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- my resume (自己紹介)
name (名前) : Seisei # Yamaguchi
sex (性別) : male
I was born in (生年月日) : ADy001971m06d08
address (住所) :
- 1-768 Shirotsuchi Togo-cho Aichi-gun Aichi-ken 470-01 Japan
- (470-01 愛知県 愛知郡 東郷町 白土1-768)
It's next-door town of Nagoya.
- And this *l is the photo of my home I live and I used for grow.
- musical instrument I can play a little (少しなら弾ける楽器) :
- piano, recorder (soprano, alto), violin, and trombone
- number of my loves (恋人の数) : 10000000000 person
- language I can speak at least a little (少なくとも少しなら話せる言葉) :
- Japanese, Kansai-ben (dialect of Japanese), English, Basic, and assembler of M68k
- interested job (興味がある職業) :
- baby-sitter, video-game creater, physicist, psychologist, Geinin (not comedian)
- hobby / I interest in (趣味/興味をもっている事) :
- Karaoke, ice skate, video game (mainly arcade version) #, mind, psychology, brain, intelligence *l, unix, network, internet *l, communication #, culture, joke, OWARAI, Kansai-ben, computer (hardware and software) #, sciense, phisics, space, and you --I love you...
- comics I like (好きな漫画) :
- 愛があればいーのだ, SLAM DUNK, ムジナ, 北斗の拳, 東京大学物語, キャプテン, 暴力大将, バオー来訪者, 風の谷のナウシカ, サルでも描ける漫画教室
- sound artists who my favorite (好きなアーティスト) :
- Kohmi Hirose, Yuhki Kitamura, Eri Hiramatsu #, Sachiko Kumagai, Hiroko Souma, Yuhko Sakaki, Masayuki Yamamoto, Godiego, Miki Ishioka, Naomi Oki, Zuntata, Mecano associates, Irem sound team, etc.
- commedian I like (好きな芸人) :
- Zenjirou, Taichi Kokubun (member of TOKIO), Matsumoto-house, Ryuji Takagi (インボイス)
- movie, animation, etc. I like # (好きな映画, アニメ) :
- 薔薇の名前, 野望の階段, Angel heart, Ghost busters, 宇宙船サジタリウス, キャプテンフューチャー (Captain Future), 戦闘メカザブングル, 未来少年コナン
- 好きな女性のtype:
- gagがキレる人。1960年位生まれの方がいいかも知れず。
- 家筋(?): 清嗣 #の孫
- 捜している人: 美術講師のメンソレータムさん *l (勝手に命名) ----再会しました (001997/5 (y/m) に)
- my environment (マシン環境) :
- main:
- X68000 *L EXPERT HD (CZ-612C-BK) *mpu clock 10, 17.3MHz改造済み
- os: Human68k, minix
- memory: 10M (using MemMax-board product of 志那虎製作所)
- scsi i/f: CZ-6BS1
- hd:
- FUJITSU M1606S-512 (SCSI, 3.5" 1040M)
- internal, Logitech (SASI, 40M)
- mo:
- LMO-300 (SCSI, 3.5" 128M)
- ReoDrive (SCSI, 5" 280M)
- cdrom: XM-3401 (SCSI, x2 speed)
- tape: HP35480A (満開式磁帯駆動装置壱號) (SCSI, DAT)
- exp fd: 3.5" x2 (2DD, japan2HD)
- rom reader: romoon v0.01 *l
- 486 machine with unix *2
- sub:
- X68000 (CZ-600CE *L)
- os: Human68k
- memory: 4MB
- scsi: SxSI (セクシー)
- hd: NT-100, alps-drive (SCSI, 100M)
- monitor: JUM-1471AN (15", 15-36kHz video & rgb, mitsubishi)
- X68000 (CZ-600CB) *metalic silver調ワインred系colorにpaintした (X1とXVIのimage)
- os: Human68k
- memory: 6M (using Xsimm10 product of 東京system research)
- scsi: SxSI (セクシー)
- hd:
- fujitsu (SCSI, 5" x2 height 100M)
- Quantum PRO DRIVE with A.2-ROM (SCSI, 3.5" full height 40M)
- mo: CZ-6MO1 (SCSI, 5" 280M)
- cdrom: AppleCD 150 (SCSI, x1 speed)
- monitor: CZ-600D (15", 15 & 24 & 31kHz tv monitor)
- PC-9801UV21 (NEC, not AT) *bbs運営&たまにrom焼き用
- os: msdos5
- scsi i/f: melcoのおまけのSCSI2 board
- hd: toshiba (SCSI2, 2.5" 340M)
- monitor: JUM-1471AN (68と共用) , PC-KD851
- rom-writer: 512Kbit max
- TERADRIVE model3 *AT compatible included (means marged with MEGA DRIVE the game machine) machine, 286 based)
- os: msdos3
- scsi i/f: trantor 130b
- hd: Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd. FK309S-53R (SCSI, 42M)
- monitor: nec, N5924U (14", 15-31 (?) kHz長残光)
- 私が使わせて貰っているおかんのmachine
- AT (Aptiva, 133MHz)
- os: win95
- memory: 16M
- printer: BJ-10v (Japanese Ver.)
- Mac PB 145B
- os: MacOS 7.5.3
- memory: 8M (x5 with ramdoubler)
- scanner: JX-325M (SCSI, 300(600)dpi)
- 眠っているmachine
- AMIGA1000 (NTSC Ver.) *one of the custom chips is broken
- os: amiga dos
- memory: 2.5M
- exp fdd: 2dd
- ATARI1040ST *one of the TOS 1.0 roms (probably) is broken
- FM-7 (with KANJI-ROM)
- FM-11
- FMR-50A II
- MSX (H1)
- MZ-721
- MZ-1500
- MZ-2521
- MZ-6500 MODEL50 HD
- PB-700
- (PC-286noteF --- stolen
- NEC compatible, V30 based (NOT 286 based))
- PC-8801MA (NEC, not AT)
- PV-2000
- SMC-777
- VIC-1001
- X1D
game machines:
PC Engine
SEGA mkIII (broken)
MZ-1D22 (broken)
RGB FINE2000 14V20F
- PC-98H53L (40M)
- Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd. FK309S-53R (40M)
- with 2.27 ROM
with 2.28 ROM
with 2.4A ROM x2
ML-40 (40M) (broken)
Quantum PRO DRIVE with A.2-ROM (40M) (x2)
Quantum ProDrive LPS with V6400-ROM (240M)
- printer:
- CZ-8PC3
- others:
- JOY-STICKS: XE-1AP, and some sticks
- my arcade PCBs:
Mr.HELI no daibouken (Mr.HELIの大冒険) (ROM)
Saigo no nindou (最後の忍道) (Japanese version of Ninja spirits)
GRADIUS (normal-ROM version, not bubble memory)
SPACE PILOT (the pirates edition of Time pilot)
Ninja-kun ashura no shou (忍者君阿修羅ノ章)- (Ninja kid II) (old,new、共にsound不良)
Hisho-zame (飛翔鮫) (Japanese version of Flying shark)
DARIUS (Japanese version of Sagaia)- (with the original stand with seat because it's Japanese version)
- TETRIS(one of the pirates editions) (broken)
WORLD CUP (broken?)
DONKY KONG (with original table) (broken?)
- #Seisei
- 青星. ``青''(sei) means ``blue'', and ``星'(sei) means ``star''. My father named with the image of Sirius the star. ...By the way, at junior high school, I learned the color of Sirius is white. どゆこっちゃ。:->
- #video game *l(mainly arcade version)
- I like shooting game that TOA-PLAN type. But I especially loveing "Saigo no nindou" # of arcade version, and "Seikzui-hansha de AH-CYO" # the shooting (?) game for reception for X68k. And I'm into DAYTONA USA the race game of arcade version *l.
- 最後の忍道, it means "Final ninja-spirit". Japanese version of "Ninja spirits". The horizontal scrolling jumping action game.
- #"Seikzui-hansha de AH-CYO"
- 脊髄反射であっちょー, it means "AH-CYO by reflex action of the spinal cord". For shooter that novice till special-A ranked.
The level 22 of it the "BoBoBoBomber" is especially HOT. The level 28 etc. too.
The author is "Famibe no Yossin" means "Yossin the Family-BASIC for Family computer as Nintendo entertainment system".
I want to port it to Amiga and Atari, if I have enough time, money, and food.- #communication
- Do you know ``Nim'' *l ? He is one of the chimpanzees CAN USE SIGN-LANGUAGE and communicate with human!
- #computer *l (hardware and software)
- Especially, I like X680x0 the product of Sharp . It has beautiful architecture and sprite-system same as arcade PCB of about 1985-1990. I like assembler programming of M68k proccessor, and I want to assembler programming of DSP 56k # the Motorola product, too (I want ATARI Falcon030 (it has the 56001 as 56k)).
- #56k
- This has beautiful architecture. And so far as I know, in spite of it is DSP, we can write its code in assembly language without hardships. Moreover it has mnemonic the very similer to MPU M68k's. It's the trap to fall in love, isn't it?
There are 56001's sisters 56002, 96001, and 96002 I know.- #Eri Hiramatsu
a piece created by her especially I like:
- Cresent Moonshine, とっておきの20秒, 月のランプ, 君にしとけば良かったなんて, あなたに出逢えてよかった, あくびがしたい, 素敵なルネッサンス
- #movie, animation, etc. I like
- I liked "Star wars", "コンバトラーV", "Space battle ship Yamato", "グランプリの鷹", and "機動戦士ガンダム" at the time I was kid.
- #清嗣
- なんでも金沢の大きな廻船問屋 (屋号も清嗣かどうかは 調べないと分かりません # ) (和歌山 (?) にも同じ名前が関係する廻船問屋がある様でそこから派生した可能性もあるとの事) の主だった様で、 NHKの大河drama「琉球の風」で名前が出てきたらしい商人「きよつぐ」は僕の家系の可能性もある との事。祖父の幼名 (?) は「和十郎」。尚、「清嗣」は代々襲名された名前で、 僕のおかん *l の故兄も清嗣という名前でした。
- 金沢で清嗣の墓守をしていてくれる親戚 (?) にきけば色々分かるそうです。
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counted since 1996/7/07 (y/m/d)(eof)