       X key binding file.
       To change X key binding enter like as "xmodmap xexmap.xxx".
       gnome-terminal dose not check X resource db,so use xmodmap
       to benefit more key combination.
       ex)     "keysym Insert    = Insert    F20"
       This sample is to bind Insert key to the function Insert(w/o Shift key)
       and F20(with Shift key).
       Esc string F20 generates is translated by xelnxkey.xxx.
       Available Fxx is F13-F20.
       String generated by Fxx is gotten by xekbchk utility.
       For ex.,F20 generate string "0x1b[34:2~" under RedHat v9.

       To use Right-Ctrl as execute key,include the following line.
       This changes R-Ctrl to work as Execute but dose no change Enter to work as New-Line.
         keycode 109 = Return

 (Note)Ctrl+CharKey may be used as function key by OPT CCFUNC cmd.
       If you use those key,this file may not be used. See (5)Restriction.

            !****** xexmap.rh9 ***** xmodmap input to assing string to key event
            !****** usage under RedHat v9
            !******    "xmodmap xexmap.rh9"
            !keycode  22 = BackSpace F15
            !keycode  36 = Return    F16
            !keycode  99 = Prior     F17
            !keycode 103 = End       F18
            !keycode 105 = Next      F19
            !keycode 106 = Insert    F20
            !keysym BackSpace = BackSpace F15
            !keysym Return    = Return    F16
            !keysym Prior     = Prior     F17
            !keysym End       = End       F18
            !keysym Next      = Next      F19
            !keysym Insert    = Insert    F20
             keysym Control_R = yacute Control_R
             keysym BackSpace = BackSpace eth
             keysym Return    = Return    ntilde
             keysym Insert    = Insert    ograve
             keysym End       = End       oacute
             keysym Prior     = Prior     ocircumflex
             keysym Next      = Next      otilde