.Japanese DBCS,Code Conversion

#ifdef UNX

    #ifdef AIX
      SJIS(Shift-JIS). Browse and DBCS input are both avail.

    #ifdef LNX

      EUC-JP. Browse is avail under kon(Kanji ON console) if on the CONSOLE.
        DBCS input is not avail on kon,avail on X-terminal emulator
        such as gnome-terminal,kterm.

        SS2(0x8e)+xx(e.g 0x8eb1 pronounced "a") is 1 column width on display.
        RH9 binary treates those as unprintable.
        From FC5 binary, those are displayed by 2 colomn(gxe) or Hankaku-Katakana+TABPAD(xe).
        TABPAD fills  spaces by tab(0x09) and controled to display by "TAB on /off" cmd

      3 byte Kanji(SS3(0x8f)+xxxx) is displayed as 2 column Kanji+TABPAD,


      SJIS(MS932) is applyed.

      CV command is for code conversion between SJIS,EUC,IBM-EBCDIC,
      Katakana and english lowercase letter is often mis-converted
      when EBCDIC to SJIS conversion. Those file may be re-converted
      each other.
      HEX notation to char conversion is also supported.
      To display comunication log by EBCDIC,for example,
      diaply all dump lines only by cmd "xx;f 0 1 all",
      then use "cv x2c ebc 5-80:100 mult nx".
      Result of conversion of HEX-botation->CHAR(EBCDIC)->ASCII is written
      to from column 100.
      XCV cmd enclosed is external tool to file encoding translation.