.COBOL file.
      It is COBOL file if CID header contains option=(..,cob,..)
      or opened by EC,BC or SC cmd.
      Line number is col 1-6,4 digit lineno and 2 digit suffix,
      which is set at file save for inserted lines.
      Renum cmd set on this field.
      If you want to accept any char in the col 1-6,specify CID header
      line of option=(..,cobk,..) or use EK,BK or SK cmd.
      Col 73-80 is also lineno if CID header contains
      "option=(..,n,..)" or opened by ECN,BCN,SCN,EKN,BKN or SKN cmd.
      Without Num option,CID is optionally set on Col73-80.
      Left most column displayed and indentation pos of inserted line
      is col 7.(tab stop pos may be set by COL cmd)
      Cob type file is also SPF type file,cobk(my naming in xe) type
      file is a margined file and has no limitation of line length is
      fixed to 80 if option=(n) is not specified.
      Default CID pos of cobk type file is col 73.
 |CID Header | Edit cmd    | Line cmd | Col.1-6     | Col.73-80 | LineLen |
 |cob,n      |BCN/ECN/SCN/ |i/I       |COBOL lineNo |SPF lineNo |80 Fixed |
 |           |Bi/Ei/Si     |          |             |           |         |
 |cobj,n     |BKN/EKN/SKN/ |j/J       |any          |SPF lineNo |80 Fixed |
 |           |BJ/EJ/SJ     |          |             |           |         |
 |cobk       |BK/EK/SK     |k/K       |any          |any        |any      |
 |cob        |BC/EC/SC     |l/L       |COBOL lineNo |any        |80 Fixed |
 |           |BL/EL/SL     |          |             |           |         |
 |n          |BN/EN/SN     |n/N       |any          |SPF lineNo |80 Fixed |
 |f80        |B8/E8/S8     |8         |any          |any        |80 Fixed |

     Line cmd for filenamelist screen is same as dirlist screen.

     To set CapsLock use CAP command or EDIt command width CAP option.
     "U" edit-line-command also support lower-case-->uppercase translation.