Difference between Full BASIC and Microsoft BASIC

Control statements

A tail comment begins with not ' but ! .

There are no multi-statements.
Multi-statements on a IF-statement can be re-written using IF~END IF blocks.

Any nested single line IF statements are not allowed.
These can be re-written using IF~END IF blocks.

Omission of the variable on a NEXT statement is not allowed.

The role of the END statement is different.
The END statement of Full BASIC indicates the end of the main program.
cf. (END-statement)

STOP does not mean extraordinary finishing.
STOP corresponds a END command of Microsoft BASIC.

The result of a comparison is not a number.
AND, OR, NOT are not numerical operations.
' p AND q ' does not evaluate q if p does not hold.
' p OR q ' does not evaluate q if p holds.

There is no WHILE~WEND structure.
DO WHILE ~ LOOP is a substitute.
The conditions are not numbers.
For Example,


should be changed to


If a SELECT block has no CASE ELSE line, an exception shall be caused if there are no corresponding items. Thus, the CASE ELSE line may not be omitted.

A CHAIN statement does not hand over the variables.

Notable Syntax of Microsoft BASIC

1. Conditions are numbers on Microsoft BASIC.
For example,
yields … executed if the value of A is not zero.

2. The result of a comparison is a number, -1 for true, 0 for false.
IF 1<A<3 THEN B=0
yields B=0 whatever the value of A is.

3. Multi-statements
Multi-statements do not mean sequential execution of two or more statements.
For example,
10 IF A=1 THEN GOTO 100 : IF A=2 THEN GOTO 200
10 IF A=1 THEN GOTO 100
20 IF A=2 THEN GOTO 200

have different meaning.