.Line Drawling/Special glyph input

      Use Graphic Char.(Alt+1,...or Ctrl+numerickey pad) Chapter-(1)
      CursorDownKey(Alt+BS) is convenient to draw vertical line.

      It depends on codepage which codepoint draws line.
      IBM PC De fact standard was CP437(DOS LatinUS) which assignes 0xb3 etc.
      In japan,from the need to assign many codepoints for hankaku-katakana
      IBM Japanese DOS assigned 0x01 etc. to line drawing character.
      MS-Windows selected CP1252(WinLAtin1) which is superset of ISO-8859-1,
      and line drawing characters are shifted out by European language character.
      But as OEM codepage,you may be able to see line drawing character.
      xe use IBM Japanese DOS under Japanese environment or else use CP437.
#if defined(LNX) && !defined(XXE)   //Linux Console version
      Linux Console version use ncurses ACS to draw lines.
      You have to select to draw line or display European complex character.
      OPT LINECH [on|off]
      If On,some codepoint of Japanese DOS or CP437 are used to draw lines.
      Set off if >0xa0 is effective codepoint on e.g. ISO8859-1.
      "Line Drawing Character" code assignment is changed by the file on work directory.
      It is used to input a set of phrase,usual special glyph code which is bother to type.
         Ini file naming convention is xelch__.ini[.locale]
           __ : version ID ex) win,gcc,wxe,lnx,gtk.
           locale: for Linux version (lnx and gtk) only.  ex) "ja_JP.eucJP"
                   It is gotten by Linux "locale" command.
           The filename is displayed on the bottom line of =0.2 panel.
         Each line of the file specify output string of the Alt+n key combination
           (Process end if encountered the line with "//" at top of the line)
           This function is at first intended to output line-drawing-character,
           but now it output any string up to 100 byte.
             n: 1,2,...9,h,v :conbination key with Alt key.
                ex) 1 is for Alt+"1" , h is for Alt+"-", v is for Alt+"^".
                To nullify previous setting,place the line without string such as "1=".
             xxxx,yyyy:Specify string to be written by the key combination.
                       Start by 0x if use hex notation.
                       Enclose by quation if the string contains delimiter like as space.
                       If both xxxx and yyyy is specified,xxxx is written
                       without Shift key,yyyy with Shift key combination.
                       ex). xxxx by Alt+1,yyyy by Alt+Shift+1.
#if defined(LNX)|| !defined(XXE))
                       Linux Console version can not detect shift key,
                       xxxx is used when OPT LINECH on, yyyy is used when OPT LINECH off.
                       UTF-8 string is supported by another modules(xeu,wxeu,gxeu).

          Ini file example.

             //jpn euc  dbcs
             1="This is my cliches.","Best Regards."
             1=84af 2=84b3 3=84ae 4=84b0 5=84b4 6=84b2 7=84ac 8=84b1 9=84ad h=84aa v=84ab  (jpn sjis dbcs)
             1=c0 2=c1 3=d9 4=c3 5=c5 6=b4 7=da 8=c2 9=bf h=c4 v=b3  (cp437)
             1=03 2=15 3=04 4=19 5=10 6=17 7=01 8=16 9=02 h=06 v=05  (jpn DOS)
             1=e29494 2=e294b4 3=e29498 4=e2949c 5=e294bc 6=e294a4 7=e2948c 8=e294ac 9=e29490 h=e29480 v=e29482 (utf)