.User command.

      Select option 0.1 on MENU screen,then set Command-Key.
      =0.1 panel shows function-keys the function is not assigned.
      You can assign your command string to those keys(User-Command-Key).
      Next part is for Shortcut-key.
      Shortcut-key is to use put string at the cursor position.
      The string assigned Shortcut-key is retrieved by 2 key operation.
      ex) "sc,0" means press "Alt+a" then press "0".
      Last part is for user defined command.

      Multiple commands are delimited by ";".
      Long command string over screen width is available.
      Total length of cmd staring is limited to 240 byte.

        last ";" means executes all command immediately.
        If not, string is put on command input line.
#ifdef LNX
        Do not assign from Alt+F1 to Alt+F6 which is used as Console
        switching key.

        "Alt+q" shows assigned string on header line for confirmation.
        And next hit the same key(ex. "A+q","0","0") will put string.
        "Alt+a" on command input line, put string on command input line
        for execution by next Enter-key.

        3byte command verb and commandstrings defines user command.
        ex) ac1 e %1;c word1 word2 all;end
            "ac1 fnm1" will execute 3 commands.

      Parameter replacement using %n,%*,%^,%@ is supported.
        %1-%9:It is replaced by pre-entered words on command input line.
              or alias command's parameters.
        %*   :fullpath name currentry opened.
        %^   :fullpath name currentry opened on the other split screen.
        %@   :all remaining parameters not used by %n up to the position.
        %* and %^ is replaced to space if the screen is not file/dir panel.
        ex) grep %1 %^>::tmp; e ::tmp;

      POS/HOM command is for cursor movement.
      Starting cursor position is top of command input column.
      KEY command is for char input. Input on command input field is not effective.
      To execute line command input on lineno field,
      ENT command is to be followed after KEY command.
        ex) pos 3,1;key d3;ent;
            pos 10,hsp;=6;grep %1 *.c;
      In addition to these, EXE cmd supports commands execution, on xe,
      scripted in the file currently opened or on the disk.
      Total 240 byte limit is not applied.

      All command is optionally logged to file "::cl" by "OPT CMDLOG [ON|OFF]"
      ::cl may be used to create EXE cmd file.
      (for OS/2 or GCC,once close by "OPT CMDLOG OFF",then open ::cl)
      Edit line cmd "#/##"  is for executing commands on the lines of currentry opened file.