= Code Conversion

        CV   [e2s|s2e|e2e|s2s|s2j|j2s|e2j|j2e] [z] [NX] [.lab1 .lab2]
        CV   {s2u|u2s|s2f|f2s|u2f|f2u|e2f|f2e|m2f|f2m} [bom] [ucs4] [be|le] [ibm|nec]
              [\u] ['err-rep-char']
        CV   {b2s|s2b|b2e|e2b|b2a|a2b} [CRLF|ANK] [CP290|CP1027|KANA-EXT|ENG-EXT]
              [JIS78] [-S[a|d|r|m|s]|-SBCS] ['err-rep-char']
        CV   {K2L|L2K}
        CV    x2c [EBC] [i[-m[:{n|max|rep}]]] [mult | -Hpre[XXpost]]
                  [CRLF|ANK] [CP290|CP1027|KANA-EXT|ENG-EXT] [JIS78] [-S[bcs|a|d|r]
        CV   {M2B|B2M} [CP290|CP1027|KANA-EXT|ENG-EXT] ['err-rep-char']
        CV   {M2B|B2M|B2F|F2B}     [CPEB:ebcdic-codepage] [-S{a|d|r}]
        CV   B2B           [CPEB:ebcdic-codepage] [-S{a|d|r}] [SETCP]
        CV   M2M       -F:charset -T:charset [-SBCS] [-ANK] [ICU] ['err-rep-char']

         DOS version support 1st format only.
         [NX] and [.lab1 .lab2] is common to all format.
         Utility XCV is contained in the zip file.

            e2s     :EUC -->SJIS
            s2e     :SJIS-->EUC
            s2s     :SJIS hankaku-katakana-->zenkaku-katakana
            e2e     :EUC hankaku-katakana-->zenkaku-katakana
            s2j/j2s :SJIS<-->JIS
            e2j/j2e :EUC <-->JIS
            s2u/u2s :SJIS<-->UCS2(2byte Unicode)
            s2f/f2s :SJIS<-->UTF8(8 bit UTF)

#if defined(W32)||defined(LNX)

            e2f/f2e :JapaneseEUC<-->UTF8(8bit UTF)
            m2f/f2m :File's CodePage<-->UTF8(8bit UTF)
                     Between UTF8 and Codepage specified when open the file.
                     Invalid code is replaced by "?", but there is non reversible conversion
                     even if not replaced to "?". I those case reverse conversion cannot return
                     to the source code.
            u2f/f2u :UCS2<-->UTF8
            b2s/s2b :IBM-EBCDIC<-->SJIS(Japanese DBCS conversion).
            b2a/a2b :IBM-EBCDIC<-->ASCII SBCS(SO/SI(0x0e/0x0f) is ignored).
            k2L/L2k :HankakuKatakana<-->EnglishLowerCase letter.
                     When EBCDIC-->ASCII translated lowercase letter to
                     hankaku-katakana,re-translate the file to recover
                     lowercase letter.
                     k2L:re-conv by CP1027 the result of CP290
                     L2k:re-conv by CP290  the result of CP1027
            x2c     :convert hex notation string to char(ignore space).
#if (defined(W32)||defined(LNX))

            M2B/B2M :translation Local Codepage<->EBCDIC according to a mapfile.
                     mapfile name is specified on INI file.
                     Define parameter in the mapfile such as EBCDIC/Local and SBCS mapping to adjust translation.
                     'err-rep-char' option override the SUBCHAR parameter of the mapfile.
                     See "EBCDIC translation".
                     CPEB:codepage pattern allows to specify the EBCDIC codepage other than specified on cfg file.

            F2B/B2F :UTF8<->EBCDIC("M" of M2B/B2M is UTF8)
                     Th file opened as CPU8 dose not accept F2B, open as CPLC then apply F2B.
                     EOL code is not changed unless /Me option is specified.
                       ex) "END /Me",  "SAVe xx /Me".
                     Even after saved, you can change EOL code by "EDIt xx /Mue" (change LF to BCDIC EOL:0x15)

                     Also for B2F, it will be required to change EOL code to (CR)LF.

            B2B     :trnaslation between diffrent EBCDIC codepage.
                     Specify target codepage by CPEB:tgtcp( source codepage is of the file)
                     Translation is done using ICU or iconv(for Linux) according to ::xeebc.map spcification

            SETCP   :change current file's codepage.
                     Translated file is displayed using the codepage.
                     Widthout SETCP, after translation to the codepage, code is displayed using original codepage.
                     Use "EBC SETCP:codepage" cmd to change codepage without translation.
            M2M     :translation between any codepage.
                     Specify codepage codepage in -f:charset -t:charset option.
                     Avalable codepage/charset are list by
                       "xe -c?"   (Windows)
                       "iconv -l" (Linux)
                       "uconv -l" (ICU).
                     Default of /f: and /t: is "0"(=CP_ACP) for Windows,
                     is determined by current locale and iconv list for Linux.
                     For Windows, "UTF8" is acceptable as alternative of "6500".
                     Use not M2M but B2M/M2B/B2B for EBCDIC translation.

            z       :hankaku-katakana-->zenkaku-katakana
#ifdef UNX
                     z of e2e if conversion type missing.
                     z of s2s if conversion type missing.

             BOM       :Check/Write BOM(UTF-8 type mark) on top of file.
                        effective for u2f,s2f,f2u,f2s.
             UCS4      :unicode by 4 byte. for U2F and F2u.
                        If missing "UCS4" for f2u,xe outputs surrogate pair for ucs4.
             BE/LE     :unicode endian type. Default is BE for UNIX else LE.
                        use with u2s,u2f,s2u,f2u.
             ICU       :use ICU for M2M
             IBM/NEC   :for the case multiple SJIS code point for a unicode,
                        specify target mapping region.
                        use with u2s,f2s. default is IBM.
             JIS78     :DBCS conversion by OLD-JIS sequence.
                        default is JIS83(NEW-JIS) sequence.
             ANK       :replace control char by 'err-rep-char',
             \u        :\uxxxx format unicode input conversion(u2s,u2f).
                       :\uxxxx format unicode output conversion(s2u,f2u).
             CRLF      :replace CR,LF by 'err-rep-char'.
             EBC       :After x2c,do IBM-EBCDIC-->ASCII translation.
                        SO effect(ShiftOut of Japanese Kanji) continues to next line
                        except the case SBCS option or rep option is specified.
             CP290     :use IBM-CP290(katakana extension) for SBCS conversion.
              /CP1027   default table for SBCS conversion is IBM-CP1027(english lowercase letter extension).
             KANA-EXT/ :KANA-EXT:CP290
              ENG-EXT    ENG-EXT:CP1027
                       :Input column. default is TopOfLine. Up to EndOfLine
                        when m is missing.
                        n:Output column. default is TopOfLine.
                        max:Output to the right of longest line.
                        rep:convert hex digit in the place.
             mult      :continue hex conversion process even if invalid hex digit
             -Hpre[XXpost]:convert between prefix and postfix.
                           XX is delimitter of prefix and postfix.
                          ex). -H0x'     -Hx'xx'
             -S[a | d | i | r | m | s | bcs]
                 a     :assume SO on the top of line.
                 bcs   :SBCS mode(no DBCS coinsideration)
                 d     :delete SO(0x0e)/SI(0x0f) for B2x.
                        SO/SI is not set for x2B.
                 i     :for x2B, insert SO(0x0e)/SI(0x0f).
                 r     :for x2B;replace adjacent space char by SO/SI
                        or insert SO/SI if no adjacent space char.
                        for b2x, replace SO/SI to space.
                 m     :for B2c;effect of SO continues to the next line.
                 s     :same as -Sr, but following spaces are reduced by the expanded length
                        by SO/SI insertion if those are not single space.
                 default is replace SO/SI by space for B2x, insert SO/SI for x2B.
                 xeebc.map defines default for B2M/M2B/B2F/F2B.
             err-rep-char:substitution char for conversion error.
                          Char and HEX notation. for SBCS annd DBCS.
                          ex) xcv f2s "."
                              xcv m2b  "6f" "4040"
                              xcv b2m   "?-"
                          use with u2s,f2s. default is '?'.
             NX        :limit the line to be converted to not excluded line.
             .lab1/2   :limit the line to be converted to that label range.