.About Cut and Paste.
        -See xewxee.txt for mouse operation.
         Followings are of using keyboard.
        -There are 3 modes to specify Cut/Copy range.
         Region mode is same as Windows standard cut and paste.
         Using Alt+F6,region is from the latter half of the start line to
         the first half of the end line.
         Alt+F6 is also used to specify target range,so you should
         explicitly copy to clipboard by A+F9 when closed copy source range.
         After A+F7,A+F9 is implicit for the case pasting by A+F8,A+Ins.
         Block mode is by using "Block Start/End"(Alt+F7,Alt+b),
         and range is square box diagonal by start and end point.
         Line mode is by using "Line Marking"(Alt+h),
         and range is all full lines start to end.
         If you press block mode key on the line-no field or column 1 of file
         it is also line mode.
         Alt+w is one of block mode and copy the word delimited by space.
         Ctl+w copy the word to clipboard then paste on at end of cmd line text.
        -There are 4 copy mode.
         Ctrl+v paste like as Windows standard,replace range if exist or
         insert region at the cursor position.
         (Notes) When target region is not specified and copy source range is specified by block mode(Alt+F7),
                 taget line is split like as source lines have EOL.
                 With Ctrl+v, use region mode(Alt+F6) to specify source data.
         Insertion by "Block Insert"(Alt+Ins,Alt+c),
         override paste by "Block Copy Over"(Alt+F8,Alt+p) and
         override space char only by "Block Over Space"(Alt+o).
         "Block Cut Move"(Alt+m) and "Block Clear Move"(Alt+n) do
        -There are 2 block mode insert operation,right shift and line insertion.
         It takes line insertion in the following case.
         (You can also insert line under block mode)
         ."Line Insert Copy"(Alt+i),"Line Insert Cut Move"(Alt+j),
          "Line Insert Clear Move"(Alt+k)
         ."Block Insert"(Alt+Ins,Alt+c),"Block Cut Move"(Alt+m) and
          "Block Clear Move"(Alt+n) if cursor is on line-no filed.
        -There are 3 delete operation;box cut,box space clear and line
         "Block Clear"(Alt+End) and "Block Clear Move"(Alt+n) leave
         space block or space lines.
         "Block Cut"(Alt+Del,Alt+d) and "Block Cut Move"(Alt+m) delete
         lines under line mode,cut and shift to left under block mode.
         Unlike windows Del/BackSpace is not effective for Ctrl+v region,
         use Alt+Del.
        -Block/lines are copied to clipboard,it can be used to copy
         repeatedly any times. It is also available across sessions.
         Block is copied to ClipBoard at the time copy/del(move) is done.
         To cut the block from the file which will be close(End/Cancel),
         use "Block Save"(Alt+F9) to save block to ClipBoard.
         And then execute copy/del(move) function.
         Consecutive "Block Save" is avail until copy/del(move) is done.
        -"Line Insert Copy"(Alt+i) may be used to copy a file into the
         current edit file under line-no not displayed mode.
         (ex. command result screen)
         By using Execute key after entered COPy or MOVe command,
         message is displayed requesting to specify destination line.
         In this situation move cursor to the desitination line then
         use "Line Insert Copy"(Alt+i) to copy file after the line.
        -"Line Marking"(Alt+h) may be used to create/replace a file
         from the current edit file under line-no not displayed mode.
         By using Execute key after entered CREate or REPlace cmd,
         message is displayed requesting to specify copy source range.
         In this situation use "Line Marking" to specify copy range,
         then lines of the range is written to the file when range is
         closed by 2nd "Line Marking" key.
        -See also "[Table 3] Alternative operation by Cut & Paste".

        -Cut&Paste using mouse use system clipboard, so copied text is immediately available
         to another session. On the other hands Cut&Paste by Function key save the text at end
         of session. So console version user have to use CUT/PASte cmd to pass text between
         two xe session. CUT/PASte write to/read from the 2nd CB file(::CB2) each time.