ネットスケープの232色 (232 Colors for Netscape)

テクニカルノート (Technical Notes)





 ガンマについては...日本ではニフティサーブの「写真フォーラム・ソフト」のライブラリに簡単な解説があります。英語だとPoynton's Colour FAQに詳細なものがあります。





 この手順にはいくつか問題があると思います。L*a*b空間での距離を使うのに問題はないと思いますが、RGB→XYZ→L*a*b*という変換手続きで、XYZの値の求め方に自信がありません。とりあえずCICAのColor Spaces Tutorial(BourginのFAQのダイジェスト)にあったCIE XYZitu601-1 (D65)なる最新の規格を使いましたが、L*a*b*を求めるにはもっと古い規格を使わなければならなかったかも知れません。




CICAのColor Spaces Tutorial

Color Space FAQ maintained by David Bourgin

Poynton's Colour FAQ


Technical Notes


Gamma is, roughly speaking, a kind of contrast curve that shows video card and monitor. Gamma of Macintosh is about 1.8, IBM-PC and the compatibles are 2.4-2.6 (Usual broadcast TV has the gamma of 2.2, according to the standard of NTSC in America and Japan). Smaller the gamma is, softer the images look. Mac and PC are different widely in gamma, and the same image data looks differently.

So making this page, I corrected the color codes to use the gamma of 2.1 before identifying the colors (the correction here is opposite to the general 'gamma correction' in image processing). I used it as the center between Mac and PC.

For more information about gamma, see Poynton's Colour FAQ.

Identification and Naming of Colors

As the color reference, I used the book below:

FUKUDA, Kunio "The Name of Colors: Pocket Pictorial Book", Shufunotomo Co., 1994.

This book contains the color specimens, explanations, and CMYK values, so I converted the CMYK values into RGB. And I corrected gamma of Netscape Navigator colors. And computed L*a*b* values of both and I got the names of the nearest colors in the L*a*b* color space.

This procedure may have some problems. Using the distance in the L*a*b* space has no problem maybe, but I'm not sure if the computation of XYZ is right, in the consequent process of RGB -> XYZ -> L*a*b*. I used the newest stanard CIE XYZitu601-1 (D65) explained in CICA Color Spaces Tutorial (digest of Bourgin's Color Spaces FAQ), but I should have used older standard for L*a*b* computation.

The major problem is the case that some color codes don't have the right corresponding color to the reference, especially in very dark and very bright colors. No way because the reference is the printed, so I used the nearest ones in the L*a*b* space automatically. In this way, sometimes the colors displayed and the name differs in dark and bright colors (for example, 000066 'raven', 000099 'fake purple 5', and so on). Another case there are the colors, that are just the middle of two reference colors. In this case too, I used the nearer one in the L*a*b* space automatically.

Resources on handling colors (in alphabetical order)

CICA Color Spaces Tutorial
Digest of Bourgin's below, but some difference. Good digest.

Color Space FAQ maintained by David Bourgin
He is a college student in France. A little hard to read, but good.

Poynton's Colour FAQ
There are also two versions: in PostScript and PDF. I've found some mistakes. You would be better read Bourgin's too.
