.SPF file(LineNumberedFile)
      Specify option=(m72,n) on CID header line.
      ex) //CID://+DATE~R:#63 option=(m72,n)
          This mean CID format is //~yymdd~ and set to column 63.
          Margin is 1-72(Input avail) and n means LineNumbered file.
      By this line,the file is treated as SPF file.
      (All lines are 80 byte fixed length line,73-78 is lineno column,
       79-80 is file update level).SPF file is kept as fixed length,
       with line number/version number maintenance automaticaly.
      If no CID position requrement,Edit/Browse/Select cmd with Fn[-m]
      is alternative of CID header line.
      EN/BN/SN is equivalent of Edit/Browse/Select cmd each with "F80-72 p0".
      If Col.73-80 is a part of data,use CID header width option(F80)
      or use e8 command.