 (B) Directory List *

[Table 4] Directory List Line command.
 |cmd|func   | description                                          |
 | a |Attrib |set file attribute                                    |
 | b |Browse |browse the file                                       |
 | c |Copy   |copy file or directory                                |
 | d |Delete |delete file or directory.                             |
 | e |Edit   |display the file to edit                              |
 | f |Free   |free(End) view screen,update is saved.                |
 | g |Grep   |grep search in the file or directory.                 |
 |h/H|Hex    |Open file by Hex mode.                                |
 |i/I|ECN(EI)|Open SPF COBOL file as COL.1-6 is lineno.            |
 |j/J|EKN(EJ)|Open SPF COBOL file as COL.1-6 is space.              |
 |k/K|EK     |Open COBOL file as COL.1-6 is space.                  |
 |l/L|EC(EL) |Open COBOL file as COL.1-6 is lineno.                 |
 | m |Move   |move file or directory                                |
 |n/N|EN     |Open SPF file(col.73-80 is lineno).                   |
 |o/O|Open   |Open with parm of Edit/Browse cmd..                   |
 | p |Print  |file print,specify print command in INI file.         |
 | r |Rename |rename file or directory                              |
 | s |Select |Browse or Edit                                        |
 | t |Text   |Browse or Edit with text mode forced.                 |
 | u |Undo   |Undo for Renamed/Deleted/Moved lines.                 |
 | v |View   |split and browse file(end by f command)               |
 | w |vieW   |split and edit file(end by f command,update is saved) |
 | x |eXcude |hide member of the directory(Use "y" to uncover)      |
 | y |Yield  |re-display hidden member of the directory             |
 | z |Zero   |Delete without undeletability                         |
 | 0 |Zero   |Delete without undeletability(force to Read-only)     |
 | 1 |BrowseB|browse the file.Binary file mode.                     |
 | 2 |EditB  |display the file to edit.binar file mode              |
 | 3 |E/B-B  |Binary mode,Edit or Browse depends on the screen mode.|
 | 8 |E/B-8  |FixedLRECL=80, E or B depends on the screen mode.     |
#ifdef UTF8SUPP
 | [ |O-CPLC |Open the file with option CPLC                        |
 | ] |O-CPU8 |Open the file with option CPU8                        |
 | = |Compare|compare two files using tool xfc,xdc.                 |
 | / |slash  |Delete force to Read-only                             |
 | - |expand |refresh and expand the directory listing its member.  |
 | > |expall |expand all tree nodes and leafs under the directory   |
 | + |reduce |delete members of the directory from the list.        |
 | : |path   |for equal or upper level of the directory,remain only |
 |   |       |the directory of on the path of the directory.        |
 | . |chdir  |set current drive and current directory from the line.|
 | % |appcmd |apply command to the file/dir of the line.            |
 | ! |assoc  |pass to application associated by ext name.           |
 | # |execute|execute local(SUBmit) or remote(RSH) file.            |
 | & |spawn  |file asynchronous execution.                          |
 | ^ |send   |send filename.                                        |

   - Enter 1 byte command on line cmd input field.
     You can duplicate Attrib/Copy/Move/Rename/Open/%(appcmd) cmd
     using function key.
     See #9 on (1).Function-Key default assignment ...description of
     [Table 1].
   - Line command is processed by reverse sequence(from last to top).
     Accordingly when commands are entered on multiple lines,
     for Browse/Edit command file which has smallest lineno is displayed
     on top of screen and subsequent files are stacked under that.
     If err is occured,commands BEFORE the line are not processed.
   - Lower/Upper case is distinguished for the cmd h,i,j,k,L,n and o.
     When lower case,Browse or Edit is determined by the directory
     open mode. Uppercase means opposite.
   - To delete file/directory 4 types ("d","/","z","0") command is
     prepared. The difference comes from operation for Read-only file/
     directory and undeletability.
     |cmd|undo   | For ReadOnly  |
     | d |Avail  | Error         |
     | / |Avail  | Deleted       |
     | z |N/A    | Error         |
     | 0 |N/A    | Deleted       |
     In all case,if directory is not empty,confirmation required.
     The screen of deleted is closed which is opened by View command
     typed on the same directory list line.
   - For target of Copy/Move/Rename cmd *\, **\ and ^*\ are useful.
       *\  : id of directory containing source file/directory.
       **\ : id of parent directory of *\,also avail **\**\ etc.
       ^*\ : id of dir or filename path of file on the other side of screen
             when screen split.
     Wild card is avail for target name(not effective to pathname).
     If target name contains space,enclose whole target name by quotation.

    (note).file with extension ". SF" on root directory except on A:,
           B: is prohibitted to rename or to reset read-only attr.
           It is to prevent important file for OS/2,for example
           "EA DATA. SF",to be deleted carelessfully on DOS.
           To delete these files in DOS,use attrib/delete DOS native
           command with wild card filename specification.
    (note)DOS6.3 make difference to OS/2 and Windows about wild card.
          For example,x* is same as x*.* under OS/2 and Windows,but under
          DOS 6.3 x1.c is not one of x*.