞] を恐れる;恐れ
* and < and :[接続詞]と
* that < that :[関係代名詞]
* he > he [三単主] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* should > should-[過去] should > should [p] < shall
v:([p]:should):[動詞] 〜だろう、〜べきだ
* not < not :[否定詞]否
* fear > fea-r [現在],[単数] < fear n,v:[動詞,名詞] を恐れる;恐れ
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* distinction > distinction-[単数] < distinction n:[名詞] 区別
* which < which :[関係代名詞]
* is > is-[三単現] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* made > made-[過去],[過去分詞] < make v:[動詞] させる(使役) ;作る
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* west > west-[原級],[単数] < west a,n:[名・形] 西(の);西洋の
* between < between : [前置詞] 〜の間に
* moral > moral-[単数] < moral n :[名詞]道徳
* and < and :[接続詞]と
* physical > physical-[原級] < physical a:[形容詞] 身体の
* courage > courage-[単数] < courage n:[名詞] 勇気
* has > has-[三単現] < have v:[動詞] 所有する
* long > long-[原級] < long a :[形容詞]久しく
* been > been-[過去分詞] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* recognized > recogniz-ed [過去],[過分] < recognize v:[動詞]
* among < among :amongst :[前置詞]〜の間に
* us > us [一複目的] < we pron:[人称代名詞]
* what < what : [代名詞] 何;[形容詞] 何の、[関係代名詞];
* samurai > samurai-[単数] < samurai n:[日本語]侍
* youth > youth-[単数] < youth n:[名詞] 青少年
* has > has-[三単現] < have v:[動詞] 所有する
* not < not :[否定詞]否
* heard > heard-[過去],[過去分詞] heard > heard [p],[pp]
< hear v:([p],[pp]:heard):[動詞] 聞く
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* great > great-[原級] < great a :[形容詞]巨大である
* valor > ualor-[単数] < valor n:勇気 ;
* and < and :[接続詞]と
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* valor > ualor-[単数] < valor n:勇気 ;
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* villein > uillein-[単数] < villein n:農奴;
* valor > ualor-[単数] < valor n:勇気 ;
* fortitude > fortitude-[単数] < fortitude n : 剛勇
* bravery > brauer-y [単数] < bravery n:勇敢 ;
* fearlessness > fearlessnes-s [単数] < fearlessness n :
* courage > courage-[単数] < courage n:[名詞] 勇気
* being > being-[現分] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
+ being > being-[単数] < being n : [名詞]生き物、存在、
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* qualities > qualit-ies [複数] < quality n:[名詞] 質
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* soul > soul-[単数] < soul n :[名詞]魂; (数詞を伴って) …人;
* which < which :[関係代名詞]
* appeal > appea-l [現在] < appeal v:[動詞] 訴える
* most < most :[副詞]最も
* easily > eas-ily [副詞] < easy a: [形容詞]易しい
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* juvenile > iuuenil-e [原級] < juvenile a:少年の;
* minds > min-ds [三単現],[複数] < mind n,v:[動詞,名詞] 思考;
* and < and :[接続詞]と
* which < which :[関係代名詞]
* can > can [現在] can < can
* be > be-[現在] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* trained > trai-ned [過去],[過分] < train v :[動詞] 訓練する
* by < by :[前置詞]〜による
* exercise > exercis-e [現在],[単数] < exercise n,v:[動詞,名詞]
* and < and :[接続詞]と
* example > example-[単数] < example n:[名詞] 例
* were > were-[二単過去],[複過去] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* so < so :[接続詞]
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* speak > speak-[現在] < speak
v:([p]:spoke)([pp]:spoken):[動詞] 話す
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* most < most :[副詞]最も
* popular > popular-[原級] < popular a:[形容詞] 大衆の
* virtues > uirtue-s [複数] < virtue n:徳 ;
* early > earl-y [原級] < early a :[形容詞]初期の
* emulated > emulat-ed [過去],[過分] < emulate v : まねる、
* among < among :amongst :[前置詞]〜の間に
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* youth > youth-[単数] < youth n:[名詞] 青少年
* stories > stor-ies [複数] < story n: [名詞] 物語
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* military > militar-y [原級] < military a:[形容詞] 軍事の
* exploits > exploit-s [複数] < exploit n:[名詞]功績
* were > were-[二単過去],[複過去] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* repeated > rep-eated [過去],[過分] < repeat v:[動] 〜をくり返す、
* almost < almost :[副] ほとんど
* before < before :[前置詞]〜の前に
* boys > bo-ys [複数] < boy n: [名詞] 、少年;
* left > left-[原級],[単数] < left a,n: [形容詞] 左の;[名詞] 左側
+ left > left-[過去],[過去分詞] left > left [p],[pp] <
leave v:([p],[pp]:left):[動詞] 去る;置いて行く
* their > their [三複所有] < they pron:[人称代名詞]
* mother > mother-[単数] < mother n :[名詞]母
*** s ?? not hit??
* breast > breast-[単数] < breast n:[名詞]胸,
* does > does-[三単現] < do v:[助動詞]
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* little > littl-e [原級] < little a: [形容詞] 小さい、;[副詞] a
little 少し
* booby > boob-y [単数] < booby n : まぬけ、
* cry > cr-y [現在] < cry v: [動詞] (声をあげて)泣く
* for < for :[前置詞]〜の為の[接続詞]〜の故に
* any > an-y [原級] < any a :[形容詞]何か
* ache > ach-e [現在] < ache v:[自] 痛む
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* mother > mother-[単数] < mother n :[名詞]母
* scolds > scol-ds [三単現] < scold v : 叱る
* him > him [三単目的] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* this < this :[指示代名詞]
* fashion > fashion-[単数] < fashion n:[名詞]流行
+ fashion > fashio-n [現在] < fashion v:適合させる
* what < what : [代名詞] 何;[形容詞] 何の、[関係代名詞];
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* coward > cowar-d [原級],[単数] < coward a,n:[名詞,形容詞] 臆病な
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* cry > cr-y [現在] < cry v: [動詞] (声をあげて)泣く
* for < for :[前置詞]〜の為の[接続詞]〜の故に
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* trifling < trifling : 僅かな、
* pain > pain-[単数] < pain n:[名詞] 痛み
* what < what : [代名詞] 何;[形容詞] 何の、[関係代名詞];
* will > wil-l [現在],[単数] will > will [現在] < will
n,v: won :([現在]:will)([過去]:would): 意思; 望む; won't=will not
* you > you [二単主/目的],[二複主/目的] < you pron:[人称代名詞]二格
* do > do-[現在] < do v:[助動詞]
* when < when :[関係副詞]その時
* your > your [二単所有],[二複所有] < you pron:[人称代名詞]二格
* arm > arm-[単数],[現在] < arm n,v :[動詞] 武器
* is > is-[三単現] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* cut > cut-[過去],[過去分詞],[現在] cut > cut [inf],[p],[pp]
< cut v:([inf],[p],[pp]:cut):[動詞] 切る
* off < off :[前置詞]〜 離れて
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* battle > battl-e [現在],[単数] < battle n,v:[名詞]戦い
* what < what : [代名詞] 何;[形容詞] 何の、[関係代名詞];
* when < when :[関係副詞]その時
* you > you [二単主/目的],[二複主/目的] < you pron:[人称代名詞]二格
* are > are-[二単現],[複現] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* called > cal-led [過去],[過分] < call v,n:
[動詞] 〜を呼ぶ、;〜upon求める
* upon < upon :[前置詞]〜 上に
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* commit > commi-t [現在] < commit v:[動詞] を犯す commit
* harakiri > harakiri-[単数] < harakiri n:切腹 ;
* we > we [一複主] < we pron:[人称代名詞]
* all < all :[形容詞]全ての
* know > know-[現在] < know v
:([過去]:-knew;[過去分詞]:-known):[動詞]知る;well-known 好く知られた
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* pathetic < pathetic : 哀れな
* fortitude > fortitude-[単数] < fortitude n : 剛勇
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* famished > fami-shed [過去],[過分] < famish v : 欠乏に耐える
* little > littl-e [原級] < little a: [形容詞] 小さい、;[副詞] a
little 少し
* boy > bo-y [単数] < boy n: [名詞] 、少年;
* prince > prince-[単数] < prince n:[名詞] 王子
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* sendai > sendai-[単数] < sendai n:[日本語]仙台;
* who > who [三単主] < who pron::[関係代名詞][疑問代名詞]
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* drama > drama-[単数] < drama n:[名詞]劇
* is > is-[三単現] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* made > made-[過去],[過去分詞] < make v:[動詞] させる(使役) ;作る
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* say > say-[現在] < say v:([p],[pp]:said):[動詞] 言う
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* his > his [三単所有] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* little > littl-e [原級] < little a: [形容詞] 小さい、;[副詞] a
little 少し
* page > page-[単数] < page n:[名詞] 頁;一節
* seest > seest-[古二単現/過去] < see v:[動詞] 見る
* thou > thou [二古] < you pron:[人称代名詞]二格
* those < those :[指示代名詞]
* tiny > tin-y [原級] < tiny a:[形容詞] ごく小さい
* sparrows > sparrow-s [複数] < sparrow n:[名詞] スズメ
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* nest > nest-[単数] < nest n:[名詞] 巣
* how < how :[関係詞]どんな具合に
* their > their [三複所有] < they pron:[人称代名詞]
* yellow > yellow-[原級] < yellow a: [形容詞] 黄色い
* bills > bill-s [複数] < bill n:[名詞]為替手形
* are > are-[二単現],[複現] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* opened > ope-ned [過去],[過分] < open v :[動詞] 開く
* wide > wid-e [原級] < wide a:[形・副] 広い、広く
* and < and :[接続詞]と
* now < now : [副詞] 今、
* see > see-[現在] < see v:[動詞] 見る
* there < there : [副詞] そこに、そこで
* comes > comes-[三単現] < come v :[動詞] 〜(する)ようになる;coming
n,v :来たるべき,次の;come round廻って来る
* their > their [三複所有] < they pron:[人称代名詞]
* mother > mother-[単数] < mother n :[名詞]母
* with < with :[前置詞]〜
* worms > worm-s [複数] < worm n:[名詞]虫
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* feed > fee-d [現在] < feed v:([p],[pp]:fed):[動詞] にえさを与える
* them > them [三複目的] < they pron:[人称代名詞]
* how < how :[関係詞]どんな具合に
* eagerly < eagerly : 熱心に
* and < and :[接続詞]と
* happily < happily :[副] 幸福に
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* little > littl-e [原級] < little a: [形容詞] 小さい、;[副詞] a
little 少し
* ones > one-s [複数] < one n,a: [名詞];[形容詞] ;[代名詞] 1、もの
* eat > eat-[現在] eat > eat [inf] < eat
v:([inf]:eat)([p]:ate)([pp]:eaten):[動詞] 食べる
* but < but :[接続詞]
* for < for :[前置詞]〜の為の[接続詞]〜の故に
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* samurai > samurai-[単数] < samurai n:[日本語]侍
* when < when :[関係副詞]その時
* his > his [三単所有] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* stomach > stoma-ch [単数] < stomach n:[名詞]胃
* is > is-[三単現] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* empty > empt-y [原級] < empty a:[形容詞] 空の
* it > it [三単主/目的] < it pron:[代名詞]
* is > is-[三単現] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* disgrace > disgrace-[単数] < disgrace n : 恥辱
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* feel > feel-[現在] < feel v :([p],[pp]:felt):[動詞]
感じる ;feeling感情(複数形)
* hunger > hunger-[単数] < hunger n:[名詞] 飢え
* anecdotes > anecdote-s [複数] < anecdote n : 逸話
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* fortitude > fortitude-[単数] < fortitude n : 剛勇
* and < and :[接続詞]と
* bravery > brauer-y [単数] < bravery n:勇敢 ;
* abound > aboun-d [現在] < abound v : 富む、
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* nursery > nurser-y [単数] < nursery n : 子供部屋
* tales > tale-s [複数] < tale n:[名詞] お話
* though < though :[接] 〜だけれども
* stories > stor-ies [複数] < story n: [名詞] 物語
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* this < this :[指示代名詞]
* kind > kin-d [原級],[単数] < kind a,n :親切な,種類
+ kind > kind-[単数] < Kind n:([中複]:Kinder):[独中性名詞]子供
* are > are-[二単現],[複現] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* not < not :[否定詞]否
* by < by :[前置詞]〜による
* any > an-y [原級] < any a :[形容詞]何か
* means > means-[三単現] < mean v:([p],[pp]:meant):[動詞] 意味する
+ means > mean-s [単数] < means n:[名詞]手段,
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* only < only :[副詞]唯の
* method > method-[単数] < method n :[名詞] 手法
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* early > earl-y [原級] < early a :[形容詞]初期の
* imbuing > imbu-ing [現分] < imbue v :(思想を)吹込む (with)
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* spirit > spirit-[単数] < spirit n:[名詞] 魂
* with < with :[前置詞]〜
* daring > dar-ing [現分] < dare v:[動詞] 思い切って…する; 敢えて〜する;
* and < and :[接続詞]と
* fearlessness > fearlessnes-s [単数] < fearlessness n :
* parents > parent-s [複数] < parent n:[名詞] 親
* with < with :[前置詞]〜
* sternness > sternnes-s [単数] < sternness n : 厳格さ
* sometimes < sometimes : [副詞] ときどき
* verging > uerg-ing [現分] < verge v:接する ;
* on < on :[前置詞]〜の上の
* cruelty > cruelt-y [単数] < cruelty n:[名詞]残虐
* set > set-[過去],[過去分詞],[現在] set > set [inf],[p/pp]
< set v:([inf],[p/pp]:set):[動詞] 置くset down書き留める
* their > their [三複所有] < they pron:[人称代名詞]
* children > children [複数] < child n
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* tasks > task-s [複数] < task n:[名詞] 仕事
* that < that :[関係代名詞]
* called > cal-led [過去],[過分] < call v,n:
[動詞] 〜を呼ぶ、;〜upon求める
* forth < forth :bring forth (花を)咲かせる、実を結ぶ;and so forth など
* all < all :[形容詞]全ての
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* pluck > pluck-[単数],[現在] < pluck n,v : 勇気 ;摘む
* that < that :[関係代名詞]
* was > was-[一単過去] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* them > them [三複目的] < they pron:[人称代名詞]
* bears > bears-[三単現] bears > bear-s [複数] < bear
v: bear n:[verb] 運ぶ、生れる;耐える;経験する;熊;
* hurl > hur-l [現在] < hurl v : 力一杯投げつける
* their > their [三複所有] < they pron:[人称代名詞]
* cubs > cub-s [複数] < cub n : 幼い子供
* down < down : [副詞] 下に;[前置詞] 〜を通って、
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* gorge > gorge-[単数] < gorge n : 小渓谷、
* they > they [三複主] < they pron:[人称代名詞]
* said > said-[過去],[過去分詞] said > said [p],[pp] <
say v:([p],[pp]:said):[動詞] 言う
* samurai > samurai-[単数] < samurai n:[日本語]侍
*** s ?? not hit??
* sons > son-s [複数] < son n: [名詞] 息子
* were > were-[二単過去],[複過去] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* let > let-[過去],[過去分詞],[現在] let > let [inf],[p/pp]
< let v:([inf],[p/pp]:let):[動詞] させる
* down < down : [副詞] 下に;[前置詞] 〜を通って、
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* steep > steep-[原級],[単数] < steep a,n:[形容詞]急勾配の;[名詞]急坂
* valleys > ualle-ys [複数] < valley n:谷 ;
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* hardship > hardship-[単数] < hardship n:[名詞]苦難,
* and < and :[接続詞]と
* spurred > spu-rred [過去],[過分] < spur v : 駆り立てる
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* sisyphus > sisyphu-s [現在],[単数] < Sisyphus n,v
* like > lik-e [現在] < like v: [動詞] 〜を好む、
+ like < Like :[前置詞]〜の様に
* tasks > task-s [複数] < task n:[名詞] 仕事
* occasional < occasional : 時々の、
* deprivation > depriuation-[単数] < deprivation n:剥奪 ;
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* food > food-[単数] < food n: [名詞] 食べ物
* or < or :[接続詞]又は
* exposure > exposure-[単数] < exposure n:[名詞] 暴露
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* cold > col-d [原級] < cold a: [形容詞] 冷たい
* was > was-[一単過去] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* considered > conside-red [過去],[過分] < consider v:[動詞]
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* highly > high-ly [副詞] < high a: [形容詞] (程度などが)高い
* efficacious < efficacious : 、有効な
* test > tes-t [現在] < test v:[動] 試験(をする)
* for < for :[前置詞]〜の為の[接続詞]〜の故に
* inuring > inur-ing [現分] < inure v : 有効となる
* them > them [三複目的] < they pron:[人称代名詞]
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* endurance > endurance-[単数] < endurance n : 我慢
* children > children [複数] < child n
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* tender > ten-der [する人] < tend v :[動詞]tend towards の傾向がある
+ tender > tender-[原級] < tender a:[形] 若い;柔らかな;
* age > age-[単数] < age n:[名詞] 年齢、時代
* were > were-[二単過去],[複過去] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* sent > sent [p],[pp] < send
v:([inf]:send)([p],[pp]:sent):[動詞] 送る
* among < among :amongst :[前置詞]〜の間に
* utter > utter-[原級] < utter a:全くの
+ utter > utte-r [現在] < utter v :[動詞]述べる
* strangers > stranger-s [複数] < stranger n:[名詞] 見知らぬ人
* with < with :[前置詞]〜
* some > som-e [原級] < some a :[形容詞]幾つかの
* message > message-[単数] < message n:[名詞] 伝言
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* deliver > deliue-r [現在] < deliver v:配達する ;引渡す
* were > were-[二単過去],[複過去] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* made > made-[過去],[過去分詞] < make v:[動詞] させる(使役) ;作る
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* rise > rise-[現在] < rise v:([p]:rose)([pp]:risen):[動詞]
上る; give rise to生じさせる;
* before < before :[前置詞]〜の前に
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* sun > sun-[単数] < sun n: [名詞] 太陽
* and < and :[接続詞]と
* before < before :[前置詞]〜の前に
* breakfast > breakfast-[単数] < breakfast n: [名詞] 朝食
* attend > atten-d [現在] < attend v:[動詞] …に出席する
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* their > their [三複所有] < they pron:[人称代名詞]
* reading > reading-[現分] < read
v:([inf],[p],[pp]:read):[動詞] 読む
* exercises > exercis-es [三単現],[複数] < exercise
n,v:[動詞,名詞] 実行する;訓練
* walking > walk-ing [現分] < walk v,n:
[動詞] 歩く;[名詞] 散歩、歩くこと
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* their > their [三複所有] < they pron:[人称代名詞]
* teacher > teacher-[単数] < teacher n: [名詞] 先生
+ teacher > teacher-[する人] < teach
v:([p],[pp]:taught):[動詞] 教える
* with < with :[前置詞]〜
* bare > bar-e [原級],[現在] < bare a,v:[形容詞]はだかの
* feet > feet [複数] < foot :(複数: feet ):[名詞]
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* cold > col-d [原級] < cold a: [形容詞] 冷たい
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* winter > winter-[単数] < winter n: [名詞] 冬
* they > they [三複主] < they pron:[人称代名詞]
* frequently > frequent-ly [副詞] < frequent a:[形容詞] 頻繁な
* once > onc-e [原級] < once a :[形容詞]昔;一度
* or < or :[接続詞]又は
* twice < twice :[副詞]2度, 2回; 2倍に
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* month > month-[単数] < month n :[名詞]月
* as < as :[前置詞]〜として
* on < on :[前置詞]〜の上の
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* festival > festiual-[単数] < festival n:祝祭;
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* god > god-[単数] < god n:[名詞] 神
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* learning > learning-[現分] < learn
v:([p],[pp]:learnt):[verb] 学ぶ;lerning学問
* came > came-[過去] < come v :[動詞] 〜(する)ようになる;coming n,v
:来たるべき,次の;come round廻って来る
* together < together : [副詞] いっしょに
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* small > small-[原級] < small a: [形容詞] 小さい
* groups > group-s [複数] < group n:[名詞] 群れ
* and < and :[接続詞]と
* passed > pas-sed [過去],[過分] < pass n,v:[動詞]過ごす; pass
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* night > night-[単数] < night n: [名詞] 夜
* without < without : [前置詞] 〜なしに
* sleep > sleep-[現在] < sleep v:([p],[pp]:slept):[動詞] 寝る
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* reading > reading-[現分] < read
v:([inf],[p],[pp]:read):[動詞] 読む
* aloud < aloud :[副詞] 声に出して
* by < by :[前置詞]〜による
* turns > tur-ns [三単現],[複数] < turn v,n:
[動詞] (に)〜を向ける;turn out造り出す;by turns代わる代わる;turn away 追払う;in (one's)
turn 順次に;
* pilgrimages > pilgrimage-s [複数] < pilgrimage n : 聖地巡り
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* all < all :[形容詞]全ての
* sorts > sor-ts [三単現] < sort n,v: 区分する ;種類
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* uncanny < uncanny : 神秘的な、
* places > plac-es [三単現],[複数] < place n,v :[名詞] 置く;位置;
give place to…に代わられる
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* execution > execution-[単数] < execution n : 死刑
* grounds > ground-s [複数] < ground n:[名詞] 場所,
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* graveyards > graueyard-s [複数] < graveyard n: 墓所 ;
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* houses > house-s [複数] < house n: [名詞] 家
* reputed < reputed : 〜と一般に言われる、
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* be > be-[現在] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* haunted < haunted : 幽霊の出る
* were > were-[二単過去],[複過去] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* favorite > fauorit-e [原級] < favorite a: お気に入りの
* pastimes > pastime-s [複数] < pastime n : 娯楽
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* young > young-[原級] < young a: [形容詞] 若い
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* days > da-ys [複数] < day n :[名詞]日
* when < when :[関係副詞]その時
* decapitation > decapitation-[単数] < decapitation n :
* was > was-[一単過去] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* public > public-[原級],[単数] < public a,n:[名詞,形容詞] 公共の;大衆
* not < not :[否定詞]否
* only < only :[副詞]唯の
* were > were-[二単過去],[複過去] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* small > small-[原級] < small a: [形容詞] 小さい
* boys > bo-ys [複数] < boy n: [名詞] 、少年;
* sent > sent [p],[pp] < send
v:([inf]:send)([p],[pp]:sent):[動詞] 送る
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* witness > witnes-s [現在],[単数] < witness n,v:[動詞,名詞] 目撃する
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* ghastly < ghastly : 恐ろしい、
* scene > scene-[単数] < scene n:[名詞] 場面
* but < but :[接続詞]
* they > they [三複主] < they pron:[人称代名詞]
* were > were-[二単過去],[複過去] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* made > made-[過去],[過去分詞] < make v:[動詞] させる(使役) ;作る
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* visit > ui-sit [現在] < visit v:訪問する ;
* alone > alon-e [原級] < alone a:[副・形] 1人で
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* place > plac-e [現在],[単数] < place n,v :[名詞] 置く;位置; give
place to…に代わられる
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* darkness > dark-ness [名詞] < dark a:[形容詞] 暗い ;darkness闇
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* night > night-[単数] < night n: [名詞] 夜
* and < and :[接続詞]と
* there < there : [副詞] そこに、そこで
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* leave > leaue-[現在] < leave v:([p],[pp]:left):[動詞]
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* mark > mark-[単数],[現在] < mark n,v:[動詞,名詞] しるし;目立たせる;
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* their > their [三複所有] < they pron:[人称代名詞]
* visit > ui-sit [現在] < visit v:訪問する ;
* on < on :[前置詞]〜の上の
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* trunkless > trunkless-[原級] < trunkless a:胴のない
* head > head-[単数] < head n: [名詞] 頭
* does > does-[三単現] < do v:[助動詞]
* this < this :[指示代名詞]
* ultra < ultra : 極端な
* spartan > sparta-n [現在],[単数] < spartan n,v
* system > system-[単数] < system n :[名詞]制度
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* drilling > dril-ling [現分] < drill v:反復練習させて教込む
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* nerves > nerue-s [複数] < nerve n: 神経;勇気;nerve center
* strike > strike-[現在] < strike v:([p],[pp]:struck):[動詞]
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* modern > modern-[原級] < modern a:[形容詞] 現代の,近代の
* pedagogist > pedagogist-[単数] < pedagogist
* with < with :[前置詞]〜
* horror > horror-[原級],[単数] < horror a,n:[名詞]恐怖;
* and < and :[接続詞]と
* doubt > doub-t [現在] < doubt n,v:[動詞,名詞] 疑い;…を疑う
* doubt > doub-t [現在] < doubt n,v:[動詞,名詞] 疑い;…を疑う
* whether < whether :[接] 〜かどうか
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* tendency > tendenc-y [単数] < tendency n:[名詞]傾向
* would > would [過去] < will n,v: won
:([現在]:will)([過去]:would): 意思; 望む; won't=will not
* not < not :[否定詞]否
* be > be-[現在] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* brutalizing > brutaliz-ing [現分] < brutalize v : 残忍にする、
* nipping < nipping : 辛辣な
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* bud < bud : つぼみ、芽
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* tender > ten-der [する人] < tend v :[動詞]tend towards の傾向がある
+ tender > tender-[原級] < tender a:[形] 若い;柔らかな;
* emotions > emotion-s [複数] < emotion n:[名詞] 感情
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* heart > heart-[単数] < heart n:[名詞] 心
* let > let-[過去],[過去分詞],[現在] let > let [inf],[p/pp]
< let v:([inf],[p/pp]:let):[動詞] させる
* us > us [一複目的] < we pron:[人称代名詞]
* see > see-[現在] < see v:[動詞] 見る
* what < what : [代名詞] 何;[形容詞] 何の、[関係代名詞];
* other < other :([pron.pl]:others) :[形容詞][代名詞] 他のother than 以外の
* concepts > concept-s [複数] < concept n:[名詞] 概念,考え方,
* bushido > bushid-o [単数] < Bushido n :[日本語]武士道、日本古来の魂の美学
* had > had-[過去],[過去分詞] < have v:[動詞] 所有する
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* valor > ualor-[単数] < valor n:勇気 ;
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* spiritual > spiritual-[原級] < spiritual a:[形容詞] 精神の
* aspect > aspect-[単数] < aspect n:[名詞] 局面
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* valor > ualor-[単数] < valor n:勇気 ;
* is > is-[三単現] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* evidenced > euidenc-ed [過去],[過分] < evidence v:証(明)する
* by < by :[前置詞]〜による
* composure > composure-[単数] < composure n : 沈着
* calm > calm-[原級] < calm a:[形容詞] 平静な,
* presence > presence-[単数] < presence n:[名詞] 存在
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* mind > min-d [現在],[単数] < mind n,v:[動詞,名詞] 思考;
* tranquillity > tranquillit-y [単数] < tranquillity n : 静穏
* is > is-[三単現] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* courage > courage-[単数] < courage n:[名詞] 勇気
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* repose > repose-[単数] < repose n : 休息、
* it > it [三単主/目的] < it pron:[代名詞]
* is > is-[三単現] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* statical < statical : 静学的な、
* manifestation > manifestation-[単数] < manifestation n :
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* valor > ualor-[単数] < valor n:勇気 ;
* as < as :[前置詞]〜として
* daring > dar-ing [現分] < dare v:[動詞] 思い切って…する; 敢えて〜する;
* deeds > deed-s [複数] < deed n:[名詞]行動
* are > are-[二単現],[複現] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* dynamical > dynamical-[原級] < dynamical a:力学的な. ;
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* truly < truly :[副詞][形容詞を修飾して] 実に,
* brave > brau-e [原級] < brave a:勇敢な;
* man > man-[単数] < man n: [名詞] 男の人
* is > is-[三単現] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* ever < ever :凡そ.;
* serene < serene : 静穏な、
* he > he [三単主] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* is > is-[三単現] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* never < never :強い否定 ;
* taken > taken-[過去分詞] < take v : [動詞]take into account
* by < by :[前置詞]〜による
* surprise > surpris-e [現在],[単数] < surprise n,v:[動詞,名詞]
* nothing < nothing : [代名詞] 何も〜ない
* ruffles > ruffle-s [複数] < ruffle n : 襞飾り
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* equanimity > equanimit-y [単数] < equanimity n:[名詞] 沈着
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* his > his [三単所有] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* spirit > spirit-[単数] < spirit n:[名詞] 魂
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* heat > hea-t [現在] < heat n,v:[名・動] 熱、熱さ・〜を熱する
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* battle > battl-e [現在],[単数] < battle n,v:[名詞]戦い
* he > he [三単主] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* remains > remai-ns [三単現],[複数] < remain n,v:[動詞] …のままである,
* cool > cool-[原級] < cool a: [形容詞] 冷静な、涼しい
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* midst > midst-[単数] < midst n : in the midst of の最中に;
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* catastrophes > catastrophe-s [複数] < catastrophe n :
* he > he [三単主] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* keeps > keeps-[三単現] < keep v:([p],[pp]:kept):[動詞] 保つ
* level > leuel-[単数] < level n:水準 ;
* his > his [三単所有] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* mind > min-d [現在],[単数] < mind n,v:[動詞,名詞] 思考;
* earthquakes > earthquake-s [複数] < earthquake n:[名詞] 地震
* do > do-[現在] < do v:[助動詞]
* not < not :[否定詞]否
* shake > shak-e [現在] < shake
v:([p]:shook)([pp]:shaken):[動詞] 揺れる
* him > him [三単目的] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* he > he [三単主] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* laughs > laugh-s [複数],[三単現] < laugh n,v:[動・名] 笑う
* at < at :[前置詞]〜の時
* storms > storm-s [複数] < storm n:[名詞] 嵐
* we > we [一複主] < we pron:[人称代名詞]
* admire > admir-e [現在] < admire v:[動詞] …を賞賛する
* him > him [三単目的] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* as < as :[前置詞]〜として
* truly < truly :[副詞][形容詞を修飾して] 実に,
* great > great-[原級] < great a :[形容詞]巨大である
* who > who [三単主] < who pron::[関係代名詞][疑問代名詞]
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* menacing > menac-ing [現分] < menace n,v:威嚇する;
* presence > presence-[単数] < presence n:[名詞] 存在
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* danger > danger-[単数] < danger n:[名詞] 危険
* or < or :[接続詞]又は
* death > death-[単数] < death n :[名詞]死亡
* retains > retai-ns [三単現] < retain v:[動詞] を保持する
* his > his [三単所有] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* self > self-[単数] < self n:([複数]:selves):[名詞] 自己,
* possession > possession-[単数] < possession n:[名詞] 所有,所有物
* who > who [三単主] < who pron::[関係代名詞][疑問代名詞]
* for < for :[前置詞]〜の為の[接続詞]〜の故に
* instance > instance-[単数] < instance n:[名詞] 事例; for
instance譬(たとえ)ば;in the first instance第一に,まず;
* can > can [現在] can < can
* compose > compos-e [現在] < compose v:[動詞] を作る
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* poem > poem-[単数] < poem n:[名詞] 詩
* under < under :[前置詞]〜 の元で
* impending > impen-ding [現分] < impend v : 差迫る
* peril > peril-[単数] < peril n : 差迫った危険
* or < or :[接続詞]又は
* hum > hum-[現在] < hum v :(現分:humming;過,過分:hummed) : 鼻歌で歌う
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* strain > strain-[単数] < strain n:詩歌
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* face > fac-e [現在] < face v:[動詞] …に直面する
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* death > death-[単数] < death n :[名詞]死亡
* such > such-[原級] < such a :[形容詞]その様な
* indulgence > indulgence-[単数] < indulgence n : 耽溺、
* betraying > betra-ying [現分] < betray v:[他動詞]裏切る
* no < no :[否定詞] 否
* tremor > tremor-[単数] < tremor n : 震え
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* writing > writing-[現分] writing > writing-[単数] <
write v: writing n:[動詞] 書く
* or < or :[接続詞]又は
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* voice > uoice-[単数] < voice n:音声
* is > is-[三単現] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* taken > taken-[過去分詞] < take v : [動詞]take into account
* as < as :[前置詞]〜として
* an < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* infallible > infallibl-e [原級] < infallible a : 全然誤りのない
* index > inde-x [単数] < index n:[名] 指標、
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* large > larg-e [原級] < large a: [形容詞] 大きい、
* nature > nature-[単数] < nature n :[名詞]性質;human nature人
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* what < what : [代名詞] 何;[形容詞] 何の、[関係代名詞];
* we > we [一複主] < we pron:[人称代名詞]
* call > cal-l [現在],[単数] < call v,n: [動詞] 〜を呼ぶ、;〜upon求める
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* capacious > capacious-[原級] < capacious a: 包容力のある
* mind > min-d [現在],[単数] < mind n,v:[動詞,名詞] 思考;
* yoyū < yoyū :[日本語]余裕
* which < which :[関係代名詞]
* for < for :[前置詞]〜の為の[接続詞]〜の故に
* from < from :[前置詞]〜から
* being > being-[現分] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
+ being > being-[単数] < being n : [名詞]生き物、存在、
* pressed > pres-sed [過去],[過分] < press n,v:[動詞,名詞] ;出版物
* or < or :[接続詞]又は
* crowded > crow-ded [過去],[過分] < crowd v : [稀]駆立てる;
* has > has-[三単現] < have v:[動詞] 所有する
* always < always : [副詞] いつも
* room > room-[単数] < room n :[名詞]余地
* for < for :[前置詞]〜の為の[接続詞]〜の故に
* something < something : [代名詞] 何か、あるもの
* more < more :[副詞]more than 以上の
* it > it [三単主/目的] < it pron:[代名詞]
* passes > pas-ses [三単現],[複数] < pass n,v:[動詞]過ごす; pass
* current > current-[原級] < current a:[名詞,形容詞] 現在の
* among < among :amongst :[前置詞]〜の間に
* us > us [一複目的] < we pron:[人称代名詞]
* as < as :[前置詞]〜として
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* piece > piece-[単数] < piece n:[名詞] 1個
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* authentic < authentic : 典拠のある
* history > histor-y [単数] < history n :[名詞]歴史
* that < that :[関係代名詞]
* as < as :[前置詞]〜として
* ōta > ōta-[単数] < ōta n:[固有名詞]太田 ;
* dokan < dokan :[日本語]太田道灌
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* great > great-[原級] < great a :[形容詞]巨大である
* builder > builder-[単数] < builder n :建設者
+ builder > builder-[する人] < build v:([p],[pp]:built):[動詞]
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* castle > castle-[単数] < castle n:[名詞] 城
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* tokyo < Tokyo :[日本語] 東京
* was > was-[一単過去] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* pierced > pierc-ed [過去],[過分] < pierce v : 突き刺さる
* through < through :thro :[前置詞]を通して
* with < with :[前置詞]〜
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* spear > spear-[単数] < spear n : 槍
* his > his [三単所有] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* assassin > assassin-[単数] < assassin n : 暗殺者
* knowing > knowing-[現分] < know v
:([過去]:-knew;[過去分詞]:-known):[動詞]知る;well-known 好く知られた
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* poetical < poetical : 詩の
* predilection > predilection-[単数] < predilection n :
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* his > his [三単所有] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* victim > uictim-[単数] < victim n:犠牲 ;
* accompanied > accompan-ied [過去],[過分] < accompany v:[動詞]
* his > his [三単所有] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* thrust > thrus-t [現在] < thrust n,v : 突き刺すこと
* with < with :[前置詞]〜
* this < this :[指示代名詞]
* couplet > couplet-[単数] < couplet n : [詩]対句
* ah < ah :[間] ああ
* how < how :[関係詞]どんな具合に
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* moments > moment-s [複数] < moment n:[名詞] 瞬間
* like > lik-e [現在] < like v: [動詞] 〜を好む、
+ like < Like :[前置詞]〜の様に
* these < these :[指示代名詞](複数の)
* our > our [一複所有] < we pron:[人称代名詞]
* heart > heart-[単数] < heart n:[名詞] 心
* doth > doth-[直説法3人称単数現在],[古三単現直説法] < do v:[助動詞]
* grudge > grudg-e [現在] < grudge v : 惜しむ
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* light > light-[原級],[現在],[単数] < light a,n,v :[名詞]光
;[軽]軽い;make light of を軽んじる
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* life > life-[単数] < life n:[名詞] 人生,
* whereupon < whereupon : 〜するとすぐ
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* expiring > expir-ing [現分] < expire v : 満了する
* hero > her-o [単数] < hero n :[名詞]主人公
* not < not :[否定詞]否
* one > one-[原級],[単数] < one n,a: [名詞];[形容詞] ;[代名詞] 1、もの
* whit > whit-[単数] < whit n : 微量
* daunted > daun-ted [過去],[過分] < daunt v : ひるませる
* by < by :[前置詞]〜による
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* mortal < mortal : 死すべき、
* wound > woun-d [現在],[単数] < wound n,v:[名詞]負傷,
+ wound > wound-[過去],[過去分詞] wound > wound [p],[pp]
< wind v:([p],[pp]:wound):[動詞] 巻く;回す;;;吹き鳴らす
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* his > his [三単所有] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* side > side-[単数] < side n:[名詞] 側面,側
* added > ad-ded [過去],[過分] < add v :[動詞]を追加する
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* lines > line-s [複数] < line n:[名詞] 線;行; lines短詩
* had > had-[過去],[過去分詞] < have v:[動詞] 所有する
* not < not :[否定詞]否
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* hours > hour-s [複数] < hour n: [名詞] 時間
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* peace > peace-[単数] < peace n:[名詞] 平和
* it > it [三単主/目的] < it pron:[代名詞]
* learned > learned-[過去],[過分] < learn
v:([p],[pp]:learnt):[verb] 学ぶ;lerning学問
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* lightly > light-ly [副詞],[形容詞形] < light a,n,v :[名詞]光
;[軽]軽い;make light of を軽んじる
* look > look-[単数],[現在] < look n,v :look on(upon)見做す;look
at見る; look after捜す
* on < on :[前置詞]〜の上の
* life > life-[単数] < life n:[名詞] 人生,
* there < there : [副詞] そこに、そこで
* is > is-[三単現] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* even < even :でさえ;
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* sportive > sportiu-e [原級] < sportive a: 陽気な;
* element > element-[単数] < element n:[名詞] 要素
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* courageous > courageous-[原級] < courageous a: 勇気のある
* nature > nature-[単数] < nature n :[名詞]性質;human nature人
* things > thing-s [複数] < thing n:[名詞] もの、こと
* which < which :[関係代名詞]
* are > are-[二単現],[複現] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* serious > serious-[原級] < serious a :[形容詞]厳格な
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* ordinary > ordinar-y [原級] < ordinary a:[形容詞] 普通の
* people > people-[単数] < people n :[名詞]人々
* may > ma-y [単数] < May n: [名詞] 5月
+ may > may-[現在] < may
v:([p]:might)([直説法二単現]:mayst)([直説法二単現]:mayest):[動詞] ..してもよい
* be > be-[現在] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* but < but :[接続詞]
* play > pla-y [単数],[現在] < play v,n: [動詞]遊ぶ;[名詞 fair play
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* valiant > ualiant-[原級] < valiant a:勇敢な;
* hence < hence : それ故に
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* old > ol-d [原級] < old a: [形容詞] 古い;年長の
* warfare > warfare-[単数] < warfare n :[名詞]交戦状態
* it > it [三単主/目的] < it pron:[代名詞]
* was > was-[一単過去] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* not < not :[否定詞]否
* at < at :[前置詞]〜の時
* all < all :[形容詞]全ての
* rare > rar-e [原級] < rare a:[形容詞] まれな
* for < for :[前置詞]〜の為の[接続詞]〜の故に
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* parties > part-ies [複数] < party n:[名詞] 部隊 ;会合
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* conflict > conflict-[単数] < conflict n:[名詞] 闘争
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* exchange > exchange-[単数] < exchange n:交換
* repartee > repartee-[単数] < repartee n : 当意即妙の返答
* or < or :[接続詞]又は
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* begin > begin-[現在] < begin
v:([p]:began)([pp]:begun):[動詞] 始める
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* rhetorical < rhetorical : 美辞麗句の
* contest > contest-[単数] < contest n:[名詞] 競技
* combat > combat-[単数] < combat n : 戦闘
* was > was-[一単過去] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* not < not :[否定詞]否
* solely > sol-ely [副詞] < sole a:[形容詞]唯一の;
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* matter > matter-[単数] < matter n :[名詞]事柄
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* brute < brute : 獣的な
* force > forc-e [現在],[単数] < force n,v:[動詞,名詞] 勢力;を強制する
* it > it [三単主/目的] < it pron:[代名詞]
* was > was-[一単過去] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* as < as :[前置詞]〜として
* well < well : [副詞]、じゅうぶんに;[間投詞]さて
* an < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* intellectual > intellectual-[原級] < intellectual a:[形容詞]
* engagement > engag-ement [名詞] < engage v:[動詞]従事させる;
+ engagement > engagement-[単数] < engagement n : 交戦
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* such > such-[原級] < such a :[形容詞]その様な
* character > character-[単数] < character n:[名詞] 文字;性格
* was > was-[一単過去] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* battle > battl-e [現在],[単数] < battle n,v:[名詞]戦い
* fought > fought-[過去],[過去分詞] fought > fought [過去],[過去分詞]
< fight v : ([過去],[過去分詞]:fought):戦う
* on < on :[前置詞]〜の上の
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* bank > bank-[単数] < bank n:[名詞] 銀行
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* koromo > korom-o [単数] < koromo n:[日本語]衣;
* river > riuer-[単数] < river n:川 ;
* late > lat-e [原級] < late a:
[形容詞] 遅れた;latest最新の;故人の[副詞] 遅く
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* eleventh > eleuenth-[原級] < eleventh a:11番 ;
* century > centur-y [単数] < century n:[名詞] 世紀
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* eastern > eastern-[原級] < eastern a:[形容詞]東(方)の
* army > arm-y [単数] < army n :[名詞]陸軍
* routed > rout-ed [過去],[過分] < route v:路を定める ;
* its > its [三単所有] < it pron:[代名詞]
* leader > leader-[する人] < lead v:([p],[pp]:led):[動詞] 導く
+ leader > leader-[単数] < leader n:[名詞] 指導者
* sadato > sadat-o [単数] < sadato n:[日本語]安倍貞任
* took > took-[過去] < take v : [動詞]take into account
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* flight > flight-[単数] < flight n:take (to) flight 逃亡する;飛翔
* when < when :[関係副詞]その時
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* pursuing > pursu-ing [現分] < pursue v:[動詞] を追い求める
* general > general-[原級],[単数] < general a,n:一般的な; 将軍
* pressed > pres-sed [過去],[過分] < press n,v:[動詞,名詞] ;出版物
* him > him [三単目的] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* hard > har-d [原級] < hard a: [副詞] 、激しく;[形容詞]、難しい
* and < and :[接続詞]と
* called > cal-led [過去],[過分] < call v,n:
[動詞] 〜を呼ぶ、;〜upon求める
* aloud < aloud :[副詞] 声に出して
* it > it [三単主/目的] < it pron:[代名詞]
* is > is-[三単現] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* disgrace > disgrace-[単数] < disgrace n : 恥辱
* for < for :[前置詞]〜の為の[接続詞]〜の故に
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* warrior > warrior-[単数] < warrior n :[名詞]武士
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* show > show-[現在] < show v:([p]:showed)([pp]:shown):[動詞]
* his > his [三単所有] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* back > back-[単数],[現在] < back n,v: [副詞] もどって;[名詞] 背中
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* enemy > enem-y [単数] < enemy n :[名詞]敵
* sadato > sadat-o [単数] < sadato n:[日本語]安倍貞任
* reined > rei-ned [過去],[過分] < rein n,v :制止する
* his > his [三単所有] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* horse > horse-[単数] < horse n:[名詞] 馬
* upon < upon :[前置詞]〜 上に
* this < this :[指示代名詞]
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* conquering > conque-ring [現分] < conquer v : 征服する
* chief > chief-[原級],[単数] < chief a,n:[名詞]首領, ;[形容詞]第1の
* shouted > shou-ted [過去],[過分] < shout n,v :叫ぶ
* an < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* impromptu > impromptu-[原級] < impromptu a: 即興で
* verse > uerse-[単数] < verse n:詩 ;
* torn > torn-[過去分詞] torn > torn [pp] < tear
v:([p]:tore)([pp]:torn):[動詞] 裂く
* into < into : [前置詞] (運動の方向)〜(の中)へ、(状態の変化)〜に
* shreds > shred-s [複数] < shred n : ぼろ布
* is > is-[三単現] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* warp > warp-[単数] < warp n :[名詞]縦糸
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* cloth > cloth-[単数] < cloth n:[名詞] 布きれ
* koromo > korom-o [単数] < koromo n:[日本語]衣;
* scarcely < scarcely : ほとんど〜ない
* had > had-[過去],[過去分詞] < have v:[動詞] 所有する
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* words > word-s [複数] < word n: [名詞] 言葉、
* escaped > escap-ed [過去],[過分] < escape n,v:[動詞]脱走
* his > his [三単所有] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* lips > lip-s [複数] < lip n:[名詞]唇
* when < when :[関係副詞]その時
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* defeated > def-eated [過去],[過分] < defeat v : 負かす
* warrior > warrior-[単数] < warrior n :[名詞]武士
* undismayed < undismayed : 臆しない
* completed > complet-ed [過去],[過分] < complete a,v:[形容詞]
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* couplet > couplet-[単数] < couplet n : [詩]対句
* since < since :[接続詞]してから;だから
* age > age-[単数] < age n:[名詞] 年齢、時代
* has > has-[三単現] < have v:[動詞] 所有する
* worn > worn-[過去分詞] worn > worn [pp] < wear
v:([p]:wore)([pp]:worn):([行為者]:wearer)([行為者]:wearers):[動詞] 着る;使い古す(out)
* its > its [三単所有] < it pron:[代名詞]
* threads > threa-ds [三単現],[複数] < thread n,v:[名詞]糸, ;糸を通す
* by < by :[前置詞]〜による
* use > us-e [現在] < use v :[動詞]使う
* yoshiie > yoshiie-[単数] < yoshiie n: [日本語]義家;
* whose > whose [三単所有] < who pron::[関係代名詞][疑問代名詞]
* bow > bow-[単数] < bow n:弓
+ bow > bow-[単数],[現在] < bow n,v:(頭を)垂れる
* had > had-[過去],[過去分詞] < have v:[動詞] 所有する
* all < all :[形容詞]全ての
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* while < while :[接続詞] …である一方で
* been > been-[過去分詞] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* bent > bent [p],[pp] < bend v:([p],[pp]:bent):曲げる;力を注ぐ
* suddenly > sudden-ly [副詞] < sudden a:[形容詞] 突然の
* unstrung > un-strung [過去],[過去分詞] unstrung > unstrung
[p/pp] < unstring v:([p/pp]: unstrung): 弦を緩める
* it > it [三単主/目的] < it pron:[代名詞]
* and < and :[接続詞]と
* turned > tur-ned [過去],[過分] < turn v,n:
[動詞] (に)〜を向ける;turn out造り出す;by turns代わる代わる;turn away 追払う;in (one's)
turn 順次に;
* away < away : [副詞] あちらへ、
* leaving > leauing-[現分] < leave v:([p],[pp]:left):[動詞]
* his > his [三単所有] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* prospective > prospectiu-e [原級] < prospective a:予期された ;
* victim > uictim-[単数] < victim n:犠牲 ;
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* do > do-[現在] < do v:[助動詞]
* as < as :[前置詞]〜として
* he > he [三単主] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* pleased > pleas-ed [過去],[過分] < please v:[動詞] を喜ばせる
* when < when :[関係副詞]その時
* asked > ask-ed [過去],[過分] < ask v: [動詞] 質す;請う
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* reason > reason-[単数] < reason n :[名詞]理由
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* his > his [三単所有] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* strange > strang-e [原級] < strange a :[形容詞]奇妙な
* behavior > behauior-[単数] < behavior n: 行動 ;
* he > he [三単主] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* replied > repl-ied [過去],[過分] < reply n,v:[動詞,名詞] 返答
* that < that :[関係代名詞]
* he > he [三単主] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* could > could [過去] < can
* not < not :[否定詞]否
* bear > bear-[現在] bear > bear-[単数] < bear v: bear
n:[verb] 運ぶ、生れる;耐える;経験する;熊;
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* put > put-[過去],[過去分詞],[現在] put > put [inf],[p],[pp]
< put v:([inf],[p],[pp]:put):[動詞] (問題を)提起する;put into翻訳する ;put
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* shame > shame-[単数] < shame n:[名詞] 不名誉
* one > one-[原級],[単数] < one n,a: [名詞];[形容詞] ;[代名詞] 1、もの
* who > who [三単主] < who pron::[関係代名詞][疑問代名詞]
* had > had-[過去],[過去分詞] < have v:[動詞] 所有する
* kept > kept-[過去],[過去分詞] kept > kept [p],[pp] <
keep v:([p],[pp]:kept):[動詞] 保つ
* his > his [三単所有] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* presence > presence-[単数] < presence n:[名詞] 存在
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* mind > min-d [現在],[単数] < mind n,v:[動詞,名詞] 思考;
* while < while :[接続詞] …である一方で
* hotly > hot-ly [副詞] < hot a: [形容詞] 暑い、
* pursued > pursu-ed [過去],[過分] < pursue v:[動詞] を追い求める
* by < by :[前置詞]〜による
* his > his [三単所有] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* enemy > enem-y [単数] < enemy n :[名詞]敵
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* sorrow > sorrow-[単数] < sorrow n:[名詞] 不幸
* which < which :[関係代名詞]
* overtook > ouer-took [過去] < overtake v:追いつく;襲う
* antony > anton-y [単数] < antony n: [固有名詞]男性名 ;
* and < and :[接続詞]と
* octavius < Octavius :[固有名詞]人名Gaius Octavius Thurinus ;Augustus
* at < at :[前置詞]〜の時
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* death > death-[単数] < death n :[名詞]死亡
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* brutus > brutu-s [単数] < brutus n:[固有名詞]ブルータス Marcus
* has > has-[三単現] < have v:[動詞] 所有する
* been > been-[過去分詞] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* general > general-[原級],[単数] < general a,n:一般的な; 将軍
* experience > experienc-e [現在],[単数] < experience
n,v:[動詞,名詞] 経験;…を経験する
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* brave > brau-e [原級] < brave a:勇敢な;
* men > men-[複数] < man n: [名詞] 男の人
* kenshin > kenshin-[単数] < kenshin n:[固有名詞]謙信 ;
* who > who [三単主] < who pron::[関係代名詞][疑問代名詞]
* fought > fought-[過去],[過去分詞] fought > fought [過去],[過去分詞]
< fight v : ([過去],[過去分詞]:fought):戦う
* for < for :[前置詞]〜の為の[接続詞]〜の故に
* fourteen > fourteen-[原級],[単数] < fourteen n,a:
[名詞] 14;[形容詞] 14の
* years > year-s [複数] < year n :[名詞]年
* with < with :[前置詞]〜
* shingen > shingen-[単数] < shingen n:[固有名詞]信玄;
* when < when :[関係副詞]その時
* he > he [三単主] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* heard > heard-[過去],[過去分詞] heard > heard [p],[pp]
< hear v:([p],[pp]:heard):[動詞] 聞く
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* latter > latter-[原級] < latter a:[形容詞] 後者の
*** s ?? not hit??
* death > death-[単数] < death n :[名詞]死亡
* wept > wept [p/pp] < weep v:([p/pp],wept):涙を流す
* aloud < aloud :[副詞] 声に出して
* at < at :[前置詞]〜の時
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* loss > los-s [単数] < loss n:[名詞] 損失
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* best > best-[原級] < best a:[形・副] [もっともよい(goodの最上級)、
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* enemies > enem-ies [複数] < enemy n :[名詞]敵
* it > it [三単主/目的] < it pron:[代名詞]
* was > was-[一単過去] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* this < this :[指示代名詞]
* same > sam-e [原級] < same a: [形容詞] 同じ
* kenshin > kenshin-[単数] < kenshin n:[固有名詞]謙信 ;
* who > who [三単主] < who pron::[関係代名詞][疑問代名詞]
* had > had-[過去],[過去分詞] < have v:[動詞] 所有する
* set > set-[過去],[過去分詞],[現在] set > set [inf],[p/pp]
< set v:([inf],[p/pp]:set):[動詞] 置くset down書き留める
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* noble > nobl-e [原級],[単数] < noble a,n:[形容詞]高貴な;;[名詞]貴族
* example > example-[単数] < example n:[名詞] 例
* for < for :[前置詞]〜の為の[接続詞]〜の故に
* all < all :[形容詞]全ての
* time > time-[単数] < time n :[名詞] 時間
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* his > his [三単所有] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* treatment > tr-eatment [名詞] < treat v:[動詞] を扱う
+ treatment > treatment-[単数] < treatment n:[名詞] 扱い,処置,治療
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* shingen > shingen-[単数] < shingen n:[固有名詞]信玄;
* whose > whose [三単所有] < who pron::[関係代名詞][疑問代名詞]
* provinces > prouince-s [複数] < province n:県 ;
* lay > lay-[現在] < lay v:([p],[pp]:laid):[動詞] 横たえる
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* mountainous > mountainous-[原級] < mountainous a: 山地の
* region > region-[単数] < region n:[名詞] 地域
* quite < quite :[副詞] 全く
* away < away : [副詞] あちらへ、
* from < from :[前置詞]〜から
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* sea > sea-[単数] < sea n: [名詞] 海
* and < and :[接続詞]と
* who > who [三単主] < who pron::[関係代名詞][疑問代名詞]
* had > had-[過去],[過去分詞] < have v:[動詞] 所有する
* consequently < consequently :[副詞] その結果
* depended > depen-ded [過去],[過分] < depend v:[動詞]
依存するdepend upon頼る
* upon < upon :[前置詞]〜 上に
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* hōjō > hōiō-[単数] < hōjō n:北条 ;
* provinces > prouince-s [複数] < province n:県 ;
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* tokaido > tokaid-o [単数] < tokaido n:[日本語]東海道 ;
* for < for :[前置詞]〜の為の[接続詞]〜の故に
* salt > salt-[単数] < salt n:[名詞] 塩
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* hōjō > hōiō-[単数] < hōjō n:北条 ;
* prince > prince-[単数] < prince n:[名詞] 王子
* wishing > wi-shing [現分] < wish n,v:[動・名]望む、
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* weaken > weake-n [現在] < weaken v : 弱くなる、弱る、
* him > him [三単目的] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* although < although :[接続詞] …だけれども
* not < not :[否定詞]否
* openly > ope-nly [形容詞形] < open v :[動詞] 開く
+ openly < openly :[副詞]率直に; 公然と
* at < at :[前置詞]〜の時
* war > war-[単数] < war n :[名詞]戦争
* with < with :[前置詞]〜
* him > him [三単目的] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* had > had-[過去],[過去分詞] < have v:[動詞] 所有する
* cut > cut-[過去],[過去分詞],[現在] cut > cut [inf],[p],[pp]
< cut v:([inf],[p],[pp]:cut):[動詞] 切る
* off < off :[前置詞]〜 離れて
* from < from :[前置詞]〜から
* shingen > shingen-[単数] < shingen n:[固有名詞]信玄;
* all < all :[形容詞]全ての
* traffic > traffic-[単数] < traffic n:[動詞,形容詞] 交通
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* this < this :[指示代名詞]
* important > important-[原級] < important a: [形容詞] 重要な
* article > article-[単数] < article n:[名詞]記事 ;品物
* kenshin > kenshin-[単数] < kenshin n:[固有名詞]謙信 ;
* hearing > hearing-[現分] < hear v:([p],[pp]:heard):[動詞] 聞く
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* his > his [三単所有] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* enemy > enem-y [単数] < enemy n :[名詞]敵
*** s ?? not hit??
* dilemma > dilemma-[単数] < dilemma n : 窮地
* and < and :[接続詞]と
* able > abl-e [原級] < able a:[形] 〜できる
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* obtain > obtai-n [現在] < obtain v:[動詞] を手に入れる
* his > his [三単所有] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* salt > salt-[単数] < salt n:[名詞] 塩
* from < from :[前置詞]〜から
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* coast > coast-[単数] < coast n:[名詞] 沿岸
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* his > his [三単所有] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* own > ow-n [現在],[原級] < own a,v:[動詞,形容詞] 自身の;…を所有している
* dominions > dominion-s [複数] < dominion n : 領土
* wrote > wrote-[過去] < write v: writing n:[動詞] 書く
* shingen > shingen-[単数] < shingen n:[固有名詞]信玄;
* that < that :[関係代名詞]
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* his > his [三単所有] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* opinion > opinion-[単数] < opinion n :[名詞]見解
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* hōjō > hōiō-[単数] < hōjō n:北条 ;
* lord > lord-[単数] < lord n:[名詞] 封建君主,…卿,;Lord and
* had > had-[過去],[過去分詞] < have v:[動詞] 所有する
* committed > commi-tted [過去],[過分] < commit v:[動詞] を犯す
commit harakiri切腹する。
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* very < very :非常に, ;
* mean > mean-[現在] < mean v:([p],[pp]:meant):[動詞] 意味する
+ mean > mean-[原級] < mean a:(生まれの)卑しい
* act > ac-t [現在] < act n,v :[動詞]行動する;[名詞]法律
* and < and :[接続詞]と
* that < that :[関係代名詞]
* although < although :[接続詞] …だけれども
* he > he [三単主] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* kenshin > kenshin-[単数] < kenshin n:[固有名詞]謙信 ;
* was > was-[一単過去] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* at < at :[前置詞]〜の時
* war > war-[単数] < war n :[名詞]戦争
* with < with :[前置詞]〜
* him > him [三単目的] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* shingen > shingen-[単数] < shingen n:[固有名詞]信玄;
* he > he [三単主] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* had > had-[過去],[過去分詞] < have v:[動詞] 所有する
* ordered > orde-red [過去],[過分] < order v: 命ずる
* his > his [三単所有] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* subjects > subiec-ts [三単現] < subject n,v
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* furnish > furni-sh [現在] < furnish v:[他] (必要物を)供給する、
* him > him [三単目的] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* with < with :[前置詞]〜
* plenty > plent-y [単数] < plenty n:[名詞] たくさん
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* salt > salt-[単数] < salt n:[名詞] 塩
* adding > ad-ding [現分] < add v :[動詞]を追加する
* i > i [一単主] < i pron:[人称代名詞]
+ i < i' :i: i'<-inの略記 earned a place i' the
* do > do-[現在] < do v:[助動詞]
* not < not :[否定詞]否
* fight > fight-[現在] < fight v : ([過去],[過去分詞]:fought):戦う
* with < with :[前置詞]〜
* salt > salt-[単数] < salt n:[名詞] 塩
* but < but :[接続詞]
* with < with :[前置詞]〜
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* sword > sword-[単数] < sword n:[名詞]刀
* affording > affor-ding [現分] < afford v:[動詞] …の余裕がある
* more < more :[副詞]more than 以上の
* than < than :[接続詞] よりも
* a < a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
* parallel > parallel-[原級],[単数] < parallel
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* words > word-s [複数] < word n: [名詞] 言葉、
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* camillus < Camillus :[固有名詞]人名 Marcus Furius Camillus
* we > we [一複主] < we pron:[人称代名詞]
* romans > roman-s [複数] < Roman a,n:[名・形] ローマの
* do > do-[現在] < do v:[助動詞]
* not < not :[否定詞]否
* fight > fight-[現在] < fight v : ([過去],[過去分詞]:fought):戦う
* with < with :[前置詞]〜
* gold > gol-d [原級],[単数] < gold a,n:[名・形] 金
* but < but :[接続詞]
* with < with :[前置詞]〜
* iron > iron-[単数] < iron n:[名詞] 鉄
* nietzsche > nietzsche-[単数] < nietzsche n:ニーチェ
《1844‐1900; ドイツの哲学者 ;
* spoke > spoke-[過去] spoke > spoke [p] < speak
v:([p]:spoke)([pp]:spoken):[動詞] 話す
* for < for :[前置詞]〜の為の[接続詞]〜の故に
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* samurai > samurai-[単数] < samurai n:[日本語]侍
* heart > heart-[単数] < heart n:[名詞] 心
* when < when :[関係副詞]その時
* he > he [三単主] < he pron:[人称代名詞]
* wrote > wrote-[過去] < write v: writing n:[動詞] 書く
* you > you [二単主/目的],[二複主/目的] < you pron:[人称代名詞]二格
* are > are-[二単現],[複現] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
* be > be-[現在] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* proud > prou-d [原級] < proud a:[形容詞] 自慢に思って ;誇って
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* your > your [二単所有],[二複所有] < you pron:[人称代名詞]二格
* enemy > enem-y [単数] < enemy n :[名詞]敵
* then < then :[接続詞]継承
* the < the :[定冠詞]その
* success > succes-s [単数] < success n:[名詞] 成功,成功したもの[人]
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* your > your [二単所有],[二複所有] < you pron:[人称代名詞]二格
* enemy > enem-y [単数] < enemy n :[名詞]敵
* is > is-[三単現] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
* your > your [二単所有],[二複所有] < you pron:[人称代名詞]二格
* success > succes-s [単数] < success n:[名詞] 成功,成功したもの[人]
* also < also : [副詞] 〜もまた
* indeed < indeed :[副詞] 確かに
* valor > ualor-[単数] < valor n:勇気 ;
* and < and :[接続詞]と
* honor > hono-r [現在],[単数] < honor n,v:[動詞,名詞] 名誉
* alike > alik-e [原級] < alike a:[形容詞] よく似た
* required > requir-ed [過去],[過分] < require v:[動詞] を必要とする
* that < that :[関係代名詞]
* we > we [一複主] < we pron:[人称代名詞]
* should > should-[過去] should > should [p] < shall
v:([p]:should):[動詞] 〜だろう、〜べきだ
* own > ow-n [現在],[原級] < own a,v:[動詞,形容詞] 自身の;…を所有している
* as < as :[前置詞]〜として
* enemies > enem-ies [複数] < enemy n :[名詞]敵
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* war > war-[単数] < war n :[名詞]戦争
* only < only :[副詞]唯の
* such > such-[原級] < such a :[形容詞]その様な
* as < as :[前置詞]〜として
* prove > proue-[現在] < prove v:([pp]:proven): [v] 証明する
* worthy > worth-y [原級],[単数] < worthy a,n:[形容詞]価値ある;名士
* of < of :[前置詞]〜の
* being > being-[現分] < be vi aux v:[動詞]
+ being > being-[単数] < being n : [名詞]生き物、存在、
* friends > friend-s [複数] < friend n :[名詞]友人
* in < in :[前置詞]〜
* peace > peace-[単数] < peace n:[名詞] 平和
* when < when :[関係副詞]その時
* valor > ualor-[単数] < valor n:勇気 ;
* attains > attai-ns [三単現] < attain v : [動詞]獲得する、
* this < this :[指示代名詞]
* height > height-[単数] < height n:[名詞] 高さ
* it > it [三単主/目的] < it pron:[代名詞]
* becomes > be-comes [三単現] < become v:[動詞] なる。
* akin > akin-[原級] < akin a: 類似して
* to < to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
courage n:[名詞] 勇気
<91> the :[定冠詞]その
<3> spirit n:[名詞] 魂
<73> of :[前置詞]〜の
<3> dare v:[動詞] 思い切って…する; 敢えて〜する;
<29> and :[接続詞]と
<5> bear v: bear n:[verb] 運ぶ、生れる;耐える;経験する;熊;
<54> to :[前置詞]〜に向けて
<1> consideration n:[名詞]熟慮
<7> which :[関係代名詞]
<10> we pron:[人称代名詞]
<7> shall v:([p]:should):[動詞] 〜だろう、〜べきだ
<2> now : [副詞] 今、
<1> return n,v:[動・名] 帰る・返す、
<67> be vi aux v:[動詞]
<2> scarcely : ほとんど〜ない
<1> deem v : 判断する
<2> worthy a,n:[形容詞]価値ある;名士
<1> count v:[動詞] 考慮に入れる
<5> among :amongst :[前置詞]〜の間に
<2> virtue n:徳 ;
<1> unless :[接続詞] …でない限り
<20> it pron:[代名詞]
<3> exercise n,v:[動詞,名詞] 実行する;訓練
<37> in :[前置詞]〜
<2> cause n,v:[動詞,名詞] 原因
<1> righteousness n : 正当さ
<46> he pron:[人称代名詞]
<1> analects n : 語録
<1> Confucius n,v :[固有名詞] 孔子
<2> define v:[動詞]定義する
<9> by :[前置詞]〜による
<1> explain v:[動詞] を説明する
<12> as :[前置詞]〜として
<2> often a: oft : たびたび
<1> wont n,v: 習慣;wonted 慣れた
<10> what : [代名詞] 何;[形容詞] 何の、[関係代名詞];
<1> negative n: 否定; reply in the negative否定する;
<1> perceive v:[動詞] を知覚する
<4> right a,n,v :[名詞][動詞]正しい,右の,,権利
<5> say v:([p],[pp]:said):[動詞] 言う
<10> do v:[助動詞]
<17> not :[否定詞]否
<1> argue v:[動詞]論じる,
<1> lack n,v:[動詞,名詞] ;不足
<4> put v:([inf],[p],[pp]:put):[動詞] (問題を)提起する;put
into翻訳する ;put down書く
<9> this :[指示代名詞]
<1> epigram n : 風刺詩
<4> into : [前置詞] (運動の方向)〜(の中)へ、(状態の変化)〜に
<40> a : an :[不定冠詞]1つの
<1> positive :明確な ;
<1> state v:述べる ;
<1> statement n:[名詞]陳述
<3> run v:([p]:ran)([inf],[pp]:run):[動詞] 〜と書いてある; 走る
<8> all :[形容詞]全ての
<2> kind a,n :親切な,種類
<2> Kind n:([中複]:Kinder):[独中性名詞]子供
<1> hazard n:[名] 危険
<1> jeopardize v : 〜を危うくする
<4> one n,a: [名詞];[形容詞] ;[代名詞] 1、もの
<2> self n:([複数]:selves):[名詞] 自己,
<2> rush v:[動詞] 突進する,
<1> jaw n:[名詞]顎あご;
<7> death n :[名詞]死亡
<2> these :[指示代名詞](複数の)
<1> too :[副詞]も同じく
<1> identify v : ([現分詞]:identifying):[動詞] を見分ける
<17> with :[前置詞]〜
<10> valor n:勇気 ;
<1> profession n:[名詞] 職業
<2> arm n,v :[動詞] 武器
<4> such a :[形容詞]その様な
<1> rash a : 気短な、
<1> rashness n : 無分別
<1> conduct n,v:[動詞,名詞] 行為;…を行う
<1> Shakespeare n,v :シェイクスピア(英国の劇作家)
<6> call v,n: [動詞] 〜を呼ぶ、;〜upon求める
<1> misbegot a:[古]私生児の
<1> unjustly : 不公平に、
<1> applaud v : 褒める
<7> but :[接続詞]
<2> so :[接続詞]
<1> precept n:[名詞]教訓;
<1> knighthood n:[名詞]騎士道
<15> for :[前置詞]〜の為の[接続詞]〜の故に
<1> unworthy : 価値がない、
<3> die v:([p],[pp]:died)([現在分詞]:dying):[動詞] 死ぬ
<1> dog n:[名詞] 犬
<1> thick a:[形容詞] 厚い
<4> battle n,v:[名詞]戦い
<2> slay v :([p]:slew)([pp]:slain):殺す
<4> prince n:[名詞] 王子
<1> mito n:[日本語]水戸;
<2> easy a: [形容詞]易しい
<1> enough a: [形容詞] じゅうぶんな
<1> mere a:[形] 単なる、
<1> churl n : 粗野な男
<1> equal a,v:[動詞,形容詞] 等しい;
<3> task n:[名詞] 仕事
<1> continue v :[他動詞]継続する
<1> true a:[形] 真実の
<2> live v: [動詞] 住む、
<12> when :[関係副詞]その時
<2> die :(複数: dice ):[名詞]
<4> only :[副詞]唯の
<1> yet : [副詞] (疑問文で)すでに、(否定文で)まだ、
<16> have v:[動詞] 所有する
<2> even :でさえ;
<7> hear v:([p],[pp]:heard):[動詞] 聞く
<1> name n,v: [名詞] 名前 ;名付ける
<1> plato n:プラトン (427?‐?347 B.C)ギリシャの哲学者 ;
<10> who pron::[関係代名詞][疑問代名詞]
<1> knowledge n:[名詞] 知識
<2> thing n:[名詞] もの、こと
<9> that :[関係代名詞]
<3> man n: [名詞] 男の人
<2> fear n,v:[動詞,名詞] を恐れる;恐れ
<1> distinction n:[名詞] 区別
<4> make v:[動詞] させる(使役) ;作る
<1> west a,n:[名・形] 西(の);西洋の
<1> between : [前置詞] 〜の間に
<1> moral n :[名詞]道徳
<1> physical a:[形容詞] 身体の
<1> long a :[形容詞]久しく
<1> recognize v:[動詞] 認識する
<4> samurai n:[日本語]侍
<2> youth n:[名詞] 青少年
<3> great a :[形容詞]巨大である
<1> villein n:農奴;
<3> fortitude n : 剛勇
<2> bravery n:勇敢 ;
<2> fearlessness n : 恐怖心のなさ
<3> being n : [名詞]生き物、存在、
<1> quality n:[名詞] 質
<1> soul n :[名詞]魂; (数詞を伴って) …人;
<1> appeal v:[動詞] 訴える
<2> most :[副詞]最も
<1> juvenile a:少年の;
<5> mind n,v:[動詞,名詞] 思考;
<5> can :([現在]:can)([過去]:could)([古語二単現]:canst):[助動詞]可能
<1> train v :[動詞] 訓練する
<2> example n:[名詞] 例
<3> speak v:([p]:spoke)([pp]:spoken):[動詞] 話す
<1> popular a:[形容詞] 大衆の
<2> early a :[形容詞]初期の
<1> emulate v : まねる、
<2> story n: [名詞] 物語
<1> military a:[形容詞] 軍事の
<1> exploit n:[名詞]功績
<1> repeat v:[動] 〜をくり返す、
<1> almost :[副] ほとんど
<3> before :[前置詞]〜の前に
<3> boy n: [名詞] 、少年;
<4> leave v:([p],[pp]:left):[動詞] 去る;置いて行く
<1> left a,n: [形容詞] 左の;[名詞] 左側
<14> they pron:[人称代名詞]
<3> mother n :[名詞]母
<1> breast n:[名詞]胸,
<4> little a: [形容詞] 小さい、;[副詞] a little 少し
<1> booby n : まぬけ、
<2> cry v: [動詞] (声をあげて)泣く
<2> any a :[形容詞]何か
<1> ache v:[自] 痛む
<1> scold v : 叱る
<1> fashion v:適合させる
<1> fashion n:[名詞]流行
<1> coward a,n:[名詞,形容詞] 臆病な
<1> trifling : 僅かな、
<1> pain n:[名詞] 痛み
<3> will n,v: won :([現在]:will)([過去]:would): 意思; 望む;
won't=will not
<8> you pron:[人称代名詞]二格
<4> cut v:([inf],[p],[pp]:cut):[動詞] 切る
<2> off :[前置詞]〜 離れて
<3> upon :[前置詞]〜 上に
<2> commit v:[動詞] を犯す commit harakiri切腹する。
<1> harakiri n:切腹 ;
<2> know v :([過去]:-knew;[過去分詞]:-known):[動詞]知る;well-known
<1> pathetic : 哀れな
<1> famish v : 欠乏に耐える
<1> sendai n:[日本語]仙台;
<1> drama n:[名詞]劇
<1> page n:[名詞] 頁;一節
<3> see v:[動詞] 見る
<1> those :[指示代名詞]
<1> tiny a:[形容詞] ごく小さい
<1> sparrow n:[名詞] スズメ
<1> nest n:[名詞] 巣
<3> how :[関係詞]どんな具合に
<1> yellow a: [形容詞] 黄色い
<1> bill n:[名詞]為替手形
<2> open v :[動詞] 開く
<1> wide a:[形・副] 広い、広く
<3> there : [副詞] そこに、そこで
<2> come v :[動詞] 〜(する)ようになる;coming n,v :来たるべき,次の;come
<1> worm n:[名詞]虫
<1> feed v:([p],[pp]:fed):[動詞] にえさを与える
<1> eagerly : 熱心に
<1> happily :[副] 幸福に
<2> eat v:([inf]:eat)([p]:ate)([pp]:eaten):[動詞] 食べる
<1> stomach n:[名詞]胃
<1> empty a:[形容詞] 空の
<2> disgrace n : 恥辱
<1> feel v :([p],[pp]:felt):[動詞] 感じる ;feeling感情(複数形)
<1> hunger n:[名詞] 飢え
<1> anecdote n : 逸話
<1> abound v : 富む、
<1> nursery n : 子供部屋
<1> tale n:[名詞] お話
<1> though :[接] 〜だけれども
<2> mean v:([p],[pp]:meant):[動詞] 意味する
<1> means n:[名詞]手段,
<1> method n :[名詞] 手法
<1> imbue v :(思想を)吹込む (with)
<1> parent n:[名詞] 親
<1> sternness n : 厳格さ
<1> sometimes : [副詞] ときどき
<1> verge v:接する ;
<5> on :[前置詞]〜の上の
<1> cruelty n:[名詞]残虐
<4> set v:([inf],[p/pp]:set):[動詞] 置くset down書き留める
<2> child n :([複数]:children):[名詞]子供
<1> forth :bring forth (花を)咲かせる、実を結ぶ;and so forth など
<1> pluck n,v : 勇気 ;摘む
<1> hurl v : 力一杯投げつける
<1> cub n : 幼い子供
<2> down : [副詞] 下に;[前置詞] 〜を通って、
<1> gorge n : 小渓谷、
<1> son n: [名詞] 息子
<4> let v:([inf],[p/pp]:let):[動詞] させる
<1> steep a,n:[形容詞]急勾配の;[名詞]急坂
<1> valley n:谷 ;
<1> hardship n:[名詞]苦難,
<1> spur v : 駆り立てる
<1> Sisyphus n,v :[ギリシア神話]シシュフォス
<2> like v: [動詞] 〜を好む、
<2> Like :[前置詞]〜の様に
<1> occasional : 時々の、
<1> deprivation n:剥奪 ;
<1> food n: [名詞] 食べ物
<7> or :[接続詞]又は
<1> exposure n:[名詞] 暴露
<2> cold a: [形容詞] 冷たい
<1> consider v:[動詞] …について考える;と見做す
<1> high a: [形容詞] (程度などが)高い
<1> efficacious : 、有効な
<1> test v:[動] 試験(をする)
<1> inure v : 有効となる
<1> endurance n : 我慢
<2> tend v :[動詞]tend towards の傾向がある
<2> tender a:[形] 若い;柔らかな;
<2> age n:[名詞] 年齢、時代
<2> send v:([inf]:send)([p],[pp]:sent):[動詞] 送る
<1> utter v :[動詞]述べる
<1> utter a:全くの
<1> stranger n:[名詞] 見知らぬ人
<1> some a :[形容詞]幾つかの
<1> message n:[名詞] 伝言
<1> deliver v:配達する ;引渡す
<1> rise v:([p]:rose)([pp]:risen):[動詞] 上る; give rise
<1> sun n: [名詞] 太陽
<1> breakfast n: [名詞] 朝食
<1> attend v:[動詞] …に出席する
<2> read v:([inf],[p],[pp]:read):[動詞] 読む
<1> walk v,n: [動詞] 歩く;[名詞] 散歩、歩くこと
<1> teach v:([p],[pp]:taught):[動詞] 教える
<1> teacher n: [名詞] 先生
<1> bare a,v:[形容詞]はだかの
<1> foot :(複数: feet ):[名詞]
<1> winter n: [名詞] 冬
<1> frequent a:[形容詞] 頻繁な
<1> once a :[形容詞]昔;一度
<1> twice :[副詞]2度, 2回; 2倍に
<1> month n :[名詞]月
<1> festival n:祝祭;
<1> god n:[名詞] 神
<2> learn v:([p],[pp]:learnt):[verb] 学ぶ;lerning学問
<1> together : [副詞] いっしょに
<2> small a: [形容詞] 小さい
<1> group n:[名詞] 群れ
<2> pass n,v:[動詞]過ごす; pass over無視する;[名詞]危機
<2> night n: [名詞] 夜
<1> without : [前置詞] 〜なしに
<1> sleep v:([p],[pp]:slept):[動詞] 寝る
<3> aloud :[副詞] 声に出して
<2> turn v,n: [動詞] (に)〜を向ける;turn out造り出す;by
turns代わる代わる;turn away 追払う;in (one's) turn 順次に;
<1> pilgrimage n : 聖地巡り
<1> sort n,v: 区分する ;種類
<1> uncanny : 神秘的な、
<2> place n,v :[名詞] 置く;位置; give place to…に代わられる
<1> execution n : 死刑
<1> ground n:[名詞] 場所,
<1> graveyard n: 墓所 ;
<1> house n: [名詞] 家
<1> reputed : 〜と一般に言われる、
<1> haunted : 幽霊の出る
<1> favorite a: お気に入りの
<1> pastime n : 娯楽
<1> young a: [形容詞] 若い
<1> day n :[名詞]日
<1> decapitation n : 首を刎ねること、
<1> public a,n:[名詞,形容詞] 公共の;大衆
<1> witness n,v:[動詞,名詞] 目撃する
<1> ghastly : 恐ろしい、
<1> scene n:[名詞] 場面
<2> visit v:訪問する ;
<1> alone a:[副・形] 1人で
<1> dark a:[形容詞] 暗い ;darkness闇
<1> mark n,v:[動詞,名詞] しるし;目立たせる;
<1> trunkless a:胴のない
<1> head n: [名詞] 頭
<1> ultra : 極端な
<1> spartan n,v :(古代)スパルタ(流)の,
<1> system n :[名詞]制度
<1> drill v:反復練習させて教込む
<1> nerve n: 神経;勇気;nerve center 神経中枢;
<1> strike v:([p],[pp]:struck):[動詞] 打つ;印象付ける
<1> modern a:[形容詞] 現代の,近代の
<1> pedagogist n:教育家;pedagogy=教育の専門家
<1> horror a,n:[名詞]恐怖;
<2> doubt n,v:[動詞,名詞] 疑い;…を疑う
<1> whether :[接] 〜かどうか
<1> tendency n:[名詞]傾向
<1> brutalize v : 残忍にする、
<1> nipping : 辛辣な
<1> bud : つぼみ、芽
<1> emotion n:[名詞] 感情
<3> heart n:[名詞] 心
<1> other :([pron.pl]:others) :[形容詞][代名詞] 他のother than 以外の
<1> concept n:[名詞] 概念,考え方,
<1> Bushido n :[日本語]武士道、日本古来の魂の美学
<1> spiritual a:[形容詞] 精神の
<1> aspect n:[名詞] 局面
<1> evidence v:証(明)する
<1> composure n : 沈着
<1> calm a:[形容詞] 平静な,
<3> presence n:[名詞] 存在
<1> tranquillity n : 静穏
<1> repose n : 休息、
<1> statical : 静学的な、
<1> manifestation n : 明示
<1> deed n:[名詞]行動
<1> dynamical a:力学的な. ;
<2> truly :[副詞][形容詞を修飾して] 実に,
<2> brave a:勇敢な;
<1> ever :凡そ.;
<1> serene : 静穏な、
<1> never :強い否定 ;
<3> take v : [動詞]take into account を考慮に入れる
<1> surprise n,v:[動詞,名詞] を驚かせる;驚き
<1> nothing : [代名詞] 何も〜ない
<1> ruffle n : 襞飾り
<1> equanimity n:[名詞] 沈着
<1> heat n,v:[名・動] 熱、熱さ・〜を熱する
<1> remain n,v:[動詞] …のままである,
<1> cool a: [形容詞] 冷静な、涼しい
<1> midst n : in the midst of の最中に;
<1> catastrophe n : 大惨事;、
<3> keep v:([p],[pp]:kept):[動詞] 保つ
<1> level n:水準 ;
<1> earthquake n:[名詞] 地震
<1> shake v:([p]:shook)([pp]:shaken):[動詞] 揺れる
<1> laugh n,v:[動・名] 笑う
<6> at :[前置詞]〜の時
<1> storm n:[名詞] 嵐
<1> admire v:[動詞] …を賞賛する
<1> menace n,v:威嚇する;
<1> danger n:[名詞] 危険
<1> retain v:[動詞] を保持する
<1> possession n:[名詞] 所有,所有物
<1> instance n:[名詞] 事例; for instance譬(たとえ)ば;in the first
<1> compose v:[動詞] を作る
<1> poem n:[名詞] 詩
<1> under :[前置詞]〜 の元で
<1> impend v : 差迫る
<1> peril n : 差迫った危険
<1> hum v :(現分:humming;過,過分:hummed) : 鼻歌で歌う
<1> strain n:詩歌
<1> face v:[動詞] …に直面する
<1> indulgence n : 耽溺、
<1> betray v:[他動詞]裏切る
<1> no :[否定詞] 否
<1> tremor n : 震え
<4> write v: writing n:[動詞] 書く
<1> voice n:音声
<1> infallible a : 全然誤りのない
<1> index n:[名] 指標、
<1> large a: [形容詞] 大きい、
<2> nature n :[名詞]性質;human nature人
<1> capacious a: 包容力のある
<1> yoyū :[日本語]余裕
<4> from :[前置詞]〜から
<2> press n,v:[動詞,名詞] ;出版物 ;強要する
<1> crowd v : [稀]駆立てる;
<1> always : [副詞] いつも
<1> room n :[名詞]余地
<1> something : [代名詞] 何か、あるもの
<2> more :[副詞]more than 以上の
<1> current a:[名詞,形容詞] 現在の
<1> piece n:[名詞] 1個
<1> authentic : 典拠のある
<1> history n :[名詞]歴史
<1> ōta n:[固有名詞]太田 ;
<1> dokan :[日本語]太田道灌
<1> build v:([p],[pp]:built):[動詞] 建てる
<1> builder n :建設者
<1> castle n:[名詞] 城
<1> Tokyo :[日本語] 東京
<1> pierce v : 突き刺さる
<1> through :thro :[前置詞]を通して
<1> spear n : 槍
<1> assassin n : 暗殺者
<1> poetical : 詩の
<1> predilection n : 贔屓(ひいき)
<2> victim n:犠牲 ;
<1> accompany v:[動詞] 伴わせる
<1> thrust n,v : 突き刺すこと
<2> couplet n : [詩]対句
<1> ah :[間] ああ
<1> moment n:[名詞] 瞬間
<1> grudge v : 惜しむ
<2> light a,n,v :[名詞]光 ;[軽]軽い;make light of を軽んじる
<2> life n:[名詞] 人生,
<1> whereupon : 〜するとすぐ
<1> expire v : 満了する
<1> expiring : 満了の、息を引き取ろうとしている
<1> hero n :[名詞]主人公
<1> whit n : 微量
<1> daunt v : ひるませる
<1> mortal : 死すべき、
<2> wind v:([p],[pp]:wound):[動詞] 巻く;回す;;;吹き鳴らす
<1> wound n,v:[名詞]負傷,
<1> side n:[名詞] 側面,側
<2> add v :[動詞]を追加する
<1> line n:[名詞] 線;行; lines短詩
<1> hour n: [名詞] 時間
<2> peace n:[名詞] 平和
<1> look n,v :look on(upon)見做す;look at見る; look after捜す
<1> sportive a: 陽気な;
<1> element n:[名詞] 要素
<1> courageous a: 勇気のある
<1> serious a :[形容詞]厳格な
<1> ordinary a:[形容詞] 普通の
<1> people n :[名詞]人々
<1> may
v:([p]:might)([直説法二単現]:mayst)([直説法二単現]:mayest):[動詞] ..してもよい
<1> May n: [名詞] 5月
<1> play v,n: [動詞]遊ぶ;[名詞 fair play 公正な行動
<1> valiant a:勇敢な;
<1> hence : それ故に
<1> old a: [形容詞] 古い;年長の
<1> warfare n :[名詞]交戦状態
<1> rare a:[形容詞] まれな
<1> party n:[名詞] 部隊 ;会合
<1> conflict n:[名詞] 闘争
<1> exchange n:交換
<1> repartee n : 当意即妙の返答
<1> begin v:([p]:began)([pp]:begun):[動詞] 始める
<1> rhetorical : 美辞麗句の
<1> contest n:[名詞] 競技
<1> combat n : 戦闘
<1> sole a:[形容詞]唯一の;
<1> matter n :[名詞]事柄
<1> brute : 獣的な
<1> force n,v:[動詞,名詞] 勢力;を強制する
<1> well : [副詞]、じゅうぶんに;[間投詞]さて
<1> intellectual a:[形容詞] 知性の
<1> engage v:[動詞]従事させる;
<1> engagement n : 交戦
<1> character n:[名詞] 文字;性格
<6> fight v : ([過去],[過去分詞]:fought):戦う
<1> bank n:[名詞] 銀行
<2> koromo n:[日本語]衣;
<1> river n:川 ;
<1> late a: [形容詞] 遅れた;latest最新の;故人の[副詞] 遅く
<1> eleventh a:11番 ;
<1> century n:[名詞] 世紀
<1> eastern a:[形容詞]東(方)の
<1> army n :[名詞]陸軍
<1> route v:路を定める ;
<1> lead v:([p],[pp]:led):[動詞] 導く
<1> leader n:[名詞] 指導者
<2> sadato n:[日本語]安倍貞任
<1> flight n:take (to) flight 逃亡する;飛翔
<2> pursue v:[動詞] を追い求める
<2> general a,n:一般的な; 将軍
<1> hard a: [副詞] 、激しく;[形容詞]、難しい
<2> warrior n :[名詞]武士
<1> show v:([p]:showed)([pp]:shown):[動詞] 見せる
<1> back n,v: [副詞] もどって;[名詞] 背中 ;裏打する
<7> enemy n :[名詞]敵
<1> rein n,v :制止する
<1> horse n:[名詞] 馬
<1> conquer v : 征服する
<1> chief a,n:[名詞]首領, ;[形容詞]第1の
<1> shout n,v :叫ぶ
<1> impromptu a: 即興で
<1> verse n:詩 ;
<2> tear v:([p]:tore)([pp]:torn):[動詞] 裂く
<1> shred n : ぼろ布
<1> warp n :[名詞]縦糸
<1> cloth n:[名詞] 布きれ
<2> word n: [名詞] 言葉、
<1> escape n,v:[動詞]脱走
<1> lip n:[名詞]唇
<1> defeat v : 負かす
<1> undismayed : 臆しない
<1> complete a,v:[形容詞] 完全な;
<1> since :[接続詞]してから;だから
<2> wear
v:([p]:wore)([pp]:worn):([行為者]:wearer)([行為者]:wearers):[動詞] 着る;使い古す(out)
<1> thread n,v:[名詞]糸, ;糸を通す
<1> use v :[動詞]使う
<1> yoshiie n: [日本語]義家;
<1> bow n:弓
<1> bow n,v:(頭を)垂れる
<2> while :[接続詞] …である一方で
<1> bend v:([p],[pp]:bent):曲げる;力を注ぐ
<1> sudden a:[形容詞] 突然の
<2> unstring v:([p/pp]: unstrung): 弦を緩める
<2> away : [副詞] あちらへ、
<1> prospective a:予期された ;
<1> please v:[動詞] を喜ばせる
<1> ask v: [動詞] 質す;請う
<1> reason n :[名詞]理由
<1> strange a :[形容詞]奇妙な
<1> behavior n: 行動 ;
<1> reply n,v:[動詞,名詞] 返答
<1> shame n:[名詞] 不名誉
<1> hot a: [形容詞] 暑い、
<1> hotly : 激しく
<1> sorrow n:[名詞] 不幸
<1> overtake v:追いつく;襲う
<1> antony n: [固有名詞]男性名 ;
<1> Octavius :[固有名詞]人名Gaius Octavius Thurinus ;Augustus
<1> brutus n:[固有名詞]ブルータス Marcus (85?-42B.C.);
<1> experience n,v:[動詞,名詞] 経験;…を経験する
<4> kenshin n:[固有名詞]謙信 ;
<1> fourteen n,a: [名詞] 14;[形容詞] 14の
<1> year n :[名詞]年
<5> shingen n:[固有名詞]信玄;
<1> latter a:[形容詞] 後者の
<1> weep v:([p/pp],wept):涙を流す
<1> loss n:[名詞] 損失
<1> best a:[形・副] [もっともよい(goodの最上級)、
<1> same a: [形容詞] 同じ
<1> noble a,n:[形容詞]高貴な;;[名詞]貴族
<1> time n :[名詞] 時間
<1> treat v:[動詞] を扱う
<1> treatment n:[名詞] 扱い,処置,治療
<2> province n:県 ;
<1> lay v:([p],[pp]:laid):[動詞] 横たえる
<1> mountainous a: 山地の
<1> region n:[名詞] 地域
<1> quite :[副詞] 全く
<1> sea n: [名詞] 海
<1> consequently :[副詞] その結果
<1> depend v:[動詞] 依存するdepend upon頼る
<3> hōjō n:北条 ;
<1> tokaido n:[日本語]東海道 ;
<4> salt n:[名詞] 塩
<1> wish n,v:[動・名]望む、
<1> weaken v : 弱くなる、弱る、
<2> although :[接続詞] …だけれども
<1> openly :[副詞]率直に; 公然と
<3> war n :[名詞]戦争
<1> traffic n:[動詞,形容詞] 交通
<1> important a: [形容詞] 重要な
<1> article n:[名詞]記事 ;品物
<1> dilemma n : 窮地
<1> able a:[形] 〜できる
<1> obtain v:[動詞] を手に入れる
<1> coast n:[名詞] 沿岸
<2> own a,v:[動詞,形容詞] 自身の;…を所有している
<1> dominion n : 領土
<1> opinion n :[名詞]見解
<1> lord n:[名詞] 封建君主,…卿,;Lord and Master皇室
<1> very :非常に, ;
<1> mean a:(生まれの)卑しい
<1> Mean :「中庸」。「四書」の一つ。子思の著作
<1> act n,v :[動詞]行動する;[名詞]法律
<1> order v: 命ずる
<1> subject n,v :[名詞]主題;臣下;服従させる
<1> furnish v:[他] (必要物を)供給する、
<1> plenty n:[名詞] たくさん
<1> i pron:[人称代名詞]
<1> i' :i: i'<-inの略記 earned a place i' the
<1> sword n:[名詞]刀
<1> afford v:[動詞] …の余裕がある
<1> than :[接続詞] よりも
<1> parallel a,n:[形容詞]平行の;類似物
<1> Camillus :[固有名詞]人名 Marcus Furius Camillus
<1> Roman a,n:[名・形] ローマの
<1> gold a,n:[名・形] 金
<1> iron n:[名詞] 鉄
<1> nietzsche n:ニーチェ 《1844‐1900; ドイツの哲学者 ;
<1> proud a:[形容詞] 自慢に思って ;誇って
<1> then :[接続詞]継承
<2> success n:[名詞] 成功,成功したもの[人]
<1> also : [副詞] 〜もまた
<1> indeed :[副詞] 確かに
<1> honor n,v:[動詞,名詞] 名誉
<1> alike a:[形容詞] よく似た
<1> require v:[動詞] を必要とする
<1> prove v:([pp]:proven): [v] 証明する
<1> friend n :[名詞]友人
<1> attain v : [動詞]獲得する、
<1> height n:[名詞] 高さ
<1> become v:[動詞] なる。
<1> akin a: 類似して