= File write from edit screen.

        {CREate | REPlace | APPend | CUT}  [filename]  [/M{T|P|U|M|E|R|V}] [/F{n[-m]|vfmt}]
                     [[-x|-nx] [.lab1 .lab2]
                     [ CPU8 | CPLC | CPEB[:codepage] ] [IE] [-S{r|i}d}]

            filename:wildcard allowed.
                     wildcard for path should be unique path,
                     wildcard for member is used for rename.
                     For CUT cmd,filename is fixed to ::CB2.
                     Specify "-" prefix for all option of CUT cmd like as -IE.
            CRE     :Create new-file(fail if already exist)
            REP     :Replace existing file without confirmation
                     (create if not exist,)
            APP     :Add lines at end of file
                     or create if file is not exist.
            CUT     :Copy to ::CB2(2nd clipboard for Cut&Paste)
                     Use PASte cmd to paste from ::CB2.
                     Specify codepage, record mode of source file
                     if that is diffrent from target ones.
            -x      :only excluded line is selected
            -nx     :only not excluded line is selected
            all     :used with -x or -nx.
            .lab1/2 :used with -x or -nx specifying file range.

            /M      :request to change eol char. Use for CRE/REP cmd.
                     T:Text mode. Linux:0a, Windows:0d0a, single 0a is replaced by 0d0a on Windows.
                     P:0d0a(PC file)
                     U:0a  (Unix file)
                     M:0d  (Mac file)
                     E:15  (EBCDIC file)
                     R:Fixed Length Record mode.  Specify LRECL by /Fnn option.
                     V:Variable Length Record mode. Specify record header type by /Fvfmt.
            /Fn[-m]   :record mode record size and margin.
                     Use to change to record mode or change record size.
            /Fvfmt  :VariableLengthRecord file record header formt. See Edit command.

#ifdef UTF8SUPP
            CPU8/CPLC:specifies output file encoding.
             /CPEB    write after translating to specified encoding.
                      CPEB:codepage pattern allows to specify the EBCDIC codepage other than specified on cfg file.
            IE       : ignore translation error, error code is replaced by "?".
            -S{r|i|d}: SO/SI option
                       r : When current screen is EBCDIC file and cmd option is CPLC/CPU8,
                           replace SO/SI to a space.
                           When current screen is not EBCDIC and cmd option is CPEB,
                           replace both side of space, if available, to SO/SI.
                       i : Inserte SO/SI when translation to EBCDIC.
                       d : Delete SO/SI when translation from EBCDIC.
             Without -x or -nx option,
             specify copy range by line command c(Copy) or m(Move).
             If source line range is specified by "m" line cmd, thouse lines are deleted(effect of CUT).
             Use "Line Marking"(Alt+h) to specify line range to be
             written when line-no is not displayed.