= ; command (TextFlow with no paragraph)

         n is line count, no xx-xx[n] format.
         m is width after re-flowed(same as width parameter of TFLow command),
         i is indentation after re-flowed used to make all line the same indentation(same as In of TFLow command)
        .re-flow in the range of n lines or lines in the range of ;;-;;.
        .difference between ":" and ";" is NOP(NoParagraph) option of TFLow command. (";"=":"+NOP).

        .(ex.01) with width option.

            col    |....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8
            *******|********** TOP OF FILE *********************************************************
            0001000|//*CID://+NONER~:    option=(f80,p0) update#=    3;
            ;6,40  |      added this part to test the behavior of the bnds
            0003000|        cmommand for
            0004000|        xe. i use bnds to format paragraphs
            0005000|     so the breakes are nice.
            0006000|     *                                                                 *   CL114
            0007000|     *   JOB stream:   job name  proc name  program run frequency      *   CL114
            0008000*     *                 --------  AAAAAA     weekly.                    *   CL114
            0009000|     *=================================================================*   CL114

        ===> Without .i(indentation) option, indentation of the 1st line is used.
             All words is packed with no consideration of paragraph boundary.

            col    |....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8
            *******|********** TOP OF FILE *********************************************************
            0001000|//*CID://+NONER~:    option=(f80,p0) update#=    3;
            0002000*      added this part to test the
            0003000*      behavior of the bnds cmommand for
            0004000*      xe. i use bnds to format
            0005000*      paragraphs so the breakes are
            0006000*      nice.  *
            0007000*      *   CL114 *   JOB stream:   job
            0007100*      name  proc name  program run
            0007200*      frequency      *   CL114
            0008000*     *                 --------  AAAAAA     weekly.                    *   CL114
            0009000|     *=================================================================*   CL114