blanco Framework 画像(小) 2009/04

blanco Framework

[blanco,Framework,software,opensource,free,LGPL,blancofw,Java] Outline of blanco Framework

広告: イマドキのIDE事情: Eclipseベースの統合翻訳環境「Benten」を使ってみよう 09/27
たげぞうさんの手による Benten 紹介記事!
blanco Framework 一覧 ドキュメント Download (ダウンロード)
AntTask BatchProcess Cg CharacterGroup Commons Constants
Csv Db EclipseDistribution FixedLength JSF Log Mail Message NLpack
PDF Report ResourceBundle Service SOAP SQL StringConverter
StringGroup Struts SvnConf ValueObject
概要 仕様 定義書 Credits メーリングリスト Community
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What is blanco Framework?

What is blanco Framework?

blanco Framework can apply to the lower stream development.

Automation of posting work.

Excel file format (*.xls) is adopted for automatic generation.

blanco Framework’s constitution is for the large-scale development.

Main line-up of blanco Framework.

Effect of blanco Framework.

Effect by automatic generation.

Effect by the fixed style sheet.

Effect of the open source adoption.

One of blanco Framework introduction case.

The sample is of Java Web nucleus system (Struts JDBC)
About 90 kilos step cording. (The line of execute was counted merely.)

blanco Framework acquisition method.

Download from the following site.

Support of blanco Framework.

Last modified: $Date: 2010/09/27 20:42:52 $