.Use of other applications such as Excel/OpenOffice.
      "#" dirlist line command is used to execute the file with
      parameters specified in the rename field.

      "%" dirlist line command is used to pass the file name to
      the application specified in the rename field with
      other parameters.
      "%" lcmd is a way of word replacing at once for all file in the directory.

#if defined(WIN) || defined(XXE)

      If assosiation with filename extension is defined,
      no application name input is required.
      ex) xxx.xls is opened by excel.
      Directory is associated with Explorer.
      Enter "!" line command on the panel file-name-list or dir-list.

  #if defined(WXE) || defined(XXE)
      OR select OpenWith item of popup menu by R-button down.
      Association is used also by L-button double click on left edge of screen.
      Col.1-5 for dirlist,col.1-3 for filename history list screen.
      And ASSociate command is also prepared.

  #ifdef WXE
      wxe may start explorer or DOS prompt by ICON menu.
  #ifdef XXE
      gxe may start Nortilus or Terminal window by ICON menu.
