#top of this page, contents_top #
guest book @l @l{ ~/ ../00index.html ./00index.html / _misc/ }
Teach me errors and missing links. @m


some of my work (私の作品の一部)
there are softwares for X68k, and ROMOON page @l.

昔に作った物もありdocumentに書いてある事が多少 (?) ヘンですが, ご愛敬という事で.

top of this page #
for all platforms

tcode @l# のstroke辞書 generator. jperl script.

b . sttc100
l . sttc/100/
b . sttc101
l . sttc/101/

b . sttc102
l . readme.sj
l . st
l . lrshort
l . other files

top of this page #
for X68k

l . ROMOON page -- X68000 (ACE以降) 用ROM reader
ROMOON is ROM-reader for X68000 !. You can read the ROM image of arcade PCBs etc !

Run68017 v1.02 -- 68020の新設命令emulator
(http://park.org/Japan/128KTTH/ngy012/arc/comp/hack/chip/mpu/68k/emu/0e/x68/68017102.zip (46874 bytes, if link is missing...))

Emulator can use the added instruction for 68020 on 68000! Ported from GEM (Atari ST) version written by Daniel Hollis *m, and original is AmigaOS version written by Kamran Karimi.

l . 68017102.hed
l . Run68017.doc
l . Run68017.has
l . keeped.s
l . other files L . mirror

hiryu104.zip -- ストライダー飛竜の画面関係を触る+α v1.04 w/src
(http://park.org/Japan/128KTTH/ngy012/arc/comp/game/capcom/strider/0e/x68/pat/hiryu104.zip (18068 bytes, if link is missing...))

crtcのparameterを触ってよりoriginalに近づけます. おまけmodeあり.
IOCS ``_B_SUPER''を乗っ取ってそこからmemory imageに細工して実現しています.
その昔, file nameにkanjiを使って, そのままになっています.

l . hiryu104.hed
l . 飛竜.doc
l . 飛竜.has
l . naw.mac
l . other files O . other files

#hisio #
kaneko hisiozameを途中までanalyzeした結課とdemo

l . hisio/000

star cluiser (X68000 ver) の user-dataを file levelで 扱える 様に する

l . readme.doc
l . readme.doc
l . conv.has
l . useitem.has
l . other files

nsren100.zip -- netscape v1のcache fileを復元する
(http://park.org/Japan/128KTTH/ngy012/arc/comp/netw/inet/browser/0e/hu/nsren100.zip (7660 bytes, if link is missing...))

L . nsren100.hed
L . nsren.doc
L . nsren.cnf
L . other files

l . namehook

l . f2sc
file -> raw scsi

l . sc2f
raw scsi -> file

私の作品はカンパ希望free soft/hardですがカンパなしでも制限はありません.

470-0162 愛知県 愛知郡 東郷町 白土 1-768 山口青星

Seisei Yamaguchi; 768,1 Shirotsuchi Togo Aichi Aichi 470-0162 Japan

contents_top #
guest book @l @l{ ~/ ../00index.html ./00index.html / _misc/ }
Teach me errors and missing links. @m

counted since 1996/7/30 (y/m/d)
created: 1996/7/30 (y/m/d)

these are access analizers (アクセス解析 用の イメージ達)
counted since UTC ADy001998m04d01, UTC ADy001998m04d04
counted since UTC ADy001998m04d01
since UTC ADy001998m08d21
time stamp of THIS file:
