;;; -*- mode: lisp-interaction; syntax: elisp -*- ;;; ;;; for Mule 2.3(emacs 19.34.1) on FreeBSD ;; display time ;(setq display-time-day-and-date t) ;(setq display-time-24hr-format nil) ;24hr-format==20:00 or nil==8:00pm ;(display-time) ;; where to put `~/.saves-PID-HOSTNAME' (if (file-exists-p "~/tmp/") (setq auto-save-list-file-prefix "~/tmp/")) ;; skk (setq load-path (cons (expand-file-name (concat exec-directory "/usr/local/share/mule/site-lisp/skk-9.6/")) load-path)) (setq j-delete-backward-char "\C-h" ) (global-set-key "\C-x\C-j" 'skk-mode) ;(global-set-key "\C-xj" 'skk-auto-fill-mode) ;(global-set-key "\C-xt" 'skk-tutorial) (autoload 'skk-mode "skk" nil t) ;(autoload 'skk-tutorial "skk-tut" nil t) ;(autoload 'skk-check-jisyo "skk-tools" nil t) ;(autoload 'skk-merge "skk-tools" nil t) ;(autoload 'skk-diff "skk-tools" nil t) ;(setq skk-tut-file "/usr/local/share/mule/site-lisp/skk-9.6/SKK.tut") (autoload 'skk-isearch-mode-setup "skk-isearch" nil t) (autoload 'skk-isearch-mode-cleanup "skk-isearch" nil t) (add-hook 'isearch-mode-hook (function (lambda () (and (boundp 'skk-mode) skk-mode (skk-isearch-mode-setup))))) (add-hook 'isearch-mode-end-hook (function (lambda () (and (boundp 'skk-mode) skk-mode (skk-isearch-mode-cleanup) (skk-set-cursor-color-properly))))) (setq skk-large-jisyo "/usr/local/share/mule/site-lisp/skk-9.6/SKK-JISYO.L") (setq skk-roma-kana-i '(("" . ("い" . "イ")) ("b" . ("び" . "ビ")) ("by" . ("びぃ" . "ビィ")) ("ch" . ("ち" . "チ")) ("cy" . ("ちぃ" . "チィ")) ("d" . ("でぃ" . "ディ")) ("dh" . ("でぃ" . "ディ")) ("dy" . ("でぃ" . "ディ")) ("f" . ("ふぃ" . "フィ")) ("fy" . ("ふぃ" . "フィ")) ("g" . ("ぎ" . "ギ")) ("gy" . ("ぎぃ" . "ギィ")) ("h" . ("ひ" . "ヒ")) ("hy" . ("ひぃ" . "ヒィ")) ("j" . ("じ" . "ジ")) ("jy" . ("じぃ" . "ジィ")) ("k" . ("き" . "キ")) ("ky" . ("きぃ" . "キィ")) ("m" . ("み" . "ミ")) ("my" . ("みぃ" . "ミィ")) ("n" . ("に" . "ニ")) ("ny" . ("にぃ" . "ニィ")) ("p" . ("ぴ" . "ピ")) ("py" . ("ぴぃ" . "ピィ")) ("r" . ("り" . "リ")) ("ry" . ("りぃ" . "リィ")) ("s" . ("し" . "シ")) ("sh" . ("し" . "シ")) ("sy" . ("しぃ" . "シィ")) ("t" . ("てぃ" . "ティ")) ("th" . ("てぃ" . "ティ")) ("ty" . ("ちぃ" . "チィ")) ("v" . ("う゛ぃ" . "ヴィ")) ("w" . ("うぃ" . "ウィ")) ("x" . ("ぃ" . "ィ")) ("xw" . ("ゐ" . "ヰ")) ("z" . ("じ" . "ジ")) ("zy" . ("じぃ" . "ジィ")))) (setq skk-rom-kana-rule-list '(("nn" nil ("ン" . "ん")) ;;defalut ("n'" nil ("ン" . "ん")) ;;defalut ("oh" "h" ("" . "")) )) ;;hohhohho ==> ほっほっほ(not ほおほおほ) (setq skk-input-vector [nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil ;7 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil ;15 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil ;23 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil ;31 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil ;39 nil nil nil nil "、" "ー" "。" nil ;47 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil ;55 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil ;63 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil ;71 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil ;79 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil ;87 nil nil nil "「" nil "」" nil nil ;95 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil ;103 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil ;111 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil ;119 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] ;127 ) ;; "!" ":" ";" "?"を全角文字にしない (setq skk-henkan-okuri-strictly t) ;;\"▽おお*く\" 変換で\"大く\" を出力しない (setq skk-auto-okuri-process t) ;;\"▽あつかう\"で、送り仮名つけた"扱う"を出力 ;(skk-undo-kakutei "\C-") ;;いったん確定した'高校'を選択しなおす ;; skk color (document is in skk-e19.el) ;(skk-make-face 'white/gray8) ;; 変換途中 (setq skk-henkan-face 'white/black) ;; 変換途中 ;(setq skk-kana-cursor-color "blue") ;; かな ;(setq skk-katakana-cursor-color "darkgreen") ;;カナ ;(setq skk-ascii-cursor-color "gray") ;;ascii ;; canna (if (and (boundp 'CANNA) CANNA) (progn (setq canna-underline t) (load-library "canna") (setq canna-save-undo-text-predicate '(lambda (s) (> (length (car s)) 2) )) ;(canna) ;(global-set-key "\C-_" 'canna-undo) ;(global-set-key "\C-T" 'canna-touroku) ;(global-unbind-key-function 'japanese-mode) ;(global-set-key "\C-o" 'japanese-mode) )) ;; cpp-mode ; derived from linux-c-mode ; putting -*- cpp -*- on the first two lines, automatically.. (defun cpp-mode () "C mode with K&R-style and tab-width 8" (interactive) (c++-mode) (setq c-indent-level 8) (setq c-brace-imaginary-offset 0) (setq c-brace-offset -8) (setq c-argdecl-indent 8) (setq c-label-offset -8) (setq c-continued-statement-offset 8) ; (setq indent-tabs-mode nil) ; linux-c-mode (setq indent-tabs-mode t) (setq tab-width 8)) ;(setq auto-mode-alist ; (cons (cons "\\(\\.c$\\|\\.cpp$\\|\\.cxx$\\|\\.h$\\)" 'cpp-mode) ; auto-mode-alist)) ;(setq-default c-basic-offset 8) (setq c-basic-offset 8) ;; ruby-mode (setq load-path (cons (expand-file-name (concat exec-directory "/usr/local/share/mule/site-lisp")) load-path)) (load "ruby-mode") (setq auto-mode-alist (append (list '("\\.c\\'" . cpp-mode) '("\\.cpp\\'" . cpp-mode) '("\\.h\\'" . cpp-mode) '("\\.pl\\'" . perl-mode) '("\\.rb\\'" . ruby-mode)) auto-mode-alist)) ;; X-display, X-font (cond (window-system (setq default-frame-alist (append (list '(width . 80) '(height . 31) '(foreground-color . "grey90") '(background-color . "black") ;'(cursor-color . "white") '(vertical-scroll-bars . nil) ) default-frame-alist)))) (set-face-background 'modeline "grey50") (set-face-foreground 'modeline "black") (set-cursor-color '"white") ;;; X-highlight (cond (window-system (setq hilit-mode-enable-list '(not text-mode) hilit-background-mode 'dark ;'light hilit-inhibit-hooks nil hilit-inhibit-rebinding nil) (require 'hilit19) )) ;;; calender / diary _ ja (setq calendar-load-hook '(lambda nil (load "japanese-holidays" t) (setq calendar-holidays japanese-holidays) )) ;;; lookup (autoload 'lookup "lookup" nil t) (autoload 'lookup-region "lookup" nil t) (autoload 'lookup-pattern "lookup" nil t) (define-key ctl-x-map "l" 'lookup) ; C-x l - lookup (define-key ctl-x-map "y" 'lookup-region) ; C-x y - lookup-region (define-key ctl-x-map "\C-y" 'lookup-pattern) ; C-x C-y - lookup-pattern (setq lookup-search-agents '((ndeb "/dos/dic/chujiten" :appendix "/dos/dic/appendix/chujiten") (ndeb "/dos/dic/daijirin" :appendix "/dos/dic/appendix/daijirin") (ndkks) )) ; (ndic "/dos/dic/freedic") (setq lookup-default-dictionary-options '((:stemmer . stem-english))) ;(require 'bitmap) ;(setq lookup-enable-gaiji nil) ; ;(setq lookup-use-bitmap t) ;use Gaiji ;; end of file