<!ELEMENT P - O (%text)*> <!ATTLIST P align (left|center|right) #IMPLIED >
The P element is used to markup paragraphs. It is a
container and requires a start tag. The end tag is optional as it can
always be inferred by the parser. User agents should place paragraph
breaks before and after P elements. The rendering is user
agent dependent, but text is generally wrapped to fit the space
例 Example:
<P>これは最初の段落です。This is the first paragraph. <P>これは二番目の段落です。This is the second paragraph.
Paragraphs are usually rendered flush left with a ragged right
margin. The ALIGN attribute can be used to explicitly
specify the horizontal alignment:
For example:
<p align=center>これは中央揃えにした段落です。 This is a centered paragraph. <p align=right>そしてこれは右寄せにした段落です。 and this is a flush right paragraph.
The default is left alignment, but this can be overridden by an
enclosing DIV or
CENTER element.
List items can contain block and text level items, including
nested lists, although headings and address elements are excluded.
This limitation is defined via the %flow entity.
<!ELEMENT UL - - (LI)+> <!ENTITY % ULStyle "disc|square|circle"> <!ATTLIST UL -- 番号なし一覧 unordered lists -- type (%ULStyle) #IMPLIED -- マークの形状 bullet style -- compact (compact) #IMPLIED -- 短縮型 reduced interitem spacing -- > <!ELEMENT LI - O %flow -- 一覧項目 list item --> <!ATTLIST LI type (%LIStyle) #IMPLIED -- 一覧項目の形状 list item style -- >
順不同一覧は次のような形をとります Unordered lists take the form:
<UL> <LI> ... 最初の一覧項目です first list item <LI> ... 二番目の一覧項目です second list item ... </UL>
The UL element is used for unordered lists. Both start
and end tags are always needed. The LI element is used for
individual list items. The end tag for LI elements can
always be omitted. Note that LI elements can contain nested
lists. The COMPACT attribute can be used as a hint to the
user agent to render lists in a more compact style.
UL 要素と LI 要素では、TYPE 属性を使用して、項目の先頭に付ける点の形を設定することができます。値として使えるのは、黒丸・四角・白丸の3つです。TYPE 属性を省略した場合は一般的に、入れ子にした順序で変化します。
The TYPE attribute can be used to set the bullet style
on UL and LI elements. The permitted values
are "disc", "square" or "circle". The default generally depends on the
level of nesting for lists.
This list was chosen to cater for the original bullet shapes used by
Mosaic in 1993.
<!ELEMENT OL - - (LI)+> <!ATTLIST OL -- 番号つき一覧 ordered lists -- type CDATA #IMPLIED -- 番号の取り方 numbering style -- start NUMBER #IMPLIED -- 開始番号 starting sequence number -- compact (compact) #IMPLIED -- 短縮型 reduced interitem spacing -- > <!ELEMENT LI - O %flow -- 一覧項目 list item --> <!ATTLIST LI type CDATA #IMPLIED -- 一覧項目の形状 list item style -- value NUMBER #IMPLIED -- 番号の設定 set sequence number -- >
Ordered (i.e. numbered) lists take the form:
<OL> <LI> ... first list item <LI> ... second list item ... </OL>
The OL START attribute can be used to
initialize the sequence number (by default it is initialized to 1).
You can set it later on with the VALUE attribute on
LI elements. Both of these attributes expect integer
values. You can't indicate that numbering should be continued from a
previous list, or to skip missing values without giving an explicit
The COMPACT attribute can be used as a hint to the user
agent to render lists in a more compact style. The OL
TYPE attribute allows you to set the numbering style for
list items:
Type | 番号の取り方 Numbering style | |
1 | アラビア数字arabic numbers | 1, 2, 3, ... |
a | 小文字アルファベットlower alpha | a, b, c, ... |
A | 大文字アルファベットupper alpha | A, B, C, ... |
i | 小文字ローマ数字lower roman | i, ii, iii, ... |
I | 大文字ローマ数字upper roman | I, II, III, ... |
<!-- 定義一覧 DTは用語、DDはその定義 -- -- definition lists - DT for term, DD for its definition --> <!ELEMENT DL - - (DT|DD)+> <!ATTLIST DL compact (compact) #IMPLIED -- 短縮型 more compact style -- > <!ELEMENT DT - O (%text)*> <!ELEMENT DD - O %flow;>
定義一覧は次のような形をとります Definition lists take the form:
<DL> <DT> 用語 term name <DD> 用語の定義 term definition ... </DL>
DT elements can only act as containers for text level
elements, while DD elements can hold block level elements
as well, excluding headings and address elements.
例えば For example:
<DL> <DT>用語1 Term 1<dd>これは最初の用語の定義です。This is the definition of the first term. <DT>用語2 Term 2<dd>これは二番目の用語の定義です。This is the definition of the second term. </DL>
これは次のように変換されます which could be rendered as:
The COMPACT attribute can be used with the
DL element as a hint to the user agent to render
lists in a more compact style.
<!ELEMENT (DIR|MENU) - - (LI)+ -(%block)> <!ATTLIST (DIR|MENU) compact (compact) #IMPLIED >
この二つの要素は古くからHTMLに組み込まれていたものです。これはUL要素に似た順不同一覧のために用意されています。ユーザエージェントは、 DIR 要素を段組みした階層一覧として、 MENU 要素を単段の献立として表わすことが勧められます。実際にはMosaicと他のほとんどのユーザエージェントはこの意見を無視し、 UL 要素と同一の方法でDIR と MENU を表わしています。
These elements have been part of HTML from the early days. They are
intended for unordered lists similar to UL elements. User
agents are recommended to render DIR elements as
multicolumn directory lists, and MENU elements as single
column menu lists. In practice, Mosaic and most other user agents
have ignored this advice and instead render DIR and
MENU in an identical way to UL elements.
<!ELEMENT PRE - - (%text)* -(%pre.exclusion)> <!ATTLIST PRE width NUMBER #implied >
PRE要素を使うと割り付け済み文章を取り込むことができます。ユーザエージェントは、これを、空白文字や改行文字などの空白記号によるスペーシングを保ったまま、固定ピッチのフォントで表わします。PRE 要素の範囲内では、自動改行は禁止されるべきです。
The PRE element can be used to include preformatted
text. User agents render this in a fixed pitch font, preserving spacing
associated with white space characters such as space and newline
characters. Automatic word-wrap should be disabled within
PRE elements.
SGML 標準が、 語法解析において、開始タグ直後あるいは終了タグ直前の改行を引き抜くよう命じることに注意してください。
Note that the SGML standard requires that the parser
remove a newline immediately following the start tag
or immediately preceding the end tag.
PRE の内容は、段落からイメージとフォントサイズの変化を引き起こす要素、例えばIMG ・ BIG ・ SMALL ・ SUB ・ SUP ・ FONT などを除外したものに相当します。
PRE has the same content model as paragraphs,
excluding images and elements that produce changes in font size,
ユーザエージェントの中には、 WIDTH 属性を扱うものがあります。これは必要とされる字の横幅に関するヒントをユーザエージェントに与えるものです。ユーザエージェントはこれを使って、適切なフォントサイズを選択するか、内容を適当に字下げすることができます。
A few user agents support the WIDTH attribute. It
provides a hint to the user agent of the required width in characters.
The user agent can use this to select an appropriate font size or to
indent the content appropriately.
Here is an example of a PRE element; a verse from
Shelley (To a Skylark):
<PRE> Higher still and higher From the earth thou springest Like a cloud of fire; The blue deep thou wingest, And singing still dost soar, and soaring ever singest. </PRE>これが次のように表示されます。
Higher still and higher From the earth thou springest Like a cloud of fire; The blue deep thou wingest, And singing still dost soar, and soaring ever singest.
水平タブ文字(Unicode,米国アスキー,国際標準化機構 8859-1の十進法9番として符号化されている)は0でない最小の数を単位とする空白と解釈されるべきですが、今のところは8の倍数であれば一行にいくらでもいいようになっています。タブ-スペーシングを他の値に設定していると、文書の割り付けを損なうことがよくあるために、その使用は非常に望ましくないものです。
The horizontal tab character (encoded in Unicode, US ASCII and
ISO 8859-1 as decimal 9) should be interpreted as the smallest
non-zero number of spaces which will leave the number of characters
so far on the line as a multiple of 8. Its use is strongly discouraged
since it is common practice when editing to set the tab-spacing to other
values, leading to misaligned documents.
<![ %HTML.Deprecated [ <!ENTITY % literal "CDATA" -- 全て終了タグのみで表記されていた頃の、 古い不一致な分析モード historical, non-conforming parsing mode where the only markup signal is the end tag in full --> <!ELEMENT (XMP|LISTING) - - %literal> <!ELEMENT PLAINTEXT - O %literal> ]]>
These are obsolete tags for preformatted text that predate the
introduction of PRE. User agents may support these
for backwards compatibility. Authors should avoid using them in new
<!ELEMENT DIV - - %body.content> <!ATTLIST DIV align (left|center|right) #IMPLIED -- 以降の文章の整列 alignment of following text -- > <!-- CENTERはALIGN=CENTERを持つDIVの省略形です CENTER is a shorthand for DIV with ALIGN=CENTER --> <!ELEMENT center - - %body.content>
DIV 要素の使用により、HTML 文書を各部分からなるピラミッド構造として構成することができます。ALIGN属性の使用により、 DIV 要素の内容を整列することができます。その値は左か中央か右のいずれかです。これは段落要素<P>と同じ定義の仕方です。
DIV elements can be used to structure HTML documents as
a hierarchy of divisions. The ALIGN attribute can be used
to set the default horizontal alignment for elements within the content
of the DIV element. Its value is restricted to
defined in the same way as for the paragraph element
DIV はまとめ要素と同様の働きをするものなので、開いている P 要素をDIVが閉じることに注意してください。
これに加えてユーザエージェントは、DIV 要素を段落分けすることを求められていません。
CENTERは ALIGN=CENTER を持つ DIV に全く等しいものです。
DIV とCENTERはどちらも開始タグと終了タグが必要です。
Note that because DIV is a block-like element it will
terminate an open P element. Other than this, user agents
are not expected to render paragraph breaks before and after
DIV elements. CENTER is directly equivalent
to DIV with ALIGN=CENTER. Both
DIV and CENTER require start and end tags.
CENTERはネットスケープ社によって、HTML 3.0 のDIV 要素を扱うようになるよりも前に導入されました。これは広範囲に普及している為に、HTML 3.2 に残されています。
CENTER was introduced by Netscape before they added
support for the HTML 3.0 DIV element. It is retained in
HTML 3.2 on account of its widespread deployment.
<!ELEMENT BLOCKQUOTE - - %body.content>
This is used to enclose block quotations from other works.
Both the start and end tags are required. It is often rendered
indented, e.g.
They went in single file, running like hounds on a strong scent, and an eager light was in their eyes. Nearly due west the broad swath of the marching Orcs tramped its ugly slot; the sweet grass of Rohan had been bruised and blackened as they passed.
from "The Two Towers" by J.R.R. Tolkien.
<!ENTITY % HTTP-Method "GET | POST" -- as per HTTP specification --> <!ELEMENT FORM - - %body.content -(FORM)> <!ATTLIST FORM action %URL #IMPLIED -- server-side form handler -- method (%HTTP-Method) GET -- see HTTP specification -- enctype %Content-Type; "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" >
これは HTML 書式を定義するために使用されます。1つの文書に複数の書式を置くことができます。
非常に単純な書式には、ISINDEX 要素を使うこともできます。
書式には、一行または多数行の書き込み欄やラジオボタングループやチェック升やメニューなどのような書式入力欄を含む広範な HTML 表記を入れることができます。
This is used to define an HTML form, and you can have more than one form
in the same document. Both the start and end tags are required. For very
simple forms, you can also use the ISINDEX
element. Forms can contain a wide range of HTML markup including several
kinds of form fields such as single and multi-line
text fields, radio button groups, checkboxes, and menus.
書式の取り扱い方の詳細は、 RFC 1867 にあります。
Further details on handling forms are given in RFC 1867.
Horizontal rules may be used to indicate a change in topic.
In a speech based user agent, the rule could be rendered as a pause.
<!ELEMENT HR - O EMPTY> <!ATTLIST HR align (left|right|center) #IMPLIED noshade (noshade) #IMPLIED size %Pixels #IMPLIED width %Length #IMPLIED >
HRは容れ物ではないので、終了タグは出てきません。属性はALIGN, NOSHADE, SIZE ,WIDTH です。
HR elements are not containers so the end tag is forbidden.
The attributes are: ALIGN, NOSHADE,
HTML 3.2 にはRFC 1942で与えられた仕様書の広範に普及したサブセットが組み込まれており、これを使って表を組んだりレイアウト効果を表記したりすることができます。
HTML 3.2 includes a widely deployed subset of the specification
given in RFC 1942 and can be used to
markup tabular material or for layout purposes. Note that the latter
role typically causes problems when rending to speech or to text
only user agents.
<!-- horizontal placement of table relative to window --> <!ENTITY % Where "(left|center|right)"> <!-- horizontal alignment attributes for cell contents --> <!ENTITY % cell.halign "align (left|center|right) #IMPLIED" > <!-- vertical alignment attributes for cell contents --> <!ENTITY % cell.valign "valign (top|middle|bottom) #IMPLIED" > <!ELEMENT table - - (caption?, tr+)> <!ELEMENT tr - O (th|td)*> <!ELEMENT (th|td) - O %body.content> <!ATTLIST table -- 表組要素table element -- align %Where; #IMPLIED -- 画面内での表の位置table position relative to window -- width %Length #IMPLIED -- 画面内での表の横幅table width relative to window -- border %Pixels #IMPLIED -- 表の外枠controls frame width around table -- cellspacing %Pixels #IMPLIED -- spacing between cells -- cellpadding %Pixels #IMPLIED -- spacing within cells -- > <!ELEMENT CAPTION - - (%text;)* -- 表題table or figure caption --> <!ATTLIST CAPTION align (top|bottom) #IMPLIED > <!ATTLIST tr -- 行table row -- %cell.halign; -- 横方向整列horizontal alignment in cells -- %cell.valign; -- 縦方向整列vertical alignment in cells -- > <!ATTLIST (th|td) -- 見出し枠またはデータ枠header or data cell -- nowrap (nowrap) #IMPLIED -- 自動改行の抑止suppress word wrap -- rowspan NUMBER 1 -- 行またぎnumber of rows spanned by cell -- colspan NUMBER 1 -- 列またぎnumber of cols spanned by cell -- %cell.halign; -- 横方向整列horizontal alignment in cells -- %cell.valign; -- 縦方向整列vertical alignment in cells -- width %Pixels #IMPLIED -- 枠幅指定suggested width for cell -- height %Pixels #IMPLIED -- 枠高さ指定suggested height for cell -- >
Tables take the general form:
<TABLE BORDER=3 CELLSPACING=2 CELLPADDING=2 WIDTH="80%"> <CAPTION> ... table caption ... </CAPTION> <TR><TD> first cell <TD> second cell <TR> ... ... </TABLE>
TABLE の属性は、全てオプショナルです。
表は一般的に、自動的に内容に見合った大きさに作られますが、 WIDTH 属性を使って表の横幅を定めることもできます。
BORDER と CELLSPACING と CELLPADDING は表の外観についてさらに詳細な管理をするものです。
表題は ALIGN 属性により表の最上部か最下部で表わされます。
The attributes on TABLE are all optional. By default,
the table is rendered without a surrounding border. The table is
generally sized automatically to fit the contents, but you can also set
the table width using the WIDTH attribute.
CELLPADDING provide further control over the table's
appearence. Captions are rendered at the top or bottom of the table
depending on the ALIGN attribute.
Each table row is contained in a TR element, although
the end tag can always be omitted. Table cells are defined by
TD elements for data and TH elements for
headers. Like TR, these are containers and can be given
without trailing end tags. TH and TD support
several attributes: ALIGN and VALIGN for
aligning cell content, ROWSPAN and COLSPAN for
cells which span more than one row or column. A cell can contain a wide
variety of other block and text level elements including form fields and
other tables.
The TABLE element always requires both start and end tags.
It supports the following attributes:
The CAPTION element has one attribute ALIGN
which can be either ALIGN=TOP or ALIGN=BOTTOM.
This can be used to force the caption to be placed above the top or
below the bottom of the table respectively. Most user agents default to
placing the caption above the table. CAPTION always
requires both start and end tags. Captions are limited to plain text and
text-level elements as defined by the %text entity. Block level elements
are not permitted.
The TR or table row element requires a start tag, but
the end tag can always be left out. TR acts as a container
for table cells. It has two attributes:
There are two elements for defining table cells. TH is
used for header cells and TD for data cells. This
distinction allows user agents to render header and data cells in
different fonts, and enables speech based browsers to do a better job.
The start tags for TH and TD are always needed
but the end tags can be left out. Table cells can have the following
表組は普通、浅い浮き彫りで表示され、外枠が斜めに盛り上がっていて、枠の一つ一つがこの盛り上がった表面に入ります。内容がある枠にだけ個々の枠線が引かれます。 以外の空白は、枠線を引くべき対象にはなりません。
Tables are commonly rendered in bas-relief, raised up with the outer
border as a bevel, and individual cells inset into this raised surface.
Borders around individual cells are only drawn if the cell has explicit
content. White space doesn't count for this purpose with the exception
of .
The algorithms used to automatically size tables should take
into account the minimum and maximum width requirements for each
cell. This is used to determine the minimum and maximum width
requirements for each column and hence for the table itself.
Cells spanning more than one column contribute to the
widths of each of the columns spanned. One approach is to evenly
apportion the cell's minimum and maximum width between these
columns, another is to weight the apportioning according to the
contributions from cells that don't span multiple columns.
For some user agents it may be necessary or desirable to break
text lines within words. In such cases a visual indication that this
has occurred is advised.
The minimum and maximum width of nested tables contribute to the
minimum and maximum width of the cell in which they occur. Once the
width requirements are known for the top level table, the column widths
for that table can be assigned. This allows the widths of nested tables
to be assigned and hence in turn the column widths of such tables.
If practical, all columns should be assigned at least their minimum
widths. It is suggested that any surplus space is then shared out
proportional to the difference between the minimum and maximum width
requirements of each column.
幅と高さを示すピクセル値はスクリーンピクセルを参照するため、レーザープリンタのような非常に高い解像度の機器で描写するときには、適切な補正を掛けるべきであることに注意してください。たとえば、ユーザエージェントがインチあたり75ピクセルの解像度をもって表示され、レーザープリンタがインチあたり600ドットの解像度をもって描写するならば、 HTML 属性で与えられたピクセル値は8の係数を掛けられるべきです。
Note that pixel values for width and height refer to screen pixels, and
should be multiplied by an appropriate factor when rendering to very high
resolution devices such as laser printers. For instance if a user agent has
a display with 75 pixels per inch and is rendering to a laser printer with
600 dots per inch, then the pixel values given in HTML attributes should be
multiplied by a factor of 8.
HTML 3.2 Reference Specification