String Functions

Let a$, b$ be string expressions, a, m be numeric expressions below.

Functions of which the result is a number

LEN(a$) The length of s$, the number of characters a$ contains.
POS(a$,b$) The position of first occurrence of b$ within a$.
If no occurrence, the value is 0.
POS(a$,b$,m)The position of first occurrence of b$ within the m-th or latter characters of a$ .
VAL(a$) The value of a numeric a$ represents.
Leading and trailing spaces are ignored.
If a$ does not represent a number correctly, VAL(a$) causes an exception.
ORD(a$) If a$ consists of a single character, the value is the character code of it.
And ORD("CR")=13, ORD("LF")=10, ORD("HT")=9, etc.

Fuctions of which the result is a string

REPEAT$(a$,m) The string consisting of m copies of a$.
STR$(a) The string a is displayed as.
No leading or trailing spaces are included.
USING$(a$,x) The string representing x using a$ as a format item.
Format is common with PRINT USING.
a$ can not hold extra characters except a format.
CHR$(m) The character whose character code is m.
LCASE$(a$) The string on which upper case letters are converted to the lower case.
UCASE$(a$) The string on which lower case letters are converted to the upper case.
LTRIM$(a$) The string from which all leading spaces are removed.
RTRIM$(a$) The string from which all trailing spaces are removed.
DATE$ The date of the form "yyyymmdd"
TIME$ The time of the form "hh:mm:ss"

On the complex mode or the rational mode, if a number is converted to a string using STR$, and converted back to a numeric using VAL, it may be changed.