c1o’s web site


This page exhibits free software, such as compiler/zero.

Updated on 2016-07-13

compiler/zero (compiler slash zero)


Original mini language compiler for study. A language rather than practical use, it is for those interested in writing compiler. Is easy to modify.

For Windows x86. Compact. 533 lines in C language and 8KB EXE file. With source code and read me, is bundled C++ version too. Public domain.

Because it does not optimized at all, slower than an optimizing compiler. Does not go half the speed of Visual C++.

compiler/one (compiler slash one)


Mini language compiler for study with the C language programming style, which improved from “compiler/zero” so that use of structured programming syntax and “functions”.

compiler/zero” has neither structured programming syntax nor a function call, and although it was a language which can write only the program of really severe appearance. Now appearance becomes almost like the C language.

837 lines in C and 12KB EXE file. With source code, is bundled C++ version too. Public domain.

It have some speed up, but still unsatisfactory. At the case of Tarai(Tak? Takeuchi?) function, does not go half the speed of Visual C++.

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