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rssh is a restricted shell for use with OpenSSH, allowing only scp and/or sftp. For example, if you have a server which you only want to allow users to copy files off of via scp, without providing shell access, you can use rssh to do that.

How to use

The password file entry of any user for whom it is desireable to provide restricted access should be edited, such that their shell is rssh. One of the simple way, use `chsh' command.

$ chsh -s /usr/local/bin/rssh foobar

Or, use `vipw' command to edit password file entry.

foobar:x:123:456:Foo Bar:/home/foobar:/usr/local/bin/rssh

rssh.conf allows some of the behavior of the shell to be customized. See files in the rssh source distribution.


rssh - restricted shell for scp/sftp

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