*(D) Directory List *

#ifdef UNX

   EDIT---|/tmp (95-09-17 16:54) ------....-----------------------Rep
   ===>                                ....                  ===>HALF
   ****|********** TOP OF LIST ********....***************************
   _001|: /                       x400           649,728 /  1,457,664
   _002||: tmp                    777-t    00-03-25  22:07 root/toot
   _003|||. DISPCHAR C            644--    00-12-17  13:19 bin/bin
   _004|||. DOSFF    MAK          755--    00-12-16  09:49 akir/users
   _005|||- FC10                  644--    00-12-15  23:10 eiko/users
   _006||||- IIIII                755--    00-12-25  23:07 youi/users
   _007|||||+ IU                  755--    00-12-25  23:06 mich/users
   _008|||||+ LL                  755--    00-12-25  23:06 oosa/users
   _009|||||. UFILET   C          755--    00-12-25  22:12 izum/users
   _010||||+ IU                   755--    00-12-25  23:06 ohts/users
   _011||||.@JKKJ                 755--    00-12-29  11:49 ikeu/users


   EDIT---|G:\src (95-09-17 16:54) ----....-----------------------=Rep
   ===>                                ....                  ===>HALF
   ****|********** TOP OF LIST ********....***************************
   _001|: G:\                     x800           649,728 /  1,456,664
   _002||- src                    ----     94-11-17  22:07          0
   _003|||. DISPCHAR C            ----     94-12-17  13:19        300
   _004|||. DOSFF    MAK          ----     94-08-06  09:49        280
   _005|||- FC10                  ----     95-09-15  23:10          0
   _006||||- IIIII                ----     95-09-15  23:07          0
   _007|||||+ IU                  ----     95-09-15  23:06          0
   _008|||||+ LL                  ----     95-09-15  23:06          0
   _009|||||. UFILET   C          A---     95-09-15  22:12      5,066
   _010||||+ IU                   ----     95-09-15  23:06          0
   _011||||. JKKJ                 A---     95-09-09  11:49          8
   _012||||. JKKJ2                A---     95-08-29  21:51        219
   _013||||+ LL                   ----     95-09-15  23:06          0
   _014||||. UFILET   C           A---     95-09-15  22:12      5,066


(Line 1 and 2 is same as EDIT/BROWSE except column of cursor is not
(display width is by minimum 80 column,filename column is expanded
by screen expansion)

   col  1: directory line command input column
        2: line number column
           *D*/*R*/*M* is displayed when Deleted/Renamed/Moved for each.
        5: (|) not updated, (*) updated line(by "A"/"D"/"R"/"M" line
           cmd or ended edit screen saving file.)
        6: directory hierarchy list
           File-type, File-name, Attribute, New-name, File-date,
           File-time and Size are displayed.
#ifdef UNX
           Sift+F6 exchange File size and UserName/GroupName.
           @ is prefix of symbolic link file.
           Shift+F11 display link destination file name.
           For root-directory line,disk free space is displayed.
           (number on attribute column is cluster size by hex digit)
           That is updated automaticaly by line command  operation in
           the screen.
           Enter space in cmd input column to update free space info
           for external operation.
         - File-type:indentation by its hierarchical path.
             (:) directory on the path up to root.
             (+) directory,not expanded.
             (-) directory,expanded.(reverse when excluded by x cmd)
             (.) normal file
         - File-name:indentation is option on INI file.
                     Sort sequence is BASE and EXT for FAT,
#ifdef UNX
                     case sensitive fullname for LFN.
                     But,case insensitive for files on floppy disket.
                      case insensitive fullname for LFN.
         - Attribute:You can input in the field when Attribute line
           command was typed.
         - New-name :space between Attribute and File-date column.
           When typed Expand(-,>),Rename(r),Copy(c) and Move(m) line
           command,it is cleared and you can type as following.
           File name mask for Expand,New file name for rename,target
           name for Copy and Move.
           And saved file name may be displayed after deleted
           if Undelete option is effective.
           Copy target filename is cleared by space(' ') line cmd.
           To repeat same target for Copy or Move command,use F10(copy)
           and F11(paste) key.
           It is used for the line of "o" cmd with edit/browse parm.
         - If long file name is hidden by attribute column,use S+F11 to
           uncover long name. Next S+F11 will re-hide it.
         - By S+F10 key,the file description is displayed on rename field
           up to the end of line.
                -->(1).Function-Key default assignment, Functions and Keys, #14