#if defined(W32)||defined(LNX)

   .UTF8 Support.

     .You can view/edit UTF8 encoded file.
      Linux version can process UTF8 encoded file name.
      Windows actualy manages filename by UTF-16,
      windows version can process filename containing surrogate pair code.
      Both version treates up to u-0x10ffff(21 bit UCS4).

     .UTF8 string is shown by colour of green.
#ifdef W32
      Filname on dir-list is shown by colour of green when translation to locale coed from utf8 failed.
      See case of Linux for dir-list of remote(not Windows-Share but FTP).
#ifdef LNX
      Filname on dir-list is shown by colour of green when filename encoding is utf8.
      If valid as both charset of UTF8 and locale code, codepage is selected as following priority(High to Low).
            EDIt cmd : e xxx FN{U8|LC|AS}
            cmdline parameter : xe  -UN{8|L}
            UTF cmd : UTF FN CP{U8|LC|AS}
            Linux:LANG env-vvar for Linux, Windows:locale for local, UTF8 for remote FTP.

      Keyboard input mode Locale or UTF8 is switched by "UTF SWKBD" cmd or Alt+u.
      When "=u=>" is shown on cmdline, keyboard is UTF8 code input mode.
      Keyboard:UTF8 mode is effective at folllowing cases.
        -Copy word under the cursor on UTF8 or EBC file by Ctrl+w
        -Paste to field other than file contents area from clipboard created from UTF8 or EBC file.

     .Browse/Edit UTF8 encoded file.

       -Input into file contents area is UCS regardless of A+u status.
        And translated to UTF8 when writeback.

       -Unprintable UCS is displayed by alternative char ":;".
        Invalid byte code as UTF8 is displayed by "?".
        Original byte code is kept in both vcase and write back as it is.

       -No translation is done for the file opened by binary mode(eb/eh cmd).
        All bytes are interpreted as locale code.

       -Hex cmd display UCS code.
        ASCII char is one column on both char line and hex line.
        Non-ASCII char is 2(UCS2) or 3(UCS4) column on hex line.
        Char line column width is one or two depending to each code point.
        So, line length of char line and hex line may differ.
        Alt+g(Cursor Jump) key is used to switch to corresponding column.

       -Unicode input from keyboard.
        On Asian DBCS environment,IME may supports input of almost codepoint.
        Xe supports hex notation input. Use Ctrl+F11 to switch to Hexcode input mode.
        at 4th hex digits of u-xxxx input completed, the UCS2 is transfered into
        the cursor position. For u-00xx, "x" key may be used after 2 hex digits input.
        For UCS4,6 digit required, start by "v" key before hex digit input.
        Prematured input is send by "u","v" or "x" key.

        And, when vertical hex display mode by HEX cmd,
        "u" key on hex line synthesis 2 byte to one UCS2 code.
        For ex, at 2 spaces(0x20,0x20) position, "u" key on upper or lower hex line
        changes 2 spaces to one u-2020(cross?).
        "v" key on hex line synthesis 3 byte to one UCS4 code.

        Unicode input on command input line.
           You can input UTF8 code using Hex-input-mode into cmd input line,
           dir-list rename input field, Utility panel(=3.12, =3.14), filename list panel(=1, =2).
           Switch to Hex-Input-Mode using Ctrl+F11, start UCS input by "u"/"v" key.
           Without starting "u" or "v" key, diffrent from the case csr is on file text area without starting "u" or "v" key,
           Input char is send just to those area.
           Enter twice "u" or "v" to input the char.
           Cut&Paste or Ctrl+w may be used copy UTF8 string from a line of UTF8 file opened.

        Native RAW CODE input method.
           You can use IME to imput RAW unicode.
             But, Linux console version cannot detect it if the code can not be translated to locale code
                  when LANG environment is not UTF8.
                  Windows console version can not utilize Windows RAW CODE Input method
                  Use HexInputMode in this case.
           (Ref.) How to input RAW Unicode
              (Linux)  :Select Other-->RAW CODE on SCIM setting.
                        To use NumPad key NumLock On is required.
              (Windows):-Pressing Alt key, press "+" key on NumPad.
                         Keeping Alt key pressed, continue to key in unicode by hex digit.
                         UCS code is send to the cursor position when Alt key is released.
                         To utilize this method, you may be required to registry setting.
                         Replace or Insert the key EnableHexNumpad with value "1" (data type is REG_SZ:string)
                         into the entry of HKEY_CURRENT\Control Panel\Input Method.
                        -For JapaneseIME (Microsoft IME standard 2002 in my case).
                         Swithing translation mode, enter unicode like as U3042 the press F5 key.
                         This may not be available on command prompt.
                        -You may get "?" for the code could not be translated to locale code.
                         Use HEX Input Mode(XIN cmd) in that case.

       -Additional cmd option for UTF8 support.

           -Edit/Browse/Select  [CPU8|CPLC|CPAS] [IE]
              CPU8: Open as UTF8 file.
              CPLC: Open as locale code file.
              CPAS: by the LANG environment. Default.

                CPxx option is save to profile.
                No need to specify for the 2nd open.
                Default is CPAS, and CPxx option for the directory is default of the file in the directory.
                You can confirm the open option by the id *U/*u/*L/*l/*b on the header filename line.
                ("b" means binary mode open.)
                Uppercase means explicit CPxx specification including the case by saved value in the profile.
                Re-load by CPLC when translation error if no CPU8 option or CPU8 is not registered on profile.
                UTF cmd can chage the default and CPLC reload option.

              IE  : You can not open by edit mode if translation error occured.
                    To force open, use "IE" option.
                    Not translated code are loaded as it is and displayed by "?".
                    You can open by browse mode even if translation error occured.
                    Error position is searched by "f *ec" cmd.

           -End/Save/Replaxe/Create/Append [CPLC | CPU8 [IE]]
              CPU8/CPLC:specifies output file encoding.
                        translation will be done if requred, the write back.
              IE       : ignore translation error, error code is replaced by "?".

           -Copy/Move source-file [CPLC | CPU8 [IE]]
              CPU8/CPLC: Copy/Move "source-file" after tarnslated if required.
              IE       : continue copy operation ignoring translation error.
                         those char are copied as it is and dispalyed by "?".
                         This option is not required when target file is opened by with "IE" option.

           -Find/Change cmd.

             .Find/Ifind [U[B|L|8]]
              Change     [U[B|L|8|4]]
                  U   : option prefix.
                  B/L : Search UCS2 by BigEndian/LittleEndian mode. default depends on the O/S("L" for 80x86 strings).
                        ex) "F 123 UB" searchs 0x'003100320033',
                            "F 123 LB" searchs 0x'310032003300'.
                  8   : Search UTF8 code.
                        Keyboard input code depends on A+u status indicated by cmdline prefix.
                        "=u=>"  means UTF8, "===>" means locale code.
                        Search UTF8 code by U8 option when locale code mode.
                        Use "U8" option to search UTF8 code on the file opened with CPLC
                        and keyboard is locale mode.
                          ex). F x U8
                           Assuem "x" is locale code, 0xa0 as a example,
                           this cmd search 0xc2a0 (UTF8 code correspondingto 0xa0).
                  4   : hex notaion of replacing string is UCS4.
                          ex).  C abc  \x10fffd   u4
                        If missing U4 on CHAnge cmd on UTF8 file, replacing string is assumed as UCS2
                          ex).  C abc  \x30203021
             .Find *ec
                  *ec : Search the code position failed to translated from UTF8 at open.
                        *e is also avail to search the line containing error until the line is updated.
             .Change *ec *
                  *   : Change translation error code byte by byte.
                        Replacing char "*" means to reset translation error status.
                        The code was not reset are written as it is,
                        the code was reset are translated to UTF8 as locale code at write back.

                        Any replacing string is allowed for *ec.
             .Char boundary is considered for \x__ notation of search/replace
              string for UTF8 file. it should be 4 bytes multiple.
              aa of \xaabb dose not match to yy of u-xxyy.
              it may match to xx of u-xxyy.
              ex) c \x30003000 \x20202020

           -SORt cmd.
              D[S|I|X] option for UTF8 file.
              Treatement of DBCS split by key position specification.
                S: assume as " "(space), I: include split left or right byte, X: exclude the split char.
              And, collating sequence is Unicode for UTF8 file.

           -Use "o" line cmd on dirlist if CPxx option required.
            Specify CPxx on the rename field like as Select cmd.
            Line cmd "[" and "]" means Open with CPLC and CPU8 option each.

       -Use locale code for line(box) character specification in the ::xe___.ini.xxx file(___:os type, xxx:locale id).

       -UTF related setting.

           - UTF { {ALTCPLC | NOALTCPLC } | SWKBD | FILE | FN } [ CPU8 | CPLC | CPAS ]

              ALTCPLC / NOALOTCPLC : When without CPU8 option including registered on profile,
                                     reload by CPLC or not if UTF8 translation err occured.

              SWKBD:KBD Input translation(Locale code<-->UTF8)

                Alt+u is shortcut of "UTF SWKBD" cmd.
                "===>" of cmd input line is changed to "=u=>".
                =u=>:keyboard input is interpreted as UTF8.
              FILE/FN:Set default of text of file/filename encoding.
                      Use CPAS to reset it.
                      Option setting is save to ini file.
                      -U option of cmdline override this temporary.

              You can mix UTF8 and locale code on command input line, filename input(=1 or =2) panel
              and utility panel(=3.12 or =3.14).
              Use this shortcut key when file pathename is mix of UTF8 and locale code.
              (Note) If the mix is in a path, UTF8 detection may fail.
                     (Intermediate ASCII code may help as UTF8 encoding seperator)
              Input to the file contents is, anyway, by locale code.

              Cmd line parameter -Nm is used to process UTF8 code byte by byte.

           -  OPT UNICOMB [ COMB | SPLIT | UNPR ] [ SHADOW | ITSELF | PADDING | U-xxxx ]

              Set what is sent to screen for combining character.
              Alt+":" is also avalable to switch display mode of combining characters.

       -Command line option.
            xe [/U{F|N}{8|L}]
              UF  : set default encoding of file text.
              UN  : set default encoding of fileanme.

              -default encoding is set by UTF cmd, This option override the UTF cmd setting.
              -About file text encoding.
               CPU8/CPLC optionon Edit/Browse file/directory cmd is save to profile.
               Priority among those setting are as following.
                open cmd option->profile->cmdline option->UTF8 cmd setting.
                And last is LANG environment valiable for Linux.

       -Use ini file to adjust char display column width.

         .Font width may vary depending the language environment.
          If input char is displayed other than cursor position, use this function.
          At first, confirm char width by displaying the file utf8data.0000-ffff
          in sample dir.
         .Specify code table file naem in ini file
          Font width may differ between console version(on DOS prompt/Terminal emurator) and
          GUI version.

          Mapping table is used for SBCS(1 column font width) codepoint.
          If this table is overflowed, those codepoints is trated as DBCS(occupy 2 column).
          When following warning is issued, define not used SBCS range as DBCS,
          like as, for ex, "2 e000-f8ff".
             "Warning:UCS map tbl overflow. Treate this range as DBCS(adjustable by ini file)."

               UnicodeTbl="::xeuctb" #("")# Unicode Codepoint File:SBCS/DBCS/Unprintable specification
               UnicodeTbl_Console="::xeuctb.cons" #("")# Unicode Codepoint File for console version

         .sample format

               # Unicode character type specification file
               #   Specify file name on ini file
               #   You need specify only to change default
               ## Line Format ##################################
               # unicode character type specification file
               # type start-end
               # type     : 0:Unprintable, 1:printable single column character, 2:printable wide(double column) character,
               #            #:comment
               # start-end: unicode range by hex digit notation. Lines should be accendant sequence.
               # Ex) 2 01cb-01e3

         .Sort sequence is UCS2 order.
         .CV cmd is for locale file only.
         .Command(=6) panel is CPAS, Shortcut key definition(=0.1) panel is CPLC.
