GNU Privacy Guard Plug-in (BkGnuPG) is the plug-in software to be used with Becky! Internet Mail Ver. 2 (B2). By using GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) you can sign or encrypt your e-mail message. Also it can verify or decrypt incoming e-mail that was encrypted or signed by Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) or GnuPG.
There is a Becky PGP plug-in (BkPGP) that comes with B2, but almost everything you can do through PGP can be done by GnuPG, and GnuPG supports functions not yet supported by PGP.
BkGnuPG is free software. For further information about the copyright of BkGnuPG, please refer to BkGnuPG\readme_en.txt that comes in the BkGnuPG zip file. And please refer to "Tips - encryption mail" about tips of using BkGnuPG.
Besides I am using confirmation only in the following platform, because there is not developmental environment, although I think that it has no problem if B2 and Win32 version GnuPG are using.
In the case that I am not able to use it well in the platform other than the above Please report situation (OS of the kind/versions, errors of OS and application, etc.) as in detail as possible. Please refer to it "Support about" about the address of the author.
Please confirm that the installation of B2 and GnuPG are completing first of all. I recommend that does the following setting about GnuPG, especially.
Please see the README.W32 file that comes in the GnuPG zip file about these setting method.
Next please download the latest version of BkGnuPG from the following URL.
BkGnuPG download page:
When the file where I downloaded is extracted the following file is able to take out it.
You copy BkGnuPG.dll of these files to the "PlugIns" folder that is in a B2 installation folder or data folder, to install BkGnuPG. please do this operation in B2 condition without being acting.
The uninstallation is completion if you delete the DLL file where copied. Please delete even this, if there is BkGnuPG.ini. Please refer to "INI file specification" about the place of BkGnuPG.ini.
Please start B2 if installation completes. It may will confirm whether I register BkGnuPG in the case that I installed it for the first time. The "Setting dialog" can be opened from the "Tools" menu if installation is completing correctly.
The explanation of items of the Settings dialog is as the following.
When you push [OK] button the setting is reflected and write setting information in the INI file.
Please select [GnuPG: Encrypt...] item from the Tools menu of the composing window, to encrypt the message that you made. "Recipients dialog" triggers it.
The mail address that was set up in To field to "Recipients dialog" previously is listed. Even the mail address that is set up in the field where corresponds is listed to Recipients dialog, in the case that "Encrypt with public keys of Cc recipients" item etc. are checked with Settings dialog.
You edit the listing of recipients with this dialog and push [OK] button. Please push [Cancel] button in case that you want to stop operation.
When you push [Setup...] button "Settings dialog" triggers it. You can change setting temporarily here. (It is not reflected in the INI file.)
The contents of the composing window are encrypted if the result is displayed and the processing succeed when the encryption processing ends.
Please select [GnuPG: Sign...] from the Tools menu, to sign the message that you made with the composing window. "Passphrase dialog" triggers it.
The mail address that was set up in From field to "Passphrase dialog" previously is listed. The signature user can change it.
You input Passphrase and please push [OK] button. Please push [Cancel] button in case that you want to stop operation.
When you push [Setup...] button "Settings dialog" triggers it. You can change setting temporarily here. (It is not reflected in the INI file.)
The explanation of items of the Passphrase dialog is as the following.
The signature information is added to a message if the result is displayed and the processing succeed when the signature processing ends.
BkGnuPG can do the signature and encryption to a message at a time. Please select [GnuPG: Sign And Encrypt...] from the Tools menu. First "Recipients dialog" triggers and consecutively "Passphrase dialog" trigger. The contents of the composing window are signed and encrypted if the result is displayed and the processing succeed when the processing ends.
BkGnuPG can attach the public key of yourself to mail. Please select [GnuPG: Attach Public Key...] from the Tools menu.
Please select [GnuPG: Decrypt And Verify...] from the Tools menu of main window. (It is able to select it even from the context menu of the ListView window. "Passphrase dialog" triggers it in the case of decryption.
The contents are reflected to the message view window if the result, is displayed and succeed when the processing ends.
Please contact The author of the plug-in at the following e-mail address:
Although I am not able to respond to all requests, I shall do my best, but as English is not might first language, there may be some delay. Please forgive me in advance.
The correspondence between the option of GnuPG and the item of "Settings dialog" are as the following.
--default-key | : | Default user ID |
--force-v3-sigs | : | PGP compatible |
--rfc1991 | : | Try to be more RFC1991 (PGP 2.6.x) compliant |
--openpgp | : | OpenPGP behavior |
--throw-keyid | : | Anonymous recipients |
--digest-algo MD5 | : | Use message digest algorithm MD5 |
(Message digest algorithm of the default is SHA-1.)
The option of GnuPG that is not able to set up it with Settings dialog is able to set up it in an options file.
The setting of BkGnuPG is set in all the INI files "BkGnuPG.ini". The specification of the INI file were summarized to bkgnupg_ini_en.txt. (bkgnupg_ini_en.txt changes a name to BkGnuPG.ini and able to use as INI file as it is.)
There are Facilities that we are not able to set up with "Settings dialog" with a Facility without using much.
BkGnuPG searches INI file with the following turn at the time of the start.
For in the case that there is not INI file in above which I make INI file for the current directory of BkGnuPG. Also, please see the README.W32 file where is in GnuPG zip file about the setting method of GnuPG home directory.
Please confirm that B2 is ending without fail, in the case that INI file is edited directly. BkGnuPG refers to INI file only at the time of the start. Even if INI file is edited during the B2 action it is not reflected to BkGnuPG in the action.
BkGnuPG can take a tracing log. (It sets up it in INI file) The command line information of GnuPG and error information are written to a tracing log. Please use it to the report to the author, in the case that there was a trouble with BkGnuPG. Usually please turn off a tracing log.