Download - PA053879

BSEK (Backup/copy Software Evaluation Kit)の詳細情報 : Vector ソフトを探す!

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The Latest Snapshot - BSEK

@echo off
goto :begin

:: File Name: "dddi.bat" - Device class Drivers DisInstaller / Inactive-Installer BATch for Windows 7 (OEM_SLP) / PE3.x
:: Included:  "dddi.bat" - Device class Drivers DisInstaller BATch for Windows 7 (OEM_SLP) / PE3.x - not UnInstaller
:: Included:  "ddii.bat" - Device class Drivers Inactive-Installer BATch for Windows 7 (OEM_SLP) / PE3.x - Cross-Installer, and not Self-Installer
:: Copyright: Public Domain Software (NOT TO BE SHAREWARE OR FREEWARE)
:: Version (??: secondary series; can be revised by somebodies)
:: *.*?? by ***	May be revised for something
:: Version (ps: primary series; reserved for S. )
:: 0.1ps by S.	Created to support removable external USB 2.0/3.0 Storage Devices (USB HDD/SSD/Memory etc.).
:: ToDo:
:: - The modified "inf" files should be generated automatically by this tool to support USB boot.
:: - Enhanced Write Filter (EWF) should be supported.
:: - This tool should be rewritten in other structured languages (by somebodies). This script code is not structured and is not optimized.
:: Related Softwares (required):
:: - Usb Boot Watcher: UsbBootWatcher (freeware, 32/64bit)
::   Used: "(UsbBootWatcher\)x86\UsbBootWatcher.exe", "(UsbBootWatcher\)amd64\UsbBootWatcher.exe"
:: Related Softwares (reference):
:: - Multiple Boot Manager: MBM R0.39 (freeware)
::   (
:: - Plop Boot Manager 5.0.14 (USB 3.0 supported) (freeware)
:: - MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition 7.8 Full version (freeware, 32bit)
:: - Gnome Partition Editor: GParted live 0.19.0-1 (freeware, 32/64bit)
:: - Paragon Backup & Recovery, version (16.12.13) Free (freeware, 32/64bit)
:: - Paragon Rescue Kit Free Edition (2011-04-28 15:03:47) (freeware, 32bit)
:: - XBoot 1.0 Beta 14 (freeware, 32bit)
:: - Ridgecrop Consultants fat32format 1.07? (GUI version) (freeware, 32/64bit)
:: - 2Tware Fat32Format 1.13 (freeware, 32bit)
:: - bpb: displays information about a drive and the BPB on the volume (freeware, 32bit)
:: - PowerQuest Partition Table Editor (PTEDIT32.EXE) (freeware, 32bit)
:: - Acronis DiskEditor Demo version 6.0 (build 360) (freeware, 32bit)
::   (
::   Note: Check "Run as administrator" or "Run this program as an administrator" in Windows7 etc.
:: - FastCopy v2.11 (freeware, 32/64bit)
:: - 7-Zip Portable 9.20 Rev 3 (freeware, 32bit)
:: - Windows Automated Installation Kit (AIK): WAIK for Windows 7 (freeware, 32/64bit)
:: - Windows Automated Installation Kit (AIK): WAIK Supplement for Windows 7 SP1 (freeware, 32/64bit)
:: Related Links (reference):
:: - Goodells.Net :: Understanding MultiBooting
:: - Using Disk Director to Change the Hidden Sectors field of an NTFS Logical Partition
:: - Technical Details on Microsoft Product Activation for Windows XP
:: Notes
:: - Structured Search Tags for log files - strings consists of the characters ";$#@*+=-/.>"
::	;;; : Layer-0
::	;;$ : Layer-1
::	;;# : Layer-2
::	;;@ : Layer-3
::	;;* : Layer-4
::	;;+ : Layer-5
::	;;= : Layer-6
::	;;- : Layer-7
::	;;/ : Crossed
::	;;. : Comment
::	;;> : Command (search ";;^>" in batch file)

if .%1==.-h goto :usage
if .%1==.--help goto :usage
goto :exec

echo Preparations:
echo  Restore, copy or extract the target system to the destination partition.
echo  Extract dir/files from to the same directory as this tool.
echo  Download:
echo Usage:
echo  %~n0 [-h^|--help] [-d PART_DIS] [-i PART_INS] [rem] [^> %~n0.log]
echo  -h: display this help messages
echo  -d: DisInstall it from the source partition - not UnInstall
echo  -i: Inactive-Install it to the destination partition - Cross-Install
echo  rem: debug option to Inactive-Install ^(no real installation^)
echo  PART_DIS: source partition to DisInstall ^(C:,D:..^)
echo  PART_INS: destination partition to Inactive-Install ^(C:,D:..^)
echo e.g.
echo  %~n0 ^> %~n0.log
echo  %~n0 -d d: ^> %~n0.log
echo  %~n0 -i e: ^>^> %~n0.log
echo  %~n0 -d d: -i e: ^> %~n0.log
echo with debug option to Inactive-Install ^(no real installation^)
echo  %~n0 -i e: rem ^>^> %~n0.log
echo  %~n0 -d d: -i e: rem ^> %~n0.log
goto :eof

echo Please wait for several minutes patiently.>con
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set __DD=
set __DK=
set __DP=
set __ID=
set __IK=
set __IP=
set __WD=%SystemRoot:~3%\
if .%1==.-d (
	if not "%~d2"=="" (
		set __DD=%~d2\!__WD!
		if /I "%~d2"=="%SystemDrive%" (
			set __DK=HKLM\SYSTEM\
			set __DP=S_
		) else (
			set __DK=HKLM\SYSTEM_X\
			set __DP=X_
		shift /1
		shift /1
	) else (
		echo ;;/ Error: No source partition specified to DisInstall
		goto :abort
if .%1==.-i (
	if not "%~d2"=="" (
		set __ID=%~d2\!__WD!
		if /I "%~d2"=="%SystemDrive%" (
			set __IK=HKLM\SYSTEM\
			set __IP=S_
		) else (
			set __IK=HKLM\SYSTEM_X\
			set __IP=X_
		shift /1
		shift /1
	) else (
		echo ;;/ Error: No destination partition specified to Inactive-Install
		goto :abort
if not .%1==. if not .%1==.rem (
	echo ;;/ Error: Invalid arguments included
	goto :abort
if "!__DD!"=="" if "!__ID!"=="" (
	set __DD=%SystemRoot%\
	set __DP=S_
if not "!__DD!"=="" echo ;;. DisInstall Dir.:	"!__DD!"
if not "!__DK!"=="" echo ;;. DisInstall Key:	"!__DK!"
if not "!__DP!"=="" echo ;;. DisInstall Pref.:	"!__DP!"
if not "!__WD!"=="" echo ;;. Working Dir.:	"!__WD!"
if not "!__ID!"=="" echo ;;. Install Dir.:	"!__ID!"
if not "!__IK!"=="" echo ;;. Install Key:	"!__IK!"
if not "!__IP!"=="" echo ;;. Install Pref.:	"!__IP!"
:echo ;;. Info: Environment variables shown below - Summary of directories and keys
:echo ;;^>	set __
:		set __
if "!__DD!"=="" goto :Inactive-Install

if /I not "%CD%"=="%SystemDrive%\" (
	if not exist "!__WD!inf.s32\"					md "!__WD!inf.s32\"
	if not exist "!__WD!inf.rep\"					md "!__WD!inf.rep\"
	if not exist "!__WD!\"					md "!__WD!\"
	if not exist "!__WD!inf.mod\"					md "!__WD!inf.mod\"
	if not exist "!__WD!system32\drivers\"				md "!__WD!system32\drivers\"
	if not exist "!__WD!\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\"	md "!__WD!\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\"
	if not exist "!__WD!\services\"				md "!__WD!\services\"
	if not exist "!__WD!\_MountedDevices\"			md "!__WD!\_MountedDevices\"
	if not exist "!__WD!reg.mod\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\"	md "!__WD!reg.mod\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\"
	if not exist "!__WD!reg.mod\services\"				md "!__WD!reg.mod\services\"
	if not exist "!__WD!reg.mod\_MountedDevices\"			md "!__WD!reg.mod\_MountedDevices\"
	if not exist "!__WD!inf.mod\00README.TXT" (
		echo   This directory is reserved for the modified "inf" files and device drivers.> "!__WD!inf.mod\00README.TXT"
	if not exist "!__WD!\_EXCLUDE.TXT" (
		echo .PNF> "!__WD!\_EXCLUDE.TXT"
	if exist "!__WD!inf.s32\" attrib +h "!__WD!inf.s32"
	if exist "!__WD!inf.rep\" attrib +h "!__WD!inf.rep"
) else (
	echo ;;/ Error: Can't make subdirectories to copy files on the directory "%CD%".
	goto :abort

if /I "!__DK!"=="HKLM\SYSTEM_X\" (
	set __DT=%DATE:/=%_%TIME::=%
	set __DT=!__DT: =0!
	set __DT=!__DT:.=_!
	if exist "!__DD!system32\config\SYSTEM_!__DT!" if exist "!__DD!system32\config\SYSTEM" (
		echo ;;^>	del	"!__DD!system32\config\SYSTEM_!__DT!"
				del	"!__DD!system32\config\SYSTEM_!__DT!"
	echo ;;^>	ren	"!__DD!system32\config\SYSTEM"	"SYSTEM_!__DT!"
			ren	"!__DD!system32\config\SYSTEM"	"SYSTEM_!__DT!"
	echo ;;^>	copy	"!__DD!system32\config\SYSTEM_!__DT!"	"!__DD!system32\config\SYSTEM"
			copy	"!__DD!system32\config\SYSTEM_!__DT!"	"!__DD!system32\config\SYSTEM"
	echo ;;^>	reg load !__DK! "!__DD!system32\config\SYSTEM"
			reg load !__DK! "!__DD!system32\config\SYSTEM"

set _D_LLDClass=
rem  ;;. "クラスの長い名前":	  "IDE ATA/ATAPI コントローラー"
rem set	_D_LLDClass=%_D_LLDClass% "IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers"
rem  ;;. "デバイス クラス":	  "hdc"
    set	_D_LLDClass=%_D_LLDClass% "hdc"

rem  ;;. "クラスの長い名前":	  "ユニバーサル シリアル バス コントローラー"
rem set	_D_LLDClass=%_D_LLDClass% "Universal Serial Bus controllers"
rem  ;;. "デバイス クラス":	  "USB"
    set	_D_LLDClass=%_D_LLDClass% "USB"

rem  ;;. "クラスの長い名前":	  "プラグ アンド プレイではないドライバー"
rem set	_D_LLDClass=%_D_LLDClass% "Non-Plug and Play Drivers"
rem  ;;. "デバイス クラス":	  "LegacyDriver"
rem set	_D_LLDClass=%_D_LLDClass% "LegacyDriver"

    set	_D_LLDClass=%_D_LLDClass:~1%
rem  ;;. "クラスの長い名前" または "デバイス クラス" のリスト
echo ;;; List of Long or Device Class Name: ^(%_D_LLDClass%^)

set _D_LSMatch=
    set	_D_LSMatch=%_D_LSMatch% "ata"
    set	_D_LSMatch=%_D_LSMatch% "ide"
    set	_D_LSMatch=%_D_LSMatch% "stor"
    set	_D_LSMatch=%_D_LSMatch% "usb"
    set	_D_LSMatch=%_D_LSMatch:~1%
rem  ;;. ファイル名とマッチさせる文字列のリスト
echo ;;; List of String to Match as Filenames: ^(%_D_LSMatch%^)

set _D_Key=!__DK!Select
set _D_KVD=Default
: reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/k
reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"	/s
: reg query "!_D_Key!" /ve			/s
: reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/d
set _D_SControlSet=
set _D_LControlSet=
for /F "usebackq skip=2 tokens=2* delims=	 " %%a in (
	`reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"`
) do (
rem	echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
	set /A	_D_SControlSet=%%~b
	set	_D_SControlSet=00!_D_SControlSet!
	set	_D_SControlSet=ControlSet!_D_SControlSet:~-3!
	echo ;;; Selected ControlSet: "!_D_SControlSet!"
	set	_D_LControlSet="!_D_SControlSet!"
rem	set	_D_LControlSet=!_D_LControlSet! "CurrentControlSet"
	echo ;;; List of ControlSet: ^(!_D_LControlSet!^)

set _D_ControlSet=
for %%a in (%_D_LControlSet%) do (
	set _D_ControlSet=%%~a
	echo ;;$ ControlSet: "!_D_ControlSet!"

	set _D_Key=!__DK!!_D_ControlSet!\Control\Session Manager\Environment
rem	reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/k
rem	reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"	/s
rem	reg query "!_D_Key!" /ve			/s
rem	reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/d
	for /F "usebackq skip=2 tokens=2* delims=	 " %%a in (
		`reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"`
	) do (
rem		echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
rem		echo ;;$ ^("プロセッサ アーキテクチャ"^)
		echo ;;$ Processor Architecture: %%~a "!_D_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE!"

	set _D_LDClass=
	for %%a in (%_D_LLDClass%) do (
		set _D_LDClass=%%~a
rem		echo ;;# "クラスの長い名前" または "デバイス クラス"
		echo ;;# Long or Device Class Name: "!_D_LDClass!"

		set _D_Key=!__DK!!_D_ControlSet!\Control\Class
		set _D_KVD=!_D_LDClass!
rem		reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/k
rem		reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"	/s
rem		reg query "!_D_Key!" /ve			/s
rem		reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/d
		reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/d /e
		set _D_DevCGUID=
		for /F "usebackq skip=1 tokens=6 delims=\" %%a in (
			`reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/d /e ^&:`
			`reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/d`
		) do (
rem			echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
			set _D_DevCGUID=%%~a
rem			echo ;;# "デバイス クラス GUID"
			echo ;;# Device Class GUID: "!_D_DevCGUID!"

		rem "クラスの長い名前":	"プラグ アンド プレイではないドライバー"
		rem "デバイス クラス":	"LegacyDriver"
		rem Device Class GUID:	{8ECC055D-047F-11D1-A537-0000F8753ED1}
		if /I "!_D_DevCGUID!"=="{8ECC055D-047F-11D1-A537-0000F8753ED1}" (
			set _D_Key=!__DK!!_D_ControlSet!\Control\Class
			set _D_KVD=!_D_DevCGUID!
		) else (
			set _D_Key=!__DK!!_D_ControlSet!\Control\Class\!_D_DevCGUID!
			set _D_KVD=0*
		reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/k
rem		reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"	/s
rem		reg query "!_D_Key!" /ve			/s
rem		reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/d

echo.&	echo ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

		set _D_DrvKeyN=
		for /F "usebackq skip=1 tokens=6-7 delims=\" %%a in (
			`reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/k`
		) do (
rem			echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
			set _D_DrvKeyN=%%~b
			if "!_D_DrvKeyN!"=="" (
				set _D_DriverDesc=
				set _D_DriverVersion=
				set _D_MatchingDeviceId=
				set _D_InfPath=
				set _D_InfPath-s=
				set _D_InfPath-o=
				set _D_SDrvVer=
				set _D_RDrvVer=
				set _D_FRepDir=
				set _D_DrvFPath=
				set _D_IncludedInfs=
rem				set _D_IncludedInfs-s=
rem				set _D_IncludedInfs-o=
				set _D_CoInstallers32=
rem				set _D_CoInstallers32-s=
			) else (
rem				echo ;;@ "ドライバー キー" の番号のみ
				echo ;;@ Driver Key No.: "!_D_DrvKeyN!"

echo.&	echo ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

				set _D_Key=!__DK!!_D_ControlSet!\Control\Class\!_D_DevCGUID!\!_D_DrvKeyN!
rem				set _D_KVD=DriverDesc
rem				set _D_KVD=DriverVersion
rem				set _D_KVD=MatchingDeviceId
rem				set _D_KVD=InfPath
rem				set _D_KVD=IncludedInfs
rem				set _D_KVD=CoInstallers32
				set _D_KVD=*
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/k
				reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"	/s
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /ve			/s
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/d

				set _D_KVD=DriverDesc
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/k
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"	/s
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /ve			/s
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/d
				set _D_DriverDesc=
				for /F "usebackq skip=2 tokens=2* delims=	 " %%a in (
					`reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"`
				) do (
rem					echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
					set _D_DriverDesc=%%~b
rem					echo ;;* "ドライバーのアセンブリの説明"
					echo ;;* DriverDesc: %%~a "!_D_DriverDesc!"

				set _D_KVD=DriverVersion
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/k
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"	/s
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /ve			/s
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/d
				set _D_DriverVersion=
				for /F "usebackq skip=2 tokens=2* delims=	 " %%a in (
					`reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"`
				) do (
rem					echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
					set _D_DriverVersion=%%~b
rem					echo ;;* "ドライバーのアセンブリ バージョン"
					echo ;;* DriverVersion: %%~a "!_D_DriverVersion!"

				set _D_KVD=MatchingDeviceId
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/k
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"	/s
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /ve			/s
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/d
				set _D_MatchingDeviceId=
				for /F "usebackq skip=2 tokens=2* delims=	 " %%a in (
					`reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"`
				) do (
rem					echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
					set _D_MatchingDeviceId=%%~b
rem					echo ;;* "一致するデバイス ID"
					echo ;;* MatchingDeviceId: %%~a "!_D_MatchingDeviceId!"

				set _D_KVD=InfPath
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/k
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"	/s
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /ve			/s
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/d
				set _D_InfPath=
				for /F "usebackq skip=2 tokens=2* delims=	 " %%a in (
					`reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"`
				) do (
rem					echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
					set _D_InfPath=%%~b
rem					echo ;;* "Inf 名"
					echo ;;* InfPath: %%~a "!_D_InfPath!"
rem					setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
					if not "!_D_InfPath!"=="" set _D_InfPath=!_D_InfPath:\0= !
					if not "!_D_InfPath!"=="" set _D_InfPath=!_D_InfPath:,=/!
					for %%a in (!_D_InfPath!) do (
						for /F "tokens=1* delims=/" %%b in ("%%~a") do (
rem							echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
							set _D_InfPath-s=%%~b
rem							echo ;;. Ps "!_D_InfPath-s!"
							if not exist "!__WD!inf.s32\!_D_InfPath-s!" (
rem								echo ;;. To be converted from Unicode ^(only UTF-16LE w/ BOM^) to ANSI by type command
								echo ;;^>	type "!__DD!inf\!_D_InfPath-s!"	^> "!__WD!inf.s32\!_D_InfPath-s!"
										type "!__DD!inf\!_D_InfPath-s!"	 > "!__WD!inf.s32\!_D_InfPath-s!"
							set _D_InfPath-o=
							set _D_SDrvVer-c=
							set _D_SctN=
							if exist "!__WD!inf.s32\!_D_InfPath-s!" (
								for /F "usebackq eol=; tokens=1* delims==	 " %%a in ("!__WD!inf.s32\!_D_InfPath-s!") do (
rem									echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
									set _D_Fld0=%%~a
									if not "!_D_Fld0!"=="" if /I "!_D_Fld0:~,1!"=="[" (
										set _D_SctN=!_D_Fld0!
rem									echo !_D_SctN!	"%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
									if /I "!_D_SctN!"=="[Version]" (
rem										echo ;;. !_D_SctN!	"%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
										rem INF Version Section (Windows Drivers)
										rem DriverVer=mm/dd/yyyy[,w.x.y.z]
										if /I "!_D_Fld0!"=="DriverVer" (
											set _D_SDrvVer-c=%%~b
											for /L %%a in (1,1,1) do (
												set _D_Nxt1=
												if not "!_D_SDrvVer-c!"=="" set _D_Nxt1=!_D_SDrvVer-c:*,=!
												if /I not "!_D_SDrvVer-c!"=="!_D_Nxt1!" (
													set _D_SDrvVer-c=!_D_Nxt1!
												) else (
													set _D_SDrvVer-c=
rem												echo ;;. #%%~a "!_D_SDrvVer-c!"
											for /F "tokens=1* delims=,	 " %%a in ("!_D_SDrvVer-c!") do (
rem												echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
												set _D_SDrvVer-c=%%~a
rem											if not "!_D_SDrvVer-c!"=="" echo ;;. Vc "!_D_SDrvVer-c!"
										if /I "!_D_Fld0!"=="CatalogFile"	set _D_Fld0=!_D_Fld0!.nt
										if /I "!_D_Fld0!"=="CatalogFile.nt"	set _D_Fld0=!_D_Fld0!!_D_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE!
										if /I "!_D_Fld0!"=="CatalogFile.nt!_D_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE!" (
											set _D_InfPath-o=%%~b
											if not "!_D_InfPath-o!"=="" (
												set _D_InfPath-o=!!
rem												echo ;;. Po "!_D_InfPath-o!" estimated from !_D_Fld0! "%%~b"
							if "!_D_InfPath-o!"=="" set _D_InfPath-o=!_D_InfPath-s!
							if /I not "!_D_InfPath-o!"=="!_D_InfPath-s!" (
rem								echo ;;+ ^("オリジナル Inf 名"^)
								echo ;;+ Original Inf Path: "!_D_InfPath-o!"
							set _D_SDrvVer=!_D_SDrvVer-c!
							if "!_D_SDrvVer!"=="" (
								echo ;;/ Warn: "System Inf DriverVer" not found
							) else (
rem								echo ;;+ ^("システム Inf のドライバー バージョン"^)
								echo ;;+ System Inf DriverVer: "!_D_SDrvVer!"
								if /I not "!_D_SDrvVer!"=="!_D_DriverVersion!" (
									echo ;;/ Warn: "System Inf DriverVer" different from "DriverVersion"
								) else (
									echo ;;. Info: "System Inf DriverVer" same as "DriverVersion"
									if not exist "!__WD!\!_D_InfPath-o!" (
										echo ;;^>	copy "!__WD!inf.s32\!_D_InfPath-s!"	"!__WD!\!_D_InfPath-o!"
												copy "!__WD!inf.s32\!_D_InfPath-s!"	"!__WD!\!_D_InfPath-o!"

							set _D_FRepDir=
							set _D_RDrvVer=
							for /D %%a in ("!__DD!system32\DriverStore\FileRepository\!_D_InfPath-o!_!_D_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE!_neutral_*") do (
rem								echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
								if "!_D_RDrvVer!"=="" if exist "%%~a\!_D_InfPath-o!" (
									set _D_FRepDir-c=%%~a
									if not "!_D_FRepDir-c!"=="" set _D_FRepDir-c=!_D_FRepDir-c:*%SystemRoot:~3%\=!
rem									echo ;;. Dc "!_D_FRepDir-c!"
rem									echo ;;. To be converted from Unicode ^(only UTF-16LE w/ BOM^) to ANSI by type command
									echo ;;^>	type "!__DD!!_D_FRepDir-c!\!_D_InfPath-o!"	^> "!__WD!inf.rep\!_D_InfPath-o!"
											type "!__DD!!_D_FRepDir-c!\!_D_InfPath-o!"	 > "!__WD!inf.rep\!_D_InfPath-o!"
									set _D_RDrvVer-c=
									set _D_SctN=
									if exist "!__WD!inf.rep\!_D_InfPath-o!" (
										for /F "usebackq eol=; tokens=1* delims==	 " %%a in ("!__WD!inf.rep\!_D_InfPath-o!") do (
rem											echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
											set _D_Fld0=%%~a
											if not "!_D_Fld0!"=="" if /I "!_D_Fld0:~,1!"=="[" (
												set _D_SctN=!_D_Fld0!
rem											echo !_D_SctN!	"%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
											if /I "!_D_SctN!"=="[Version]" (
rem												echo ;;. !_D_SctN!	"%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
												rem INF Version Section (Windows Drivers)
												rem DriverVer=mm/dd/yyyy[,w.x.y.z]
												if /I "!_D_Fld0!"=="DriverVer" (
													set _D_RDrvVer-c=%%~b
													for /L %%a in (1,1,1) do (
														set _D_Nxt1=
														if not "!_D_RDrvVer-c!"=="" set _D_Nxt1=!_D_RDrvVer-c:*,=!
														if /I not "!_D_RDrvVer-c!"=="!_D_Nxt1!" (
															set _D_RDrvVer-c=!_D_Nxt1!
														) else (
															set _D_RDrvVer-c=
rem														echo ;;. #%%~a "!_D_RDrvVer-c!"
													for /F "tokens=1* delims=,	 " %%a in ("!_D_RDrvVer-c!") do (
rem														echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
														set _D_RDrvVer-c=%%~a
rem													if not "!_D_RDrvVer-c!"=="" echo ;;. Vc "!_D_RDrvVer-c!"
									if "!_D_RDrvVer-c!"=="" (
										echo ;;. Info: "Repository Inf DriverVer" not found
									) else (
										if /I not "!_D_RDrvVer-c!"=="!_D_DriverVersion!" (
											echo ;;. Info: "Repository Inf DriverVer" different from "DriverVersion"
										) else (
											echo ;;. Info: "Repository Inf DriverVer" same as "DriverVersion"
											if not exist "!__WD!\!_D_InfPath-o!" (
												echo ;;^>	copy "!__WD!inf.rep\!_D_InfPath-o!"	"!__WD!\!_D_InfPath-o!"
														copy "!__WD!inf.rep\!_D_InfPath-o!"	"!__WD!\!_D_InfPath-o!"
											set _D_FRepDir=!_D_FRepDir-c!
rem											if not "!_D_FRepDir!"=="" echo ;;. Dr "!_D_FRepDir!"
											set _D_RDrvVer=!_D_RDrvVer-c!
rem											if not "!_D_RDrvVer!"=="" echo ;;. Vr "!_D_RDrvVer!"
							if not "!_D_RDrvVer!"=="" (
rem								echo ;;+ ^("リポジトリ Inf のドライバー バージョン"^)
								echo ;;+ Repository Inf DriverVer: "!_D_RDrvVer!"
							if not "!_D_FRepDir!"=="" (
rem								echo ;;+ ^("ファイル リポジトリのディレクトリ"^)
								echo ;;+ File Repository Directory: "!_D_FRepDir!"

							set _D_DrvFPath-c=
							set _D_SctN=
							if exist "!__WD!\!_D_InfPath-o!" (
								for /F "usebackq eol=; tokens=1* delims==	 " %%a in ("!__WD!\!_D_InfPath-o!") do (
rem									echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
									set _D_Fld0=%%~a
									if not "!_D_Fld0!"=="" if /I "!_D_Fld0:~,1!"=="[" (
										set _D_SctN=!_D_Fld0!
										if /I "!_D_SctN!"=="[SourceDisksNames]"	set _D_SctN=[SourceDisksNames.!_D_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE!]
rem									echo !_D_SctN!	"%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
									if /I "!_D_SctN!"=="[SourceDisksNames.!_D_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE!]" (
rem										echo ;;. !_D_SctN!	"%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
										rem INF SourceDisksNames Section (Windows Drivers)
										rem diskid = disk-description[,[tag-or-cab-file],[unused],[path],[flags][,tag-file]]
										if not "!_D_Fld0!"=="" (
											set _D_DrvFPath-c=%%~b
											for /L %%a in (1,1,3) do (
												set _D_Nxt1=
												if not "!_D_DrvFPath-c!"=="" set _D_Nxt1=!_D_DrvFPath-c:*,=!
												if /I not "!_D_DrvFPath-c!"=="!_D_Nxt1!" (
													set _D_DrvFPath-c=!_D_Nxt1!
												) else (
													set _D_DrvFPath-c=
rem												echo ;;. #%%~a "!_D_DrvFPath-c!"
											for /F "tokens=1* delims=,	 " %%a in ("!_D_DrvFPath-c!") do (
rem												echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
												set _D_DrvFPath-c=%%~a
rem											if not "!_D_DrvFPath-c!"=="" echo ;;. Pc "!_D_DrvFPath-c!"
							set _D_DrvFPath=!_D_DrvFPath-c!
							if "!_D_DrvFPath!"=="" (
rem								echo ;;. Info: "Driver File Path" not found
							) else (
rem								echo ;;+ ^("ドライバー ファイルのパス"^)
								echo ;;+ Driver File Path: "!_D_DrvFPath!"
rem					endlocal
					set _D_Fld0=
					set _D_SctN=
					set _D_Nxt1=
					set _D_SDrvVer-c=
					set _D_RDrvVer-c=
					set _D_FRepDir-c=
					set _D_DrvFPath-c=

				set _D_KVD=IncludedInfs
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/k
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"	/s
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /ve			/s
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/d
				set _D_IncludedInfs=
				for /F "usebackq skip=2 tokens=2* delims=	 " %%a in (
					`reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!" 2^>nul`
				) do (
rem					echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
					set _D_IncludedInfs=%%~b
rem					echo ;;* "含まれている INF"
					echo ;;* IncludedInfs: %%~a "!_D_IncludedInfs!"
					setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
					if not "!_D_IncludedInfs!"=="" set _D_IncludedInfs=!_D_IncludedInfs:\0= !
					if not "!_D_IncludedInfs!"=="" set _D_IncludedInfs=!_D_IncludedInfs:,=/!
					for %%a in (!_D_IncludedInfs!) do (
						for /F "tokens=1* delims=/" %%b in ("%%~a") do (
rem							echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
							set _D_IncludedInfs-s=%%~b
rem							echo ;;. Is "!_D_IncludedInfs-s!"
							if not exist "!__WD!inf.s32\!_D_IncludedInfs-s!" (
rem								echo ;;. To be converted from Unicode ^(only UTF-16LE w/ BOM^) to ANSI by type command
								echo ;;^>	type "!__DD!inf\!_D_IncludedInfs-s!"	^> "!__WD!inf.s32\!_D_IncludedInfs-s!"
										type "!__DD!inf\!_D_IncludedInfs-s!"	 > "!__WD!inf.s32\!_D_IncludedInfs-s!"
							set _D_IncludedInfs-o=
							set _D_SctN=
							if exist "!__WD!inf.s32\!_D_IncludedInfs-s!" (
								for /F "usebackq eol=; tokens=1* delims==	 " %%a in ("!__WD!inf.s32\!_D_IncludedInfs-s!") do (
rem									echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
									set _D_Fld0=%%~a
									if not "!_D_Fld0!"=="" if /I "!_D_Fld0:~,1!"=="[" (
										set _D_SctN=!_D_Fld0!
rem									echo !_D_SctN!	"%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
									if /I "!_D_SctN!"=="[Version]" (
rem										echo ;;. !_D_SctN!	"%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
										if /I "!_D_Fld0!"=="CatalogFile"	set _D_Fld0=!_D_Fld0!.nt
										if /I "!_D_Fld0!"=="CatalogFile.nt"	set _D_Fld0=!_D_Fld0!!_D_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE!
										if /I "!_D_Fld0!"=="CatalogFile.nt!_D_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE!" (
											set _D_IncludedInfs-o=%%~b
											if not "!_D_IncludedInfs-o!"=="" (
												set _D_IncludedInfs-o=!!
rem												echo ;;. Io "!_D_IncludedInfs-o!" estimated from !_D_Fld0! "%%~b"
							if "!_D_IncludedInfs-o!"=="" set _D_IncludedInfs-o=!_D_IncludedInfs-s!
							if /I not "!_D_IncludedInfs-o!"=="!_D_IncludedInfs-s!" (
rem								echo ;;+ ^("オリジナル Inf 名"^)
								echo ;;+ Original Inf Path: "!_D_IncludedInfs-o!"
							if not exist "!__WD!\!_D_IncludedInfs-o!" (
								echo ;;^>	copy "!__WD!inf.s32\!_D_IncludedInfs-s!"	"!__WD!\!_D_IncludedInfs-o!"
										copy "!__WD!inf.s32\!_D_IncludedInfs-s!"	"!__WD!\!_D_IncludedInfs-o!"

				set _D_KVD=CoInstallers32
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/k
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"	/s
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /ve			/s
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/d
				set _D_CoInstallers32=
				for /F "usebackq skip=2 tokens=2* delims=	 " %%a in (
					`reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!" 2^>nul`
				) do (
rem					echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
					set _D_CoInstallers32=%%~b
rem					echo ;;* "デバイス共同インストーラー"
					echo ;;* CoInstallers32: %%~a "!_D_CoInstallers32!"
					setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
					if not "!_D_CoInstallers32!"=="" set _D_CoInstallers32=!_D_CoInstallers32:\0= !
					if not "!_D_CoInstallers32!"=="" set _D_CoInstallers32=!_D_CoInstallers32:,=/!
					for %%a in (!_D_CoInstallers32!) do (
						for /F "tokens=1* delims=/" %%b in ("%%~a") do (
rem							echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
							set _D_CoInstallers32-s=%%~b
rem							echo ;;. Is "!_D_CoInstallers32-s!"
							if not exist "!__WD!system32\!_D_CoInstallers32-s!" (
								echo ;;^>	copy "!__DD!system32\!_D_CoInstallers32-s!"	"!__WD!system32\!_D_CoInstallers32-s!"
										copy "!__DD!system32\!_D_CoInstallers32-s!"	"!__WD!system32\!_D_CoInstallers32-s!"
							if not exist "!__WD!\!_D_CoInstallers32-s!" (
								echo ;;^>	copy "!__WD!system32\!_D_CoInstallers32-s!"	"!__WD!\!_D_CoInstallers32-s!"
										copy "!__WD!system32\!_D_CoInstallers32-s!"	"!__WD!\!_D_CoInstallers32-s!"

echo.&	echo ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


			set _D_Key=!__DK!!_D_ControlSet!\Enum
			if "!_D_DrvKeyN!"=="" (
				set _D_KVD=!_D_DevCGUID!
			) else (
				set _D_KVD=!_D_DevCGUID!\!_D_DrvKeyN!
rem			reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/k
rem			reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"	/s
rem			reg query "!_D_Key!" /ve			/s
			reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/d
			set _D_DevIPath=
			for /F "usebackq skip=1 tokens=4* delims=\" %%a in (
				`reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/d`
			) do (
rem				echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
				set _D_DevIPath=%%~b
rem				echo ;;@ "デバイス インスタンス パス"
				echo ;;@ Device Instance Path: "!_D_DevIPath!"

				set _D_Key=!__DK!!_D_ControlSet!\Enum\!_D_DevIPath!
rem				set _D_KVD=DeviceDesc
rem				set _D_KVD=Mfg
rem				set _D_KVD=Class
rem				set _D_KVD=ClassGUID
rem				set _D_KVD=Driver
rem				set _D_KVD=Service
rem				set _D_KVD=ActiveService
rem				set _D_KVD=SymbolicName
				set _D_KVD=*
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/k
				reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"	/s
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /ve			/s
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/d

				set _D_KVD=DeviceDesc
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/k
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"	/s
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /ve			/s
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/d
				set _D_DeviceDesc=
				for /F "usebackq skip=2 tokens=2* delims=	 " %%a in (
					`reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"`
				) do (
rem					echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
					set _D_DeviceDesc=%%~b
rem					echo ;;* "一致するデバイス ID" など ^(cf. "ドライバー ノードの厳密な名前"^)
					echo ;;* DeviceDesc: %%~a "!_D_DeviceDesc!"

				set _D_KVD=Mfg
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/k
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"	/s
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /ve			/s
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/d
				set _D_Mfg=
				for /F "usebackq skip=2 tokens=2* delims=	 " %%a in (
					`reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!" 2^>nul`
				) do (
rem					echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
					set _D_Mfg=%%~b
rem					echo ;;* "製造元" など
					echo ;;* Mfg: %%~a "!_D_Mfg!"

				set _D_KVD=Class
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/k
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"	/s
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /ve			/s
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/d
				set _D_Class=
				for /F "usebackq skip=2 tokens=2* delims=	 " %%a in (
					`reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"`
				) do (
rem					echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
					set _D_Class=%%~b
rem					echo ;;* "デバイス クラス"
					echo ;;* Class: %%~a "!_D_Class!"

				set _D_KVD=ClassGUID
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/k
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"	/s
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /ve			/s
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/d
				set _D_ClassGUID=
				for /F "usebackq skip=2 tokens=2* delims=	 " %%a in (
					`reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"`
				) do (
rem					echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
					set _D_ClassGUID=%%~b
rem					echo ;;* "デバイス クラス GUID"
					echo ;;* ClassGUID: %%~a "!_D_ClassGUID!"
					if /I not "!_D_ClassGUID!"=="!_D_DevCGUID!" (
						echo ;;/ Warn: "ClassGUID" different from "Device Class GUID"
					) else (
						echo ;;. Info: "ClassGUID" same as "Device Class GUID"

				set _D_KVD=Driver
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/k
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"	/s
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /ve			/s
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/d
				set _D_Driver=
				for /F "usebackq skip=2 tokens=2* delims=	 " %%a in (
					`reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!" 2^>nul`
				) do (
rem					echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
					set _D_Driver=%%~b
rem					echo ;;* "ドライバー キー"
					echo ;;* Driver: %%~a "!_D_Driver!"
					if /I not "!_D_Driver!"=="!_D_DevCGUID!\!_D_DrvKeyN!" (
						echo ;;/ Warn: "Driver" different from "Device Class GUID" \ "Driver Key No."
					) else (
						echo ;;. Info: "Driver" same as "Device Class GUID" \ "Driver Key No."

				set _D_KVD=Service
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/k
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"	/s
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /ve			/s
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/d
				set _D_Service=
				for /F "usebackq skip=2 tokens=2* delims=	 " %%a in (
					`reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"`
				) do (
rem					echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
					set _D_Service=%%~b
rem					echo ;;* "サービス"
					echo ;;* Service: %%~a "!_D_Service!"

					setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
					set _D_SMatch=
					for %%b in (%_D_LSMatch%) do (
						if not "!_D_Service!"=="" if /I not "!_D_Service:%%~b=!"=="!_D_Service!" set _D_SMatch=%%~b
					if not "!_D_SMatch!"=="" (
						echo ;;. String Matched as the Filename: "!_D_SMatch!"
					if not "!_D_DrvKeyN!"=="" if "!_D_SMatch!"=="" set _D_SMatch=__TRUE__
					if not "!_D_SMatch!"=="" (
						if not exist "!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_Service!.sys" (
							echo ;;^>	copy "!__DD!system32\drivers\!_D_Service!.sys"	"!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_Service!.sys"
									copy "!__DD!system32\drivers\!_D_Service!.sys"	"!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_Service!.sys"
						if not "!_D_DrvFPath!"=="\" set _D_DrvFPath=!_D_DrvFPath!\
						if not exist "!__WD!!_D_DrvFPath!" md "!__WD!!_D_DrvFPath!"
						if not exist "!__WD!!_D_DrvFPath!!_D_Service!.sys" (
							echo ;;^>	copy "!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_Service!.sys"	"!__WD!!_D_DrvFPath!!_D_Service!.sys"
									copy "!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_Service!.sys"	"!__WD!!_D_DrvFPath!!_D_Service!.sys"

						if not "!_D_IncludedInfs!"=="" call :IncludedDrvs

						if not exist "!__WD!\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\!__DP!!_D_Service!_!_D_DrvKeyN!.reg" (
							if not "_D_MatchingDeviceId"=="" (
								echo ;;^>	reg export "!__DK!!_D_ControlSet!\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\!_D_MatchingDeviceId:\=#!"	"!__WD!\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\!__DP!!_D_Service!_!_D_DrvKeyN!.reg" /y
										reg export "!__DK!!_D_ControlSet!\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\!_D_MatchingDeviceId:\=#!"	"!__WD!\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\!__DP!!_D_Service!_!_D_DrvKeyN!.reg" /y
							if errorlevel 1 (
								setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
								if not "_D_MatchingDeviceId"=="" set _D_MatchingDeviceId=!_D_MatchingDeviceId:^&rev_= !
								for /F %%a in ("!_D_MatchingDeviceId!") do set _D_MatchingDeviceId=%%~a
								if not "_D_MatchingDeviceId"=="" (
									echo ;;/ Error Retry: "MatchingDeviceId" assumed to be "!_D_MatchingDeviceId!"
									echo ;;/ Error Retry: "MatchingDeviceId" assumed to be "!_D_MatchingDeviceId!">con
									echo ;;^>	reg export "!__DK!!_D_ControlSet!\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\!_D_MatchingDeviceId:\=#!"	"!__WD!\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\!__DP!!_D_Service!_!_D_DrvKeyN!.reg" /y
											reg export "!__DK!!_D_ControlSet!\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\!_D_MatchingDeviceId:\=#!"	"!__WD!\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\!__DP!!_D_Service!_!_D_DrvKeyN!.reg" /y
						if not exist "!__WD!\services\!__DP!!_D_Service!.reg" (
							echo ;;^>	reg export "!__DK!!_D_ControlSet!\services\!_D_Service!"	"!__WD!\services\!__DP!!_D_Service!.reg" /y
									reg export "!__DK!!_D_ControlSet!\services\!_D_Service!"	"!__WD!\services\!__DP!!_D_Service!.reg" /y

						if not exist "!__WD!reg.mod\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\!__DP!!_D_Service!_!_D_DrvKeyN!.reg" (
							for /F "usebackq eol= skip=2 tokens=1* delims==" %%a in (
								`type "!__WD!\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\!__DP!!_D_Service!_!_D_DrvKeyN!.reg"`
							) do (
rem								echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
								if /I "%%~b"=="" (
									echo.>> "!__WD!reg.mod\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\!__DP!!_D_Service!_!_D_DrvKeyN!.reg"
									echo %%~a>> "!__WD!reg.mod\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\!__DP!!_D_Service!_!_D_DrvKeyN!.reg"
								) else (
									if /I "%%~a"=="ClassGUID"	echo "%%~a"=%%b>> "!__WD!reg.mod\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\!__DP!!_D_Service!_!_D_DrvKeyN!.reg"
									if /I "%%~a"=="Service"		echo "%%~a"=%%b>> "!__WD!reg.mod\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\!__DP!!_D_Service!_!_D_DrvKeyN!.reg"
						if not exist "!__WD!reg.mod\services\!__DP!!_D_Service!.reg" (
							set _D_Flg0=21GTS
							set _D_Rem0=
							for /F "usebackq eol= skip=2 tokens=1* delims==" %%a in (
								`type "!__WD!\services\!__DP!!_D_Service!.reg"`
							) do (
rem								echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
								if /I "%%~b"=="" (
									if not "!_D_Flg0!"=="" (
										if not "!_D_Flg0!"=="!_D_Flg0:2=!" (
											echo [!_D_Service!]>> "!__WD!system32\UsbBootWatcher.conf"
											set _D_Flg0=!_D_Flg0:2=!
										) else if not "!_D_Flg0!"=="!_D_Flg0:1=!" (
											if not "!_D_Flg0!"=="" if not "!_D_Flg0!"=="!_D_Flg0:G=!" (
												echo "Group"="Boot Bus Extender"	; n/a>> "!__WD!reg.mod\services\!__DP!!_D_Service!.reg"
												echo Group@REG_SZ="Boot Bus Extender">> "!__WD!system32\UsbBootWatcher.conf"
												set _D_Flg0=!_D_Flg0:G=!
											if not "!_D_Flg0!"=="" if not "!_D_Flg0!"=="!_D_Flg0:T=!" (
												echo "Tag"=dword:00000006	; n/a>> "!__WD!reg.mod\services\!__DP!!_D_Service!.reg"
												set _D_Flg0=!_D_Flg0:T=!
											if not "!_D_Flg0!"=="" if not "!_D_Flg0!"=="!_D_Flg0:S=!" (
												echo "Start"=dword:00000000	; n/a>> "!__WD!reg.mod\services\!__DP!!_D_Service!.reg"
												(echo Start@REG_DWORD=0)>> "!__WD!system32\UsbBootWatcher.conf"
												set _D_Flg0=!_D_Flg0:S=!
											set _D_Flg0=!_D_Flg0:1=!
									set _D_Rem0=%%~a
									if not "!_D_Rem0!"=="" (
										rem Comment out for WindowsPE on HDD
										if not "!_D_Rem0!"=="!_D_Rem0:\services\USBSTOR\Enum]=!" set _D_Rem0=;
										if not "!_D_Rem0!"==";" set _D_Rem0=
									echo.>> "!__WD!reg.mod\services\!__DP!!_D_Service!.reg"
									echo %%~a>> "!__WD!reg.mod\services\!__DP!!_D_Service!.reg"
								) else (
									set _D_Tmp0=%%b
									if not "!_D_Tmp0!"=="" if /I not "!_D_Tmp0:~-1!"=="\" (
										if not "!_D_Flg0!"=="" (
											if not "!_D_Flg0!"=="!_D_Flg0:1=!" (
												if /I "%%~a"=="Group" (
													if /I "%%~b"=="Base" (
														echo "%%~a"="Boot Bus Extender"	; %%b>> "!__WD!reg.mod\services\!__DP!!_D_Service!.reg"
														echo Group@REG_SZ="Boot Bus Extender">> "!__WD!system32\UsbBootWatcher.conf"
													) else (
														echo "%%~a"=%%b>> "!__WD!reg.mod\services\!__DP!!_D_Service!.reg"
														echo Group@REG_SZ=%%b>> "!__WD!system32\UsbBootWatcher.conf"
													if not "!_D_Flg0!"=="" if not "!_D_Flg0!"=="!_D_Flg0:G=!" set _D_Flg0=!_D_Flg0:G=!
												if /I "%%~a"=="Tag" (
													rem CurrentControlSet\Services Subkey Entries
													set _D_Tmp0=%%~b
													if not "!_D_Tmp0!"=="" set _D_Tmp0=0x!_D_Tmp0:~6!
													if /I !_D_Tmp0! GTR 0x00000006 (
														if /I !_D_Tmp0! LSS 0x00000019 (
															echo "%%~a"=dword:00000006	; %%b>> "!__WD!reg.mod\services\!__DP!!_D_Service!.reg"
														) else (
															echo "%%~a"=%%b>> "!__WD!reg.mod\services\!__DP!!_D_Service!.reg"
													) else (
														echo "%%~a"=%%b>> "!__WD!reg.mod\services\!__DP!!_D_Service!.reg"
													if not "!_D_Flg0!"=="" if not "!_D_Flg0!"=="!_D_Flg0:T=!" set _D_Flg0=!_D_Flg0:T=!
rem													set _D_Tmp0=
												if /I "%%~a"=="Start" (
													if /I "%%~b"=="dword:00000003" (
														echo "%%~a"=dword:00000000	; %%b>> "!__WD!reg.mod\services\!__DP!!_D_Service!.reg"
														(echo Start@REG_DWORD=0)>> "!__WD!system32\UsbBootWatcher.conf"
													) else (
														echo "%%~a"=%%b>> "!__WD!reg.mod\services\!__DP!!_D_Service!.reg"
														(echo Start@REG_DWORD=0)>> "!__WD!system32\UsbBootWatcher.conf"
													if not "!_D_Flg0!"=="" if not "!_D_Flg0!"=="!_D_Flg0:S=!" set _D_Flg0=!_D_Flg0:S=!
												if /I "%%~a"=="DisplayName"	echo "%%~a"=%%b>> "!__WD!reg.mod\services\!__DP!!_D_Service!.reg"
												if /I "%%~a"=="ErrorControl"	echo "%%~a"=%%b>> "!__WD!reg.mod\services\!__DP!!_D_Service!.reg"
												if /I "%%~a"=="Type"		echo "%%~a"=%%b>> "!__WD!reg.mod\services\!__DP!!_D_Service!.reg"
												if /I "%%~a"=="BootFlags"	echo "%%~a"=%%b>> "!__WD!reg.mod\services\!__DP!!_D_Service!.reg"
												rem INF AddService Directive (Windows Drivers)
												rem BootFlags 0x94 = 0x4:USB + 0x10:USB3.0 + 0x80:WinPE
											) else (
												echo "%%~a"=%%b>> "!__WD!reg.mod\services\!__DP!!_D_Service!.reg"
										) else (
											echo !_D_Rem0!"%%~a"=%%b>> "!__WD!reg.mod\services\!__DP!!_D_Service!.reg"
									set _D_Tmp0=
							if not "!_D_Flg0!"=="" if not "!_D_Flg0!"=="!_D_Flg0:1=!" (
								if not "!_D_Flg0!"=="" if not "!_D_Flg0!"=="!_D_Flg0:G=!" (
									echo "Group"="Boot Bus Extender"	; n/a>> "!__WD!reg.mod\services\!__DP!!_D_Service!.reg"
									echo Group@REG_SZ="Boot Bus Extender">> "!__WD!system32\UsbBootWatcher.conf"
									set _D_Flg0=!_D_Flg0:G=!
								if not "!_D_Flg0!"=="" if not "!_D_Flg0!"=="!_D_Flg0:T=!" (
									echo "Tag"=dword:00000006	; n/a>> "!__WD!reg.mod\services\!__DP!!_D_Service!.reg"
									set _D_Flg0=!_D_Flg0:T=!
								if not "!_D_Flg0!"=="" if not "!_D_Flg0!"=="!_D_Flg0:S=!" (
									echo "Start"=dword:00000000	; n/a>> "!__WD!reg.mod\services\!__DP!!_D_Service!.reg"
									(echo Start@REG_DWORD=0)>> "!__WD!system32\UsbBootWatcher.conf"
									set _D_Flg0=!_D_Flg0:S=!
								set _D_Flg0=!_D_Flg0:1=!
rem							set _D_Flg0=
rem							set _D_Rem0=

				set _D_KVD=ActiveService
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/k
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"	/s
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /ve			/s
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/d
				set _D_ActiveService=
				for /F "usebackq skip=2 tokens=2* delims=	 " %%a in (
					`reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"	/s 2^>nul`
				) do if /I "%%~a"=="REG_SZ" (
rem					echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
					set _D_ActiveService=%%~b
rem					echo ;;* ^("アクティブ サービス"^)
					echo ;;* ActiveService: %%~a "!_D_ActiveService!"
					if /I not "!_D_ActiveService!"=="!_D_Service!" (
						echo ;;/ Warn: "ActiveService" different from "Service"
					) else (
						echo ;;. Info: "ActiveService" same as "Service"

					setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
					set _D_SMatch=
					for %%b in (%_D_LSMatch%) do (
						if not "!_D_ActiveService!"=="" if /I not "!_D_ActiveService:%%~b=!"=="!_D_ActiveService!" set _D_SMatch=%%~b
					if not "!_D_SMatch!"=="" (
						echo ;;. String Matched as the Filename: "!_D_SMatch!"
					if not "!_D_DrvKeyN!"=="" if "!_D_SMatch!"=="" set _D_SMatch=__TRUE__
					if not "!_D_SMatch!"=="" (
						if not exist "!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_ActiveService!.sys" (
							echo ;;^>	copy "!__DD!system32\drivers\!_D_ActiveService!.sys"	"!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_ActiveService!.sys"
									copy "!__DD!system32\drivers\!_D_ActiveService!.sys"	"!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_ActiveService!.sys"
						if not "!_D_DrvFPath!"=="\" set _D_DrvFPath=!_D_DrvFPath!\
						if not exist "!__WD!!_D_DrvFPath!" md "!__WD!!_D_DrvFPath!"
						if not exist "!__WD!!_D_DrvFPath!!_D_ActiveService!.sys" (
							echo ;;^>	copy "!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_ActiveService!.sys"	"!__WD!!_D_DrvFPath!!_D_ActiveService!.sys"
									copy "!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_ActiveService!.sys"	"!__WD!!_D_DrvFPath!!_D_ActiveService!.sys"

				set _D_KVD=SymbolicName
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/k
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"	/s
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /ve			/s
rem				reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/d
				set _D_SymbolicName=
				for /F "usebackq skip=2 tokens=2* delims=	 " %%a in (
					`reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"	/s 2^>nul`
				) do if /I "%%~a"=="REG_SZ" (
rem					echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
					set _D_SymbolicName=%%~b
rem					echo ;;* ^("シンボル名"^)
					echo ;;* SymbolicName: %%~a "!_D_SymbolicName!"

echo.&	echo ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

				if not "!_D_FRepDir!"=="" (
					echo ;;. Info: Complemented files shown below
					echo ;;^>	xcopy /D /S /I /F /EXCLUDE:!__WD!\_EXCLUDE.TXT "!__DD!!_D_FRepDir!"	"!__WD!\"
							xcopy /D /S /I /F /EXCLUDE:!__WD!\_EXCLUDE.TXT "!__DD!!_D_FRepDir!"	"!__WD!\"

				set _D_Key=
				set _D_KVD=
				echo ;;. Info: Environment variables shown below - Summary of collected informations
				echo ;;^>	set _D_
						set _D_

echo.&	echo ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

	set _D_DrvFPath=

	set _D_Key=!__DK!!_D_ControlSet!\services
	set _D_KVD=ImagePath
rem	reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/k
rem	reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"	/s
rem	reg query "!_D_Key!" /ve			/s
rem	reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/d
	set _D_ImagePath=
	for /F "usebackq skip=2 tokens=2* delims=	 " %%a in (
		`reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"	/s 2^>nul`
	) do if /I "%%~a"=="REG_EXPAND_SZ" (
rem		echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
		set _D_ImagePath=%%~b
rem		echo.
rem		echo ;;* ^("イメージ パス"^)
rem		echo ;;* ImagePath: %%~a "!_D_ImagePath!"

		if not "!_D_ImagePath!"=="" if /I not "!_D_ImagePath:*system32\drivers\=!"=="!_D_ImagePath!" (
			setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
			if not "!_D_ImagePath!"=="" set _D_ImagePath=!_D_ImagePath:*system32\drivers\=!
			if not "!_D_ImagePath!"=="" set _D_ImagePath=!_D_ImagePath:.sys=!
			set _D_SMatch=
			for %%b in (%_D_LSMatch%) do (
				if not "!_D_ImagePath!"=="" if /I not "!_D_ImagePath:%%~b=!"=="!_D_ImagePath!" set _D_SMatch=%%~b
			if not "!_D_SMatch!"=="" (
rem				echo ;;* ^("イメージ パス" のパスと拡張子を除くファイル名のみ^)
				echo ;;* Filebase of ImagePath: %%~a "!_D_ImagePath!"
				echo ;;. String Matched as the Filename: "!_D_SMatch!"
			if not "!_D_SMatch!"=="" (
				if not exist "!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_ImagePath!.sys" (
					echo ;;^>	copy "!__DD!system32\drivers\!_D_ImagePath!.sys"	"!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_ImagePath!.sys"
							copy "!__DD!system32\drivers\!_D_ImagePath!.sys"	"!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_ImagePath!.sys"
				if not "!_D_DrvFPath!"=="\" set _D_DrvFPath=!_D_DrvFPath!\
				if not exist "!__WD!!_D_DrvFPath!" md "!__WD!!_D_DrvFPath!"
				if not exist "!__WD!!_D_DrvFPath!!_D_ImagePath!.sys" (
					echo ;;^>	copy "!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_ImagePath!.sys"	"!__WD!!_D_DrvFPath!!_D_ImagePath!.sys"
							copy "!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_ImagePath!.sys"	"!__WD!!_D_DrvFPath!!_D_ImagePath!.sys"

echo.&	echo ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    if 0==1 (

	set _D_Key=!__DK!!_D_ControlSet!\Enum
	set _D_KVD=Service
rem	reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/k
rem	reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"	/s
rem	reg query "!_D_Key!" /ve			/s
rem	reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/d
	set _D_Service=
	for /F "usebackq skip=2 tokens=2* delims=	 " %%a in (
		`reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"	/s 2^>nul`
	) do if /I "%%~a"=="REG_SZ" (
rem		echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
		set _D_Service=%%~b
rem		echo.
rem		echo ;;* "サービス"
rem		echo ;;* Service: %%~a "!_D_Service!"

		setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
		set _D_SMatch=
		for %%b in (%_D_LSMatch%) do (
			if not "!_D_Service!"=="" if /I not "!_D_Service:%%~b=!"=="!_D_Service!" set _D_SMatch=%%~b
		if not "!_D_SMatch!"=="" (
rem			echo ;;* "サービス"
			echo ;;* Service: %%~a "!_D_Service!"
			echo ;;. String Matched as the Filename: "!_D_SMatch!"
		if not "!_D_SMatch!"=="" (
			if not exist "!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_Service!.sys" (
				echo ;;^>	copy "!__DD!system32\drivers\!_D_Service!.sys"	"!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_Service!.sys"
						copy "!__DD!system32\drivers\!_D_Service!.sys"	"!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_Service!.sys"
			if not "!_D_DrvFPath!"=="\" set _D_DrvFPath=!_D_DrvFPath!\
			if not exist "!__WD!!_D_DrvFPath!" md "!__WD!!_D_DrvFPath!"
			if not exist "!__WD!!_D_DrvFPath!!_D_Service!.sys" (
				echo ;;^>	copy "!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_Service!.sys"	"!__WD!!_D_DrvFPath!!_D_Service!.sys"
						copy "!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_Service!.sys"	"!__WD!!_D_DrvFPath!!_D_Service!.sys"

echo.&	echo ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

	set _D_KVD=ActiveService
rem	reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/k
rem	reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"	/s
rem	reg query "!_D_Key!" /ve			/s
rem	reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/d
	set _D_ActiveService=
	for /F "usebackq skip=2 tokens=2* delims=	 " %%a in (
		`reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"	/s 2^>nul`
	) do if /I "%%~a"=="REG_SZ" (
rem		echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
		set _D_ActiveService=%%~b
rem		echo.
rem		echo ;;* ^("アクティブ サービス"^)
rem		echo ;;* ActiveService: %%~a "!_D_ActiveService!"

		setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
		set _D_SMatch=
		for %%b in (%_D_LSMatch%) do (
			if not "!_D_ActiveService!"=="" if /I not "!_D_ActiveService:%%~b=!"=="!_D_ActiveService!" set _D_SMatch=%%~b
		if not "!_D_SMatch!"=="" (
rem			echo ;;* ^("アクティブ サービス"^)
			echo ;;* ActiveService: %%~a "!_D_ActiveService!"
			echo ;;. String Matched as the Filename: "!_D_SMatch!"
		if not "!_D_SMatch!"=="" (
			if not exist "!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_ActiveService!.sys" (
				echo ;;^>	copy "!__DD!system32\drivers\!_D_ActiveService!.sys"	"!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_ActiveService!.sys"
						copy "!__DD!system32\drivers\!_D_ActiveService!.sys"	"!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_ActiveService!.sys"
			if not "!_D_DrvFPath!"=="\" set _D_DrvFPath=!_D_DrvFPath!\
			if not exist "!__WD!!_D_DrvFPath!" md "!__WD!!_D_DrvFPath!"
			if not exist "!__WD!!_D_DrvFPath!!_D_ActiveService!.sys" (
				echo ;;^>	copy "!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_ActiveService!.sys"	"!__WD!!_D_DrvFPath!!_D_ActiveService!.sys"
						copy "!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_ActiveService!.sys"	"!__WD!!_D_DrvFPath!!_D_ActiveService!.sys"

echo.&	echo ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

	set _D_Key=!__DK!!_D_ControlSet!\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase
	set _D_KVD=Service
rem	reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/k
rem	reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"	/s
rem	reg query "!_D_Key!" /ve			/s
rem	reg query "!_D_Key!" /s /f	"!_D_KVD!"	/d
	set _D_Service=
	for /F "usebackq skip=2 tokens=2* delims=	 " %%a in (
		`reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!"	/s 2^>nul`
	) do if /I "%%~a"=="REG_SZ" (
rem		echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
		set _D_Service=%%~b
rem		echo.
rem		echo ;;* "サービス"
rem		echo ;;* Service: %%~a "!_D_Service!"

		setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
		set _D_SMatch=
		for %%b in (%_D_LSMatch%) do (
			if not "!_D_Service!"=="" if /I not "!_D_Service:%%~b=!"=="!_D_Service!" set _D_SMatch=%%~b
		if not "!_D_SMatch!"=="" (
rem			echo ;;* "サービス"
			echo ;;* Service: %%~a "!_D_Service!"
			echo ;;. String Matched as the Filename: "!_D_SMatch!"
		if not "!_D_SMatch!"=="" (
			if not exist "!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_Service!.sys" (
				echo ;;^>	copy "!__DD!system32\drivers\!_D_Service!.sys"	"!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_Service!.sys"
						copy "!__DD!system32\drivers\!_D_Service!.sys"	"!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_Service!.sys"
			if not "!_D_DrvFPath!"=="\" set _D_DrvFPath=!_D_DrvFPath!\
			if not exist "!__WD!!_D_DrvFPath!" md "!__WD!!_D_DrvFPath!"
			if not exist "!__WD!!_D_DrvFPath!!_D_Service!.sys" (
				echo ;;^>	copy "!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_Service!.sys"	"!__WD!!_D_DrvFPath!!_D_Service!.sys"
						copy "!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_Service!.sys"	"!__WD!!_D_DrvFPath!!_D_Service!.sys"

echo.&	echo ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------



if not exist "!__WD!\_MountedDevices\!__DP!MountedDevices.reg" (
	echo ;;^>	reg export "!__DK!MountedDevices"	"!__WD!\_MountedDevices\!__DP!MountedDevices.reg" /y
			reg export "!__DK!MountedDevices"	"!__WD!\_MountedDevices\!__DP!MountedDevices.reg" /y
if not exist "!__WD!reg.mod\_MountedDevices\!__DP!MountedDevices.reg" (
	for /F "usebackq eol= skip=2 tokens=1* delims==" %%a in (
		`type "!__WD!\_MountedDevices\!__DP!MountedDevices.reg"`
	) do (
rem		echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
		if /I "%%~b"=="" (
			echo.>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_MountedDevices\!__DP!MountedDevices.reg"
			echo %%~a>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_MountedDevices\!__DP!MountedDevices.reg"
		) else (
			set _D_Tmp0=%%b
			set _D_Tmp1=%%~a
			if not "!_D_Tmp0!"=="" if /I not "!_D_Tmp0:~-1!"=="\" (
				if /I "!_D_Tmp1:~,14!"=="\\DosDevices\\"	echo "%%~a"=%%b>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_MountedDevices\!__DP!MountedDevices.reg"
			set _D_Tmp0=
			set _D_Tmp1=

if /I "!__DK!"=="HKLM\SYSTEM_X\" (
	echo ;;^>	reg unload !__DK!
			reg unload !__DK!
	if exist "!__DD!system32\config\SYSTEM_!__DT!" if exist "!__DD!system32\config\SYSTEM" (
		echo ;;^>	del	"!__DD!system32\config\SYSTEM"
				del	"!__DD!system32\config\SYSTEM"
	echo ;;^>	ren	"!__DD!system32\config\SYSTEM_!__DT!"	"SYSTEM"
			ren	"!__DD!system32\config\SYSTEM_!__DT!"	"SYSTEM"

if not exist "!__WD!system32\UsbBootWatcher.exe" (
	if exist "!__DD!system32\UsbBootWatcher.exe" (
		echo ;;^>	copy "!__DD!system32\UsbBootWatcher.exe"	"!__WD!system32\UsbBootWatcher.exe"
				copy "!__DD!system32\UsbBootWatcher.exe"	"!__WD!system32\UsbBootWatcher.exe"
	) else if exist "UsbBootWatcher\!_D_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE!\UsbBootWatcher.exe" (
		echo ;;^>	copy "UsbBootWatcher\!_D_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE!\UsbBootWatcher.exe"	"!__WD!system32\UsbBootWatcher.exe"
				copy "UsbBootWatcher\!_D_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE!\UsbBootWatcher.exe"	"!__WD!system32\UsbBootWatcher.exe"
	) else if exist "!_D_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE!\UsbBootWatcher.exe" (
		echo ;;^>	copy "!_D_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE!\UsbBootWatcher.exe"	"!__WD!system32\UsbBootWatcher.exe"
				copy "!_D_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE!\UsbBootWatcher.exe"	"!__WD!system32\UsbBootWatcher.exe"

echo REGEDIT4> "!__WD!reg.mod\_!__DP!ControlSet.reg"
copy /B "!__WD!reg.mod\_!__DP!ControlSet.reg" + "!__WD!reg.mod\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\!__DP!*.reg" + "!__WD!reg.mod\services\!__DP!*.reg" "!__WD!reg.mod\_!__DP!ControlSet.reg" >nul
if /I "!__DP!"=="S_" (
	set _D_S2XReg=!__WD!reg.mod\_X_ControlSet.reg
	set _D_S2XKey=SYSTEM
	call :S2X
	set _D_S2XReg=
	set _D_S2XKey=
) else (
	set _D_X2SReg=!__WD!reg.mod\_S_ControlSet.reg
	set _D_X2SKey=SYSTEM
	call :X2S
	set _D_X2SReg=
	set _D_X2SKey=

if not exist "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_UsbBootWatcher.reg" (
	echo REGEDIT4> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_UsbBootWatcher.reg"
	echo.>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_UsbBootWatcher.reg"
	echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\!_D_SControlSet!\services\UsbBootWatcher]>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_UsbBootWatcher.reg"
	echo "ImagePath"="UsbBootWatcher.exe">> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_UsbBootWatcher.reg"
	echo "ObjectName"="LocalSystem">> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_UsbBootWatcher.reg"
	echo "DisplayName"="Usb Boot Watcher Service">> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_UsbBootWatcher.reg"
	echo "ErrorControl"=dword:00000000>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_UsbBootWatcher.reg"
	echo "Start"=dword:00000002>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_UsbBootWatcher.reg"
	echo "Type"=dword:00000010>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_UsbBootWatcher.reg"
	echo ; CurrentControlSet\Services Subkey Entries>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_UsbBootWatcher.reg"
	echo ;>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_UsbBootWatcher.reg"
	echo ; Type 0x10	A Win32 program>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_UsbBootWatcher.reg"
	echo.>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_UsbBootWatcher.reg"
	echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup\AllowStart\UsbBootWatcher]>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_UsbBootWatcher.reg"
if not exist "!__WD!reg.mod\_X_UsbBootWatcher.reg" (
	set _D_S2XReg=!__WD!reg.mod\_X_UsbBootWatcher.reg
	set _D_S2XKey=SYSTEM
	call :S2X
	set _D_S2XReg=
	set _D_S2XKey=

if not exist "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_SOFTWARE.reg" (
	echo REGEDIT4> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_SOFTWARE.reg"
	echo.>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_SOFTWARE.reg"
	echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Dfrg\BootOptimizeFunction]>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_SOFTWARE.reg"
	echo "Enable"="N"	; "Y">> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_SOFTWARE.reg"
	echo.>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_SOFTWARE.reg"
	echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\OptimalLayout]>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_SOFTWARE.reg"
	echo "EnableAutoLayout"=dword:00000000	; dword:00000001>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_SOFTWARE.reg"
if not exist "!__WD!reg.mod\_X_SOFTWARE.reg" (
	set _D_S2XReg=!__WD!reg.mod\_X_SOFTWARE.reg
	call :S2X
	set _D_S2XReg=
	set _D_S2XKey=

if not exist "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_SYSTEM.reg" (
	echo REGEDIT4> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_SYSTEM.reg"
	echo.>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_SYSTEM.reg"
	echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\!_D_SControlSet!\Control\FileSystem]>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_SYSTEM.reg"
	echo "NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate"=dword:00000001	; dword:00000001>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_SYSTEM.reg"
	echo.>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_SYSTEM.reg"
	echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\!_D_SControlSet!\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_SYSTEM.reg"
	echo "ClearPageFileAtShutdown"=dword:00000000	; dword:00000000>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_SYSTEM.reg"
	echo "DisablePagingExecutive"=dword:00000001	; dword:00000000>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_SYSTEM.reg"
	echo.>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_SYSTEM.reg"
	echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\!_D_SControlSet!\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters]>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_SYSTEM.reg"
	echo "EnablePrefetcher"=dword:00000000	; dword:00000003>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_SYSTEM.reg"
	echo "EnableSuperfetch"=dword:00000000	; dword:00000003>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_SYSTEM.reg"
	echo.>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_SYSTEM.reg"
	echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\!_D_SControlSet!\services\SysMain]>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_SYSTEM.reg"
	echo "Start"=dword:00000004	; dword:00000002>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_SYSTEM.reg"
	echo ; Start/Stop Superfetch service in Windows 7 from Services, Regedit or CMD>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_SYSTEM.reg"
	echo ;>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_SYSTEM.reg"
	echo ; Start 0x2	Automatic>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_SYSTEM.reg"
	echo ; Start 0x3	Manual>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_SYSTEM.reg"
	echo ; Start 0x4	Disabled>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_S_SYSTEM.reg"
if not exist "!__WD!reg.mod\_X_SYSTEM.reg" (
	set _D_S2XReg=!__WD!reg.mod\_X_SYSTEM.reg
	set _D_S2XKey=SYSTEM
	call :S2X
	set _D_S2XReg=
	set _D_S2XKey=

echo.&	echo ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

rem info
if /I not "%CD%"=="%SystemDrive%\" (
rem	if exist "!__WD!inf.s32\"		rd /s /q "!__WD!inf.s32\"
rem	if exist "!__WD!inf.rep\"		rd /s /q "!__WD!inf.rep\"
rem	if exist "!__WD!\_EXCLUDE.TXT"	del "!__WD!\_EXCLUDE.TXT"
) else (
	echo ;;/ Error: Can't remove subdirectories on the directory "%CD%".
	goto :abort
if exist "!__WD!" echo Check "!__WD!" for Device class Drivers DisInstalled.>con

if not "!__ID!"=="" (
	if exist "!__WD!system32\drivers\*.sys" (
		if /I "!__ID:~,2!"=="%SystemDrive%" (
			set __KEY=
			set /P __KEY=Are you sure you want to install in the System Partition !__ID:~,2! [y,n]?>con
			if not "!__KEY!"=="y" goto :abort
			set __KEY=
		if exist "%SystemRoot%\System32\slmgr.vbs" (
			set __STR=
			set __FLG=
			set __KEY=
			for /F "usebackq delims=" %%a in (
				`cscript %SystemRoot%\System32\slmgr.vbs -dli`
			) do (
rem				echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
				set __STR=%%a
				if not "!__STR!"=="" if /I not "!__STR!"=="!__STR:OEM_SLP=!" (
					echo !__STR!>con
					set __FLG=1
			if "!__FLG!"=="" (
				rem Technical Details on Microsoft Product Activation for Windows XP
				echo The current system is not for "OEM_SLP channel".>con
				echo So, product activation may be required for the systems on external drives.>con
				set /P __KEY=Are you sure you want to continue this operation [y,n]?>con
				if not "!__KEY!"=="y" goto :abort
			set __STR=
			set __FLG=
			set __KEY=

		rem Exclude files for WindowsPE on HDD
		copy /Y nul "!__WD!_EXCLUDE.TXT" >nul
rem		dir /A /B "!__ID!system32\drivers\atapi.sys"	>> "!__WD!_EXCLUDE.TXT"
		dir /A /B "!__ID!system32\drivers\*.sys"	>> "!__WD!_EXCLUDE.TXT"
		echo ;;^>	xcopy /D /E /I /H /R /K /Y /EXCLUDE:!__WD!_EXCLUDE.TXT "!__WD!system32"	"!__ID!system32\"
%1				xcopy /D /E /I /H /R /K /Y /EXCLUDE:!__WD!_EXCLUDE.TXT "!__WD!system32"	"!__ID!system32\"
		if /I "!__IK!"=="HKLM\SYSTEM_X\" (
			set __IT=%DATE:/=%_%TIME::=%
			set __IT=!__IT: =0!
			set __IT=!__IT:.=_!
			if exist "!__ID!system32\config\SYSTEM_!__IT!" if exist "!__ID!system32\config\SYSTEM" (
				echo ;;^>	del	"!__ID!system32\config\SYSTEM_!__IT!"
%1						del	"!__ID!system32\config\SYSTEM_!__IT!"
			echo ;;^>	ren	"!__ID!system32\config\SYSTEM"	"SYSTEM_!__IT!"
%1					ren	"!__ID!system32\config\SYSTEM"	"SYSTEM_!__IT!"
			echo ;;^>	copy	"!__ID!system32\config\SYSTEM_!__IT!"	"!__ID!system32\config\SYSTEM"
%1					copy	"!__ID!system32\config\SYSTEM_!__IT!"	"!__ID!system32\config\SYSTEM"
			echo ;;^>	reg load !__IK! "!__ID!system32\config\SYSTEM"
%1					reg load !__IK! "!__ID!system32\config\SYSTEM"

		if "!__DD!"=="" (
			if exist "!__WD!reg.mod\_MountedDevices\S_MountedDevices.reg" (
				set __DP=S_
			) else if exist "!__WD!reg.mod\_MountedDevices\X_MountedDevices.reg" (
				set __DP=X_
			) else (
				set __DP=
		echo REGEDIT4> "!__WD!reg.mod\_!__DP!MountedDevices.reg"
		set _D_Flg0=
		set _D_Key=!__IK!MountedDevices
		for /F "usebackq eol= skip=1 tokens=1* delims==" %%a in (
			`type "!__WD!reg.mod\_MountedDevices\!__DP!MountedDevices.reg"`
		) do (
rem			echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
			if /I "%%~b"=="" (
				echo.>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_!__DP!MountedDevices.reg"
				echo %%~a>> "!__WD!reg.mod\_!__DP!MountedDevices.reg"
			) else (
				set __DAT=%%~b
				if not "!__DAT!"=="" set __DAT=!__DAT:hex:=!
				if not "!__DAT!"=="" (
					if /I "%%~a"=="\\DosDevices\\C:" (
						set _D_KVD=\DosDevices\C:
						for /F "usebackq skip=2 tokens=2* delims=	 " %%a in (
							`reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!" 2^>nul`
						) do (
rem							echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
							if /I "%%~b"=="!__DAT:,=!" (
								echo "\\DosDevices\\!__ID:~,2!"=hex:!__DAT!	; "\\DosDevices\\C:">> "!__WD!reg.mod\_!__DP!MountedDevices.reg"
								set _D_Flg0=!_D_Flg0!*
					) else if /I "%%~a"=="\\DosDevices\\!__ID:~,2!" (
						set _D_KVD=\DosDevices\!__ID:~,2!
						for /F "usebackq skip=2 tokens=2* delims=	 " %%a in (
							`reg query "!_D_Key!" /v		"!_D_KVD!" 2^>nul`
						) do (
rem							echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
							if /I "%%~b"=="!__DAT:,=!" (
								echo "\\DosDevices\\C:"=hex:!__DAT!	; "\\DosDevices\\!__ID:~,2!">> "!__WD!reg.mod\_!__DP!MountedDevices.reg"
								set _D_Flg0=!_D_Flg0!*
		if /I not "!_D_Flg0!"=="**" if exist "!__WD!reg.mod\_*MountedDevices.reg" del "!__WD!reg.mod\_*MountedDevices.reg"
		set _D_Flg0=
		set _D_Key=
		set _D_KVD=
		set __DAT=
		if /I "!__DP!"=="S_" (
			set _D_S2XReg=!__WD!reg.mod\_X_MountedDevices.reg
			set _D_S2XKey=SYSTEM
			call :S2X
			set _D_S2XReg=
			set _D_S2XKey=
		) else (
			set _D_X2SReg=!__WD!reg.mod\_S_MountedDevices.reg
			set _D_X2SKey=SYSTEM
			call :X2S
			set _D_X2SReg=
			set _D_X2SKey=

		if exist "!__WD!reg.mod\_!__IP!MountedDevices.reg" (
			echo ;;^>	reg import "!__WD!reg.mod\_!__IP!MountedDevices.reg"
%1					reg import "!__WD!reg.mod\_!__IP!MountedDevices.reg" 2>&1
		) else (
			echo ;;. Info: MountedDevices not modified
		echo ;;^>	reg import "!__WD!reg.mod\_!__IP!ControlSet.reg"
%1				reg import "!__WD!reg.mod\_!__IP!ControlSet.reg" 2>&1
		if exist "!__ID!system32\UsbBootWatcher.exe" (
			echo ;;^>	reg import "!__WD!reg.mod\_!__IP!UsbBootWatcher.reg"
%1					reg import "!__WD!reg.mod\_!__IP!UsbBootWatcher.reg" 2>&1
		if exist "!__WD!reg.mod\_!__IP!SYSTEM.reg" (
			echo ;;^>	reg import "!__WD!reg.mod\_!__IP!SYSTEM.reg"
%1					reg import "!__WD!reg.mod\_!__IP!SYSTEM.reg" 2>&1
		rem "AutoReboot" should be disabled to confirm Stop Error Code on BSoD (Blue Screen of Death).
		echo ;;^>	reg add "!__IK!!_D_SControlSet!\Control\CrashControl" /v "AutoReboot" /t REG_DWORD /d 0x0 /f
%1				reg add "!__IK!!_D_SControlSet!\Control\CrashControl" /v "AutoReboot" /t REG_DWORD /d 0x0 /f
		if /I "!__IK!"=="HKLM\SYSTEM_X\" (
			echo ;;^>	reg unload !__IK!
%1					reg unload !__IK!
rem			if exist "!__ID!system32\config\SYSTEM_!__IT!" if exist "!__ID!system32\config\SYSTEM" (
rem				echo ;;^>	del	"!__ID!system32\config\SYSTEM"
rem %1						del	"!__ID!system32\config\SYSTEM"
rem			)
rem			echo ;;^>	ren	"!__ID!system32\config\SYSTEM_!__IT!"	"SYSTEM"
rem %1					ren	"!__ID!system32\config\SYSTEM_!__IT!"	"SYSTEM"

		if /I "!__IK!"=="HKLM\SYSTEM_X\" (
			set __IT=%DATE:/=%_%TIME::=%
			set __IT=!__IT: =0!
			set __IT=!__IT:.=_!
			if exist "!__ID!system32\config\SOFTWARE_!__IT!" if exist "!__ID!system32\config\SOFTWARE" (
				echo ;;^>	del	"!__ID!system32\config\SOFTWARE_!__IT!"
%1						del	"!__ID!system32\config\SOFTWARE_!__IT!"
			echo ;;^>	ren	"!__ID!system32\config\SOFTWARE"	"SOFTWARE_!__IT!"
%1					ren	"!__ID!system32\config\SOFTWARE"	"SOFTWARE_!__IT!"
			echo ;;^>	copy	"!__ID!system32\config\SOFTWARE_!__IT!"	"!__ID!system32\config\SOFTWARE"
%1					copy	"!__ID!system32\config\SOFTWARE_!__IT!"	"!__ID!system32\config\SOFTWARE"
			echo ;;^>	reg load !__IK:SYSTEM=SOFTWARE! "!__ID!system32\config\SOFTWARE"
%1					reg load !__IK:SYSTEM=SOFTWARE! "!__ID!system32\config\SOFTWARE"
		if exist "!__WD!reg.mod\_!__IP!SOFTWARE.reg" (
			echo ;;^>	reg import "!__WD!reg.mod\_!__IP!SOFTWARE.reg"
%1					reg import "!__WD!reg.mod\_!__IP!SOFTWARE.reg" 2>&1
		if /I "!__IK!"=="HKLM\SYSTEM_X\" (
			echo ;;^>	reg unload !__IK:SYSTEM=SOFTWARE!
%1					reg unload !__IK:SYSTEM=SOFTWARE!
rem			if exist "!__ID!system32\config\SOFTWARE_!__IT!" if exist "!__ID!system32\config\SOFTWARE" (
rem				echo ;;^>	del	"!__ID!system32\config\SOFTWARE"
rem %1						del	"!__ID!system32\config\SOFTWARE"
rem			)
rem			echo ;;^>	ren	"!__ID!system32\config\SOFTWARE_!__IT!"	"SOFTWARE"
rem %1					ren	"!__ID!system32\config\SOFTWARE_!__IT!"	"SOFTWARE"
	) else (
		echo ;;/ Error: Can't Inactive-Install from "!__WD!".
		goto :abort
	if exist "!__ID!system32\" echo Check "!__ID!system32\" etc. for Device class Drivers Inactive-Installed.>con

if exist "%~n0.log" echo Check "%~n0.log" for %~n0.>con
echo Done: %~n0
goto :exit

echo Aborted: %~n0
rem pause
exit /B 1

rem pause
exit /B 0

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if not "!_D_IncludedInfs!"=="" set _D_IncludedInfs=!_D_IncludedInfs:\0= !
if not "!_D_IncludedInfs!"=="" set _D_IncludedInfs=!_D_IncludedInfs:,=/!
for %%a in (!_D_IncludedInfs!) do (
	for /F "tokens=1* delims=/" %%b in ("%%~a") do (
rem		echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
		set _D_IncludedInfs-s=%%~b
rem		echo ;;. Is "!_D_IncludedInfs-s!"
		if exist "!__WD!inf.s32\!_D_IncludedInfs-s!" (
			set _D_SctD=
			set _D_SctN=
			for /F "usebackq eol=; tokens=1* delims==	 " %%a in ("!__WD!inf.s32\!_D_IncludedInfs-s!") do (
rem				echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
				set _D_Fld0=%%~a
				if not "!_D_Fld0!"=="" if /I "!_D_Fld0:~,1!"=="[" (
					set _D_SctN=!_D_Fld0!
rem				echo !_D_SctN!	"%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
				rem Using Dirids (Windows Drivers)
				rem Dirid 12	Drivers directory.
				if /I "!_D_Fld0!"=="ServiceBinary" if /I "%%~b"=="%%12%%\!_D_Service!.sys" (
rem					echo ;;. !_D_SctN!	"%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
					set _D_SctD=!_D_SctN!
					if not "!_D_SctD!"=="" set _D_SctD=!_D_SctD:.AddService=.Dev.NT!
			set _D_LSct=
			set _D_SctN=
			for /F "usebackq eol=; tokens=1* delims==	 " %%a in ("!__WD!inf.s32\!_D_IncludedInfs-s!") do (
rem				echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
				set _D_Fld0=%%~a
				if not "!_D_Fld0!"=="" if /I "!_D_Fld0:~,1!"=="[" (
					set _D_SctN=!_D_Fld0!
rem				echo !_D_SctN!	"%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
				if /I "!_D_SctN!"=="!_D_SctD!" if /I "!_D_Fld0!"=="CopyFiles" (
					set _D_LSct=%%~b
					if not "!_D_LSct!"=="" set _D_LSct=!_D_LSct:,= !
				for %%a in (!_D_LSct!) do (
					if /I "!_D_SctN!"=="[%%~a]" if not "!_D_Fld0!"=="" if /I not "!_D_Fld0:~,1!"=="[" (
						for /F "tokens=1* delims=.	 " %%a in ("!_D_Fld0!") do (
rem							echo ;;. !_D_SctN!	"%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
							set _D_Service=%%~a
							if not exist "!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_Service!.sys" (
								echo ;;^>	copy "!__DD!system32\drivers\!_D_Service!.sys"	"!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_Service!.sys"
										copy "!__DD!system32\drivers\!_D_Service!.sys"	"!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_Service!.sys"
							if not exist "!__WD!\!_D_Service!.sys" (
								echo ;;^>	copy "!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_Service!.sys"	"!__WD!\!_D_Service!.sys"
										copy "!__WD!system32\drivers\!_D_Service!.sys"	"!__WD!\!_D_Service!.sys"
							if /I not "!_D_Service!"=="%_D_Service%" call :IncludedDrvs
goto :eof

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if not "!_D_S2XReg!"=="" if /I not "!_D_S2XReg!"=="!_D_S2XReg:_X_=_S_!" if exist "!_D_S2XReg:_X_=_S_!" if not "!_D_S2XKey!"=="" (
	if exist "!_D_S2XReg!" del "!_D_S2XReg!"
	for /F "usebackq eol= delims=" %%a in ("!_D_S2XReg:_X_=_S_!") do (
rem		echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
		set _D_Fld0=%%a
		if not "!_D_Fld0!"=="" (
			if /I "!_D_Fld0:~,1!"=="[" (
				echo.>> "!_D_S2XReg!"
rem				echo !_D_Fld0!>> "!_D_S2XReg!"
				for %%a in (!_D_S2XKey!) do (
					echo !_D_Fld0:[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\%%~a\=[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\%%~a_X\!>> "!_D_S2XReg!"
			) else (
				echo !_D_Fld0!>> "!_D_S2XReg!"
goto :eof

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if not "!_D_X2SReg!"=="" if /I not "!_D_X2SReg!"=="!_D_X2SReg:_S_=_X_!" if exist "!_D_X2SReg:_S_=_X_!" if not "!_D_X2SKey!"=="" (
	if exist "!_D_X2SReg!" del "!_D_X2SReg!"
	for /F "usebackq eol= delims=" %%a in ("!_D_X2SReg:_S_=_X_!") do (
rem		echo "%%~a" "%%~b" "%%~c" "%%~d" "%%~e" "%%~f" "%%~g" "%%~h"
		set _D_Fld0=%%a
		if not "!_D_Fld0!"=="" (
			if /I "!_D_Fld0:~,1!"=="[" (
				echo.>> "!_D_X2SReg!"
rem				echo !_D_Fld0!>> "!_D_X2SReg!"
				for %%a in (!_D_X2SKey!) do (
					echo !_D_Fld0:[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\%%~a_X\=[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\%%~a\!>> "!_D_X2SReg!"
			) else (
				echo !_D_Fld0!>> "!_D_X2SReg!"
goto :eof

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/* Everyone can copy, revise and distribute/publish the contents in the just above element. */
/* Everyone can copy, paste, save and use the contents in the just above element. */

Links - PA053879

Top Page - PA053879

BSEK (Backup/copy Software Evaluation Kit)

Windows システムをファイルコピー型バックアップする検討内容

"xcpt.bat" - eXtended CoPy Test BATch for Windows7 HP 64bit(x64)

"xcp.bat" - eXtended CoPy BATch for Windows7 HP 64bit(x64)

"xat.bat" - eXtended ATtrib BATch for Windows7 HP 64bit(x64)

"bcde.bat" - Boot Configuration Data Edit BATch for Windows 7 (OEM_SLP) / PE3.x - BCD Builder/Generator

"t2hp.bat" - Text TO xHtml Parts BATch for perl

"dddi.bat" - Device class Drivers DisInstaller / Inactive-Installer BATch for Windows 7 (OEM_SLP) / PE3.x

"bpbf.bat" - "BPB" display tool text Filtering wrapper

The making of the integrated ISO file / bootable CD/DVD/BD

The making of 2048[sct] aligned / 2^n[GB] normalized partitions

Ideal 2TB HDD, 256GB partitions, Optimal alignment

Ideal 2TB HDD, 256GB partitions, with gaps for Cyl. boundary

Ideal 2TB HDD, 128GB partitions, Optimal alignment

Ideal 2TB HDD, 128GB partitions, with gaps for Cyl. boundary

Ideal 2TB HDD, 64GB partitions, Optimal alignment

Ideal 2TB HDD, 64GB partitions, with gaps for Cyl. boundary

I-O DATA HDPC-UT, 64GB partitions, with gaps for Cyl. boundary

Hitachi HTS545050B9A300, 64GB partitions, with gaps for Cyl. boundary

FUJITSU MHT2030AT, 8GB partitions, with gaps for Cyl. boundary

Ideal USB Memory, single partition, Optimal alignment

The making of USB bootable system for Windows 7 (OEM_SLP) / PE3.x
