#if defined(W32) || defined(LNX)

   .EBCDIC translation.

      You can use external converter such as ICU/iconv for EBCDIC translation.
      CV cmd(XCV is embedded tool for translation) and xe3270 FTP utilize those converter.
      Prepare parameter file for it, followings are description for the parameter file.
      (See "EBCDIC file support" about editting direct EBCDIC file.)


        This file defines EBCDIC translation parameter
        which is use for EBCDIC fiel support, CV edit cmd, xe3270 FTP, XCV utility.
        Links to this file is CHARSET_CFG parameter in the xe3270.cfg for xe3270 FTP,
        /MF:mapfile parameter for XCV cmd.
        For EBCDIC file support and CV edit cmd, specify on INI file.
            EBCDIC_cfg   ="" #("::xeebc.map")# EBCDIC translation config filename

        There are 3 translation pattern.
         Other than required parameter for each case is ignored.
         (a). Japanese translation using internal mapping table.
              XCV and CV cmd has related parameter and those are adopted if specified.
              For xe3270 FTP, you can specify those parameters in this file if required.
              SJIS_OPT, SOSI_A2E and SOSI_E2A are the only effective parameters.
         (b). Translation using external(ICU) or system(Windows NLS API or Linux iconv) converter.
              You may use standalone tool,uconv of ICU or iconv of Linux.
              Use this file to use these converter in xe3270 FTP.
              This file may be used from CV and XCV cmd to adjust translation by those converter.
              MAP_A2E/MAP_E2A is applied to the specific codepoint.
              You can get the list of charset by "uconv -l" (ICU), "iconv -l"(iconv).
              List of codepage of Windows or ICU converter is gotton by "xcv -List"
              (It seems to be no DBCS EBCDIC codepage in Windows,ICU will be required for DBCS user).
         (c). Apply mapping after and downlowd and before upload by s3270+IND$FILE transfer.
              MAP_A2F is applied before upload and MAP_F2A is applied after download
              to adjust the s3270 translation.
              Other option than MAP_A2F and MAP_F2A are ignored.

        About 3270 FTP.
          .For DBCS user.
              IND$FILE dose not support DBCS(DoubleByteCharSet) translation.
              (s3270 made by --enable-DBCS option translates screen data only.)
              So, xe3270 translates FTP data using internal/external converter, then send/receive by binaly mode.
              It supports fixed-record-length DATASET MEMBER only.
              For variable-record length DATASET(MEMBER) SBCS translation is applied,
              and you can adjust it using (c) of above.

              And, you have to specify DBCS= option in the xehosts file.
              If DBCS=CP939 or DBCS=CP930, xe3270 uses internal translation table.(pattern(a))

              If DBCS=OTHER and CONVERTER=1, xe3270 uses external/system converter(case(b)).
              Parameters in this file are applied as following.
                Upload to host.
                        ===>(binary mode xfer)===>HOST
                Download from host
                        <===(binary mode xfer)<===HOST
              MAP_A2E,MAP_E2A and SUBCHAR_xxx options are used to adjusts SBCS translation.
              Codepoints defined there are mapped without using converter.

          .For SBCS user.
              s3270 supports some translation tabe by --charset option.
              (See http://x3270.bgp.nu/s3270-man.html for supported charset)
              It seems there are no need to install external converter for s3270 FTP.
              If there are some code points which dose not fit to your environments,
              use MAP_F2A and MAP_A2F with CONVERTER=0(case (c)).
              Parameters in this file are applied as following.
                Upload to host.
                Download from host

              You can also use SBCS_CHARSET and MAP_A2E/MAP_E2A for fixed-record-length DATASET MEMBER.
              If CONVERTER=1 and and SBCS_CHARSET is specified,
              SBCS translation is done like as DBCS translation for fixed-record-length DATASET MEMBER..
              If SBCS_CHARSET is DEFAULTMAP, translation is done without using converter
              by mapping table same as of s3270(ISO-8859-1 and CP037).

        About Fixed-Record-Length.
          When DATASET's RECFM attribute is fixed for xe3270 FTP,
          when /F[xx][N] cmdline option is specified for XCV cmd,(No Fixed option for CV cmd)
          long lines are split and short lines are expanded at translation to EBCDIC.
          NO EndOfLineID(0x0a) is written(XCV cmd support /Mseteol option).
          "N" option means last 8 byte of line-number-field.
          Expanded line by insertion of SO/SI for DBCS is shrinked
          to the LRECL if space is available before the line-number-field.
          The line number field overflowed the LRECL will be cut if "N" specified.
          For xe3270 FTP, set profile:NUMSTD by PRO cmd.
          (Open a MENBER with /Mn option,then enter "PRO path save")

          When translated from EBCDIC,lines are read by binary mode(0x0a is also translated)
          and EOL-ID is written.

        By /Mseteol option of XCV cmd EOL-ID is append to each line for both To and From EBCDIC case.
            /mASCEOL: EOL-ID of EBCDIC file is Windows:0x0d0a, Linux 0x0a. Default is 0x15.
            /mSETEOL: EOL-ID is appended to each output line. for x2B and B2x with RecordMode.
           Specify LRECL by /Fxx option
              /F[nn][N]:EBCDIC file is fixed record length. nn:LRECL(default=80).
                        Input(B2x) or Output(x2B) LRECL.
                        N: last 8 byte is line-number-filed. adjust SO/SI insertion.
                           "N" is effective for m2b only.
           xcv /cm2b ms932 ibm939.txt  /mf:sjisebc.map /F80 /Mseteol /Masceol
               (locale-->ebcdic, output LRECL=80, set ASCII-EOL-ID)
           xcv /cm2b ms932 ibm939.txt /mf:sjisebc.map  /Masceol /Mseteol
               (locale-->ebcdic, output line with appened ASCII-EOL-ID)
           xcv /cb2m ebcf1 ascf2 /mf:sjisebc.map /F80 /Mseteol
               (locale<--ebcdic, input LRECL=80, output line with appened ASCII-EOL-ID)
           xcv /cb2m ebcf1 ascf2 /mf:sjisebc.map /Masceol
               (locale<--ebcdic, input line with ASCII-EOL-ID

      ## sample file ##

        xeebc.map                                                     ~
        #   CONVERTER      : Converter selection                      
        #                    0 : SBCS translation by MAP_A2F and MAP_F2A mapping
        #                        Other option than MAP_A2F and MAP_F2A will be ignored.
        #                    1 : converter is ICU (ICU instalation is required)
        #                    2 : converter is iconv(Linux) or WideCharToMultibyte/MultiByteToWideChar(Windows)
        #                    For 1 and 2, apply CHARSET_DBCS, CHARSET_DBCS (LOCAL_CHARSET)
        #                    with  optional adjustment by MAP_E2A and MAP_A2E.
        #                    MAP_A2F and MAP_F2A will be ignored.     
        #                      sample                                 
        #                         CONVERTER   1           # apply converter
        #   ICU_DLL_SUFFIX : .dll/.so library name sufix.             
        #                    This is required if "CONVERTER 1".       
        #                    Required when following default is not proper.
        #                       Android     : /system/lib
        #                       Linux       : /usr/local/lib:usr/lib:$(LD_LIBRARY_PATH)
        #                       Linux-64    : /usr/local/lib64:usr/lib64:$(LD_LIBRARY_PATH)
        #                       Windows     : GetSystemDirectory();GetWindowsDirectory();$(PATH)
        #                                     ex)     GetSystemDirectory() : c:\Windows\system32
        #                                             GetWindowsDirectory(): c:\Windows
        #                      sample                                 
        #                         ICU_DLL_SUFFIX 44          # if dllname is icuuc40.dll
        #   ICU_API_SUFFIX : ICU api name sufix.                      
        #                    This is required if "CONVERTER 1".       
        #                    Required when default dll/so library is not available.
        #                    For ex, real name of "ucnv_open" is ucnv_open_4_0 on icuuc40.dll
        #                      sample                                 
        #                         ICU_DLL_SUFFIX _44        # if dllname is icuuc40.dll
        #                    See followings if you have source package.(ICU v44)
        #                         $(icu)/source/common/unicode/uvernum.h
        #                             #define        U_ICU_VERSION_SHORT         "44"
        #                             #define        U_ICU_ENTRY_POINT_RENAME(x)  x ## _44
        #   ICU_DATA       : Use when you installed your own converter(.cnv file)
        #                     ex)ICU_DATA=/system/usr/icu:/data/data/yourcnvs
        #                    Put your cnv file into sub-folder yourcnvs/icudt__l  ; __ is version like as icudt44l.
        #   DBCS_CHARSET   : Defines EBCDIC charset name to translate UCS<-->EBCDIC which supports DBCS.
        #                    You can get the list of charset by "uconv -l" (ICU), "iconv -l"(iconv).
        #                    If missing this parameter All chars are translated byte by byte.
        #                    (Note) DBCS=OTHER parameter in the xehosts file is required for xe3270 FTP.
        #                      sample                                 
        #                         DBCS_CHARSET cp939     #Jpanese
        #                         DBCS_CHARSET cp933     #Korean Mixed EBCDIC
        #                         DBCS_CHARSET cp935     #Chinese(Simplified) Mixed EBCDIC
        #                         DBCS_CHARSET cp937     #Chinese(Traditional)Mixed EBCDIC
        #   SBCS_CHARSET   : Defines EBCDIC charset name to translate UCS2<-->EBCDIC
        #                    You can get the list of charset by "uconv -l" (ICU), "iconv -l"(iconv).
        #                    If DBCS_CHARSET can translate also SBCS,no need to specify SBCS_CHARSET.
        #                    "DEFAULTMAP" means to use internal mapping table cotrresponding to
        #                    iso8859-1<-->EBCDIC US same as IBM37,swaplfnl.
        #                    ibm37,swaplfnl is s390 standard.
        #                      EBCDIC-0x25<-->ASCII-0x85, EBCDIC-0x15<-->ASCII<-->0x0a
        #                      sample                                 
        #                         SBCS_CHARSET CP037          #use external converter
        #                         SBCS_CHARSET DEFAULTMAP     #use internal map corresponding to ISO-8859-1 and CP037
        #                      For CONVERTER=2 on Windows.
        #                        SBCS_CHARSET 1047           #EBCDIC latin
        #   LOCAL_CHARSET  : defines local charset name to translate UCS2<-->local codepage
        #                    If SBCS_CHARSET is DEFAULTMAP,this parameter is ignored
        #                    If missing, Codepage is determined by environment valiable(LANG,codepage).
        #                    For Axe, ICU is used.
        #                      sample                                 
        #                         LOCAL_CHARSET ISO-8859-1     #use external converter
        #                         LOCAL_CHARSET SHIFT_JISX0213 #for iconv,0xe0-0xfc is not DBCS if "SJIS" is specified
        #                      Specify CodePage Number on Windows.
        #                        LOCAL_CHARSET   932          #JP
        #   MAP_E2A/MAP_A2E: mapping to adjust SBCS translation for each codepoint.
        #                    For ex,. 0x7e is tilde on iso-8859-1 upper-bar on cp897.
        #                    And 0xa0 is upper-bar and 0xa1 is tilede on CP1027(EBCDIC),
        #                    0xa1 is upper-bar and 0xa0 is tilede on cp290(EBCDIC),
        #                    When CP1027 is not supported by s3270 specify as following
        #                    with "s3270 -charset CP290"              
        #                      sample                                 
        #                         MAP_E2A  0xa0: 0xaf   # EBCDIC 0xa0 -> ASCII upper-bar
        #                         MAP_E2A  0xa1: ~      # EBCDIC 0xa1 -> ASCII tilde
        #                         MAP_A2E  0xaf: 0xa0   # EBCDIC 0xa0 <- ASCII upper-bar
        #                         MAP_A2E     ~: 0xa1   # EBCDIC 0xa1 <- ASCII tilde
        #   MAP_A2F/MAP_F2A: Effective for 3270 FTP case (c) only.    
        #                    For the purpose of adjusting translation by s3270+IND$FILE
        #                    MAP_A2F is applied to ASCII file to be upload to host,
        #                    MAP_F2A is applied to ASCII data downloaded from host.
        #                      sample                                 
        #                         MAP_A2F  0xaf: ~      # upload 0xaf(upper bar) as 0x7e(tilde)
        #                         MAP_F2A  0x1f: .      # convert downloaded 0x1f to printable char
        #   SUCHAR_SBCS    : substitution charscter by unicode for the case single byte translation error.
        #                    default is U001a.                        
        #   SUCHAR_DBCS    : substitution charscter by unicode for the case double byte translation error.
        #                    default is Ufffd.                        
        #                    ICU subchar of codepage->unicode translation is fixed to 0x1a and 0xfffd.
        #                    ICU subchar of codepage<-unicode translation is defined on each .ucm file of ICU.
        #                    xe accept both for EBCDIC<->unicode  and local codepage<->unicode if specifed.
        #                    So,SUBCHAR_SBCS and SUBCHAR_DBCS is applied to following 2 case.
        #                      LOCAL_CHARSET is not specified.(wcr2mb and mbrtowc are used)
        #                      "CONVERTER 2" is specified.(system converters are used)
        #                    If xe detected error, output is result of translation of this substitution char.
        #                      sample                                 
        #                         SUBCHAR_SBCS  0x003f       # "?" for translation err
        #                         SUBCHAR_DBCS  0x30fb       # EBCDIC 0x4345 in CP939
        #                    For other than ICU, default value Ufffd and U001a may not be valid for the codepage.
        #                    In those case original code will be left. You would be better to
        #                    specify SUBCHAR_xxxx parameter.          
        #   SUBCHAR_0a     : control converter's output 0x0a when translate to pc-codepage.
        #                    1 : replace by SBCS substitution char.   
        #                    0 : output 0x0a. (Default)               
        #   SUBCHAR_S2D    : replace converter output by substitution char when SBCS is translated to pc-codepage DBCS.
        #                    1 : replace by SBCS substitution char.   
        #                    0 : allow multibyte output. (Default)    
        #   SJIS_OPT       : Specify options for SJIS(japanese) translation.
        #                    Effective only for case (a) of xe3270 FTP(for the case DBCS=CP939 or CP930 in the xehosts file)
        #                    For CV and XCV cmd, cmdline parameter override this parameter.
        #                    IBM  :map EBCDIC kanji to SJIS-IBM area (Default)
        #                    NEC  :map EBCDIC kanji to SJIS-NEC area  
        #                    JIS78:SJIS 1978 version                  
        #                    JIS83:SJIS 1983 version (Default)        
        #                    ENG_EXT :Japanese English Extension(CP939=CP1027)
        #                    KANA_EXT:Japanese katakana Extension(CP930=CP290)
        #                      sample                                 
        #                         SJIS_OPT      NEC                   
        #                         SJIS_OPT      JIS78                 
        #                         SJIS_OPT      KANA_EXT
        #   SOSI_A2E       : SO/SI setting option when translate DBCS to EBCDIC
        #                    It can be overridden command option of CV/XCV/SAVe/REPlace/COPy/... cmd.
        #                    Default is SHIFT for xe3270 FTP, INS for the else.
        #                    INS  :insert SO(0xe) and SI(0x0f) enclosing DBCS string. Output may expand.
        #                    REP  :replace boundary space if exist, else insert.
        #                    SHIFT:(xe3270 Only) more over REP operation, delete following space by the inserted count.
        #                      sample                                 
        #                         SOSI_A2E      REP
        #   SOSI_E2A       : SO/SI treatement when translate DBCS from EBCDIC
        #                    It can be overridden command option of CV/XCV/SAVe/REPlace/COPy/... cmd.
        #                    Default is REP.                          
        #                    DEL  :delete SO and SI. Output may shrink.
        #                    REP  :replace SO and SI by ASCII space. (Default)
        # CONVERTER             1     # 0:s3270 translation, 1:ICU, 2:iconv/WindowsAPI||+v124R
        # ICU_DLL_SUFFIX      44      # ICU dllname suffix
        # ICU_API_SUFFIX      _44     # ICU apiname suffix
        # DBCS_CHARSET        cp939   #(Linux)EBCDIC Japanese English lower-case letter extension.~||+v124R
        # DBCS_CHARSET        nnnn    #(Windows)No corresponding Windows Codepage||+v124I
        # SBCS_CHARSET        cp037   #(Linux)EBCDIC-US               ||+v124R
        # SBCS_CHARSET        37      #(Windows)ECDIC-US              ||+v124I
        # SBCS_CHARSET        cp939                                   
        # SBCS_CHARSET        CP037   #Linux                          
        # SBCS_CHARSET        37      #Windows Codepage for CP037(EBCDIC US)
        # LOCAL_CHARSET    ISO-8859-1 #(Linux)Latin-1                 ||+v124R
        # LOCAL_CHARSET    28591      #(Windows Codepage) for ISO-8859-1||+v124R
        #     MAP_A2F    0xaf: ~      # upload 0xaf(upper bar) as 0x7e(tilde)
        #     MAP_A2F    0x30: 0x31   # upload 0xaf(upper bar) as 0x7e(tilde)
        #     MAP_A2F    0x31: 0x30   # upload 0xaf(upper bar) as 0x7e(tilde)
        #     MAP_F2A    0x1f: .      # convert downloaded 0x1f to printable char
        #     MAP_F2A    0x31: 0x30   # upload 0xaf(upper bar) as 0x7e(tilde)
        #     MAP_F2A    0x30: 0x31   # upload 0xaf(upper bar) as 0x7e(tilde)
        #     MAP_F2A       {: }      # upload 0xaf(upper bar) as 0x7e(tilde)
        #     MAP_F2A       }: {      # upload 0xaf(upper bar) as 0x7e(tilde)
        #     MAP_E2A    0xa2: 0x5c   # Yen sign and backslash        
        #     MAP_A2E    0x5c: 0xa2   #                               
        #     MAP_E2A    0xa1: ~      # tilde and upper bar           
        #     MAP_A2E       ~: 0xa1   #                               
        #     MAP_E2A    0xa0: ?      # tilde and upper bar           
        #     MAP_E2A    0x25: ?      # avoid 0x0a generation         
        #     MAP_E2A    0x4a: ?      # Cent, avoid DBCS output by CP939
        #     MAP_E2A    0x5f: ?      # Not , avoid DBCS output by CP939
        #     MAP_E2A    0xb1: ?      # Pond, avoid DBCS output by CP939
        #     MAP_E2A    0x31: 1      # Pond, avoid DBCS output by CP939
        #     MAP_E2A    0x32: 2      # Pond, avoid DBCS output by CP939
        #     MAP_E2A    0x33: 3      # Pond, avoid DBCS output by CP939
        #   SOSI_A2E   INS : SOSI setting option when translate DBCS to EBCDIC
        #   SUBCHAR_DBCS    0x30fb                                    
        #   SUBCHAR_SBCS    0x1a                                      
        #   SUBCHAR_0a     1  # replace by SBCS substitution char.    
        #   SUBCHAR_S2D    1  # replace converter output by substitution char when SBCS is translated to pc-codepage DBCS.
        ## Use ICU , SBCS codepage
        #        CONVERTER          1
        #        ICU_DLL_SUFFIX    44
        #        ICU_API_SUFFIX   _44
        #        SBCS_CHARSET     cp1047          //EBCDIC Latin/1 Open System(iso-8859-1)
        ## Use ICU , DBCS codepage
        #        CONVERTER          1
        #        ICU_DLL_SUFFIX    44
        #        ICU_API_SUFFIX   _44
        #        DBCS_CHARSET     cp1388          //chinese simplified. superset of cp935
        ## Use API (Windows:MultiByteToWideChar/WideCharToMultibute)
        #        CONVERTER          2
        #        SBCS_CHARSET       20924        //EBCDIC Latin/1 Open System(1047+Euro)
        ## Use API (Linux:iconv)
        #        CONVERTER          2
        #        SBCS_CHARSET       cp1047