a (Attrib):set file attribute

#if defined(LNX) || defined(W32)
                For TSO file,Version-number and Modification-number,if exist,
                is displayed on attribute column by 4 digit vvmm format.
                "a" line command is used to change this value.
                ATTrib DOS command is not available to change SPF information.
                Use SPF sub command of xe's TSO command to set SPF information.

#ifdef UNX
                enter in attribute column.
                see ATTrib DOS command for attribute value format.
                enter in attribute column by specifying only attribute
                char which you want to set to(ex. shr),or by + sign
                followed by attribute char which you want to add and/or
                by - sign followed by attribute char which you want to
                drop(ex -a+r)
                / (set to the attribute) can be used like as ATTrib cmd.
                a:Archive s:System h:Hidden r:Read only