= Table Calculation.
TC expression [options] [NX] [Zero] [.lab1 .lab2] [.lab3 .lab4]
(Not supported by DOS version)
.5 format type
-unary operation except summary.
TC [opd1]{++|--|=/conv-type}
-unary operation summary.
TC [opd1]+[{/break-key[/grade]|//count}] [option]
especially to count lines,use "1" to opd1.
ex) tc 1+/10-16!.
-binary operation.
TC [opd1]{+= | -= | *= | /= | %= | == | ~= | =}[opd2]
-binary operation with target.
TC opd3=opd1{+ | - | * | / | % | ~ | ==}opd2
-table formatting.
TC FMT [[fieldno[-fieldno]]{R|L|P}[C][N][O] ...]
[D[delimiter]] [C][N][O] [S[R]outdelm] [H] [Q[d][s]]
opd1/2/3:[type]{column1-column2|constant-value} or [type]:fieldno
type:data type.
d(decimal), x(hexadecimal), o(octal), t(time),
z(comma seperated decimal string)
Time should be by the fmt of hhmmss,hh:mm:ss or
If type missing,it is assumed as time when fmt is
hh:mm:ss or hh.mm.ss,else it is assumed as decimal.
timestamp constant is hh:mm:ss.xxx fmt and
string constant used for copy(=) or compare(==)
should be enclosed by double quotation.
ex) tc 1-10*=60 tc 1-10+=01:10:29 tc 1-2=10-14=="abcde"
fieldno :1 digit field seqno.Use a-z for over 10.
Before use fieldno,fieldno guide line have
to be inserted by "TC FMT H" cmd.
opc :operation code applied to operands.
+ :Summary.Average,min and max value is optionally
Sub-total line is set by placing '=' on the
top byte of data field, or inserted by
specifying break-key or count option.
Sub-total line position is controled by option.
= :-When operand3 is missing.
This command set operand1 table. It is used
after table is set by Cut&Paste key.
(ex) TC =
-When operand3 is specified.
It specify left of = is 3rd operand
and result is set to.
(ex) TC t10-19=t30-39+50-55
If no operand at the right of "=" it set the opd1.
(ex) TC 10-20=
-Copy operation.
opd3=opd2 [INS] [RJust]
Without datatype for opd2,opd2 string is copied
to opd3 trimming both side space char.
With datatype for opd2,numeric assignment done
and data type conversion may occur.
String constant for opd2 is specified by
double quotation.
ex) tc 1-8="total=" ins; tc 20-30="";
tc z1-8=x10-18;
++:Set summary up to the each lines.
(ex) TC x10-19++
--:Set each difference value from the previous line.
(ex) TC o10-19--
:Operand 1 is ovrrided by calculated result.
(ex) TC 10-19*=20-21
~ :count "ACTIVE" lines
use in the case all log record has start and end time
and you want to count how many record is exist
at each start time.
coutEQ option is to count 1up for the line
If opd1 datatype is "T" opd2 may interval second.
If no data type is specified,opd1 compared with
opd2 as string case-sensitively.
ex) TC 10-13=30-41~50-51
If no datatype for both operand,
case sensitive string compare is done.
When opd1==opd2 fmt, unmatch line is tagged
and can be searched by "f *L".
When opd3=opd1==opd2 fmt,result(-1,0,1) is set
to opd3.
To set 1 for true and 0 for false,use TF option.
To set 0 for true and 1 for false,use FT option.
/conv type:O:octal, X:hex, T:Clock, D:decimal,
Z:FMT(comma seperated)decimal,
U:unsigned D, UZ:unsigned Z, L:TimeStamp-->Clock
FMT:table column alignment by space delimiter.
R :Right justified. Default unless attended to fieldNo.
L :left justified.
P :align by decimal point.
R/L/P not attended to fieldNo is effective as default
until O specification.
As a result,fields with no R/L/P specification
are left space between them.
tc fmt ==> r r r r r
tc fmt r l r o ==> r l r - -
tc fmt r 3l ==> r r l r r
tc fmt r 3l l ==> r r l l l
tc fmt 3r ==> - - r - -
N :Numeric FieldSearch is to align at numeric
field. the numric field and all fields before
the numeric field is treated as a field.
A :reset "N" flag
C :compress intermediate spaces of all following
fields to a space. NC means combine until
the numeric field.
O :do not align from this field.
H :fieldno guide line is inserted.
D[delimiter]:input field seperator. default is " ".
"D" means D",".
multiple char is avail like as D" ,"
S[R][outdelm]:field seperator to be set after formatted.
R :delete input delimiter.
outdelm:string to be inserted.
default is " ".
For opcode=+(Summary),specify break point to
set sub-total.Table should be sorted by this
field when ">"(Ascending:default) or "<"(descending)
"!" mean break when not same.
Column is key field column.
Type is of key field type for grade.
Without grade option,sub-total is displayed
when key value changed.
(ex) TC 10-19+/1-4 TC10-19/1-4!
grade :For each grade of key value(key field should
be numeric type data),sub-total is displayed.
(ex) TC 10-19+/1-4/1000
: subtotal for each grade, col.1-4 is reached to 1000, 2000, 3000 and so on.
count :Sub-total is displayed each lines of the count.
(ex) TC 10-19+//100
: subtotal for each 100 lines.
filedno :Rigit or Left justification with filedno.
Fieldno start from 1.Default is L.
When Fieldno missing,apply to following all.
(ex) TC FMT 3L ; TC FMT R L; TC FMT 1-4L 5-6L;
options :
ign : Ignore existing sub-total field(prefixed by "=").
aft|bef|top|end|las :Position of sub-total line to be
default is control-break point.
-Ofilename :output sub/grand total lines to the file.
wild card is used to get output file name
from current filename.
ave|minmax|maxmin|amm:Additional to summary,average or
min/max value is displayed.
Amm is for both.
NX :calculation for displayed lines only.
Zero :"0" padding in the preceding space.
V[n]R :out decimal fraction precision.
R:round. (5up,4cut).
INS :Not replace but Insert result at the opd3 position
by the width specified.
RJ :opd3 alignment=Right justification.
default is LeftJustify.
countEQ :For "~"(count ACTIVE line) operation,
count 1 up for the line starttime==endtime.
Without countEQ,these line are assumed as INACTIVE.
Q[d][s] :consideration of quotation.
d:double("), s:single(').
treat as Qds when both d and s are omitted.
TF :result of ==(compare) is 1 for true,0 for false.
FT :result of ==(compare) is 0 for true,1 for false.
.lab1/2/3/4:Start and End line of table.
.lab1 and .lab2 is for opd2,.lab3 and .lab4 is
for opd2. If .lab3 and .lab4 is missing,
.lab1 and .lab2 is for both opd1/2.
corresponding label is to be set on lineno columns.
If label is all numeric,it is treated as lineno.
(ex) TC 10-19+ .a .b ; TC 10-19+ .100 .200
-Sub-total line of summary operation(for opcode is +).
-With break-key or count.
Existing sub-total line(data field stating with char '=')
is deleted without "ign" option,ignored with "ign" option.
New sub-total line is insered according to the break.
Inserting position is optionally specified. If no insert
position,it is inserted into the break position.
-Without break-key nor count.
By placing "=" at the top of opd1 field,
subtotal is gotten at that place.
Insert position option is for the grand total line.
-Operand specification using Cut&Paste function.
When operand 1 and operand 2 is not on the different
file,specify table block using Cut&Paste.
Operand 1 is fixed by one mode Alt+F7 just after block
fixed. "TC =" command is alternative.
Then next,operand 2 is specified one more block specification.
Calculation is done by TC command without operand column
specification. For ex, "TC +=", "TC 1-9=+".
Other option,like as data type is specified. For ex,
"TC t+=t/4-5".
This is not used for "="(Copy) operation.