
#ifdef XXE
    .See xewxee.txt about mouse operation.
    .No mouse support when console mode(not under X).
     There are some diference from WXE version mouse operation under X.
     (No mouse support when fullscreen console mode it is not under X).

     "Click" means button release until 200ms after button down.
     "PUSH" means continued button down over 200ms.
       .Left button:
             -set text cursor(caret) position.
             -set copy range of Cut&Paste by "PUSH"ing on file edit/browse screen.
             (XXE version specify range of Cut&Paste by mouse movement(drag).
              Linux version use middle button to paste.
              No function support for scroll by continuing to push at the
              edge of screen)
             -If pushed while the 3 times of scroll interval at the
              edge of screen,scroll starts.
       .Right button:
             -Not used.
             (WXE use it to popup menu.)
       .Middle button:
             -Use to paste clipboard contents.
              2 paste mode,insert and replace,are supported.
                   middle button:Insert mode
              Ctrl+middle button:Replace mode
              At insert mode,insert lines when text cursor is on
              the Line-Number column,insert the block into the
              position shifting right half of the line to the right.
              (XXE version insert by Shift+LeftButton,replace by Ctrl+LeftButton.)
              Wheel scrolls verticaly.
              Shift+wheel scrolls horizontally.
              Ctrl+wheel jumps to top/last page of the file.
              Scroll count is fixed to 3 lines/columns.
       .Left Button Double Click:
             -Save and exit when double click on the title area.
              Cancel and exit by Ctrl+Left Button Double Click.
             -Select line at the panel of menu,file name select and dir-list.
              At the panel filename select and dir-list,open the file
              by reverse Edit/Browse mode of current panel when Ctrl key is
              combined. (WXE version use Shift+ for Ctrl+.)
             -At Browse/Edit file panel,the line(when cursor is on the
              line-number column) or word(when cursor is on the file contexts
              area) is copied to Cut&Paste board.
    .Under console,xe restore original keyboard assignment when last
     session closed.
     If key-assignment is not recovered by any trouble,
     remove "rm /tmp/lockfile_ukbdlnxc"(key assignment saved at first
     start of xe) then reboot machine.

    .Or,keyboard setting is restored by loadkeys command,
     ex,"loadkeys defkeymap".
     Mapping file is /usr/lib/kbd/keytables/*.map.
     For the case your setting is to use the other mapping file,
     save your mapping at first login after reboot using,for ex,
     "dumpkeys >~/dumpkeys.org".
     To reset to original enter "loadkeys ~/dumpkeys.org".
     Keyboard setting effect not only to the session but all
     console session.
     Especially take care when kon is last session closed.

    .Under Japanese:kon(Kanji ON Linux console),Keyboard setting is not changed
     by API.(I don't know how to change the mapping on pty.)
     Once exit to normal console,executed "loadkeys xej106.map",
     then re-enter to kon.
     Or switch to another console by Alt+Fn(n:1--6) then start xe
     and back to original console leaving the xe active.
     If these setting is missed,screen corrupted by Shift+PgDn etc.
     Those key is conflict between shell's operation and xe's one.
    .A few combination key is not avail for xe even X xelnxres.xxx,
     xelnxkey.xxx and xexmap.xxx is used.


      From v1.15,Ctrl+CharKey is available for function key.
      Default assignment is as following.
      These area available by OPT cmd,"OPT CCFUNC ON".
      It may be a solution for available key insufficiency.
      For RedHat9 gnome-terminal,no X-setup(xmodmap file) may not be used.