.Binary file.
      File is treated as bynary file which is opened by EB/BB/SB cmd.
      When it is opened by normal E/B cmd,first 1024 byte is checked.
      It is binary when number of char less than 0x1f(except 0x0d,0x0a)
      is over 30%.
      For binary file,line seperator(0x0d0a,0x0a) is one of data,and
      line is displayed as split by length of width(/Mnn,default is
      Line number column is displayed by offset value,NUM cmd may change
      the line number column type from hex to decimal number.
      A char may be input by 2 HEX digit changing input mode by "XIN" cmd(Ctrl+F11).
      Under HEX input mode,No Input-inhibit-char check and DBCS chk is done for binary file.
      Tab char(0x0d) is also data char and no tab expansion is done.
      2 HEX display mode is available.
      UsingEH/BH/SH cmd file is displayed by dump format,
      Using /Mx optio or HEX(Ctrl+F10) cmd each file line is displayed as
      vertical hex display(3 line of char,hex first digit and hex 2nd digit).
      On dir-list and history list,use line cmd "1"(browse),"2"(edit)
      andh/H(Hex mode). Lowercase-h is for browse or edit that is
      determined by the screen mode. Uppercase-H is opposite of that.

      Alt+g is used to jump cursor between Char-part and Hex-part
      when horizontal/vertical HEX display mode.

      HEX 3-line display sample
        ****|********** TOP OF FILE *****************************************************
        0001|G:\src\xe>h:\tool\lha.exe v k:\xe117\xegcc117
        0002|Listing of archive : k:/xe117/xegcc117.LZH
        0003|  Name          Original    Packed  Ratio   Date     Time   Attr Type  CRC

      dump format HEX display sample.
        ****|********** TOP OF FILE *********************************************
        0000|G:\src\xe>h:\tool\lh|  473a5c73 72635c78 653e683a 5c746f6f 6c5c6c68
        0014|a.exe v k:\xe117\xeg|  612e6578 65207620 6b3a5c78 65313137 5c786567
        0028|cc117        Listi|  63633131 37202020 20202020 200d0a4c 69737469
        003c|ng of archive : k:/x|  6e67206f 66206172 63686976 65203a20 6b3a2f78
        0050|e117/xegcc117.LZH |  65313137 2f786567 63633131 372e4c5a 480d0a20
        0064| Name          Origi|  204e616d 65202020 20202020 2020204f 72696769
        0078|nal    Packed  Ratio|  6e616c20 20202050 61636b65 64202052 6174696f
        008c|   Date     Time   A|  20202044 61746520 20202020 54696d65 20202041
        00a0|ttr Type  CRC-----|  74747220 54797065 20204352 430d0a2d 2d2d2d2d