
     Following status is saved to profile record and used at next open.||+124LI~,
        BNDS,CAPS,TABCLEAR,SPF,COBOL,P0/P1(margin protection),Fxx-mm(FixedLengthRecord),
        FixLengthRecord mode(/Mr, /Flrecl), VariableLengthRecord mode(/Mv, /Fvfmt),
        SyntaxHighlight options(LangType,OPEN,ENTER).       ||+124LI~,
     Profile is saved on a profile record on work-dir(::profile) corresponding to each file.
        Profile record file name is derived from the file name replacing "\"(/),":" to
        "_", " " to "=" and "." to "~".
#ifdef GCC
        GCC version write all recotd into a file profile.G because DOS is 8.3 filename.
#ifdef OS2
        OS2 version write all recotd into a file profile.2 if work-dir is not HPFS.
        Profile record for the directory or the extension name is written by PROfile cmd,
        and used as default record for the file in the directory or the file with same
        extension name. The directory record at first then extension record is applyed.
     Profile record is written by the following cmd.
             BND [ [* | 0 | col1] [* | 0 | col2] | RESET ] [EXT]
                RESET:reset BNDS of current file,the write to profile record.
                EXT  :write BNDS profile to profile record of extension type.
             BNDS cmd is accepted on dir-list panel, and write profile as default
             of the file in the dir/
             Now,INI cmd dose not write BNDS setting to ini file.
             But Bounds statement of INI file is yet effective.
             CAP [on|off|RESET] [default|tso|cmd|EXT]
                RESET:Set CAPS OFF, the write to profile record.
                EXT  :write CAPS profile to profile record of extension type.
             CAPS cmd is accepted on dir-list panel, and write profile as default
             of the file in the dir.
        SyntaxHighlight options:
             SYN [all|reset|enter|entera|on [lang-type]|off]

               ENTER/ENTERA option(syntax re-evaluation by Enter key),
               ON/OFF at open the file and lang-type is written to the profile record.
             SYN cmd is not accepted on the dir-list panel.
             Use PROfile cmd to write dir/ext default.
             OPEN,OPEN_EXT,_EXT option on .cfg file can be used
             to set default for the directory or extension.

#ifdef UTF8SUPP
        Encoding of file:
             Edit/Browse/Select [CPU8|CPLC|CPAS]
           CPxx option to directory is default for the file in the directory.

     PROfile cmd is for displaying or writing the profile record.

        For ex,
           To set SPF(80 byte fixed length width line number on col 73-80) profile to dir1,
           open a file in the dir by "EN dir1\samp1" then enter "PRO path save".
           The "E dir1\samp2" is same as "EN dir1\samp2".
           This is applyed also to Select line cmd on dir-list panel.
           To set COBOL(80 byte fixed length with COBOL line number on col.1-6) profile to
           all file with extension name "cob", open a file with extension "cob("EC samp3.cob")
           then enter "PRO ext save".
           To confirm current profile, use "PROfile".
           To confirm contents of profile record, use "PRO {*|path|ext}".

     To clear directry profile, use "PROfile reset" on the dirlist screen.

     To ignore profile record.
             SPF related optios are ignored for Ex cmd such as Et,ec,en....
             Other options are overrided by following cmd option specification.
               NONUM : Ignore SPF related options.
               Fxx-mm: All lines are fixed length and margin width.
               NOCAP : CAPS off
               NOTC  : TABCLEAR off
               P{0|1}: right margin protection.

#ifdef UTF8SUPP
             New dir-list line cmd is added to specify codepage option explicitly,
             "[" (CPLC)  and  "]" (CPU8).

      CID header line options.
          n,cob and cobk option on the CID header line is effective
          only when it is addtional to the profile record.
          For ex, option=(cob) on CID header is effective when profile is NUMSTD.
          But option=(n) dose not reset COB option by pthe profile record.