1.Mouse operation.

  -Drag & Drop is supported.

   .Drag into xe from Explorer etc.
    XE may be ICON or opened panel.
      The file is opened by edit command except on dir-list panel,
      on dir-list panel files are copied in to the dir line selected.
      If target dir line is not selected,that dir is the target dir.
    Using paste, replace option can be selected on popup menu by right button click.
      PasteIns(Insert Mode):confirmation issued by popup dialog
                            if same name file exist on the target dir.
      PasteRep(ReplaceMode):same bname file is replaced without confirmation msg.
    Except on dir-list panel, only Paste(V) menu-item is enabled if files to be dropped
      exist on clipboard.
      (if text is on clipboard all of PasteIns,PasteRep and Paste(V)
       area enabled)

   .Drag out from xe.
    Select files on dir-list panel then drag.
      File selection is done by left button click(See Button operation)
    Drag out is copy operation only. Move operation is not supported.
    Drag out using Cut & Paste function is also available.
      After selected files, do copy and paste by floation menu.
    A bit longer time may be requied until mouse shape change for remote file.
    Excel may not accept drag and drop,use association(double click around the lineno
      field of the line).
   .Drag & drop between splitted screens is available.

  -Button operation.
   .Left button:
         -set text cursor(caret) position.
         -move cursor with button pushed(dragging) to specify range of Cut&Paste.
          Drag with Alt or Shift+Control is for block mode (box type) range
          specification, without any modifier key is region mode(Windows standard).
          But,on directory-list screen drag & drop is executed when lines are selected.
          File selection is done by mouse left button.
            +Shift:range specification. +Ctrl:additional file selection.
         -set paste postion of Cut&Paste.
          2 paste mode,insert and replace,are supported.
          Shift+left button:Insert mode
          Ctrl +left button:Replace mode
          At insert mode,insert lines when text cursor is on
          the Line-Number column,insert the block into the
          position shifting right half of the line to the right.
         -If pushed while the 3 times of scroll interval at the
          edge of screen,scroll starts.
   .Right button:
         -popup floating menu containing Cut&Paste,Save,End,Discard
          and OpenWith.(TextCursor is also set to the clicked pos)
          (OpenWith:kick application associated by filename extension.)
         -On dialog box,help topic is popup.
   .Middle button:
         -use to scroll up/down.
          (File panel,dir-list panel,filename history panel)
          Scroll count is set by setup dialog.
          Shift+Middle button wheel scroll horizontaly.
          Ctrl+Middle button wheel jump to Top/End of file.
#ifdef WXE
          Horizontal scroll by tilt wheel mouse is also supported.
#ifdef XXE
          By middle button click,gxe do standard paste the text on PRIMARY clipboard(See note bellow).
          Support only paste in from other process.

   .Left Button Double Click:
         -Save and exit when double click on the title area.
          Cancel and exit by Shift+Left Button Double Click.
         -On Menu panel
          jump to the selected panel.
         -On Filename list panel.
          .Open the file by edit or browse mode according to the mode
           displayed at top-left of the panel.
          .With shift key pressed,opened by the opposite mode.
          .If cursor is at the left end(col.1-3 on this panel),
           the file is opened by the extension-assosiated application if exist.
           For directory,that is explorer.
#ifdef WXE
          .Open the current dir if drive letter on the DRIVE line is double clicked.
         -On Dir list panel
          .Open the file like as on Filename list panel.
           Position to request open by assosiated application is col.1-5.
          .Doubleclick on left and right "===>"of 2nd line  means DPU or DPD command.
           (Up or Down on the file path).
         -On File text panel
          .Doubleclick on left and right "===>"of 2nd line  means DPU or DPD command.
           (Up or Down on the file path).
          .Copy to Cut&Paste board.
           If cursor is on the line-number column the line is copied,
           else word at the cursor is copied to clipboard for cut & paste.
#ifdef WXE
   .Forward/Backward Button of 5 button mouse:
         -Use as DPU/DPD(file path Up/Down) command.
#ifdef XXE
   .On Linux there are 3 clipboard named PRIMARY,SECONDAY and CLIPBOARD.
    gnome-terminal use PRIMARY by Shift+Insert and use CLIPBOARD by menu selection.
    xe and gedit etc. use CLIPBOARD only.
    gnome-terminal pastes just selected range,xe pastes explicitly copied/cut range.
    So the lines copied on xe is pasted by menu selection on gnome-terminal not by S+Insert.
    See http://standards.freedesktop.org//clipboards-spec/clipboards-0.1.txt.