= Move file into the edit screen(delete the file).

        MOVe    (file-name) [ CPLC | CPU8 | CPEB[:codepage] ] [IE]
                    [/M{T|P|U|M|E|R}] [/Fnn] [-S{r|i|d}]  [-S{r|i}d}]

#ifdef UTF8SUPP

            CPU8/CPLC:encoding of source file.
             /CPEB    Copy/Move "source-file" after tarnslated.
                      Profile is checked, so you may not be required to specify CPxx option.

                      You can other codepage than specified on cfg file using CPEB:codepage format.
                      When you don't want to translate by the codepage registered on profile,
                      use "B" option to "A"(After) or "B"(Before) line cmd specifing copy target position.
                          ex)  MOV ebcf1
            IE       : continue copy operation ignoring translation error.
                       those char are copied as it is and dispalyed by "?".
                       This option is not required when target file is opened by with "IE" option.
            /M       :EOL-ID of copy source file.
                      P:0d0a(PC file)
                      U:0a  (Unix file)
                      T:Both 0a and 0d0a
                      M:0d  (Mac file)
                      E:15  (EBCDIC file)
                      R:record mode. Specify LRECL by /Fnn option.
            /Fnn     :LRECL
            -S{r|i|d}: SO/SI option
                       r : When current screen is EBCDIC file and cmd option is CPLC/CPU8,
                           replace both side of space, if available, to SO/SI.
                           When current screen is not EBCDIC and cmd option is CPEB,
                           replace SO/SI to a space.
                       i : Inserte SO/SI when translation to EBCDIC.
                       d : Delete SO/SI when translation from EBCDIC.
            -Copy all line of the file onto the specified position
             of line cmd such as a(After),b(Before),o(On),p(Paste).,
             and then delete the file.
             Use "Line Insert Copy"(Alt+i) to specify the destination
             line under line-no not displayed mode.
             Destination line cmd is not required when null file.
             Wild card path name is accepted if the path is uniquely

       (note)Use XMOve or DOS command >MOVE to move file.
             MOVe command is treated as XMOve on the screen except