=  Save file

        SAVe    [file-name] [/M{T|P|U|M|E|R|V}] [-x | -nx] [-NB] [-F{n[-m]|vfmt}]
                [-CPU8|-CPLC|-CPEB[:codepage]] [IE] [-S{r|i}d}]

          file-name : wild card avail to rename.
            (Note) When save to itself, file-name parameter is not requited.
                   In that case specify option prefix "-" is required for all option.

          /M     :Save with the specified EndOfLine char.
                   T:Linux:0a, Windows:0d0a, single 0a is replaced by 0d0a on Windows.
                   P:0d0a(PC file)
                   U:0a  (Unix file)
                   M:0d  (Mac file)
                   E:15  (EBCDIC file)
                   R:Fixed Length Record mode.  Available only when file-name is specified.
                     Specify LRECL by /Fn[-m] option.
                   V:Variable Length Record mode. Specify record header type by /Fvfmt.
          -x     :save excluded lines only
          -nx    :save not excluded lines only
          -NB    :skip temporarily backup at file save.
                  To protect from file corruption by ABEND at file write,
                  original file(local file except on floppy drive only) is copied
                  on the directory just before writeback,then deleted after
                  write completed. Specify NB if you worry about disk space
                  or performance.
          -BK    :deny NB option of Edit cmd.
          -Fn[-m]:record mode record size and margin.
                  effective only when file-name is specified.
                  Use to change to record moed or change record size.
          -Fvfmt :VariableLengthRecord file record header formt. See Edit command.

#ifdef UTF8SUPP
            CPU8/CPLC:specifies output file encoding.
             /CPEB    translation will be done, then write back.
                      You can other codepage than specified on cfg file using CPEB:codepage format.

            IE       : ignore translation error, error code is replaced by "?".
            -S{r|i|d}: SO/SI option
                       r : When current screen is EBCDIC file and cmd option is CPLC/CPU8,
                           replace SO/SI to a space.
                           When current screen is not EBCDIC and cmd option is CPEB,
                           replace both side of space, if available, to SO/SI.
                       i : Inserte SO/SI when translation to EBCDIC.
                       d : Delete SO/SI when translation from EBCDIC.


            -Without terminating edit screen,write all line to the file.
            -Use file-name operand when it cannnot be saved because disk
             full etc. Once saved to another dir,then end edit screen
             by CANcel. Copy back to original file after disk clean up.
            -It may be optionally required confirmation when existing
             filename is specified.
             (CREate/REPlace need line range specification by Line
              commnad c(Copy) or m(Move),but SAVe write whole lines of the file)
            -In BROWSE mode filename operand required.
            -all lines are processed,in the other hand CRE/REP process
             specified range.