When a future damage is predictable,
you can prepare for it with


  MultiPar can be downloaded from Vector's official download page which is written in Japanese. Please goto the page and click either green button to select which version. At the next page, click a green button to start download. If you cannot get from there, you may try other links below.

Where to click on selection page

Where to click on download page

 Soft name: MultiPar
File:MultiPar132.zip  /  1,153,049 Bytes  /  2023 Aug. 26
Installer version
File:MultiPar132_setup.exe  /  2,401,480 Bytes  /  2023 Aug. 26

Samples are available to test new feature, check problem, or confirm fixed point. You can download them from OneDrive or GitHub.

 Soft name: MultiPar beta  New
File:MultiPar1333.zip  /  1,172,092 Bytes  /  2024 Jun. 15
Installer version
File:MultiPar1333_setup.exe  /  2,373,575 Bytes  /  2024 Jun. 15

  Other versions and source code are available from archive page.

100% CLEAN award granted by Softpedia

  "MultiPar" has been tested in the Softpedia labs using several industry-leading security solutions and found to be completely clean of adware/spyware components. More information about my product's certification and the award is available on this page.

MultiPar was prized in the final vote of 2012's popularity contest over Vector

  There was a popularity contest over Vector, which selects the best and prize for each section from weekly/monthly ranking top 100 softwares in 2012. MultiPar was selected in System & Hardware section. I appreciate many users' help, and proud that my development is supported. I will try to improve MultiPar to become more major and common tool.

External link

MultiPar on GitHub I made a GitHub web-page for MultiPar.
PAR3 Project I'm making sample implementation of PAR3 for Windows OS.
Updated par2cmdline The latest version of par2cmdline is available for Linux/Unix/Windows users.
  Because I made my PAR2 client (par2j.exe) independently from par2cmdline project, the command-line syntax and printing are absolutely different from par2cmdline family. If you want to replace an old par2cmdline on Windows OS, you can download Windows binary from here.
ParPar High performance PAR2 create client for NodeJS
ParParGUI GUI front-end to ParPar, a PAR2 creation tool
par2cmdline-turbo par2cmdline × ParPar: speed focused par2cmdline fork
  If you want faster PAR2 creation, you would better use ParPar tools instead of MultiPar. Though my PAR2 client uses some optimization methods in ParPar by getting help of the author, original ParPar will be faster mostly.
For parchive developer Parchive Specification and Client Developer Discussion List


How to install MultiParThese come from MultiPar package2021 May 25
Japanese install manual
Append PAR2 to archiveHow to add recovery record to ZIP or 7-Zip archive2021 Sep. 4
PAR 1.0 SpecificationsJapanese translation2009 Nov. 17
PAR 2.0 SpecificationsJapanese translation2014 Oct. 2
Galois Field calculatorTool for easy calculation over Galois Field with Java Script2014 Oct. 1


  While MultiPar is available as freeware, I spent a lot of time and effort to develop. Your donation will encourage me to continue my efforts to improve and support MultiPar. I made PayPal account, and you can donate below;

How much:
   Short message:

Last update 2024 June 15 by Yutaka Sawada.