So,there are following difference.

  - FileName.
    . Change to "_" from "!" which is used for the file internaly used.
    . File or directory which name contains "*" or "?" is not processed.
    . Issue confirmation when filename is "*",
      It may be misunderstanding of current file.
      ("xprint *" means print current displayed file.)
  - File operation.
    . CD with no operand set to home directory.
    . Display EOFID(0x1a:Ctrl+z) on last of file under textmode also.
      0x1a(Ctrl+z) is not a input inhibit char.
      So,INI file cannot be share between Linux version and others.
      (To get default INI file,Enter ini cmd after starting by "xe -i").
    . WorkDir and UndoSaveDir for undo of dir list cmd is created
      for each user. There is no need of XE environment variable.
    . Chmod command is added.
        New option of mkdir to specify permission is added.
        Attribute specification is changed to permission specification
        for attr DOS command/line command on dirlist.
        s-bit(Setuid/Setgid) and t-bit(Sticky) can be set.
        Mode parameter format is oooo or oooxx.
        For oooo format,first "o" is setuid(4),setgid(2),sticky(1).
        And last 3 "o" is for usual permision,owner,group and others.
        For oooxx format,ooo is usual permission, xx is sSgt.
        u:setuid, S:setuid+setgid, g:setgid, t:sticky.
        See help msg by attr command with no operand.
        Permission of files in DOS partition mounted is not changed.
        Filename case(lower/upper) changeing is not allowed also for
        the files in the DOS partition.

  - Keyboard.
#ifdef XXE
    . Left-Alt and Right-Alt key is same effect.
    . Use Left-Alt key for Alt key combinations.
      Combination of Right-Alt key and char key is not defined.
    . String genenated by a key and its translation by xe is checked
      by xekbchk utulity.
  - Screen.
#ifdef XXE
    . 8 colors and mono-color are supported.
      Foreground color can be highlighten(additional 7 colors).
    . Cursor mode identifying char input mode Insert or Replace,
      is specified by --b(Blink) or --r(Reverse:this is default).
    . Userid/Groupid or UserName/GroupName is displayed on dirlist.
      Use F6/S+F6 to exchange from file size display mode.
      (For remote file,ID or Name is fixed for the remote,it is not changed)
      FileSize ---->S+F6---->Userid/Groupid
      FileSize <----S+F6<----Userid/Groupid