Introduction to HTML 3.2

HTML3.2$B$O(JW3C$B$N(JHTML$B;EMM=q$G!"(JIBM, Microsoft, Netscape Communications Corporation, Novell, SoftQuad, Spyglass, Sun Microsystems$B$H$$$C$?%=%U%H%&%'%"6!5ke$G!"I=AH$d%"%W%l%C%H$dJ8>O$N2hA|2s$j9~$_$J$I!"I}9-$$?75!G=$r2C$($F$$$^$9!#(J
HTML 3.2 is W3C's specification for HTML, developed in early `96 together with vendors including IBM, Microsoft, Netscape Communications Corporation, Novell, SoftQuad, Spyglass, and Sun Microsystems. HTML 3.2 adds widely deployed features such as tables, applets and text flow around images, while providing full backwards compatibility with the existing standard HTML 2.0.

W3C$B$O%=%U%H%&%'%"6!5k W3C is continuing to work with vendors on extensions for accessibility features, multimedia objects, scripting, style sheets, layout, forms, math and internationalization. W3C plans on incorporating this work in further versions of HTML.

HTML as an SGML Application

HTML3.2$B$O9q:]5,3J(JISO8879$B!J(JStandard Generalized Markup Language$B!K$K4p$E$/(JSGML$B$N1~MQ$G$9!#(JSGML$B$N1~MQ$G$9$N$G!"(JHTML3.2$B$K4p$E$/J8=q$NJ8K!$O!"(JSGML$B@k8@(J$B$H(J$BJ8=q7?Dj5A(J(DTD)$B$NAH$_9g$o$;$K$h$C$FDj5A$5$l$^$9!#$3$N;EMM=q$O(JHTML3.2$B$NMWAG$H$7$F9M$($i$l$?2r\$7$$@bL@$r$7$F$$$^$9!#(J
HTML 3.2 is an SGML application conforming to International Standard ISO 8879 -- Standard Generalized Markup Language. As an SGML application, the syntax of conforming HTML 3.2 documents is defined by the combination of the SGML declaration and the document type definition (DTD). This specification defines the intended interpretation of HTML 3.2 elements, and places further constraints on the permitted syntax which are otherwise inexpressible in the DTD.

The SGML rules for record boundaries are tricky. In particular, a record end immediately following a start tag should be discarded. For example:


is equivalent to:


Similarly, a record end immediately preceding an end tag should be discarded. For example:


is equivalent to:



(PRE$BMWAG$N$h$&$J(J)$BJ8;zNs$NItJ,$r=|$-!"(JHTML$B$O6uGr$,O"B3$7$F$$$kItJ,$r0l;zJ,$NM>Gr(J($B%"%9%-!e$N5,B'$O!"D61[=qN`$rD>@\I=5-$9$k$H$-$K!"BgI}$J=@Fp@-$r;}$?$;$k$b$N$G$9!#>-Mh$N(JHTML$B$N2~D{$G$O!"%9%?%$%k%7!<%H$K$h$C$FDj5A$5$l$?%?%V5,B'$K4XO"$7$F!"?eJ?%?%V(J($B%"%9%-! Except within literal text (e.g. the PRE element), HTML treats contiguous sequences of white space characters as being equivalent to a single space character (ASCII decimal 32). These rules allow authors considerable flexibility when editing the marked-up text directly. Note that future revisions to HTML may allow for the interpretation of the horizontal tab character (ASCII decimal 9) with respect to a tab rule defined by an associated style sheet.

PCDATA$B$NFbMF$d(JCDATA$B$NB0@-$N(JSGML$B&#233;$B$O9q:]I8=`2=5!9=%i%F%s#1J8;z(J233$BHV!J1T%"%/%;%s%H$r;}$D>.J8;z$N(Je$B!K$H$7$F3HD%$5$l$^$9!#(J $B$3$l$O(J&eacute;$B$N$h$&$JL>>N&amp;$B$H$$$&L>>N SGML entities in PCDATA content or in CDATA attributes are expanded by the parser, e.g. &#233; is expanded to the ISO Latin-1 character decimal 233 (a lower case letter e with an acute accent). This could also have been written as a named character entity, e.g. &eacute;. The & character can be included in its own right using the named character entity &amp;.

HTML$B$G$O!"B0@-CM$,J8;z(J($B%"%k%U%!%Y%C%H$NBgJ8;z$H>.J8;z(J)$B!&?t;z(J (0$B$+$i(J9)$B!"%O%$%U%s(J-$B!J%"%9%-!l9g$O!"(J CDATA$BB0@-$K$O0zMQId$rIU$1$J$/$F$b$h$$$3$H$K$J$C$F$$$^$9!#B0@-CM$OFs=E0zMQId(J"$BKt$OC10zMQId(J'$B!J$=$l$>$l%"%9%-! HTML allows CDATA attributes to be unquoted provided the attribute value contains only letters (a to z and A to Z), digits (0 to 9), hyphens (ASCII decimal 45) or, periods (ASCII decimal 46). Attribute values can be quoted using double or single quote marks (ASCII decimal 34 and 39 respectively). Single quote marks can be included within the attribute value when the value is delimited by double quote marks, and vice versa.

$B%f!<%6%(!<%8%'%s%H$K$h$C$F$O!"0J2<$NB0@-$K$D$$$F:G>.8B2=$rI,MW$H$9$k$b$N$,$"$k$3$H$KCm0U$7$F$/$@$5$$!#(J COMPACT, ISMAP, CHECKED, NOWRAP, NOSHADE , NOHREF
$B$=$N$h$&$J%f!<%6%(!<%8%'%s%H$O!"(JHTML 3.2 DTD$B$K4p$E$/BEEv$JI=5-$G$"$C$F$b!"(JCOMPACT=COMPACT$B$d(JISMAP=ISMAP$B$J$I$H$$$C$?8lK!$r Note that some user agents require attribute minimisation for the following attributes: COMPACT, ISMAP, CHECKED, NOWRAP, NOSHADE and NOHREF. These user agents don't accept syntax such as COMPACT=COMPACT or ISMAP=ISMAP although this is legitimate according to the HTML 3.2 DTD.

HTML3.2$B;HMQ$N$?$a$N(JSGML$B@k8@$HJ8=q7?Dj5A$K$D$$$F$O!"JdB-$K2s$7$^$9!#(J HTML$B9=J82r@O$K4X$9$k>\:Y$J%,%$%I%i%$%s$O(JWD-html-lex$B$K$"$j$^$9!#(J
The SGML declaration and the DTD for use with HTML 3.2 are given in appendices. Further guidelines for parsing HTML are given in WD-html-lex.

The Structure of HTML documents

HTML 3.2 Documents start with a <!DOCTYPE> declaration followed by an HTML element containing a HEAD and then a BODY element:

  <TITLE>A study of population dynamics</TITLE>
  ... other head elements
  ... document body

$BHEAD$B$H(JBODY$B$N3+;O%?%0$H=*N;%?%0$O!"(JHTML 3.2 DTD$B$K=`5r$9$k8lK!2r@O$K$h$C$F$3$l$r$9$Y$F?d;!$G$-$k$b$N$G$"$k$?$a!"(J $B>JN,$9$k$3$H$,$G$-$^$9!#(J
In practice, the HTML, HEAD and BODY start and end tags can be omitted from the markup as these can be inferred in all cases by parsers conforming to the HTML 3.2 DTD.

HTML3.2$B$K4p$E$/$9$Y$F$NJ8=q$O!"(JHTML3.2$BJ8=q$r(JHTML$B$N(J $BB>$NHG$+$i6hJL$9$k$?$a$K(J$BI,$:(J<!DOCTYPE>$B@k8@$G;O$a$J$1$l$P$J$j$^$;$s!#(JHTML$B;EMM=q$O!"J]4I Every conforming HTML 3.2 document must start with the <!DOCTYPE> declaration that is needed to distinguish HTML 3.2 documents from other versions of HTML. The HTML specification is not concerned with storage entities. As a result, it is not required that the document type declaration reside in the same storage entity (i.e. file). A Web site may choose to dynamically prepend HTML files with the document type declaration if it is known that all such HTML files conform to the HTML 3.2 specification.

$B$^$?!"A4$F$N(JHTML3.2$BJ8=q$O!"I,$:6qBNE*$JI8BjMWAG$r;}$?$J$1$l$P$J$j$^$;$s!#=>$C$F!":G>.8B$N(JHTML3.2$BJ8=q$O Every HTML 3.2 document must also include the descriptive title element. A minimal HTML 3.2 document thus looks like:

  <TITLE>$B?M8}F0BVD4::(JA study of population dynamics</TITLE>

$BCm0U(J: HTML3.2$B;EMM=q$,(JW3C$B4X78 Note: the word "Final" replaces "Draft" now that the HTML 3.2 specification has been ratified by the W3C member organizations.

HTML$BBh(J3.2$BHG;EMM;29M=q(J HTML 3.2 Reference Specification

