= Profile

     PROfile cmd is for displaying or writing the profile record.

             PRO {?|*|path|ext} [save|reset] [all | tab | cols | numfld | syn]"
                ?     :Help
                *     :for the profile record of the file currentry opend.
                path  :for the profile record of the parent directory of the file currentry opened.
                ext   :for the profile record of the extension name of currentry opened file.
                  Display the profile when no othe option is followed.
                  Default is "*" when other options are following.
                save  :Write to the profile record.
                       This is default when other options are following.
                reset :Delete profile record.
                       Then write the profile when other options are following.
                all   :All profile are written to the profile record.
                tab   :write tabclear status from current file.
                cols  :write cols on/off and type of cols from current file.
                numfld:write folowing SPF related options.
                       NUMSTD(Col.73-80 is line-number field), its protection(P0/P1)
                       COBNUM(col.1-6 is COBOL line number field), its numeric check,
                       Fxx[-yy](Fixed line length and its margin).
                syn   :related to SyntaxHighlight.
        For ex,
           To set SPF(80 byte fixed length width line number on col 73-80) profile to dir1,
           open a file in the dir by "EN dir1\samp1" then enter "PRO path save".
           The "E dir1\samp2" is same as "EN dir1\samp2".
           This is applyed also to Select line cmd on dir-list panel.
           To set COBOL(80 byte fixed length with COBOL line number on col.1-6) profile to
           all file with extension name "cob", open a file with extension "cob("EC samp3.cob")
           then enter "PRO ext save".
           To see contents of profile record, use "PRO {*|path|ext}".